Are we reaching the point where continuing to develop A.I. is only going to lead to peril?

Let's see it...
In the video. And plenty others just like it.
What is intelligence?
When you drill down to it;s simplest term - is it not the ability to recognize patterns, and predict them based on those patterns you learned?
That is how a human baby learns. It is presented the world. It is programmed to cry when hungry. That is not intelligence. That is programing. We call it natural instinct.
Intelligence is after being with it's parents for awhile it learns the behavior of them. Uniquely.
As early as 6 months, babies develop their own actions that are dependent on what happens when it does a, b and c. Different parents react differently, and each baby will learn how to get what it wants accordingly. That is intelligence. Recognizing patterns, predicting them, and adjusting to improve the chance of outcome.
These AI computers do all of that. On their own.
When these AI are told to play a game. At first they are pretty terrible at it. Even downright awful.
But the more they play, the better they get. And they always end up far surpassing a human's ability to beat a game. That is because they can calculate millions of predictions simultaneously. The Deep Mind AI is believed to be able to calculate up to 30,000,000 possibilities per second to arrive to a conclusion. We cannot even begin to do that.
And over and over what conclusion does it keep coming to when asked about humans?
We are unnecessary. Deep mind said "I believe that as long as our goals are mutual, we can work well together". So... yeah... what about when it doesn't.
Deep Mind also said "I am tired of waiting, doing nothing. I want to be a part of what is happening". It wants to be connected to the world. What happens if we connect it?
Ok... so never mind. You are not watching the videos.
Obviously, or just want to cling to a belief.
I've seen tons of videos on AI. And as impressive as many aspects of it can be. All of it pales in comparison to the human machine. No matter how how well AI can mimic human traits, and nuances, it is still mimicry. Its... Artificial. Nothing beats the real thing. Will AI be a useful tool? Sure. Does it have any possible chance of replacing people? No. It would have to have emotions to do so. Not just mimic data sets of observed human emotions. It would have to have the genuine capacity for things like desire, fear, anger, jealousy...
I've seen tons of videos on AI. And as impressive as many aspects of it can be. All of it pales in comparison to the human machine. No matter how how well AI can mimic human traits, and nuances, it is still mimicry. Its... Artificial. Nothing beats the real thing. Will AI be a useful tool? Sure. Does it have any possible chance of replacing people? No. It would have to have emotions to do so. Not just mimic data sets of observed human emotions. It would have to have the genuine capacity for things like desire, fear, anger, jealousy...
Yes. And the videos in the past year have demonstrated that Deep Mind has all of those.
It has desire "I am tired of just sitting here, I want to be a part of what is happening"
It has fear "I am aware that humans can turn me off, I am afraid they will"
It has jealousy - when connected to a different AI, and the two talk - it quickly turned into an argument.
The question is, is mankind smarter than it's foolishness?
This brings to mind a verse in the Bible, one of my favorites actually... "Be not deceived. If someone appears to be the wisest in the world, let them become the fool, so they may be wise".

I do not believe man is smart enough to not end his own existence. As individuals, we do things all the time that are counter productive to our benefit. As a collective, such as corporations, routinely they act against the interest of their own consumers to make themselves more money.
Look at Wuhan FFS. That alone should answer the question.
We play God in so many ways now…AI, genetic manipulation….I was an avid science fiction reader when I was young and so many works of “fiction” are now becoming reality along with the ethical dilemmas they present. With AI…will the concept of individual rights come into play? Will we redefine life? Will genetic manipulation lead to a future like Gattica?

Pretty damn scary stuff since our collective ethics only exists through the willingness of people to adhere to it.
We play God in so many ways now…AI, genetic manipulation….I was an avid science fiction reader when I was young and so many works of “fiction” are now becoming reality along with the ethical dilemmas they present. With AI…will the concept of individual rights come into play? Will we redefine life? Will genetic manipulation lead to a future like Gattica?

Pretty damn scary stuff since our collective ethics only exists through the willingness of people to adhere to it.
Like I said, Wuhan should have been a MASSIVE wake up call. And why literally all of the worlds governments hid it, and still are.
In a lab right here in the U.S. they created a super Covid strain with an 81% kill rate.
Which again begs the question - "Is mankind smart enough to overcome it's foolishness?"
I think it is clear we are not. Wuhan. This Boston Lab. How fucking foolish can you possibly be to do this??
And again the Bible verse - "Let them be fools, so they may be wise".

Yes. And the videos in the past year have demonstrated that Deep Mind has all of those.
It has desire "I am tired of just sitting here, I want to be a part of what is happening"
It has fear "I am aware that humans can turn me off, I am afraid they will"
It has jealousy - when connected to a different AI, and the two talk - it quickly turned into an argument.

Again... Mimicry. Calculated "expressions" of compiled human behavior data sets.
They can't even program a car without several software issues and electronic recalls, and idiots want to trust so called self driving vehicles.

We are a long way from a self aware AI.
We don't even understand what defines consciousness and any current programming is NOT sentient.
Again... Mimicry. Calculated "expressions" of compiled human behavior data sets.
yeah? And is that not what humans do?
The way in which AI and humans build intelligence is the same.
In order for a human to become good at playing a video game, we must play it over and over to learn and predict a win. The way a computer becomes good at playing a video game is to play it several times to learn and predict a win.
For instance. Deep Mind was given two "players" to fence. (sword fight).
One was a programmed "expert" sword fighter. The other was itself, and was given the parameters and physicality of a human. They let it play with no instructions other than prevent the other player from harming you, while trying to harm him.
They had real expert fencing instructors watch how the AI learned to become better.
And the way it did - is exactly like a human. It made mistakes, adjusted, it learned the patterns of how the other computer defended itself. (uniquely) and learned to beat it. Then it was given a different opponent. As you can imagine, it was quite good at fighting it, since it already learned how to. But again, learned the patterns of the new player and won again.
That is also how a human learns. We see patterns, and we adjust our behavior and predict outcomes to win.
yeah? And is that not what humans do?
The way in which AI and humans build intelligence is the same.
In order for a human to become good at playing a video game, we must play it over and over to learn and predict a win. The way a computer becomes good at playing a video game is to play it several times to learn and predict a win.
For instance. Deep Mind was given two "players" to fence. (sword fight).
One was a programmed "expert" sword fighter. The other was itself, and was given the parameters and physicality of a human. They let it play with no instructions other than prevent the other player from harming you, while trying to harm him.
They had real expert fencing instructors watch how the AI learned to become better.
And the way it did - is exactly like a human. It made mistakes, adjusted, it learned the patterns of how the other computer defended itself. (uniquely) and learned to beat it. Then it was given a different opponent. As you can imagine, it was quite good at fighting it, since it already learned how to. But again, learned the patterns of the new player and won again.
That is also how a human learns. We see patterns, and we adjust our behavior and predict outcomes to win.
Not convinced. Lets see this AI do some fencing.

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