Are Democrats being racist? Why force Americans to only foster brown foreigners?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
There are many Black nations that are far more desperate than those in Mexico, Central and South America...Mexicrats are hell bent on holding us at gun point to force us to pay the way for Mexico and the other brown shitholes...Why aren’t they insisting that Americans foster those from Haiti, Zambia, Yemen..etc etc?
Are they really letting a little plane ride stand in the way as the difference maker?
This needs to be asked come debate time.
Too many Chicos is the US already. The southwest is turning into a no-go zone.
There are many Black nations that are far more desperate than those in Mexico, Central and South America...Mexicrats are hell bent on holding us at gun point to force us to pay the way for Mexico and the other brown shitholes...Why aren’t they insisting that Americans foster those from Haiti, Zambia, Yemen..etc etc?
Are they really letting a little plane ride stand in the way as the difference maker?
This needs to be asked come debate time.
what are you talking about? Upgrade Ellis Island, right wingers; don't whine about it.
In all seriousness, immigration of any kind should be closed, period, all of it, for at least a DECADE, and during that decade go about the business of rounding up and deporting ANYONE in this nation illegally, border hoppers, over stayers, asylum seekers, the entire lot, and that includes anchor babies. After that break and clean up, America might be ready to allow a few more immigrants in, but they need to be considered on a merit based system.
There are many Black nations that are far more desperate than those in Mexico, Central and South America...Mexicrats are hell bent on holding us at gun point to force us to pay the way for Mexico and the other brown shitholes...Why aren’t they insisting that Americans foster those from Haiti, Zambia, Yemen..etc etc?
Are they really letting a little plane ride stand in the way as the difference maker?
This needs to be asked come debate time.
If the mass invasion of our country through the southern border was being perpetrated by white Christians, there’d be not only a wall; but a three mile wide minefield to boot. Fact...
There are many Black nations that are far more desperate than those in Mexico, Central and South America...Mexicrats are hell bent on holding us at gun point to force us to pay the way for Mexico and the other brown shitholes...Why aren’t they insisting that Americans foster those from Haiti, Zambia, Yemen..etc etc?
Are they really letting a little plane ride stand in the way as the difference maker?
This needs to be asked come debate time.
We got an immigrant from Somalia who is a racist asshole and now one of the 4 leaders of the Democrat party.

But, your point has merit.

I suspect that Haitians or Zambians would not vote for Democrat commies. I bet the same could be said for most Russians who understand the evils of the very Marxism the Democrats have come to represent. Alaska should open the floodgates to Russian illegals.

Dem's only want illegals they can bribe with taxpayer funded free shit to vote Dem. Give 20 million illegals the right to vote Dem and Dem's will rule this country with an iron fist.
Lefties are racist for not personally caring for these poor immigrants by housing, feeding, clothing, paying medical expenses and college for them.

Invite the immigrants to stay with you and take care of them YOURSELVES.
In all seriousness, immigration of any kind should be closed, period, all of it, for at least a DECADE, and during that decade go about the business of rounding up and deporting ANYONE in this nation illegally, border hoppers, over stayers, asylum seekers, the entire lot, and that includes anchor babies. After that break and clean up, America might be ready to allow a few more immigrants in, but they need to be considered on a merit based system.
Capitalism; What is that, Sayeth the right wing.
There are many Black nations that are far more desperate than those in Mexico, Central and South America...Mexicrats are hell bent on holding us at gun point to force us to pay the way for Mexico and the other brown shitholes...Why aren’t they insisting that Americans foster those from Haiti, Zambia, Yemen..etc etc?
Are they really letting a little plane ride stand in the way as the difference maker?
This needs to be asked come debate time.
If the mass invasion of our country through the southern border was being perpetrated by white Christians, there’d be not only a wall; but a three mile wide minefield to boot. Fact...

There are many Black nations that are far more desperate than those in Mexico, Central and South America...Mexicrats are hell bent on holding us at gun point to force us to pay the way for Mexico and the other brown shitholes...Why aren’t they insisting that Americans foster those from Haiti, Zambia, Yemen..etc etc?
Are they really letting a little plane ride stand in the way as the difference maker?
This needs to be asked come debate time.
If the mass invasion of our country through the southern border was being perpetrated by white Christians, there’d be not only a wall; but a three mile wide minefield to boot. Fact...
like the one up north? Maybe Mexico can join the British, for the "Dominion rates".
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