Are the McMichaels victims of a biased media?

Scooter. I have explained this. Either you have short term memory issues, or you’re so busy spreading lies to justify the indefensible that you haven’t read it.

Ok. Here we are. There is now a pool of 65 qualified jurors. These were the winners, or losers, of the original 600 potential jurors.

Now, they begin the final selection. There was no requirement for a college degree. However, those who didn’t have it were not selected. For some reason, like you, they had made up their minds that the McMichaels had done a good thing killing that black boy, and were not selected.

Some knew the family, for decades. The McMichaels especially. Those folks were excused from Jury Duty.

It is a matter of coincidence, or not, that the people most likely to find them innocent, were unable to pass the interview to get selected. I guess they were unable to hide their irrational hatred, just as you have been unable to hide it.

It isn’t a movie in my head. It is the laws and I’ve posted them time and time again. I even posted the Georgia BAR study guide to show you that these precedents were well known. They don’t have Georgia Law in Nevada, so Georgia must be wrong is your silly point as near as I can tell.

Now, these last 65 jurors are going to be culled again. The end result is from this pool, they will be selected as 12 primary, and four alternates to sit and listen to the trial.

I hope. I sincerely hope and pray that the Judge grants them a change of venue. I hope that the trial is moved to Atlanta. That would be hilarious, to me anyway.

I’ve explained this before in other threads, but again your well documented difficulties in reading and retaining are coming through. Their best chance at an acquittal is where they are now. That is a rather conservative district in Georgia. There aren’t many more conservative than that. And the odds that they’ll be sent to those other couple areas, is pretty slim. Odds are they’ll end up in Macon, Augusta, Athens, or Atlanta. Possibly Savannah, but doubtful.

The odds of drawing the folks they need to get the acquittal drops dramatically as they move away from the area. So I do hope that their lawyers make that move. You’ve heard of suicide by cop? That would be conviction by idiotic motion by the Defense Attorney.

Now again, for the four hundredth time I suppose. The McMichaels did not have justification to arm up and set off in pursuit. They had seen no evidence of any crime. They had not been contacted by Larry English, and had no information of the entrance into the property. NO KNOWLEDGE OF A CRIME AT THAT TIME.

The Cornerstone of the Defense Argument is that they were performing a legal and lawful attempt to effect a Citizens Arrest. At least during the questioning and motions filed during the preliminary hearing. So if they intend to now claim that no such effort was ever made, as you alternately insist and deny, the McMichaels would be better off pleading guilty and throwing themselves on the mercy of the court.

Standing in the roadway after making several attempts, according to their own statements, with a Shotgun to stop Arbery is illegal. It is Aggravated Assault in Georgia. No intent has to be admitted by the McMichaels. It is the Reasonable Person argument. Would a reasonable person believe they were there to stop them using force, or the threat of force? If the answer is yes, then they are guilty in Georgia.

Finally. The Felony Murder Charge. If someone dies in the commission of a qualifying crime, the charge is Felony Murder. If the clerk slips and cracks his head open and dies while trying to open the register for the robber. It is Felony Murder. If your Girlfriend is backing away from your pathetically small Johnson and you reach towards her as she falls over the railing of the hotel room. That actually wouldn’t be Felony Murder. It would be Voluntary Manslaughter, a crime of passion.

Anyway. Your pathetically small mind and attributes aside. These are not new laws. These are not even new applications. They require no new precedents. Nor new findings. These are old laws, applied as they always have been, and it infuriates you.

