Are queer weddings a sin?

Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

You were the one who decided to mention that incest was more 'natural' than homosexuality- not me.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Notice how WTH is unable to refute this clear truth.

. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up- Notice how this Contard wants to ignore legality and cannot address the clear fact that incest is illegal and homosexuality is not- which as everyone knows- makes them false equivalents.

Just curious Syriusly, what's your education? I'd ask for my money back, because you're cause and effect challenged, BIGLY. Here's what you're saying.........

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents cuz incest is illegal and homo is not. Course you're wrong, but it's not relevant anyway, because you forgot about the part where.........WAIT FOR IT.......GAY was illegal and same with gay marriage, and therefore gay and heterosexual are false equivalents too, thus gay marriage should be illegal.

Still lost?

According to you, every argument for gay marriage implying they deserved the same rights as heterosexuals must have been invalid. After all, one was legal the other not, and therefore they must have been "false equivalents". This isn't that difficult, you're just being emotional.

Again, cite a single argument for gay marriage that couldn't be applied to incest.

LOL I find it hilarious that you are questioning me about MY education with that word salad you vomited onto the page.

You still have yet to explain why incest- which is illegal- and homosexuality- which is not illegal- are not false equivalents.

Pretty obvious you can't explain why illegal incest and legal homosexuality are equivalent as you keep claiming.

Wow, you really got me. Your post is code for you've nearly given give up because your bullshit doesn't fly. It just takes you a while is all.

You've managed to completely discredit the gay-marriage agenda by stating you cannot compare two things if one is legal and the other isn't. Never mind it's irrational from start, you can't even follow the fucking logic to recognize gay-marriage advocates DID EXACTLY THAT.

Just for fun, what argument applies to gay-marriage that wouldn't apply to marriage between close relatives?

My daughters are absolutely shocked!!!!
They are too busy studying which is what the zero college antis should d
Have to have fuck I when you are a zero college Archie bunker
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

You were the one who decided to mention that incest was more 'natural' than homosexuality- not me.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Notice how WTH is unable to refute this clear truth.

. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up- Notice how this Contard wants to ignore legality and cannot address the clear fact that incest is illegal and homosexuality is not- which as everyone knows- makes them false equivalents.

Just curious Syriusly, what's your education? I'd ask for my money back, because you're cause and effect challenged, BIGLY. Here's what you're saying.........

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents cuz incest is illegal and homo is not. Course you're wrong, but it's not relevant anyway, because you forgot about the part where.........WAIT FOR IT.......GAY was illegal and same with gay marriage, and therefore gay and heterosexual are false equivalents too, thus gay marriage should be illegal.

Still lost?

According to you, every argument for gay marriage implying they deserved the same rights as heterosexuals must have been invalid. After all, one was legal the other not, and therefore they must have been "false equivalents". This isn't that difficult, you're just being emotional.

Again, cite a single argument for gay marriage that couldn't be applied to incest.

LOL I find it hilarious that you are questioning me about MY education with that word salad you vomited onto the page.

You still have yet to explain why incest- which is illegal- and homosexuality- which is not illegal- are not false equivalents.

Pretty obvious you can't explain why illegal incest and legal homosexuality are equivalent as you keep claiming.

Wow, you really got me. Your post is code for you've nearly given give up because your bullshit doesn't fly. It just takes you a while is all.

You've managed to completely discredit the gay-marriage agenda by stating you cannot compare two things if one is legal and the other isn't. Never mind it's irrational from start, you can't even follow the fucking logic to recognize gay-marriage advocates DID EXACTLY THAT.

Just for fun, what argument applies to gay-marriage that wouldn't apply to marriage between close relatives?

My daughters are absolutely shocked!!!!
They are too busy studying which is what the zero college antis should d
Have to have fuck I when you are a zero college Archie bunker

Oh good, you're upset but you've finally given into rational thought.

Don't need a college education to comprehend psychology.
Ladies and gentlemen...our nation is ph uked up. It does not matter what you believe in or not. We have far left extremist views against religious evangelicals. It can not stay this way. Someone is going to get bit. Ten years, twenty years or even more. I would believe there would be time for foundation to build but the taxes and receipts are rising every year faster then total domestic national product. And the official deficit just with the federal level is a trillion dollars a year. If this was many decades ago before we began massive spending on everything then we could absorb the changes without any issues. Something will happen at some point. Many different avenues of direction. But most not to good.

We've always had normal correct thinking people vs. religious evangelicals.

Which explains why California is such a paradise.

