CDZ Are we allowed to discuss black on white crime here?

Let's just discuss crime, all crime. Some of the worst crimes among people of every race are committed by males toward females on all continents, all races. Come out and talk about it. Don't be a coward.

There's already a ton of white thug threads in this forum. THIS thread is about black thugs.
Do black thugs get a pass just for being black?

That's the problem with the left. They excuse bad behavior of blacks, just because they're black. That's racist.
What you need to do is show evidence that the country's legal system hands down punishments that are too lenient for the crimes committed or, too lenient when the crimes are committed by blacks, depending on what exactly your first point was. It is not sufficient to cite a handful of individual examples. As for black-on-white crime and a comparison to white-on-black crime, I do not think anyone would state that there is a mathematical equivalence. Black crime is a problem and has been for several decades. Personally, I believe the answer, and perhaps the only answer is full black inclusion and assimilation into the mainstream culture. Seemingly no one wants that for a variety of reasons ranging from white racism, to blacks wanting to maintain a black culture.

Blacks that segregate themselves, do so for their own reasons. Blacks do segregate themselves. Contrary to popular belief, self segregation isn't a racist thing. People like to be around others that they can associate with. People they feel comfortable with and understand.

Personally, I think this whole issue has been overly diagnosed. Too many people trying to micromanage the lives of blacks. As if they weren't smart enough to manage their own lives.
13 billionaires. 8% of blacks are millionaires in the US. 13% of blacks are middle class. There's hundreds of thousands of blacks in college in the last 5 years. Probably millions in the last 10 years.
MAAAAAYBE, the black community, including racist groups like BLM, need to start putting black success stories in the news, moreso than their losers like George Floyd. Why in the hell doesn't the black community recognize David Stewarts name moreso than George Floyd.

There's this thing called personal responsibility. And considering all the help that's available, it's hard to feel sorry for anyone who doesn't take advantage of it and make their situation better. All those I listed about, exercised their personal responsibility, used their brains to stay clean, work hard, stay away from trouble and better their situations.
Poor whites don't have a fast track to success. If they don't work hard, keep their noses clean and strive for success, it's not given to them on a silver platter, just because they're white.
I agree with you that many blacks self-segregate. Many whites and Asians do too. To me, no matter who self-segregates, it is a form of racism, a kind of "soft" racism rather than one of hatred and bigotry. I do not know how there can be an equality of income, and other sociological indicators, as long as that exists. Yet seemingly no one examines this dynamic.
I agree with you that many blacks self-segregate. Many whites and Asians do too. To me, no matter who self-segregates, it is a form of racism, a kind of "soft" racism rather than one of hatred and bigotry. I do not know how there can be an equality of income, and other sociological indicators, as long as that exists. Yet seemingly no one examines this dynamic.

Racism, because you feel comfortable around people you know? That's not really racism. In fact, if your white and you move into a black neighborhood, just because it's a black neighborhood, that's more racist.
Blacks feel more comfortable about blacks. That doesn't make them racist. How people are culturally isn't racist. That's just how people are. Especially when it comes to language. I don't know a lot of ebonics. And I'd sound like an idiot if I tried to speak it. I think black women who talk to loud and boast all the damn time about how bad they are, is just ignorant. In the same way I think white girls who cuss like sailors is also ignorant.

But that's a cultural thing. Not a race thing.

The two get confused by racist all the time.
I agree with you that many blacks self-segregate. Many whites and Asians do too. To me, no matter who self-segregates, it is a form of racism, a kind of "soft" racism rather than one of hatred and bigotry. I do not know how there can be an equality of income, and other sociological indicators, as long as that exists. Yet seemingly no one examines this dynamic.

Racism, because you feel comfortable around people you know? That's not really racism. In fact, if your white and you move into a black neighborhood, just because it's a black neighborhood, that's more racist.
Blacks feel more comfortable about blacks. That doesn't make them racist. How people are culturally isn't racist. That's just how people are. Especially when it comes to language. I don't know a lot of ebonics. And I'd sound like an idiot if I tried to speak it. I think black women who talk to loud and boast all the damn time about how bad they are, is just ignorant. In the same way I think white girls who cuss like sailors is also ignorant.

