Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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If could take the black racist out of the debate or conversation, then your words would ring loud and proud, but to deny the fact that you have black racist in high places among your group who can take your megaphone anytime they want to is what continues to keep the white people's gaurd up...... These racist cause a huge amount of trouble when it comes to race relations in this country. The same goes for the white racist as well.
I've never denied that there is such a thing as black racists or black separatists but the same is true of any group irrespective of the racial or religious makeup even, just as an example.

The topic of this thread as I understood it is not about individual racists (of any race) and the damage that they're inflicting upon society but the black and white race as a whole. Because of the legislative history and court rulings I don't see how anyone can make the claim that the white race is not more racists than the black race with a straight face. It is not factually true therefore it's impossible to claim that it's true. And that's what all the back & forth on this thread has allegedly been about. There are several members who refuse to acknowledge the origin of the country because presumably they would then have to acknowledge it's racist roots and they just can't deal with those facts so they continue to ignore them and pretend they have no bearing at all on the institutional racism of today.

It's great that you can thank those who were white, and had stood in the gap for your people (if you are black),and this being way back in the day, and even unto this very day.
My parents grew up in integrated environments although for them it was more a situation of being one of the few black families in their predominantly white neighborhoods. We also lived in a neighborhood that was predominantly white (Compton) when my parents moved in that later became predominantly black and then we moved to the suburbs which was another integrated neighborhood that was predominantly Asian (Japanese) although our neighborhood and middle school was very diverse - Asians, Whites, Blacks, Somoans, Hispanics, East Indians, etc. And although I as well as my younger brother & sister have experienced isolated incidents of racism when we were younger, it's nothing like what I've experienced in the last 20 years, in fact it's very targeted. The advent of the internet we're sure is a contributing factor.


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.​



As of last night, I believe that most blacks are racist - at least to a higher degree than whites.

I was judged by a single response that a poster admitted he didn't bother reading all of. When you have that happen several times, you begin to base your opinion on your experiences.

But really, does a member of the White Nationalists or KKK the same guy who takes in children as a DFACS asset? In other words, I am a foster parent. When police take parents into custody, the children are sent to me to live in my house until the parents can qualify to get them back or relatives petition for custody. Do white racists try to adopt non-white children?

Toward the end of last year, I was asked to speak at a nearby church. The very first person through the door was the wife of a friend I've had for well over 30 years (we were kids) and that lady adopted two black children rather than take the chance that the state would split them up. They were all each other had.

So, white supremacists show up and give a spin on my life; one even claiming to "know" me. Because they are willing to lie about me, who do you think that black guy believes? Yep. The one who will confirm this black guy's racist stereotyping.

Now, since there are no black people with enough discernment to look at the facts - and as I stated, this black guy worked off zero facts, and reason with him, what does that say about the black community as a whole? When black people are being bullied, whites jump onto their bandwagon. When whites are being bullied by a black person, rare (if ever) to you see a black person jump in and defend the white guy.

If you happen to see an exception, post it for me.

When it seems like the whole world is against you, maybe it isn't the world that's the problem....

The whole world does seem to be against you. I noticed that I'm not the only one speculating about the lack of black people's integrity using you as the example.

I'm hoping that someone of your own race sees you for what you are and comments on it so as to allay the fears whites have about you.

Our opinions are based on experiences. If I based my response to the OPs question and this board was my only way of formulating a response, you and I both know what the answer is.

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13

One problem with your entire are making an accusation that you have no idea about. I have not spoken of my race here, so, when you are speaking about black people's integrity, you are talking out of your ass. This is further proof of my position when I called it correctly what your mindset is all about. Why do you think black people have the burden to be characterized by other black people, but someone like you doesn't reflect negatively towards white people?

Rhetorical question.


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.​



As of last night, I believe that most blacks are racist - at least to a higher degree than whites.

I was judged by a single response that a poster admitted he didn't bother reading all of. When you have that happen several times, you begin to base your opinion on your experiences.

But really, does a member of the White Nationalists or KKK the same guy who takes in children as a DFACS asset? In other words, I am a foster parent. When police take parents into custody, the children are sent to me to live in my house until the parents can qualify to get them back or relatives petition for custody. Do white racists try to adopt non-white children?

Toward the end of last year, I was asked to speak at a nearby church. The very first person through the door was the wife of a friend I've had for well over 30 years (we were kids) and that lady adopted two black children rather than take the chance that the state would split them up. They were all each other had.

