Are liberals more easily offended than conservatives?


Nov 15, 2009
Fuck, I'm so tired of thin-skinned liberals. Sometimes I think I'm just a nihilistic bad ass and numb to the world compared to most liberals I see. But then I realize I'm not, that I'm a man with a brain in his head who isn't such a stupid fucking school girl about everything.

Y'all bitch and moan about everything. Oh, so-and-so said this....awww, he shouldn't have said that! SHAME ON HIM FOR SAYING THAT! Give me a fucking break. GROW UP! Nobody is fucking entitled to their feelings being treated with kid gloves. And here's the fucking hilarious part! Liberals say fucked up shit IN RESPONSE TO FUCKED UP SHIT! Like with the Pat Robertson thing. I've heard so many versions of this from liberals: "Pat Robertson said Haiti was cursed and that's why they got hit by the hurricane. HOW DARE HE SAY THAT?! I hope he dies and a dog shits on his corpse!" Uh, OK, hypocrites?

It's been my experience that the most offensive people in the world are also the most offended people. Liberals are the ones who are all "you are a special and unique snowflake, no one can tell you what to do, it's your life, you can do whatever you want", but they're also the most judgmental, thin-skinned, intolerant, fucking people in the world. Most of the liberals I know are more judgmental than the church-goers I know, and that's saying something.
When you make a post calling someone a troll by just posting a picture, that's actually trolling, too.

LOL. You just owned yourself.

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