But that's a cultural thing. Not a race thing.

The two get confused by racist all the time.
The fact that people feel more comfortable around people of a certain race, that is a form of racism because it is about race. I'm going into the reasons for the existence of these cultures which is racial identity. Racism does not have to be about bigotry or anger. It is a form of racism innate to multiracial societies.

A young black man comes into a restaurant looking for a job as a server. The restaurant is in a white area of the town. The restaurant's clientele and employees are almost entirely white. The black man has a good work record but he dresses and speaks in an ethnic manner. Four other job candidates are white and from the mostly white larger culture. The restaurant's owner hires one of the white applicants simply because he believes, correctly, they would have a better rapport with customers and coworkers. It is one of the common dynamics that leads to blacks having lower average incomes. The same thing could happen with black owned businesses in black communities, only with the colors reversed.
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Why do whites like to conflate this?

Whites are 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than someone black. Based on population proportion, blacks are nearly 3 times more likely to be killed by a white person than an white person will be killed by blacks.
I was disgusted to see this story when it broke. But since I could never really find the names of the thugs, I didn't keep up with the outcome. But tonight, I noticed this was listed on wiki.
The end result of this horrendous act buy these black thugs:
On December 8, 2017, Brittany Covington pleaded guilty to the charges of committing a hate crime, intimidation and aggravated battery. Additional charges, such as kidnapping, were dropped as part of her plea deal. Covington was sentenced to four years of probation and 200 hours of community service. Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks said that he could have sentenced her to prison, but stated "I'm not sure if I did that you'd be coming out any better."

On April 19, 2018, Tanishia Covington pleaded guilty to the charges of committing a hate crime, intimidation and aggravated battery and was sentenced to three years in prison.

On July 5, 2018, Jordan Hill pleaded guilty to the charges of aggravated kidnapping and committing a hate crime and was sentenced to eight years in prison.

On July 12, 2018, Tesfaye Cooper pleaded guilty to a hate crime and aggravated kidnapping. Cooper was sentenced to seven years in prison.

In the video, the reported states that these thugs could get decades behind bars. Well, that didn't happen. Not even a day in prison for one of them. The rest got less than 10 years. How could this possibly happen? Black privilege? Surely not, since it seems the judge that did the sentencing was a white judge.

Black on white crime in this country is even higher than white cop killing a black person.
In 2018, over 500 white people were killed by blacks. Whites killed blacks in numbers less than 1/2 of that amount.
Blacks killed 745 females
Blacks killed 2600 other blacks.
That's 3,177 people that were killed by blacks in just 1 year. That's more than the amount of people who died on 9/11.

Considering that blacks only make up about 15% of the entire US population, why is this not an issue being addressed in the media?

BTW, numbers are racist. And I'm just the messenger. But I think we should have a serious discussion about black on white crime for a change.

For the record: I do NOT believe that being a certain race makes anyone good or bad.
It would happen less with equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation under our form of Capitalism.
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Why have a discussion about race and crime? Let's have a discussion about gender-related crimes. How about the demands for sex, male on top, physically beating female humans, stalking, religious groups silently condoning this.
Start your own thread.
Why have a discussion about race and crime? Let's have a discussion about gender-related crimes. How about the demands for sex, male on top, physically beating female humans, stalking, religious groups silently condoning this.
Unfortunately, there are not enough morals to go around with our warfare-State regimes; women should insist right-wing women "go first" and achieve "herd immunity" through "mma".
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Because they cannot support a legitimate argument about the topic of the thread.
This thread is not a legitimate topic. Not when:

Why do whites like to conflate this?

Whites are 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than someone black. Based on population proportion, blacks are nearly 3 times more likely to be killed by a white person than an white person will be killed by blacks.
You cannot logically skew the likelihood of being murdered by black or white based on the total population. It should be based on the historical actual numbers of murders only. I have highlighted the FBI estimated figures below for recorded for one-on-one murders in 2018.