So, white supremacists show up and give a spin on my life; one even claiming to "know" me. Because they are willing to lie about me, who do you think that black guy believes? Yep. The one who will confirm this black guy's racist stereotyping.

Now, since there are no black people with enough discernment to look at the facts - and as I stated, this black guy worked off zero facts, and reason with him, what does that say about the black community as a whole? When black people are being bullied, whites jump onto their bandwagon. When whites are being bullied by a black person, rare (if ever) to you see a black person jump in and defend the white guy.

If you happen to see an exception, post it for me.

When it seems like the whole world is against you, maybe it isn't the world that's the problem....

The whole world does seem to be against you. I noticed that I'm not the only one speculating about the lack of black people's integrity using you as the example.

I'm hoping that someone of your own race sees you for what you are and comments on it so as to allay the fears whites have about you.

Our opinions are based on experiences. If I based my response to the OPs question and this board was my only way of formulating a response, you and I both know what the answer is.

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13

One problem with your entire are making an accusation that you have no idea about. I have not spoken of my race here, so, when you are speaking about black people's integrity, you are talking out of your ass. This is further proof of my position when I called it correctly what your mindset is all about. Why do you think black people have the burden to be characterized by other black people, but someone like you doesn't reflect negatively towards white people?

Rhetorical question.

You may not realize it, but you are projecting. You made up your mind about me based upon a mere part of a single post that you admittedly did not read. That is what is defined as both bigotry AND prejudice.

I have no "screed" that you would have a clue about, son. You profess to know what my mindset is all about, yet you saw how National Socialists jumped at the chance to help you sabotage me and you don't know spit about me.

BTW, you are so dishonest that when you did make a point about whites in general that was accurate you got a "Winner" like from me. You never noticed. I mostly bitch at and to the whites. America consumes over 80 percent of world's opioid supply and most of it is consumed by whites. They fuck up their own lives and always try blaming so - called "illegal aliens" (as if someone were breaking their freaking arms to hire those people), Muslims, blacks, or anybody else to avoid accountability.

Unlike you I know the problems within my own race. It was a point I made that you failed to read in the first post we crossed paths on. No matter what I think about you, I'm telling you that whites have become the dumbest sons of bitches on God's green earth. They think they can build a government so big it will save them from themselves.

White racists want me out of the way as much as you do. So, for the moment, unless and until somebody that is black takes you to task for your ignorance, prejudice and bigotry I will attribute it to a cultural commonality.

But I will say this:

If Uncle Scam ever sent me an individual like you to take care of and they were old enough to be held accountable for what they say, I'd take a leather strap to their bare ass, regardless of what race they come from and they would never disrespect another human being in my presence.
I know the following will mostly fall on deaf ears but I believe it's worth reiterating - the concept of unresolved issues of the past (excerpt) - the effect is cumulative:

One problem is that effects of centuries of racial segregation and legal discrimination remain with us today. Slavery was the state of the vast majority of blacks in the United States for 200 years. Even after slavery’s abolition, for a hundred years, Jim Crow laws restricted where an African-American could live, go to school and work, and prevented him or her from voting or serving in public office.

Many Americans today grew up in that era of legal racism. (Jim Crow laws were not declared illegal until the 1950s and ’60s.) They sat in the back of the bus, attended segregated schools, used “colored” bathrooms and drinking fountains, and addressed younger white men as “sir” while those same whites called the men, regardless of age, “boy.” This wasn’t so long ago. The year I started high school was the year my town desegregated its two high schools. Many blacks who grew up in this era still live in those same segregated communities, are less educated, and have fewer employment opportunities because of those policies.

Those who grew up with such racism — black or white — were powerfully affected by it. Whites (many still alive today) were taught that blacks were lesser humans. And many blacks, at least subconsciously, accepted what whites told them. An NAACP leader once admitted that when he boarded an African plane in the early 1970s and saw a black pilot, he immediately wondered if he was competent. Then it struck him that his culture had taught him that blacks were not capable, and he had subconsciously accepted it.

The Civil Rights Movement did not suddenly make everything all right. You cannot discriminate against a race for centuries and then, even if you suddenly stopped, say that everything is all right now. Effects of that racism are still with us.

One area is household income. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, African-American children are three times as likely to be in households in poverty than are white children, and that gap is growing.

