Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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America was a nation made for white Christians. After all Humones forefathers came here and established New Jerusalem....

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.


First Amendment
"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
Who did they poll? A group of black Republicans?

Even if every single black person in America except for me voted that they believed blacks were more racist than whites that still would not be "most Americans". African Americans make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population which is reportedly around 320 million people. 13% of 320,000,000 = 41,000,000 people out of 320,000,000. 31% of those 41,000,000 African Americans is 12,896,000 African Americans. Most is 51% or more which would be 160,000,001+.

12,986,000 people vs 160,000,001. That's no where near "most Americans" and that doesn't even include the votes of any white Americans.
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I've heard from prisoners in several states and there's no way they know each other. People in prison (regardless of their former political affiliations) agree that blacks are the most racist people on the planet.
LOL that's really funny.

So you won't take the word or life experiences of African Americans who are educated, worldly and not incarcerated but you'll take the word of white Americans who may or may not be as educated or worldly as your opponents but who are incarcerated as if the word of that segment of society is gospel?

And this is from the person who had to resort to the "black people like him are a danger to society and our national security" bullshit fallback position to attempt to neutralize a superior opponent, and the superiority I'm referring to has nothing to do with race. Your opponents are better informed, more knowledgeable of the subject matter, are better able to present and cite their statements and pretty much just better at this than their opponents, whether you like their delivery or not. This generally comes from having lived a situation or being a student and working in a particular field as opposed to parroting talking head points and just mindlessly repeating what you have heard others state.

A lot of erroneous assumptions were made about your opponents and as far as myself, no one who knew what they were doing would have continuously attempted to insult me by calling me a liberal when I use Glock's Perfection logo as my avatar. You all assumed that we were uneducated, unemployed, poverty-stricken individuals who have achieved nothing of note in our lives but failure and that we blame the ENTIRE white race for our stations in life, some of which are envied. And you think this makes sense?

Yes, this is the mistake each and every one of them has made.
Dishonest eh ? Can you prove I'm lying or are you just projecting again ?? I like how you think, and I mean THINK you got all the answers, but in fact you don't.

I was bussed to an all black school in the 60's, and I was sacrificed on the civil rights alter.

Don't tell me I'm lying, because you have no clue what I know about this kind of stuff.

I had a black friend who had a racist black brother, and he hated me because I was white at 11 years old. Now what kind of racist could I have been having his brother as my friend at 11 years old in life ? LOL

Don't tell me blacks can't be racist, because I know better than that, and don't tell me that black majority schools back then weren't hell holes for whites who were forced to go there because some were racist hell holes for whites. Now whether they (the blacks) are more racist these days than whites I really couldn't tell ya.

I'm going to call you a liar and that's because you are lying. I was alive in the 1960's. You want to run your mouth off about how you went a racist black school and how a black friends brother hated you only because you were white. This is a disingenuous story at best. Whites had been allowed to be racists by law until the md 1960's, but you think we all should ignore this read your post about your ass being a white victim of black racism. Why in the hell to you think blacks just might not like whites in the 1960's? In the 1960's whites were still killing, raping, and robbing blacks get away with those crimes, And f you think things were just only happening in the south, scrap that lie.

List of Jim Crow law examples by state
List of Jim Crow law examples by state - Wikipedia

This list alone shows whites are more racist. Blacks have done nothing like this. Ever.

Jim Crow in the North

After World War II, northern states began passing civil rights laws that prohibited discrimination – in theory, at least – and protected voting rights, long before Congress passed similar laws in the 1960s.

Northerners have forgotten, however, how hard it was for blacks living above the Mason-Dixon Line to struggle to achieve rudimentary freedoms.

While the North has had no Selma march, no Birmingham church bombing, and no George Wallace pronouncement of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever,” virtually every northern city had its share of racial killings, cross burnings and white riots.

Jim Crow in the North

The North isn’t better than the South: The real history of modern racism and segregation above the Mason-Dixon line

To scholars, however, the North as a land of liberty has become a straw man. No reflective historian any longer believes it. Scholars have focused on the North’s dark side. They have shown slavery’s deep roots in New England and New York City. Histories of twentieth-century America reveal the North’s bloody record of racial violence, and its stunningly segregated landscape of affluent white suburbs and destitute brown cities. In recent works of history, the North and the South emerge as rough racial equivalents: the South had Mississippi; the North had the Boston busing crisis. If the progressive side of the North enters into these stories, it is depicted as a rhetorical mask that hides the reality of racism.

The North isn’t better than the South: The real history of modern...

