Are Robots Replacing Jobs?




Possibly half of all jobs gone? What will Republicans do when they are so easily replaced? One wonders?
Riiiigggghhhht. As technology advances, so do the skill sets needed to maintain the technology. Robots will not replace, they will displace.

Jeebus. What will republicans do, Rderp? Tell me. One wonders!

Of course technology will displace/replace human labor. The interesting thing to watch has to do with economic systems--how will economies continue to function when there are fewer (and, eventually, no) "wages" being earned? Where will the spending money come from?
Of course technology will displace/replace human labor. The interesting thing to watch has to do with economic systems--how will economies continue to function when there are fewer (and, eventually, no) "wages" being earned? Where will the spending money come from?

another perfect idiot liberal. Imagine how many 100's of millions of jobs were replaced by the nail screw saw wheel plow car electricity train etc. It was a good thing not a bad thing.

Do you understand now?
Of course technology will displace/replace human labor. The interesting thing to watch has to do with economic systems--how will economies continue to function when there are fewer (and, eventually, no) "wages" being earned? Where will the spending money come from?

another perfect idiot liberal. Imagine how many 100's of millions of jobs were replaced by the nail screw saw wheel plow car electricity train etc. It was a good thing not a bad thing.

Do you understand now?

No. computer technology destroys many jobs for people of average intelligence, and creates a few jobs for people with superior intelligence.
Of course technology will displace/replace human labor. The interesting thing to watch has to do with economic systems--how will economies continue to function when there are fewer (and, eventually, no) "wages" being earned? Where will the spending money come from?

another perfect idiot liberal. Imagine how many 100's of millions of jobs were replaced by the nail screw saw wheel plow car electricity train etc. It was a good thing not a bad thing.

Do you understand now?

A backhoe does what it used to take about 50 ditch diggers to do.
Of course technology will displace/replace human labor. The interesting thing to watch has to do with economic systems--how will economies continue to function when there are fewer (and, eventually, no) "wages" being earned? Where will the spending money come from?

another perfect idiot liberal. Imagine how many 100's of millions of jobs were replaced by the nail screw saw wheel plow car electricity train etc. It was a good thing not a bad thing.

Do you understand now?

A backhoe does what it used to take about 50 ditch diggers to do.

the nail and screw have replaced millions of workers! Imagine fastening things together without them.
Robot truckers vs. Human drivers...

Will Robot Truckers Take Jobs from Human Drivers?
January 18, 2017 - The 3.5 million Americans who drive trucks for a living may face growing competition for jobs as technology improves and self-driving or autonomous trucks that don't need human operators become more common.
Researchers say a similar wave of automation and robotics displaced most of the 5 million people who lost manufacturing jobs over the past few years. Frustration and fear from that drastic change helped spark an angry movement that upended U.S. politics. Some experts say it will be years before a significant number of robot trucks are on the roads, as engineers and scientists work on technical, regulatory, and safety concerns while seeking public acceptance of this evolving technology. But others point out that autonomous trucks already operate in mines, while robotic cars run races up mountains. Automotive and computer firms are working to improve the sensors and processors needed for the task. "We are not that far from the ultimate vision of a completely self-driving car," said Chan Lieu, a former official of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


TV crews film the Actros autonomous truck by Mercedes-Benz near Stuttgart, Germany​

Researchers say the same economic pressures that boosted automation in factories also promote robot truckers, who are likely to be less expensive than human drivers. Robots don't need breaks, join unions, ask for raises, demand overtime pay, file lawsuits, or show up with a hangover. Many Americans say they are worried about the safety of robotic vehicles, but government statistics show 94 percent of road accidents are due to human error. That is causing some worries for the insurance industry, which is trying to figure out how to adjust premiums for an unprecedented, but probably safer, future.


In the meantime, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen expects companies will continue to use more robots. She urges governments and companies to do more to help displaced humans. "Most economists and policymakers recognize that it's important to provide ways for workers who were harmed by these kinds of developments to be retrained for jobs so that they can succeed in the economy," she said. Surprisingly, at a time when lost jobs are a major economic and political issue, many high-paying technical positions go unfilled. Economist Ken Simonson of the Associated General Contractors of America says companies can't find plumbers, electricians, pipefitters and others. "We are going to continue to see a lot of industries struggling to find already qualified workers or to bring new entrants up to the skill level that they need to get things done," he said.