Another is education. A white child is twice as likely as an African-American child to have a parent with a college education. Black children are less likely to graduate from high school and whites graduate from college at greater rates than blacks.

Nor have we really eradicated racism. Even in an area as basic as buying a home, racism persists. For example, a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development study in 2013 found that when meeting with Realtors and lenders, blacks were shown fewer available properties, asked more questions about their finances and given fewer options for financing than were whites. De Jure racism is now illegal. But de facto racism is harder to erase.

Still another area, one we hear about more, is interaction with the law. According to the NAACP, there are nearly as many blacks on death row as whites, even though blacks constitute less than 13 percent of the total population. The prison reform group, The Sentencing Project, estimates one in three black males can expect to be in jail at some point in their lives.

Some may blame all of these problems on African-Americans themselves. That attitude ignores the history of discrimination that has led up to today. An inability to recognize the roots of our difficulties is one of the biggest challenges Americans face today with race relations. It is not surprising that many African-Americans are angry about how they have been treated and how they are still treated today.


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.​



As of last night, I believe that most blacks are racist - at least to a higher degree than whites.

I was judged by a single response that a poster admitted he didn't bother reading all of. When you have that happen several times, you begin to base your opinion on your experiences.

But really, does a member of the White Nationalists or KKK the same guy who takes in children as a DFACS asset? In other words, I am a foster parent. When police take parents into custody, the children are sent to me to live in my house until the parents can qualify to get them back or relatives petition for custody. Do white racists try to adopt non-white children?

Toward the end of last year, I was asked to speak at a nearby church. The very first person through the door was the wife of a friend I've had for well over 30 years (we were kids) and that lady adopted two black children rather than take the chance that the state would split them up. They were all each other had.

So, white supremacists show up and give a spin on my life; one even claiming to "know" me. Because they are willing to lie about me, who do you think that black guy believes? Yep. The one who will confirm this black guy's racist stereotyping.

Now, since there are no black people with enough discernment to look at the facts - and as I stated, this black guy worked off zero facts, and reason with him, what does that say about the black community as a whole? When black people are being bullied, whites jump onto their bandwagon. When whites are being bullied by a black person, rare (if ever) to you see a black person jump in and defend the white guy.

If you happen to see an exception, post it for me.

When it seems like the whole world is against you, maybe it isn't the world that's the problem....

The whole world does seem to be against you. I noticed that I'm not the only one speculating about the lack of black people's integrity using you as the example.

I'm hoping that someone of your own race sees you for what you are and comments on it so as to allay the fears whites have about you.

Our opinions are based on experiences. If I based my response to the OPs question and this board was my only way of formulating a response, you and I both know what the answer is.

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13

One problem with your entire are making an accusation that you have no idea about. I have not spoken of my race here, so, when you are speaking about black people's integrity, you are talking out of your ass. This is further proof of my position when I called it correctly what your mindset is all about. Why do you think black people have the burden to be characterized by other black people, but someone like you doesn't reflect negatively towards white people?

Rhetorical question.

You may not realize it, but you are projecting. You made up your mind about me based upon a mere part of a single post that you admittedly did not read. That is what is defined as both bigotry AND prejudice.

I have no "screed" that you would have a clue about, son. You profess to know what my mindset is all about, yet you saw how National Socialists jumped at the chance to help you sabotage me and you don't know spit about me.

BTW, you are so dishonest that when you did make a point about whites in general that was accurate you got a "Winner" like from me. You never noticed. I mostly bitch at and to the whites. America consumes over 80 percent of world's opioid supply and most of it is consumed by whites. They fuck up their own lives and always try blaming so - called "illegal aliens" (as if someone were breaking their freaking arms to hire those people), Muslims, blacks, or anybody else to avoid accountability.

Unlike you I know the problems within my own race. It was a point I made that you failed to read in the first post we crossed paths on. No matter what I think about you, I'm telling you that whites have become the dumbest sons of bitches on God's green earth. They think they can build a government so big it will save them from themselves.

White racists want me out of the way as much as you do. So, for the moment, unless and until somebody that is black takes you to task for your ignorance, prejudice and bigotry I will attribute it to a cultural commonality.

But I will say this:

If Uncle Scam ever sent me an individual like you to take care of and they were old enough to be held accountable for what they say, I'd take a leather strap to their bare ass, regardless of what race they come from and they would never disrespect another human being in my presence.

