Are Obama and Holder still going to prosecute intelligence agents??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
now that we have found and killed Bin laden thanks to the interrogation technique's used by our intelligence agents, are Obama and Holder still going to prosecute ??
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Torture had nothing to do with finding Bin Laden.

Believe whatever you choose.... truth is... we will never know whether enhanced interrogation techniques led to that incident or not. And that is as it should be.

Sallow knows for a fact that enhanced interrogation had nothing to do with it..... :thup:

Gosh...or maybe he believes Senator John McCain...

McCain: U.S. Torture did not lead to bin Laden
now that we have found and killed Bin laden thanks to the interrogation technique's used by our intelligence agents, are Obama and Holder still going to prosecute ??

No, they have have moved on to whistle blowers.
DOJ officers who supply to Mexican drug cartels guns that end up being used to kill Americans get promoted.

CIA officers who deprive anti-American Islamic terrorists of sleep to try to save American lives get sent to jail.

There's something wrong with this picture.
They ain't going to prosecute anybody, unless maybe after Obama gets re-elected. But they ain't going to say so, cuz they don't want to alienate their political base any further than it's already pissed off at 'em. Which is a lot, from what I hear.
Hasn't just about every former director in charge of the CIA come out against any prosecution, including the ones who served under Clinton?

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