I'm not fooled by gaslighting and I don't cry crocodile tears. Your story leaves out the truth and you purposefully do so. That makes what you say a lie. We have said blacks are not as racist as whts and the facts bear those out. 1500 whites in a Rasmussen poll doesn't give your fake beliefs credibility. You can come in here ganging up on people in your little white racist havens all you want but n the real world your shit s debunked as lunacy. I'm sure you ran into some angry blacks in the 1960s and it was because if the things whites did. Overt white racism is what you were the victim of. Overt and legalized white racism made blacks not like white people. But you'd rather avoid that truth and claim you were the victim of back racists instead. And that's a lie.
Another book to read... LOL

Well you can shout to the moon that I'm lying till the cows come home, but you will be making a fool of yourself doing so. Didn't you say you were white one time on these forums ?? Maybe it wasn't you, but there was someone in these forums once, that was taking your type of position on the issues as if he were black, and then next it was found out that he was white by his own admittance after being beaten in a heated debate.

Are you white IM2 ??

You got a problem reading books? .Are you illiterate?

LOL! Now its time for the he's really white lie to be repeated over and over by these fools because they can't out debate me. Now if you had any sense you would not ask that dumb ass question. You're a liar. I lived during the 60's and I know why you got what you did.
Are you white IM2 ??

Now if you had any sense you would not ask that dumb ass question. That should answer the question sufficiently.
Are you white ? Simple question.
LMAO. This so called "moron" certainly has you putting forth a lot of effort to defend yourself.

I'm not the one claiming not to care, and then posting post after post, page after page.

I don't care about what you think or say

But, watching you have a menstrual cycle over what IM2 said, and whining to me about it is entertaining. I've responded to you, just to fuck with you, because you actually appear to take this seriously.

I called IM2 on his bullshit, and correctly so. He lied.

YOu jumped in to defend his lie and I called you on it, and rightfully so. YOu are defending an obvious lie

Your spinning of that, as "whining" is just you being a dishonest asshole. Fuck you.

Are you admitting, with your "just to fuck with you" that you are knowing lying and being a troll and an asshole?

No. I'm not lying. And not a troll. YOU are an asshole, and you're an effeminate whiner.

Fuck off.

I'm not the one that has admitted that he is just here to fuck with people, and that he doesn't care about his credibility, which is another way of saying that you are comfortable with telling obvious lies.

That was you.

And that makes YOU the troll.

AND your claiming this or that about me?

NO credibility. You've admitted that you are just here to fuck with people, and don't mind lying.

ROFL! Now you're so upset that you've completely lost what little ability that you had left to reason.

Anyone can look in this thread and see exactly what I stated, and see that you're making things up now.

I was quite clear that I fuck with YOU specifically.

Too funny.
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Someone should let this cat IM2 know that white students were victims of reverse racism when they were forced to go to the majority black schools during the civil rights movement or act that forced that to happen.

Many whites actually dropped out of school during the time period all due to not wanting to be subjected to the racism they were to face at these schools when forced to go there as students. They became pawns in a government experiment to then stop racism or to stop the separation of whites and blacks in all things government where government was in control.

This was one of the areas where whites made more sacrifices in the struggle, whether it was sacrificing their educations to keep from being abused or sticking it out because they actually believed that the experiment could work, and it did work as they also gave sacrifice in the situation to make sure that it did.

Whites and blacks suffered greatly during the period of transformation, and to suggest that no whites suffered is a testiment that some people are either liars or just ignorant as to the entire situation that took place back then.

I was bused to a predominately white school during that era, and I do not have fond memories of it. A number of black students that were sent there dropped out, and one even committed suicide.

My parents marched in the civil rights movement and endured all of the abuse that other protesters did, and then some.

Speaking for myself, everyone made sacrifices during that era.
Including whites... Someone tell the ignorant IM2 that please.

Many whites including the ones down in Mississippi sacrificed their lives for the black struggle, and to negate that fact like IM2 does here flies into the face of all who sacrificed or we're sacrificed upon the alter of civil rights be it black or white who believed that all men are created equal, and were endowed by their creator etc.

katie, has, sort of, admitted that he is just here to fuck with people, for entertainment purposes.

He has no concern about his credibility or doing anything here except amusing himself by being a troll asshole.

So, pointing out the Truth to him, about what an ass IM2 is being, is of no importance to Katie.

He is just here to fuck with you for his asshole amusement.

I talk to decent people decently. You are not one of them. You have a pattern.

You constantly refer to practically every black poster here as "race baiters", and push a never ending whinefest claiming "anti white discrimination".

Actually, I refer to practically every lefty poster here as a "race baiter" because race baiting is one of the Left's most common and vile tactics these days.

And your dismissal of my righteous anger over the discrimination and oppression my people face, is just you being supportive of racist discrimination and oppression.