Wait..what? You just said you would whip a grown man? Dude, you know those days are gone, right?
I know the following will mostly fall on deaf ears but I believe it's worth reiterating - the concept of unresolved issues of the past (excerpt) - the effect is cumulative:

One problem is that effects of centuries of racial segregation and legal discrimination remain with us today. Slavery was the state of the vast majority of blacks in the United States for 200 years. Even after slavery’s abolition, for a hundred years, Jim Crow laws restricted where an African-American could live, go to school and work, and prevented him or her from voting or serving in public office.

Many Americans today grew up in that era of legal racism. (Jim Crow laws were not declared illegal until the 1950s and ’60s.) They sat in the back of the bus, attended segregated schools, used “colored” bathrooms and drinking fountains, and addressed younger white men as “sir” while those same whites called the men, regardless of age, “boy.” This wasn’t so long ago. The year I started high school was the year my town desegregated its two high schools. Many blacks who grew up in this era still live in those same segregated communities, are less educated, and have fewer employment opportunities because of those policies.

Those who grew up with such racism — black or white — were powerfully affected by it. Whites (many still alive today) were taught that blacks were lesser humans. And many blacks, at least subconsciously, accepted what whites told them. An NAACP leader once admitted that when he boarded an African plane in the early 1970s and saw a black pilot, he immediately wondered if he was competent. Then it struck him that his culture had taught him that blacks were not capable, and he had subconsciously accepted it.

The Civil Rights Movement did not suddenly make everything all right. You cannot discriminate against a race for centuries and then, even if you suddenly stopped, say that everything is all right now. Effects of that racism are still with us.

One area is household income. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, African-American children are three times as likely to be in households in poverty than are white children, and that gap is growing.

Another is education. A white child is twice as likely as an African-American child to have a parent with a college education. Black children are less likely to graduate from high school and whites graduate from college at greater rates than blacks.

Nor have we really eradicated racism. Even in an area as basic as buying a home, racism persists. For example, a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development study in 2013 found that when meeting with Realtors and lenders, blacks were shown fewer available properties, asked more questions about their finances and given fewer options for financing than were whites. De Jure racism is now illegal. But de facto racism is harder to erase.

Still another area, one we hear about more, is interaction with the law. According to the NAACP, there are nearly as many blacks on death row as whites, even though blacks constitute less than 13 percent of the total population. The prison reform group, The Sentencing Project, estimates one in three black males can expect to be in jail at some point in their lives.

Some may blame all of these problems on African-Americans themselves. That attitude ignores the history of discrimination that has led up to today. An inability to recognize the roots of our difficulties is one of the biggest challenges Americans face today with race relations. It is not surprising that many African-Americans are angry about how they have been treated and how they are still treated today.

So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
As of last night, I believe that most blacks are racist - at least to a higher degree than whites.

I was judged by a single response that a poster admitted he didn't bother reading all of. When you have that happen several times, you begin to base your opinion on your experiences.

But really, does a member of the White Nationalists or KKK the same guy who takes in children as a DFACS asset? In other words, I am a foster parent. When police take parents into custody, the children are sent to me to live in my house until the parents can qualify to get them back or relatives petition for custody. Do white racists try to adopt non-white children?

Toward the end of last year, I was asked to speak at a nearby church. The very first person through the door was the wife of a friend I've had for well over 30 years (we were kids) and that lady adopted two black children rather than take the chance that the state would split them up. They were all each other had.

So, white supremacists show up and give a spin on my life; one even claiming to "know" me. Because they are willing to lie about me, who do you think that black guy believes? Yep. The one who will confirm this black guy's racist stereotyping.

Now, since there are no black people with enough discernment to look at the facts - and as I stated, this black guy worked off zero facts, and reason with him, what does that say about the black community as a whole? When black people are being bullied, whites jump onto their bandwagon. When whites are being bullied by a black person, rare (if ever) to you see a black person jump in and defend the white guy.

If you happen to see an exception, post it for me.

When it seems like the whole world is against you, maybe it isn't the world that's the problem....

The whole world does seem to be against you. I noticed that I'm not the only one speculating about the lack of black people's integrity using you as the example.

I'm hoping that someone of your own race sees you for what you are and comments on it so as to allay the fears whites have about you.

Our opinions are based on experiences. If I based my response to the OPs question and this board was my only way of formulating a response, you and I both know what the answer is.

