Are "they" about to unleash weaponized smallpox on us now?

Wouldn't they wait until Trump won in 2024?
No, no delay. Besides we see how they beat Trump. Remember, the machines.

"They" will spin it by claiming it has been released by a Trump supporters or something to that effect.

Like how they blame Trump for colluding with Russia when it was them. That is their sure fire tactic that is always dependent on a media and education system that allows them to get away with it.

Remember that guy that plowed through people, killing 5 whites? Yeah, out of the news already. But but but the Rittenhouse case....

Not only was the negro a negro that killed whites, but he didn't even use a gun to do it. You see, if he did, they would blame the gun and by extension white right gun owners and the American system that allows it.


He used a car. Cannot spin it in their direction so back to the Rittenhouse, guns and Fauci ouchi that does nothing but prove the average American can be panicked by anything, even a disease with a 99 percent recovery rate.
You Rumpian trailer-trash are smokin' some serious $hit this week, aren't you?
Ok, all coincidences in your little book eh? FDA approving drug to treat smallpox put forth by the industry this year.

The fact bill gates warns the WHO to prepare for smallpox attack by having germ games.

The fbi investigating a week ago vials of smallpox in a lab in Philadelphia

What a world of unicorns and cotton candy waterfalls do you live in?

Still believe the Russian collusion with Trump and the election wasn't fraudulent? Not embarrassed in any way for voting for biden?

Do you know what shame is?

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