You are a vile person like that.

So yes, ASSHOLE. I do fuck with YOU( no one else purposely)
because you are quite a fly that won't go away.

I'm actually showing you the respect of expecting civilized debate from you, as this is a discussion forum.

Those other members, that hear the shit you say, and let it ride?

THey think civilized debate is beyond you, and let it go, like you were a child that needs coddling.

You appear to ASSume that anyone who does not agree with what you post and calls you on it is a so called "lefty".

You repeat the same words and talking points like a broken record. You aren't oppressed any more than anyone else here.

That alone makes you ignorant and not worthy of any civilized discussion.
You are not capable of it.
I've heard from prisoners in several states and there's no way they know each other. People in prison (regardless of their former political affiliations) agree that blacks are the most racist people on the planet.
LOL that's really funny.

So you won't take the word or life experiences of African Americans who are educated, worldly and not incarcerated but you'll take the word of white Americans who may or may not be as educated or worldly as your opponents but who are incarcerated as if the word of that segment of society is gospel?

And this is from the person who had to resort to the "black people like him are a danger to society and our national security" bullshit fallback position to attempt to neutralize a superior opponent, and the superiority I'm referring to has nothing to do with race. They are better informed, more knowledgeable of the subject matter, are better able to present and cite their statements and pretty much just better at this than their opponents, whether you like their delivery or not. This generally comes from having lived a situation or being a student and working in a particular field as opposed to parroting talking head points and just mindlessly repeating what you have heard others state.

A lot of erroneous assumptions were made about your opponents and as far as myself, no one who knew what they were doing would have continuously attempted to insult me by calling me a liberal when I use Glock's Perfection logo as my avatar. You all assumed that we were uneducated, unemployed, poverty-stricken individuals who have achieved nothing of note in our lives but failure and that we blame the ENTIRE white race for our stations in life, some of which are envied. And you think this makes sense?

From the op.

"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way."

The op doesn't tell you the poll was done with 1500 people. .

Wow. Yeah. You've demonstrated that you don't do math, so I'm not going to get into a discussion on the way polls work.

You obviously don't have the tools for that discussion.
After 40 years in the work force managing people, I learned several things:

Listen more, talk less, but if you are in a position to implement positive change, lead the effort to do so through your own actions.

Im retired, so I pass on as much as I can to the people that really matter to me.

This message board can be entertaining, but in reference to what I see here that I don't like, it is only a reminder of some of what I have seen in the past, as well as a reminder to never stop teaching the younger people in my family what to pay attention to.

Yeah, you really listen a lot here. ANd talk less.

True. But there are some here that I don't listen to at all. You're one of them

I doubt that.

You've admitted that you are just here to amuse yourself, by fucking with people.

You don't care about your credibility. THat is an admission that you are comfortable lying and being an asshole.

So, for all I know, you care the MOST about what I say, because you can't refute a single thing I say.

And are just lying, because you don't care about your credibility.

And are just here to fuck with people. Your words, troll.

I said that "I Fuck with YOU", because you are irritating....not people in general here, so stop lying.

You also said that you don't care about your credibility, so for all we know, that was nothing but a lie.

I've seen you be quite rude to others, Cecilie for example, very recently.

You said you were here solely for entertainment. And being an ass to people, seems to be a big part of it for you.

That sounds an awful lot like a troll.


You're not a moderator, so why I am hereis for me to decide, and as for you, you will get in return what you put out there.

You are picking what I stated to suit your narrative, which makes you look stupid and childish.

In the same sentence, that I stated that this is entertainment, I also stated that "there are some here that I agree with, and some that I have utter disdain for".....and YOU are one of them.

As far as "credibility" I stated that in a forum of complete strangers that is not most important to me, and specifically told YOU, that I could not care less about having ANY with the likes of you as an individual.

Lastly, your hero "Cecile", came into this forum acting rude from the beginning and was spoken to in the same manner that I speak to you.

Feel free to use the ignore feature.

Ignorant, whiny, little person.
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I've heard from prisoners in several states and there's no way they know each other. People in prison (regardless of their former political affiliations) agree that blacks are the most racist people on the planet.
LOL that's really funny.

So you won't take the word or life experiences of African Americans who are educated, worldly and not incarcerated but you'll take the word of white Americans who may or may not be as educated or worldly as your opponents but who are incarcerated as if the word of that segment of society is gospel?

And this is from the person who had to resort to the "black people like him are a danger to society and our national security" bullshit fallback position to attempt to neutralize a superior opponent, and the superiority I'm referring to has nothing to do with race. Your opponents are better informed, more knowledgeable of the subject matter, are better able to present and cite their statements and pretty much just better at this than their opponents, whether you like their delivery or not. This generally comes from having lived a situation or being a student and working in a particular field as opposed to parroting talking head points and just mindlessly repeating what you have heard others state.