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13

One problem with your entire are making an accusation that you have no idea about. I have not spoken of my race here, so, when you are speaking about black people's integrity, you are talking out of your ass. This is further proof of my position when I called it correctly what your mindset is all about. Why do you think black people have the burden to be characterized by other black people, but someone like you doesn't reflect negatively towards white people?

Rhetorical question.

You may not realize it, but you are projecting. You made up your mind about me based upon a mere part of a single post that you admittedly did not read. That is what is defined as both bigotry AND prejudice.

I have no "screed" that you would have a clue about, son. You profess to know what my mindset is all about, yet you saw how National Socialists jumped at the chance to help you sabotage me and you don't know spit about me.

BTW, you are so dishonest that when you did make a point about whites in general that was accurate you got a "Winner" like from me. You never noticed. I mostly bitch at and to the whites. America consumes over 80 percent of world's opioid supply and most of it is consumed by whites. They fuck up their own lives and always try blaming so - called "illegal aliens" (as if someone were breaking their freaking arms to hire those people), Muslims, blacks, or anybody else to avoid accountability.

Unlike you I know the problems within my own race. It was a point I made that you failed to read in the first post we crossed paths on. No matter what I think about you, I'm telling you that whites have become the dumbest sons of bitches on God's green earth. They think they can build a government so big it will save them from themselves.

White racists want me out of the way as much as you do. So, for the moment, unless and until somebody that is black takes you to task for your ignorance, prejudice and bigotry I will attribute it to a cultural commonality.

But I will say this:

If Uncle Scam ever sent me an individual like you to take care of and they were old enough to be held accountable for what they say, I'd take a leather strap to their bare ass, regardless of what race they come from and they would never disrespect another human being in my presence.

Wait..what? You just said you would whip a grown man? Dude, you know those days are gone, right?

Not in my house are the days gone of getting an ass whipping with a belt. My wife has a son by a previous marriage. That son crossed me one time and he decided he'd rather live in a tent rather than to be humiliated by someone almost twice his age.

The years you're on this earth are no indication of your maturity level. I think that America has become a nation of pansies when it comes to discipline. When you say a generation of 30 year olds living in mommy's house and thinking they are "children" needing to be kept up, you do realize they are not grown adults, don't you?

The same holds true when someone uses the Internet as a way of bullying people and saying things they would NEVER say in public - mostly because you know your attitude is wrong. The years you are chronologically are no indication of maturity and immature people are not grown adults. I tend to treat immature 30 year olds and so forth as children when they act like it. Having taken a leather strap to a smart ass that was 29 and thought he could talk smack - you damn right, I realize what I said. Disrespect under my roof is unacceptable. And, honestly, I wish the people who control the Internet felt the same way.
I know the following will mostly fall on deaf ears but I believe it's worth reiterating - the concept of unresolved issues of the past (excerpt) - the effect is cumulative:

One problem is that effects of centuries of racial segregation and legal discrimination remain with us today. Slavery was the state of the vast majority of blacks in the United States for 200 years. Even after slavery’s abolition, for a hundred years, Jim Crow laws restricted where an African-American could live, go to school and work, and prevented him or her from voting or serving in public office.

Many Americans today grew up in that era of legal racism. (Jim Crow laws were not declared illegal until the 1950s and ’60s.) They sat in the back of the bus, attended segregated schools, used “colored” bathrooms and drinking fountains, and addressed younger white men as “sir” while those same whites called the men, regardless of age, “boy.” This wasn’t so long ago. The year I started high school was the year my town desegregated its two high schools. Many blacks who grew up in this era still live in those same segregated communities, are less educated, and have fewer employment opportunities because of those policies.

Those who grew up with such racism — black or white — were powerfully affected by it. Whites (many still alive today) were taught that blacks were lesser humans. And many blacks, at least subconsciously, accepted what whites told them. An NAACP leader once admitted that when he boarded an African plane in the early 1970s and saw a black pilot, he immediately wondered if he was competent. Then it struck him that his culture had taught him that blacks were not capable, and he had subconsciously accepted it.

The Civil Rights Movement did not suddenly make everything all right. You cannot discriminate against a race for centuries and then, even if you suddenly stopped, say that everything is all right now. Effects of that racism are still with us.

One area is household income. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, African-American children are three times as likely to be in households in poverty than are white children, and that gap is growing.