That would be Mississippi, the highest number of whacked-out religious Americans.
Ladies and gentlemen...our nation is ph uked up. It does not matter what you believe in or not. We have far left extremist views against religious evangelicals. It can not stay this way. Someone is going to get bit. Ten years, twenty years or even more. I would believe there would be time for foundation to build but the taxes and receipts are rising every year faster then total domestic national product. And the official deficit just with the federal level is a trillion dollars a year. If this was many decades ago before we began massive spending on everything then we could absorb the changes without any issues. Something will happen at some point. Many different avenues of direction. But most not to good.

We've always had normal correct thinking people vs. religious evangelicals.

Which explains why California is such a paradise.

Oh it really doesn't- but yes compared to most of the United States- California is a paradise.
A damn expensive paradise but a pretty wonderful paradise with beaches and deserts, mountains and redwood forests.
California has some nice places. But in many areas getting from point A to point B is an issue. Just one of some underlying ones.

That can be said of any State.
It is none of my business whether it is a sin or not. My actions are my business. I would not attend or participate in a same sex wedding in any capacity because that would be a sin.

Would you march around with a God Hates Fags sign?
Not unless God told me personally that He hates fags.

Talking to God again? Time to get the meds refilled!
Is that what you heard? You are the one that needs a refill.

You are off your meds.
It is none of my business whether it is a sin or not. My actions are my business. I would not attend or participate in a same sex wedding in any capacity because that would be a sin.

If Trump divorced and remarried- would you attend his wedding?

Would it be to another communist whore?

While I have no problem calling Trump himself any name you want, I am against insulting any First Lady.

I was against it when it was done to Michelle, against it being done to Melania.

Which term do you consider insulting; communist or whore? Be careful with this.
I believe that its wrong to leave people out and sadly whenever a homosexual couple is in front of you, there is always going to be one gender that is missing from the picture.

God bless you always!!!


All I see is two people. But then again, I don't have my head up my ass.
I believe queer weddings are a sin. What are your thoughts?

The homosexual attack on marriage is really an attack on humanity itself. Pope Benedict issued a profound statement which relied, in part, on the writings of Gilles Bernheim. He points to some predictable results.

"The Chief Rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim, has shown in a very detailed and profoundly moving study that the attack we are currently experiencing on the true structure of the family, made up of father, mother, and child, goes much deeper...According to this philosophy, sex is no longer a given element of nature, that man has to accept and personally make sense of: it is a social role that we choose for ourselves, while in the past it was chosen for us by society. The profound falsehood of this theory and of the anthropological revolution contained within it is obvious. People dispute the idea that they have a nature, given by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being. They deny their nature and decide that it is not something previously given to them, but that they make it for themselves. According to the biblical creation account, being created by God as male and female pertains to the essence of the human creature. This duality is an essential aspect of what being human is all about, as ordained by God. This very duality as something previously given is what is now disputed. The words of the creation account: “male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27) no longer apply. No, what applies now is this: it was not God who created them male and female – hitherto society did this, now we decide for ourselves. Man and woman as created realities, as the nature of the human being, no longer exist. Man calls his nature into question. From now on he is merely spirit and will...

But if there is no pre-ordained duality of man and woman in creation, then neither is the family any longer a reality established by creation. Likewise, the child has lost the place he had occupied hitherto and the dignity pertaining to him. Bernheim shows that now, perforce, from being a subject of rights, the child has become an object to which people have a right"

Christmas greetings to the members of the Roman Curia (21 December 2012) | BENEDICT XVI

Homosexual Marriage, Parenting, and Adoption | Gilles Bernheim

As with any bilk business, religion has to promote male and female relationships to spawn more idiots to keep the offering plate full.
You are welcome to your opinion.
Yes, I am. Queers calling themselves "married" makes a mockery of this GOD-ORDAINED institution.

They can say what they want, but they are not MARRIED. That institution is reserved for one man and one woman. All else is sin.

You can say what you want- but you are not married if you live your life like you do.

In America- legal marriage is not a 'god-ordained' insittution but a civil institution. You want a religious marriage- that is between you and your religion.
When the State tells us the sky is green, they will be wrong. Marriage is a religious institution. The State inserted itself because it WAS in any nation's best interest to promote and encourage the RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION called marriage. They cannot change the definition. The west will not survive much longer encouraging sin.

Civil marriage and religious marriage are two different things. Civil marriage does not involve religion. Two people who do not believe in a religion can still marry under civil law.

The concept of "sin" is a religious concept. Whether one considers same-sex marriage to be a "sin" depends on whether one is a member of a religious group that both believes in the "sin" concept and believes that same-sex marriage falls within the definition of it. Some same-sex couples have marriages celebrated in their own faith traditions.
Queer marriage will NEVER be respected like real marriage. Queers should have invented some new kind of legal union instead of just hijacking the name from real marriage and not living up to the moral standards.

You really need to open that closet door! You can do it! Open that door and let all hear you say: I'm Here, I'm Queer!
Oh look, another PROG says ready for it, follow the "logic":

Incest and homosexuality are not equal while homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal.