A lot of erroneous assumptions were made about your opponents and as far as myself, no one who knew what they were doing would have continuously attempted to insult me by calling me a liberal when I use Glock's Perfection logo as my avatar. You all assumed that we were uneducated, unemployed, poverty-stricken individuals who have achieved nothing of note in our lives but failure and that we blame the ENTIRE white race for our stations in life, some of which are envied. And you think this makes sense?

Yes, this is the mistake each and every one of them has made.
I'm going to call you a liar and that's because you are lying. I was alive in the 1960's. You want to run your mouth off about how you went a racist black school and how a black friends brother hated you only because you were white. This is a disingenuous story at best. Whites had been allowed to be racists by law until the md 1960's, but you think we all should ignore this read your post about your ass being a white victim of black racism. Why in the hell to you think blacks just might not like whites in the 1960's? In the 1960's whites were still killing, raping, and robbing blacks get away with those crimes, And f you think things were just only happening in the south, scrap that lie.

List of Jim Crow law examples by state
List of Jim Crow law examples by state - Wikipedia

This list alone shows whites are more racist. Blacks have done nothing like this. Ever.

Jim Crow in the North

After World War II, northern states began passing civil rights laws that prohibited discrimination – in theory, at least – and protected voting rights, long before Congress passed similar laws in the 1960s.

Northerners have forgotten, however, how hard it was for blacks living above the Mason-Dixon Line to struggle to achieve rudimentary freedoms.

While the North has had no Selma march, no Birmingham church bombing, and no George Wallace pronouncement of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever,” virtually every northern city had its share of racial killings, cross burnings and white riots.

Jim Crow in the North

The North isn’t better than the South: The real history of modern racism and segregation above the Mason-Dixon line

To scholars, however, the North as a land of liberty has become a straw man. No reflective historian any longer believes it. Scholars have focused on the North’s dark side. They have shown slavery’s deep roots in New England and New York City. Histories of twentieth-century America reveal the North’s bloody record of racial violence, and its stunningly segregated landscape of affluent white suburbs and destitute brown cities. In recent works of history, the North and the South emerge as rough racial equivalents: the South had Mississippi; the North had the Boston busing crisis. If the progressive side of the North enters into these stories, it is depicted as a rhetorical mask that hides the reality of racism.

The North isn’t better than the South: The real history of modern...

I'm not fooled by gaslighting and I don't cry crocodile tears. Your story leaves out the truth and you purposefully do so. That makes what you say a lie. We have said blacks are not as racist as whts and the facts bear those out. 1500 whites in a Rasmussen poll doesn't give your fake beliefs credibility. You can come in here ganging up on people in your little white racist havens all you want but n the real world your shit s debunked as lunacy. I'm sure you ran into some angry blacks in the 1960s and it was because if the things whites did. Overt white racism is what you were the victim of. Overt and legalized white racism made blacks not like white people. But you'd rather avoid that truth and claim you were the victim of back racists instead. And that's a lie.
Another book to read... LOL

Well you can shout to the moon that I'm lying till the cows come home, but you will be making a fool of yourself doing so. Didn't you say you were white one time on these forums ?? Maybe it wasn't you, but there was someone in these forums once, that was taking your type of position on the issues as if he were black, and then next it was found out that he was white by his own admittance after being beaten in a heated debate.

Are you white IM2 ??

You got a problem reading books? .Are you illiterate?

LOL! Now its time for the he's really white lie to be repeated over and over by these fools because they can't out debate me. Now if you had any sense you would not ask that dumb ass question. You're a liar. I lived during the 60's and I know why you got what you did.
Are you white IM2 ??

Now if you had any sense you would not ask that dumb ass question. That should answer the question sufficiently.
Are you white ? Simple question.

I answered the question twice now. I'm here taking racist bullshit from rags like you for being black and I don't think I have to answer your dumb ass question to prove to your bitch ass I'm black.
I've heard from prisoners in several states and there's no way they know each other. People in prison (regardless of their former political affiliations) agree that blacks are the most racist people on the planet.
LOL that's really funny.

So you won't take the word or life experiences of African Americans who are educated, worldly and not incarcerated but you'll take the word of white Americans who may or may not be as educated or worldly as your opponents but who are incarcerated as if the word of that segment of society is gospel?