Another is education. A white child is twice as likely as an African-American child to have a parent with a college education. Black children are less likely to graduate from high school and whites graduate from college at greater rates than blacks.

Nor have we really eradicated racism. Even in an area as basic as buying a home, racism persists. For example, a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development study in 2013 found that when meeting with Realtors and lenders, blacks were shown fewer available properties, asked more questions about their finances and given fewer options for financing than were whites. De Jure racism is now illegal. But de facto racism is harder to erase.

Still another area, one we hear about more, is interaction with the law. According to the NAACP, there are nearly as many blacks on death row as whites, even though blacks constitute less than 13 percent of the total population. The prison reform group, The Sentencing Project, estimates one in three black males can expect to be in jail at some point in their lives.

Some may blame all of these problems on African-Americans themselves. That attitude ignores the history of discrimination that has led up to today. An inability to recognize the roots of our difficulties is one of the biggest challenges Americans face today with race relations. It is not surprising that many African-Americans are angry about how they have been treated and how they are still treated today.
Black racist can destroy your words here, because what usually happens is that when a black radical racist starts going crazy with a megaphone, it makes the white racist say SEE, SEE, SEE, I TOLD YOU SO. Around and around and around it goes, and where it stops nobody knows.
Black racist can destroy your words here, because what usually happens is that when a black radical racist starts going crazy with a megaphone, it makes the white racist say SEE, SEE, SEE, I TOLD YOU SO. Around and around and around it goes, and where it stops nobody knows.
Well I'm dedicated, and I have tactics that are effective but only to a degree because racism is still an issue today due in part to the unresolved issues of the past.

As far the racists themselves, they don't factor into my methodology except as cannon fodder.
So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
proposition: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.
So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
proposition: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.

The fact is, millions of blacks do not agree with you. They are now on the conservative side.

But, no deflection here. Let me pose this as a way of paraphrasing you:

Black people will never let the white race off the hook over slavery (though most blacks fared better under slavery than they would have in their native countries.)

That aside, many black people tell me that they are descended from the Egyptians of biblical times. If I accept that premise, will the black people pay reparations to the Israelites they held in bondage?

Where I live, Jews, Muslims and even black people seem to be able to work at the same place and communicate. Whites and blacks? Not so much. The feeling I get is that some black people will not be satisfied until we have an internal civil war where blacks can take control over the whites. A few whites feel the same way. If it ever happens, it would be as funny as it would be tragic. What's worse, both are so screwed up that, in the end, the Hispanics would take over and there would be Hispanics running the show.
Last edited:


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave​
So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
proposition: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.
So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
proposition: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.

The fact is, millions of blacks do not agree with you. They are now on the conservative side.

But, no deflection here. Let me pose this as a way of paraphrasing you:

Black people will never let the white race off the hook over slavery (though most blacks fared better under slavery than they would have in their native countries.)

That aside, many black people tell me that they are descended from the Egyptians of biblical times. If I accept that premise, will the black people pay reparations to the Israelites they held in bondage?

Where I live, Jews, Muslims and even black people seem to be able to work at the same place and communicate. Whites and blacks? Not so much. The feeling I get is that some black people will not be satisfied until we have an internal civil war where blacks can take control over the whites. A few whites feel the same way. If it ever happens, it would be as funny as it would be tragic. What's worse, both are so screwed up that, in the end, the Hispanics would take over and there would be Hispanics running the show.

How do even begin to defend the statement that:

"Blacks fared better in slavery than they would have in their native land"?

That is one of the most ignorant statements that have been posted here today.
Last edited:
I cannot understand people who say that minorities should be represented everywhere and yet are upset when there are blacks represented in the conservative movement
Can you see how easily you start calling me names, based on "subtle clues" calls into question the judgement of everyone that shares your viewpoint on this issue?

Wrong. Reasonable doubt applies to criminal cases and it is said that the measure is 98%. The reason being if the government is going to take away a person's freedom and/or life then they want to be reasonably sure that the defendant actually committed the crime.

The EEOC's cases are civil and the threshold is a "preponderance of the evidence" which in layman terms means if you weigh the evidence from each side on a scale whichever side tips the scales prevails (51%).