More automation at factories across the globe means fewer people on the production line.​

For many people, apprenticeships offer a way to learn the new kinds of skills that help people find and keep jobs in a workplace of growing technical complexity. Newport News Shipbuilding has been teaching apprentices for nearly a century, and has a strong record of employing the program's graduates. But researcher David Wiczer of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis says other programs have mixed results. "Every time you take someone from one occupation to another, the level of risk magnifies,” he said. “It's much safer to switch one employer from the other and do the same thing you've been doing."


Shipyard workers weld a time capsule aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford, under construction at Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia​

In a TEDx talk, MIT economist David Autor says American workers made a big shift from agriculture to manufacturing in the late 1800s and early 1900s. "We have faced equally momentous economic transformations in the past and come through them successfully," he said. But workers in this latest economic transition may be in for a bumpy ride, as scholars say previous major changes were wrenching and took many years.

Will Robot Truckers Take Jobs from Human Drivers?
Of course technology will displace/replace human labor. The interesting thing to watch has to do with economic systems--how will economies continue to function when there are fewer (and, eventually, no) "wages" being earned? Where will the spending money come from?

another perfect idiot liberal. Imagine how many 100's of millions of jobs were replaced by the nail screw saw wheel plow car electricity train etc. It was a good thing not a bad thing.

Do you understand now?

A backhoe does what it used to take about 50 ditch diggers to do.
You mean 50 Republicans.
Technology has always replaced jobs...This is why work or die is so unmoral and wrong...

We're going to be forced to rethink economics in the next 50 years.
rethink economics? oh, you mean we should have a marxist based economy
Ahh, Marxist.
Karl Marx
Union of Soviet Socialist Republican
Vladimir Putin
Donald (Russian
Poodle) Trump

So we come full circle.

Something tells me the Putin/Trump economic plan isn't going to work.
Ahh, Marxist.
Karl Marx
Union of Soviet Socialist Republican
Vladimir Putin
Donald Trump

So we come full circle.

Something tells me the Putin/Trump economic plan isn't going to work.
Yet, Donald Trump just became President and has not made one deal with Russia,
while the Obama administration gave the USA's Uranium to Putin and Russia?

Yes, Marxism, as in Bill Ayers Obama's political mentor who launched Obama's political career from his home.

Yes, Marxism as in Sal Alinsky who Hillary Clinton admired and wrote a thesis on while in College.

Yes, Marxism, as in Obama giving a lifeline to Cuba, saving Marxism at our doorstep.

Yes Marxism, as in Obama and Hillary giving the USA's Uranium to Russia.
Notice there's one thing NO Republican including Trump will even bring up?

Yep, it's education.

Republicans haven't yet learned they can't compete with an educated world. And the ones that do, move away and become Democrats.

That's why economists laugh at Trump's economic plan.

The GOP base is hoping Trump will be a kind of a magical Oompa Loompa Russian Poodle who will bring jobs to the US that require no skills or education and pay lots of money.

Republicans love to point to Carrier as Trump's first big success. Shows what a great negotiator he is. So what happens next?

Carrier's parent company says Indiana jobs will be lost to automation: Politics Extra
Ahh, Marxist.
Karl Marx
Union of Soviet Socialist Republican
Vladimir Putin
Donald Trump

So we come full circle.

Something tells me the Putin/Trump economic plan isn't going to work.
Yet, Donald Trump just became President and has not made one deal with Russia,
while the Obama administration gave the USA's Uranium to Putin and Russia?

Yes, Marxism, as in Bill Ayers Obama's political mentor who launched Obama's political career from his home.

Yes, Marxism as in Sal Alinsky who Hillary Clinton admired and wrote a thesis on while in College.

Yes, Marxism, as in Obama giving a lifeline to Cuba, saving Marxism at our doorstep.

Yes Marxism, as in Obama and Hillary giving the USA's Uranium to Russia.
What are Russians going to do with uranium that can't leave the country?

What about Trump's son? Is he a liar?

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
No. computer technology destroys many jobs for people of average intelligence, and creates a few jobs for people with superior intelligence.

if true then we would not have 96% employment despite all of us carrying supercomputer iphones in our pockets. Sorry
No. computer technology destroys many jobs for people of average intelligence, and creates a few jobs for people with superior intelligence.

not at all. If a business makes tons more thanks to robots then it has tons more to pay the workers it does have and tons left over to spend elsewhere to stimulate wages increases in other industries. This is why a plumbers wages for example keep going up despite nothing really new in 50 years.

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