And this is from the person who had to resort to the "black people like him are a danger to society and our national security" bullshit fallback position to attempt to neutralize a superior opponent, and the superiority I'm referring to has nothing to do with race. They are better informed, more knowledgeable of the subject matter, are better able to present and cite their statements and pretty much just better at this than their opponents, whether you like their delivery or not. This generally comes from having lived a situation or being a student and working in a particular field as opposed to parroting talking head points and just mindlessly repeating what you have heard others state.

A lot of erroneous assumptions were made about your opponents and as far as myself, no one who knew what they were doing would have continuously attempted to insult me by calling me a liberal when I use Glock's Perfection logo as my avatar. You all assumed that we were uneducated, unemployed, poverty-stricken individuals who have achieved nothing of note in our lives but failure and that we blame the ENTIRE white race for our stations in life, some of which are envied. And you think this makes sense?

From the op.

"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way."

The op doesn't tell you the poll was done with 1500 people. .

Wow. Yeah. You've demonstrated that you don't do math, so I'm not going to get into a discussion on the way polls work.

You obviously don't have the tools for that discussion.

I have the tools to have beaten you to a pulp whereby you can't prove a damn word you post very single time.
"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
Who did they poll? A group of black Republicans?

Even if every single black person in America except for me voted that they believed blacks were more racist than whites that still would not be "most Americans". African Americans make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population which is reportedly around 320 million people. 13% of 320,000,000 = 41,000,000 people out of 320,000,000. 31% of those 41,000,000 African Americans is 12,896,000 African Americans. Most is 51% or more which would be 160,000,001+.

12,986,000 people vs 160,000,001. That's no where near "most Americans" and that doesn't even include the votes of any white Americans.

ALSO, from the OP.

"Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is also a link to review their methodology, if you want to seriously question it.
"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
Who did they poll? A group of black Republicans?

Even if every single black person in America except for me voted that they believed blacks were more racist than whites that still would not be "most Americans". African Americans make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population which is reportedly around 320 million people. 13% of 320,000,000 = 41,000,000 people out of 320,000,000. 31% of those 41,000,000 African Americans is 12,896,000 African Americans. Most is 51% or more which would be 160,000,001+.

12,986,000 people vs 160,000,001. That's no where near "most Americans" and that doesn't even include the votes of any white Americans.

ALSO, from the OP.

"Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is also a link to review their methodology, if you want to seriously question it.

Well I'm black and say we are not as racist as whites. Not even close. Talking about racists, airing our grievances and frustrations with racist whites is not racism.
I'm not the one claiming not to care, and then posting post after post, page after page.

I don't care about what you think or say

But, watching you have a menstrual cycle over what IM2 said, and whining to me about it is entertaining. I've responded to you, just to fuck with you, because you actually appear to take this seriously.

I called IM2 on his bullshit, and correctly so. He lied.

YOu jumped in to defend his lie and I called you on it, and rightfully so. YOu are defending an obvious lie

Your spinning of that, as "whining" is just you being a dishonest asshole. Fuck you.

Are you admitting, with your "just to fuck with you" that you are knowing lying and being a troll and an asshole?

No. I'm not lying. And not a troll. YOU are an asshole, and you're an effeminate whiner.

Fuck off.

I'm not the one that has admitted that he is just here to fuck with people, and that he doesn't care about his credibility, which is another way of saying that you are comfortable with telling obvious lies.

That was you.

And that makes YOU the troll.

AND your claiming this or that about me?

NO credibility. You've admitted that you are just here to fuck with people, and don't mind lying.

ROFL! Now you're so upset that you've completely lost what little ability that you had left to reason.

Anyone can look in this thread and see exactly what I stated, and see that you're making things up now.

I was quite clear that I fuck with YOU specifically.

Too funny.

im2 claimed that the 2006, Congress voted to renew blacks' right to vote.

Which was a lie.

You have been defending that lie and attacking me for calling IM2 on his bullshit.

Now, i am pointing that you have admitted that you don't care about your credibility, the credibility of your statements, and that you are just here for entertainment.

You admit that you are here to "Fuck" with me. BUt for what?

The prime cause in this thread, recently, has been me calling out IM2 on a race baiting lie.

So, unless this is something person on your end, it seems you are here to fuck with people who dare to tell the Truth.

YOu are a troll and nothing you say should have ANY credibility.
"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
Who did they poll? A group of black Republicans?

Even if every single black person in America except for me voted that they believed blacks were more racist than whites that still would not be "most Americans". African Americans make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population which is reportedly around 320 million people. 13% of 320,000,000 = 41,000,000 people out of 320,000,000. 31% of those 41,000,000 African Americans is 12,896,000 African Americans. Most is 51% or more which would be 160,000,001+.

12,986,000 people vs 160,000,001. That's no where near "most Americans" and that doesn't even include the votes of any white Americans.