Race Discrimination Based on Disparate Treatment

Race discrimination can arise as disparate treatment, where an employer intentionally treats employees of a particular race less favorably than employees of a different race. ***In Postal Service v. Aikens, the Supreme Court made clear that victims of race discrimination need not submit direct evidence of discriminatory intent. Rather, in acknowledging that such cases rarely involve “smoking gun” evidence, the Supreme Court held that circumstantial evidence can be used to prove the existence of unlawful motive in race discrimination cases:

The prohibitions against discrimination contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 reflect an important national policy. There will seldom be “eyewitness” testimony as to the employer’s mental processes. But none of this means that trial courts or reviewing courts should treat discrimination differently from other ultimate questions of fact.

I stand corrected.

But, again, the test was about fighting fires. Assuming that cultural bias or a corrupt grader is responsible, when the city showed such strong determination to promote black firefighters, is not reasonable.

Nor is calling me racist based on that statement.

Page after page, and you never FUCKING ASKED ME, why I thought the black firefighters scored poorly, you just started smearing me with what in our culture is a very serious slur.

With all due respect. That is a dick move.

Anyone white that says blacks we should be grateful to whites for freeing us from slavery is a racist. You said that, now stop lying and whining abut being called what you are

DId I say that? Or did I say that you should be grateful to the whites that freed you from slavery?

No whites "freed" anyone from slavery. They fought to save the Union, and by default slaves were "freed", then literally overnight, ended up in the Jim Crow system.

Your inability to show gratitude is a personal flaw.

You have numerous flaws in your logic. As far as your "personal flaws", I will not be a pompous asshole like you and try to point them out, because I'm fortunate to not even know you.

You have no guilt because you never owned a slave, and I have no gratitude because I have never been a slave.

That's just how it is. Deal with it.[/QUOTE]

You don't think your life is better because slavery was destroyed as an institution?


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave​
So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
proposition: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.
So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
proposition: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.

The fact is, millions of blacks do not agree with you. They are now on the conservative side.

But, no deflection here. Let me pose this as a way of paraphrasing you:

Black people will never let the white race off the hook over slavery (though most blacks fared better under slavery than they would have in their native countries.)

That aside, many black people tell me that they are descended from the Egyptians of biblical times. If I accept that premise, will the black people pay reparations to the Israelites they held in bondage?

Where I live, Jews, Muslims and even black people seem to be able to work at the same place and communicate. Whites and blacks? Not so much. The feeling I get is that some black people will not be satisfied until we have an internal civil war where blacks can take control over the whites. A few whites feel the same way. If it ever happens, it would be as funny as it would be tragic. What's worse, both are so screwed up that, in the end, the Hispanics would take over and there would be Hispanics running the show.

How do even begin to defend the statement that:

"Blacks fared better in slavery than they would have in their native land"?

That is one of the most ignorant statements that have been posted here today.
Much of the early history of slavery in North Africa was because of a Muslim purge that took place hundreds of years ago.
They were told to convert, be sold into slavery, or be put to death.
At one time being a slave was a way to pay off debts.
By law, slaves were supposed to be treated well.
Over time the treatment of slaves changed and it started an abolition movement.
The point should be, as anyone who has been to present day Africa.....American Blacks are better off than those they left behind.


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.​



As of last night, I believe that most blacks are racist - at least to a higher degree than whites.

I was judged by a single response that a poster admitted he didn't bother reading all of. When you have that happen several times, you begin to base your opinion on your experiences.

But really, does a member of the White Nationalists or KKK the same guy who takes in children as a DFACS asset? In other words, I am a foster parent. When police take parents into custody, the children are sent to me to live in my house until the parents can qualify to get them back or relatives petition for custody. Do white racists try to adopt non-white children?

Toward the end of last year, I was asked to speak at a nearby church. The very first person through the door was the wife of a friend I've had for well over 30 years (we were kids) and that lady adopted two black children rather than take the chance that the state would split them up. They were all each other had.

So, white supremacists show up and give a spin on my life; one even claiming to "know" me. Because they are willing to lie about me, who do you think that black guy believes? Yep. The one who will confirm this black guy's racist stereotyping.

Now, since there are no black people with enough discernment to look at the facts - and as I stated, this black guy worked off zero facts, and reason with him, what does that say about the black community as a whole? When black people are being bullied, whites jump onto their bandwagon. When whites are being bullied by a black person, rare (if ever) to you see a black person jump in and defend the white guy.

If you happen to see an exception, post it for me.

LOL! Blacks do it all the time. What we don't sees is much of the opposite.


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave​
So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
proposition: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.
So, how much longer do you think that proposition is going to be used?
proposition: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.