They actually believe this BS. Someone clue them in on nature's law, please.

Go figure a PROG broke out the "genetic defect" card where incest is concerned. That's easy to address, you'd help your cause to think things through. Would you PROGS prevent couples with genetic disorders from marrying if they're unrelated? Course not, but somehow it's inconvenient to admit the same logic would apply to relatives.

And what happened to the argument "marriage is not about reproduction" blah blah blah? Doesn't your BS apply to incest as well? Must be another "logical fallacy", perhaps I'm being "racist".

Again, EVERY ARGUMENT FOR GAY MARRIAGE CAN BE APPLIED TO MARRIAGE BETWEEN RELATIVES, PERIOD. Perspective PROGS, perspective. Matter of fact, human's are more inclined to have tendencies to incest than homosexuality.
You seem like a miserable little man. I heartily recommend gay marriage for you.
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

You were the one who decided to mention that incest was more 'natural' than homosexuality- not me.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Notice how WTH is unable to refute this clear truth.

. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up- Notice how this Contard wants to ignore legality and cannot address the clear fact that incest is illegal and homosexuality is not- which as everyone knows- makes them false equivalents.

Just curious Syriusly, what's your education? I'd ask for my money back, because you're cause and effect challenged, BIGLY. Here's what you're saying.........

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents cuz incest is illegal and homo is not. Course you're wrong, but it's not relevant anyway, because you forgot about the part where.........WAIT FOR IT.......GAY was illegal and same with gay marriage, and therefore gay and heterosexual are false equivalents too, thus gay marriage should be illegal.

Still lost?

According to you, every argument for gay marriage implying they deserved the same rights as heterosexuals must have been invalid. After all, one was legal the other not, and therefore they must have been "false equivalents". This isn't that difficult, you're just being emotional.

Again, cite a single argument for gay marriage that couldn't be applied to incest.

LOL I find it hilarious that you are questioning me about MY education with that word salad you vomited onto the page.

You still have yet to explain why incest- which is illegal- and homosexuality- which is not illegal- are not false equivalents.

Pretty obvious you can't explain why illegal incest and legal homosexuality are equivalent as you keep claiming.

Just for fun, what argument applies to gay-marriage that wouldn't apply to marriage between close relatives?
I have already addressed your claim that "Every argument for gay marriage can be applied to marriage between relatives"- but glad to do so again- since you Cons trot out this dead horse over and over again.

There are 4 arguments against incestuous marriages:
1) Its against 'God's will"- not relevant to legal marriage in America
2) its icky- not relevant to legal marriage in America.
3) Children of such marriages can have defects due to inbreeding
4) There is an inherent potential power imbalance to marriages between parents/children and sibling/sibling that has too much potential for abuse

Clearly gay couples do not have to worry about issues of inbreeding with each other. Nor do gay couples have the inherent potential power imbalance that exists in incestuous marriage.

Every argument for marriage between relatives can be made for marriage between between straight unrelated Americans. But the arguments against incestuous marriage are very different from the arguments against gay or straight marriage.
Incest and homosexuality are not equal while homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal.
Now you're catching on!! To put it a little differently, two consenting, unrelated adults getting married are NOT equal to two people who are related where on may or may not have consented, getting married. Most incestuous relationships involve one party having some power or control over the other. And show us an example of an inbred society that in healthy and thriving socially and physically.

Feel free to shut the fuck up now. We all know why you're doing this. You think that you can make supporters of same sex marriage look like foolish hypocrites. Get news for you. Ypu're the one looking foolish
Last edited:
I believe queer weddings are a sin. What are your thoughts?
As far as the state is concerned all a marriage is is a property contract and property contracts are not a sin
Lefties who think marriage is merely a property contract are the reason why queer marriage will NEVER be legitimate or respected the way real marriage is.

Wow I'm a lefty now ? Some of you people call me a Trumper and some of you call me a lefty. But I guess that's inevitable when you can't think but for simple either or conclusions

And yes as far as the state is concerned marriage is a property contract. There is no moral or religious connotation.
When you say commie things, it makes it look like you are a commie. Are you planning to vote for Trump, or are you planning to vote for one of the commie candidates in November?
So what's next, Atheist baptisms? The problem with "queer weddings" is that they a part of a deliberate assault on traditional Judeo-Christian values which, ironically, are considered sinful by the radical Left. As previously noted, there are plenty of ways to achieve secular equality (civil unions, etc.). But this is not their real purpose, which is to tear down traditional institutions through false mimicry leading to their eventual demise.n

The problem with Christian activists is that they are part of a deliberate assault on anyone who is not a Christian.