ALSO, from the OP.

"Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is also a link to review their methodology, if you want to seriously question it.

Well I'm black and say we are not as racist as whites. Not even close. Talking about racists, airing our grievances and frustrations with racist whites is not racism.
If you seperate the results by conservative view and liberal view,
49% of "conservatives" believe that blacks are more racist than whites, and 21% of liberals believe the same, but 27% of liberals surveyed, believe whites are more racist.

No surprise that Rasmussen Reports is more conservative oriented.

"New Republic called Rasmussen "the gold standard in the conservative world"[84] and suggested the polling company asks the questions specifically to show public support for the conservative position. They cited an example when Rasmussen asked "Should the government set limits on how much salt Americans can eat?" when the issue was whether to limit the amount of salt in pre-processed food. No one suggested the government should set limits on an individual's salt intake.[85]

Time magazine has described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group."[86] The Washington Post called Rasmussen a "polarizing pollster."[87] John Zogby said that Scott Rasmussen has a "conservative constituency."[88] The Center for Public Integrity listed "Scott Rasmussen Inc" as a paid consultant for the 2004 George W. Bush campaign.[89] The Washington Post reported that the 2004 Bush re-election campaign had used a feature on the Rasmussen Reports website that allowed customers to program their own polls, and that Rasmussen asserted that he had not written any of the questions nor assisted Republicans.[72]"

Source: Wikipedia
Yeah, you really listen a lot here. ANd talk less.

True. But there are some here that I don't listen to at all. You're one of them

I doubt that.

You've admitted that you are just here to amuse yourself, by fucking with people.

You don't care about your credibility. THat is an admission that you are comfortable lying and being an asshole.

So, for all I know, you care the MOST about what I say, because you can't refute a single thing I say.

And are just lying, because you don't care about your credibility.

And are just here to fuck with people. Your words, troll.

I said that "I Fuck with YOU", because you are irritating....not people in general here, so stop lying.

You also said that you don't care about your credibility, so for all we know, that was nothing but a lie.

I've seen you be quite rude to others, Cecilie for example, very recently.

You said you were here solely for entertainment. And being an ass to people, seems to be a big part of it for you.

That sounds an awful lot like a troll.


You're not a moderator, so why I am hereis for me to decide, and as for you, you will get in return what you put out there.

You are picking what I stated to suit your narrative, which makes you look stupid and childish.

In the same sentence, that I stated that this is entertainment, I also stated that "there are some here that I agree with, and some that I have utter disdain for".....and YOU are one of them.

As far as "credibility" I stated that in a forum of complete strangers that is not most important to me, and specifically told YOU, that I could not care less about having ANY with the likes of you as an individual.

Lastly, your hero "Cecile", came into this forum acting rude from the beginning and was spoken to in the same manner that I speak to you.

Feel free to use the ignore feature.

Ignorant, whiny, little person.

1. It is correct that YOU are the one that decides why you are here. But if you tell me why you are here, I am certainly allowed to repeat it, and draw obvious conclusions, like you being a troll.

If there is a flaw in my reasoning, you are welcome to point it out. THough as you have repeatedly admitted that you don't care about your credibility or the credibility of your statements, your words will carry no weight other than the strength of their arguments.

Which does not seem to be something you do much of.

2. Cecilie was quite civil, as most conservatives are, until you were rude to her. Your common lib expectation of being allowed be rude, while expecting politeness in return is not the way we cons play today.


3. And that bit where you insult me. You've admitted that you don't care about the credibility of your statements, and are just here to fuck with people.

So you words have zero credibility.

ON the other hand, I have lots of credibility. And I say, and I have explained why I reached this conclusion, that you are just a Troll.
I don't care about what you think or say

But, watching you have a menstrual cycle over what IM2 said, and whining to me about it is entertaining. I've responded to you, just to fuck with you, because you actually appear to take this seriously.

I called IM2 on his bullshit, and correctly so. He lied.

YOu jumped in to defend his lie and I called you on it, and rightfully so. YOu are defending an obvious lie

Your spinning of that, as "whining" is just you being a dishonest asshole. Fuck you.

Are you admitting, with your "just to fuck with you" that you are knowing lying and being a troll and an asshole?

No. I'm not lying. And not a troll. YOU are an asshole, and you're an effeminate whiner.

Fuck off.

I'm not the one that has admitted that he is just here to fuck with people, and that he doesn't care about his credibility, which is another way of saying that you are comfortable with telling obvious lies.

That was you.

And that makes YOU the troll.

AND your claiming this or that about me?

NO credibility. You've admitted that you are just here to fuck with people, and don't mind lying.

ROFL! Now you're so upset that you've completely lost what little ability that you had left to reason.