The fact is, millions of blacks do not agree with you. They are now on the conservative side.

But, no deflection here. Let me pose this as a way of paraphrasing you:

Black people will never let the white race off the hook over slavery (though most blacks fared better under slavery than they would have in their native countries.)

That aside, many black people tell me that they are descended from the Egyptians of biblical times. If I accept that premise, will the black people pay reparations to the Israelites they held in bondage?

Where I live, Jews, Muslims and even black people seem to be able to work at the same place and communicate. Whites and blacks? Not so much. The feeling I get is that some black people will not be satisfied until we have an internal civil war where blacks can take control over the whites. A few whites feel the same way. If it ever happens, it would be as funny as it would be tragic. What's worse, both are so screwed up that, in the end, the Hispanics would take over and there would be Hispanics running the show.

How do even begin to defend the statement that:

"Blacks fared better in slavery than they would have in their native land"?

That is one of the most ignorant statements that have been posted here today.
Much of the early history of slavery in North Africa was because of a Muslim purge that took place hundreds of years ago.
They were told to convert, be sold into slavery, or be put to death.
At one time being a slave was a way to pay off debts.
By law, slaves were supposed to be treated well.
Over time the treatment of slaves changed and it started an abolition movement.
The point should be, as anyone who has been to present day Africa.....American Blacks are better off than those they left behind.

This is total stupidity.
What do you mean by "that is a dick move"?
It is the type of thing a person who is a dick would do.
LOL..define what you mean when you say a person is a dick, or more specifically what you mean when you say that I am a dick. Because now you're the one calling me names, simply because you talked yourself into a corner with your supremacist comments and attitudes and are lashing out because you've been called on it.

Those assumptions that you say that I've made about you are based on YOUR comments but I bet it never occurred to you that I fight for the rights of whites as well as people of color and not just by sticking up for them on a friggin message board. Because that's what people who believe in equal rights for everyone do. The problems that most of you have is you don't seem to understand that your rights end where the rights of others begin, meaning that yours rights do not supersede the rights of others simply because you're white and erroneously believe the white race is being discriminated against as a whole.[/QUOTE]

1. It is not credible that you do not understand what I mean by pointing out that you are behaving like a dick.

2. I did not start the name calling, you did.

3. When you insist on repeatedly judging whites as though they are the same as whites from a century ago from the Deep South, it is not credible that you fight for the rights of whites.

4. NOTHING I have said or supported suggests that I believe that my rights supersede others because I am white. I have challenged you do support that shit, and you have utterly failed.

5. Why did you cut the portion of the discussion about the specific group of blacks not scoring well? That is the meat of the issue.

6. Do you expect or demand equal outcomes?
Actually he never had that view. Do you know how stupid you look for being japanese and asking somebody about a reparations check?

"No One Was Talking About These Uncomfortable Muhammad Ali Quotes About Race
“Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat.”
— 1974 response when asked for his impression of Africa, after Ali returned to the United States from Zaire, where he fought George Foreman."

No One Was Talking About These Uncomfortable Muhammad Ali Quotes About Race

Reality isn't your strong suit, is it.

Best way to end this Reparations argument is take the race-baiting perpetrators to Africa and show them the disease, harsh living conditions, and general squalor of their former homeland or homeland of their ancestors.
Then remind them what living in America is compared to grass huts on the side of a river.

LOL! Talking to a person who got reparations about ending a argument about reparations is about as stupid as stupid can get.

'Reparations' has never, in any way, been a part of either my life, nor any of my family.

Nor has any other iteration of begging for handouts.

But......if you'd like to begin same on an individual level, I can get you a Styrofoam cup.....

You see kiddo you run your mouth and go too far when you do so. Therefore we are going to a place I did not want to go. But for you, I'm going to make an exception.

You talk a lot of shit about how blacks should be happy to be here instead of Africa. What about your japanese ass? Are you grateful to the white man because he did not wipe every japanese person off the face of the earth for starting world war two? Learn to humble yourself child and stay out of adult conversations.

"You talk a lot of shit about how blacks should be happy to be here instead of Africa."

Actually, I never said any such thing......Muhammad Ali said it.

And, you're not in it seems you agree.

And you are stupid enough to really believe Ali meant that. You are a child. You haven't had to earn a buck in your life. You parents feed, house and clothe you. Shut the fuck up.
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