So blame anything you want. The result from the point of view of this Georgia Resident, who has lived in the state for nearly thirty years off and on over my life, and currently lives in a Rural Area, with the Good Old Boys, finding twelve people to declare the McMichaels Not Guilty would require a Clan Meeting. And you’ll never get that many out in daylight.
Oh stop with the nonsense...the people who admitted knowing the McMichaels and admitted already knowing that the criminal Arbery was at fault were just being honest and showing some common sense. Their town and they should all fucking know what went down and have made up their minds in the small town. Those with college degrees living in the small town should also know what went down and have made up their minds, if they are saying that they haven't--they are lying their asses off. Sorry, common sense. Seems colleges, unable to make people smarter, sure seem capable of eroding the morals of their students or that is all they attract to begin with.
Yeah, if you ignore his criminal record, his probation, that he had no job but had money to get his nails done and do drugs, his previous attacks on others, his previous snagged stealing, and that he was casing the joint--yeah no evidence at all. We all just as dumb as Faun.
Post evidence that he ever committed burglary...
They were in front of Arbery---who ran toward them, circled around the vehicle and attacked them----much the same fucking way that he attacked a cop earlier. Arbery was just another violent criminal
Not exactly. They were behind Arbery but then drove past him and then stopped as Bryan was still following behind Arbery; effectively sandwiching him in.
...and oh btw, he was snagged trespassing so the Arbery's legal right for citizens arrest which they didn't even do---
False for two reasons.

One, there is no evidence he committed criminal trespassing.

Two, even if he had, that's a misdemeanor and the law only allowed for citizen's arrests against felonies.
They have him on video trepassing fool. And again, how ignorant to claim that the McMichaels chased him down---he ran toward them, circled around their vehicle, grabbed their gun...If he was afraid, he wouldn't run toward them btw. If they were out to chase him down and shoot him, they would have done it before he attacked them. He was a criminal ON PROBATION snagged committing more crime---and on drugs as well. He did as he previously did attack anyone tried to stop him from committing crimes.
For trespassing to be a crime in Georgia requires the person to be on a property with the intent to commit a crime. There is no evidence Arbery harbored any such intent.
They have him on video trepassing fool. And again, how ignorant to claim that the McMichaels chased him down---he ran toward them, circled around their vehicle, grabbed their gun...If he was afraid, he wouldn't run toward them btw. If they were out to chase him down and shoot him, they would have done it before he attacked them. He was a criminal ON PROBATION snagged committing more crime---and on drugs as well. He did as he previously did attack anyone tried to stop him from committing crimes.

Are you kidding? The McMichaels admitted to chasing him. They cut him off several times in an attempt to question him and possibly perform a citizens arrest. This is not in dispute.

btw... They have many people on video entering the house. Arbery was one of them and according to the owner he took nothing.
Arbery was just snagged trespassing, casing the joint, in a neighborhood that he didn't live in ....the McMichaels had cause to stop him...and especially given his past violence, it would have been stupid for the mcMichaels to do so without a weapon.
No, he wasn't. None of the accused saw him trespassing when they decided to chase him down. Greg was working in his front yard and Travis and Bryan were both inside their respective residences.
Trespassing which they have him on video doing. Trepassing to case a new build which are notoriously robbed by druggy criminals like Arbery all the time as they put in tools and building materials.
Trespassing isn't a crime in Georgia unless you're told by an authority of the property you can't come on, or told to leave but remain, or on a property not belonging to you with the intent to commit a crime.
Are you saying black men are so violent and weak minded that they will attack anyone who calls them a name? Black men must be some pathetic creatures in your eyes.
No, it says you're so racist, you would never say that to their face because YOU believe they're predisposed to violence.
Are you trying to play word games now Faun....stealing is stealing.
And burglary is not stealing. Thanks for admitting you made up that non-existent burglary charge out of thin air.

Which helps explain why you're blaming the victim in this case -- you're literally inventing crimes he didn't commit just so you can attack his character in order to make killing him justifiable.
I'm confused by what the defense is during the trial.

1: They admit that they were actively chasing him down. So they initiated the confrontation, not him.

2: They claim it was a citizen's arrest, which is legal, but never told that to the police at the scene.

3: They claim that he was a suspected burgular based on security cam footage that they saw of him trespassing in a house being constructed nearby, but can't provide the actual footage as evidence,even though they clearly have access to it according to their story.
Are you saying black men are so violent and weak minded that they will attack anyone who calls them a name? Black men must be some pathetic creatures in your eyes.
Young black men particuarly in our large cities are seriously mal-adjusted aka socio-paths.

The public schools have contributed to this in a big indoctrinating them into believing they are victims.

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