Anyone can look in this thread and see exactly what I stated, and see that you're making things up now.

I was quite clear that I fuck with YOU specifically.

Too funny.

im2 claimed that the 2006, Congress voted to renew blacks' right to vote.

Which was a lie.

You have been defending that lie and attacking me for calling IM2 on his bullshit.

Now, i am pointing that you have admitted that you don't care about your credibility, the credibility of your statements, and that you are just here for entertainment.

You admit that you are here to "Fuck" with me. BUt for what?

The prime cause in this thread, recently, has been me calling out IM2 on a race baiting lie.

So, unless this is something person on your end, it seems you are here to fuck with people who dare to tell the Truth.

YOu are a troll and nothing you say should have ANY credibility.

Whine less, try reading more. I specifically stated that I fuck with YOU.
And credibility in a forum of strangers is not that important to me , and that especially applies to YOU.

Your version of truth, is an ongoing obsession with portraying yourself as a persecuted "victim", and a moral authority, but, you are quick to label others as "race baiters and liars", when it's obvious that you are exactly what you accuse others of being.

You are easy to see through.
True. But there are some here that I don't listen to at all. You're one of them

I doubt that.

You've admitted that you are just here to amuse yourself, by fucking with people.

You don't care about your credibility. THat is an admission that you are comfortable lying and being an asshole.

So, for all I know, you care the MOST about what I say, because you can't refute a single thing I say.

And are just lying, because you don't care about your credibility.

And are just here to fuck with people. Your words, troll.

I said that "I Fuck with YOU", because you are irritating....not people in general here, so stop lying.

You also said that you don't care about your credibility, so for all we know, that was nothing but a lie.

I've seen you be quite rude to others, Cecilie for example, very recently.

You said you were here solely for entertainment. And being an ass to people, seems to be a big part of it for you.

That sounds an awful lot like a troll.


You're not a moderator, so why I am hereis for me to decide, and as for you, you will get in return what you put out there.

You are picking what I stated to suit your narrative, which makes you look stupid and childish.

In the same sentence, that I stated that this is entertainment, I also stated that "there are some here that I agree with, and some that I have utter disdain for".....and YOU are one of them.

As far as "credibility" I stated that in a forum of complete strangers that is not most important to me, and specifically told YOU, that I could not care less about having ANY with the likes of you as an individual.

Lastly, your hero "Cecile", came into this forum acting rude from the beginning and was spoken to in the same manner that I speak to you.

Feel free to use the ignore feature.

Ignorant, whiny, little person.

1. It is correct that YOU are the one that decides why you are here. But if you tell me why you are here, I am certainly allowed to repeat it, and draw obvious conclusions, like you being a troll.

If there is a flaw in my reasoning, you are welcome to point it out. THough as you have repeatedly admitted that you don't care about your credibility or the credibility of your statements, your words will carry no weight other than the strength of their arguments.

Which does not seem to be something you do much of.

2. Cecilie was quite civil, as most conservatives are, until you were rude to her. Your common lib expectation of being allowed be rude, while expecting politeness in return is not the way we cons play today.


3. And that bit where you insult me. You've admitted that you don't care about the credibility of your statements, and are just here to fuck with people.

So you words have zero credibility.

ON the other hand, I have lots of credibility. And I say, and I have explained why I reached this conclusion, that you are just a Troll.

You have no credibility. None of you racists do. What you have is a big circle jerk amongst yourselves where you all gang up on people and you think that means you have credibility. You conservatives are the rude ones who expect kindness in return for your incivility and racism.
True. But there are some here that I don't listen to at all. You're one of them

I doubt that.

You've admitted that you are just here to amuse yourself, by fucking with people.

You don't care about your credibility. THat is an admission that you are comfortable lying and being an asshole.

So, for all I know, you care the MOST about what I say, because you can't refute a single thing I say.

And are just lying, because you don't care about your credibility.

And are just here to fuck with people. Your words, troll.

I said that "I Fuck with YOU", because you are irritating....not people in general here, so stop lying.

You also said that you don't care about your credibility, so for all we know, that was nothing but a lie.

I've seen you be quite rude to others, Cecilie for example, very recently.

You said you were here solely for entertainment. And being an ass to people, seems to be a big part of it for you.

That sounds an awful lot like a troll.


You're not a moderator, so why I am hereis for me to decide, and as for you, you will get in return what you put out there.

You are picking what I stated to suit your narrative, which makes you look stupid and childish.

In the same sentence, that I stated that this is entertainment, I also stated that "there are some here that I agree with, and some that I have utter disdain for".....and YOU are one of them.