As previously mentioned in many threads, for years gay Americans who wanted equal treatment under the law, worked on achieving a quasi-equality by pursuing civil unions(which were never actually equal = the 'separate but equal' variety)- but Christian activists like yourself rushed to pass laws and even Constitutional amendments to prevent any state recognition of civil unions.

On March 8, 2006, the Alabama State House voted 85–7 in favor of Amendment 774, a constitutional amendment to the Constitution of Alabama which bans same-sex marriage and a "union replicating marriage of or between persons of the same sex" in the state. On March 11, 2006, the Alabama State Senate approved the bill in a 30–0 vote.[5] On June 6, 2006, Alabama voters endorsed adding the amendment to the state's Constitution with 81% voting in favor

Since Christian activists like yourself succeeded in preventing civil unions- which have no constitutional protections- gay couples went to court to fight for full marriage equality- because Americans do have constitutional protections regarding marriage.

Meanwhile Christian activists continue to attack gay marriage, because your real purpose to replace a secular America with a 'traditional Christian' nation which benefits Christians and places all other Americans as second class citizens.

Yet Alabamans love their pet pedo roy moore, the holy troll of kids at malls. Go figure.

These so-called "Christians" want to place nutjobs like frankie graham, falwell, and the family research council in charge of a nation of over 325 million Americans of all backgrounds, beliefs, and orientations, so that they can enjoy making all of us miserable. What they want to achieve is the United States of Iranamerica.

Lust for power is a million times more terrible than an ordinary lust for sex, which, hey, is not so bad.
So what's next, Atheist baptisms? The problem with "queer weddings" is that they a part of a deliberate assault on traditional Judeo-Christian values which, ironically, are considered sinful by the radical Left. As previously noted, there are plenty of ways to achieve secular equality (civil unions, etc.). But this is not their real purpose, which is to tear down traditional institutions through false mimicry leading to their eventual demise.n

The problem with Christian activists is that they are part of a deliberate assault on anyone who is not a Christian.

As previously mentioned in many threads, for years gay Americans who wanted equal treatment under the law, worked on achieving a quasi-equality by pursuing civil unions(which were never actually equal = the 'separate but equal' variety)- but Christian activists like yourself rushed to pass laws and even Constitutional amendments to prevent any state recognition of civil unions.

On March 8, 2006, the Alabama State House voted 85–7 in favor of Amendment 774, a constitutional amendment to the Constitution of Alabama which bans same-sex marriage and a "union replicating marriage of or between persons of the same sex" in the state. On March 11, 2006, the Alabama State Senate approved the bill in a 30–0 vote.[5] On June 6, 2006, Alabama voters endorsed adding the amendment to the state's Constitution with 81% voting in favor

Since Christian activists like yourself succeeded in preventing civil unions- which have no constitutional protections- gay couples went to court to fight for full marriage equality- because Americans do have constitutional protections regarding marriage.

Meanwhile Christian activists continue to attack gay marriage, because your real purpose to replace a secular America with a 'traditional Christian' nation which benefits Christians and places all other Americans as second class citizens.

Yet Alabamans love their pet pedo roy moore, the holy troll of kids at malls. Go figure.

These so-called "Christians" want to place nutjobs like frankie graham, falwell, and the family research council in charge of a nation of over 325 million Americans of all backgrounds, beliefs, and orientations, so that they can enjoy making all of us miserable. What they want to achieve is the United States of Iranamerica.

Lust for power is a million times more terrible than an ordinary lust for sex, which, hey, is not so bad.
You go girl! Sock it to them!
Listen to yourself! "I am not their judge " But then you proceed to judge them. The definition of marriage has changed,

1. Only filth tries to change the definition of words (Just like "illegal"). The definition of marriage HAS NOT changed!

2. To make a true & factually correct statement is not judgemental! Calling them ass fucking cock suckers is true and factually correct! (and accurate)
So what's next, Atheist baptisms? The problem with "queer weddings" is that they a part of a deliberate assault on traditional Judeo-Christian values which, ironically, are considered sinful by the radical Left. As previously noted, there are plenty of ways to achieve secular equality (civil unions, etc.). But this is not their real purpose, which is to tear down traditional institutions through false mimicry leading to their eventual demise.
Complete and utter horseshit! Civil unions did not work. Separate but equal did not work. Many gay people adhere to your" Judeo Christian values, but you have your head to far up your ass to know that. If you really think that gay folks and their supports want to destroy society as we know it, you are in serious need of a psychiatrist and meds. More likely you're just a lying ass bigot.
And I can admit that Trump and Melania have a 'union' but it isn't marriage.

See how easy that is?

And you can SAY the grass is purple...but it doesn't make it so.

You can stand there with your dick in your hand proclaiming you are a woman...but it doesn't make it so.

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