Are republicans playing with fire when it comes to obamacare?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?
B.Do republicans even care that MILLIONS will lose healthcare insurance?
C. Do republicans realize that by shitting on millions of Americans they are merely pushing them to vote Democrat in the elections next year? Ending insurance for MILLIONS will pretty much insure this presidential race will be show and not an election and I personally think it will be the biggest landslide in American Presidential races.
D. IF I say happens and its a Democratic WAVE comes true. The republicans wishes may be destroyed because by stopping the vast chunk of Obamacare now will I think insure a one payer system is voted into place as it should be done before Obamacare happened.
F. Republicans will rant,rave and pull hair out like never before and the rest of the CIVILIZED world will laugh at them for wanting to deny American Citizens healthcare.
G. Between refusing to come up with BETTER REAL solutions to Obamacare,refusing to be a backwards nation when it comes to maternity leave for women,harming workers rights by pushing more states towards right to work status,Pushing for war against Iran,Undermining the president in his push for a peaceful and diplomatic solutions with Iran,attacking students and the president when it comes to education,and although I agree the homosexual crap is gonna be a problem as well.

So opinions,statements,rants have at it.

The ACA is a pig and a terribly wasted opportunity, but the GOP is dreaming if they think they can yank health insurance from millions of people and not pay the price.

A GOP-friendly system, Medicare/Medicare Supplements/Medicare Advantage public/private partnership is already in place and could have been scaled up with a few tweaks. But no, the GOP was too busy saying "no".

Well, good luck with that.

Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?
B.Do republicans even care that MILLIONS will lose healthcare insurance?

Questions I have been asking for a long time.
Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?
B.Do republicans even care that MILLIONS will lose healthcare insurance?

Questions I have been asking for a long time.
and I am betting all you hear is crickets huh? They will always have their die hard fanatical core but when poor southern whites turn on the GOP they are in deep shit.
So as I understand this, you feel strongly that it would be political suicide for the GOP to rewrite, amend, or replace the current program because millions of people would be dumped from their current program? Sounds vaguely familiar, will they get to keep their doctors? Let the American people decide this on election day, you may be surprised.
Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?
B.Do republicans even care that MILLIONS will lose healthcare insurance?

Questions I have been asking for a long time.

No doubt you have.. you live in a perennial leftwing fantasy world where conservatives eat babies and throw old people off cliffs. You should stick to your meds.
So as I understand this, you feel strongly that it would be political suicide for the GOP to rewrite, amend, or replace the current program because millions of people would be dumped from their current program? Sounds vaguely familiar, will they get to keep their doctors? Let the American people decide this on election day, you may be surprised.
Yes that's what I am saying,you can blame the insurance companies and the bastard doctors for not taking their insurance not Obama.
So as I understand this, you feel strongly that it would be political suicide for the GOP to rewrite, amend, or replace the current program because millions of people would be dumped from their current program? Sounds vaguely familiar, will they get to keep their doctors? Let the American people decide this on election day, you may be surprised.

Well, yeah because Obamacare is loved by all!!!! What's it up to... like 35% approval?

Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?
B.Do republicans even care that MILLIONS will lose healthcare insurance?

Questions I have been asking for a long time.

No doubt you have.. you live in a perennial leftwing fantasy world where conservatives eat babies and throw old people off cliffs. You should stick to your meds.

Just keep tossing those straw man fallacies out there. It is fun watching you undermine yourself without any effort by anyone else. :laugh2:

And when you are done making shit up, how about linking to a Republican comprehensive health care reform bill?

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?
I say , just buy your own health insurance 'g5000' , that's what I always did .
the House defunded ACA 55+ times. Now the Republicans have the Senate. Whatever they do or don't do will answer your question.

My opinion ? The Republican congress barks at the moon.


The Republican response:


Problem? I see no problem!
Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?
B.Do republicans even care that MILLIONS will lose healthcare insurance?

Questions I have been asking for a long time.

No doubt you have.. you live in a perennial leftwing fantasy world where conservatives eat babies and throw old people off cliffs. You should stick to your meds.
Nah they just rant and rave about unborn babies but then don't give a flying fuck about the kid after its born,they care less if a person has enough money to heat their home,buy food,or go to the doctor.Modern day republicans along with democrats are fucking scumbags. Democrats just hide it a little better and they also let pieces of giving a shit out once in a while and manages to help Americans.

Next question?
Five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the voters of Massachusetts said it needed to be fixed.

But...75 percent said they wanted to keep it around.

In 2014, 49 states saw the number of uninsured go down. All but Kansas.

So the answer is YES, the Republicans are playing with fire. The clock is working against them.

The ACA is a pig and a terribly wasted opportunity, but the GOP is dreaming if they think they can yank health insurance from millions of people and not pay the price.

A GOP-friendly system, Medicare/Medicare Supplements/Medicare Advantage public/private partnership is already in place and could have been scaled up with a few tweaks. But no, the GOP was too busy saying "no".

Well, good luck with that.


Bullshit! It was Democrats who would not allow discussion on the Bill. It was Obama who said my way or the highway, elections have consequenses.

Next question?
Five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the voters of Massachusetts said it needed to be fixed.

But...75 percent said they wanted to keep it around.

In 2014, 49 states saw the number of uninsured go down. All but Kansas.

So the answer is YES, the Republicans are playing with fire.


Most people realize that Obamacare was a bad idea, many of them are people who were forced to buy it.

The answer is no.

Next question?
Five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the voters of Massachusetts said it needed to be fixed.

But...75 percent said they wanted to keep it around.

In 2014, 49 states saw the number of uninsured go down. All but Kansas.

So the answer is YES, the Republicans are playing with fire.


Most people realize that Obamacare was a bad idea, many of them are people who were forced to buy it.

The answer is no.
It is not irrelevant that 49 states saw their number of uninsured go down last year.

It is not irrelevant that the legislation which inspired ObamaCare was super popular after five years, even though it needed to be fixed.

Clamp your hands over your eyes at your own peril, willfully blind monkey.

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