Your number for the likelihood of a white being killed by another white person rather than by a black person is pretty close to what these numbers show. 2677/514 = 5.208

Your number for the likelihood of a black person being killed by a white being greater than that of a white person being killed by a black is incorrect. 234/514 = 0.455

Whites murdered by whites = 2677
Whites murdered by blacks = 514

Blacks murdered by blacks = 2600
Blacks murdered by whites = 234

Also, a black person was (in 2018) was over 10 times more likely to be murdered by another black person than to be murdered by a white person. 2600/234 = 11.111

With the rate of murders increasing by the minute in liberal cities, I expect all of these numbers to change. I expect black on black killings to increase substantially.

TheDispatch said:
In 2018, the FBI estimates there were about 16,200 homicides in the United States. Data on these murders is very limited, however. For example, not every murder is solved—38.4 percent went unsolved in 2017, and the number of individuals involved in every murder is not known. Likewise, the race of the perpetrators is not known in every homicide case. The FBI does report, though, that in cases of a single victim and single offender the race of both the murder victim and murderer are known in 6,570 cases. Of those, 3,315 victims were white, with 2,677 of those killings (80.8 percent) being carried out by another white individual and 514 (15.5 percent) being carried out by a black individual. The remaining 124 white victims were killed by perpetrators of other races.* There were 2,925 black victims of murder in 2018, of whom 234 were killed by a white individual (8 percent) and 2,600 were killed by a black individual (88.9 percent). Again, the remainder were carried out by perpetrators of a different race.

You cannot logically skew the likelihood of being murdered by black or white based on the total population. It should be based on the historical actual numbers of murders only. I have highlighted the FBI estimated figures below for recorded for one-on-one murders in 2018.

Your number for the likelihood of a white being killed by another white person rather than by a black person is pretty close to what these numbers show. 2677/514 = 5.208

Your number for the likelihood of a black person being killed by a white being greater than that of a white person being killed by a black is incorrect. 234/514 = 0.455

Whites murdered by whites = 2677
Whites murdered by blacks = 514

Blacks murdered by blacks = 2600
Blacks murdered by whites = 234

Also, a black person was (in 2018) was over 10 times more likely to be murdered by another black person than to be murdered by a white person. 2600/234 = 11.111

With the rate of murders increasing by the minute in liberal cities, I expect all of these numbers to change. I expect black on black killings to increase substantially.

Oh so now we can't use population.

And if we use historical actual numbers of murders, whites have an insurmountable lead.

My math is just fine, your belief in white supremacy is the problem.
Oh so now we can't use population.

And if we use historical actual numbers of murders, whites have an insurmountable lead.

My math is just fine, your belief in white supremacy is the problem.
I don't believe in white supremacy. You're just paranoid.

Please provide the logic and calculations upon which you base your second claim.
I don't believe in white supremacy. You're just paranoid.

Please provide the logic and calculations upon which you base your second claim.
Your postings in this thread.
Your postings in this thread.
My postings regarding murders do not use the total populations of whites or blacks. They use actual recorded, one-on-one murders by whites and blacks from 2018.

Thanks for admitting you have no valid answer based on calculations.
The fact that people feel more comfortable around people of a certain race, that is a form of racism because it is about race. I'm going into the reasons for the existence of these cultures which is racial identity. Racism does not have to be about bigotry or anger. It is a form of racism innate to multiracial societies.

A young black man comes into a restaurant looking for a job as a server. The restaurant is in a white area of the town. The restaurant's clientele and employees are almost entirely white. The black man has a good work record but he dresses and speaks in an ethnic manner. Four other job candidates are white and from the mostly white larger culture. The restaurant's owner hires one of the white applicants simply because he believes, correctly, they would have a better rapport with customers and coworkers. It is one of the common dynamics that leads to blacks having lower average incomes. The same thing could happen with black owned businesses in black communities, only with the colors reversed.

That's not racism. That's business.

Business owners aren't in business to fix the problems of the world. They're there to make money by pleasing customers, so they'll keep coming back. And tell their friends.
If the black dude has a deep ebonics way of talking, then he needs to either practice up on speaking normal. Or find a job somewhere where how he talks isn't an issue. That's his own fault for the way he speaks.
When in Rome, do as the Romans, sort of speak.
You don't see any black news anchors on CNN, MSNBC or Fox that have a deep ebonics slang, do you? Maybe you should write CNN and tell them you want to see a black, who speaks street language giving you the daily political report. And watch how fast they tell you to mind your own business.

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