As far as "credibility" I stated that in a forum of complete strangers that is not most important to me, and specifically told YOU, that I could not care less about having ANY with the likes of you as an individual.

Lastly, your hero "Cecile", came into this forum acting rude from the beginning and was spoken to in the same manner that I speak to you.

Feel free to use the ignore feature.

Ignorant, whiny, little person.

1. It is correct that YOU are the one that decides why you are here. But if you tell me why you are here, I am certainly allowed to repeat it, and draw obvious conclusions, like you being a troll.

If there is a flaw in my reasoning, you are welcome to point it out. THough as you have repeatedly admitted that you don't care about your credibility or the credibility of your statements, your words will carry no weight other than the strength of their arguments.

Which does not seem to be something you do much of.

2. Cecilie was quite civil, as most conservatives are, until you were rude to her. Your common lib expectation of being allowed be rude, while expecting politeness in return is not the way we cons play today.


3. And that bit where you insult me. You've admitted that you don't care about the credibility of your statements, and are just here to fuck with people.

So you words have zero credibility.

ON the other hand, I have lots of credibility. And I say, and I have explained why I reached this conclusion, that you are just a Troll.

You're a liar. Your friend Cecile was not civil and quite a few conservatives here are not either. Refresh your feeble memory and read the very short dialogue between your sock (Cecile) and I.

I never said that "I don't care about the credibility of my statements, what I implied is that among strangers I do not care WHO THINKS that I have credibility......especially YOU.

The truth is that unlike you, if I comment seriously on a subject, I will usually include a source that I got information from. You on the other hand, simply label what you don't agree with as "an insult", "vile" or "a smear"....just because that's what YOU think, and what YOU think is usually so far from sane reasoning, that it deserves the ridicule that you typically receive.

You have far less credibility than most here, except in your imagination.

Fuck you, and your illusions about truth and credibility
Last edited:
"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
Who did they poll? A group of black Republicans?

Even if every single black person in America except for me voted that they believed blacks were more racist than whites that still would not be "most Americans". African Americans make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population which is reportedly around 320 million people. 13% of 320,000,000 = 41,000,000 people out of 320,000,000. 31% of those 41,000,000 African Americans is 12,896,000 African Americans. Most is 51% or more which would be 160,000,001+.

12,986,000 people vs 160,000,001. That's no where near "most Americans" and that doesn't even include the votes of any white Americans.

ALSO, from the OP.

"Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is also a link to review their methodology, if you want to seriously question it.

Well I'm black and say we are not as racist as whites. Not even close. Talking about racists, airing our grievances and frustrations with racist whites is not racism.

More blacks disagree with you on that, than agree with you.

More than twice as many blacks agree with me, as agree with you, on this particular issue.

Put that into your peace pipe and smoke it.
"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
Who did they poll? A group of black Republicans?

Even if every single black person in America except for me voted that they believed blacks were more racist than whites that still would not be "most Americans". African Americans make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population which is reportedly around 320 million people. 13% of 320,000,000 = 41,000,000 people out of 320,000,000. 31% of those 41,000,000 African Americans is 12,896,000 African Americans. Most is 51% or more which would be 160,000,001+.

12,986,000 people vs 160,000,001. That's no where near "most Americans" and that doesn't even include the votes of any white Americans.

ALSO, from the OP.

"Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is also a link to review their methodology, if you want to seriously question it.

Well I'm black and say we are not as racist as whites. Not even close. Talking about racists, airing our grievances and frustrations with racist whites is not racism.
If you seperate the results by conservative view and liberal view,
49% of "conservatives" believe that blacks are more racist than whites, and 21% of liberals believe the same, but 27% of liberals surveyed, believe whites are more racist.

No surprise that Rasmussen Reports is more conservative oriented.

"New Republic called Rasmussen "the gold standard in the conservative world"[84] and suggested the polling company asks the questions specifically to show public support for the conservative position. They cited an example when Rasmussen asked "Should the government set limits on how much salt Americans can eat?" when the issue was whether to limit the amount of salt in pre-processed food. No one suggested the government should set limits on an individual's salt intake.[85]

Time magazine has described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group."[86] The Washington Post called Rasmussen a "polarizing pollster."[87] John Zogby said that Scott Rasmussen has a "conservative constituency."[88] The Center for Public Integrity listed "Scott Rasmussen Inc" as a paid consultant for the 2004 George W. Bush campaign.[89] The Washington Post reported that the 2004 Bush re-election campaign had used a feature on the Rasmussen Reports website that allowed customers to program their own polls, and that Rasmussen asserted that he had not written any of the questions nor assisted Republicans.[72]"

Source: Wikipedia

The link for this polls methodology is included in the OP. and the wording of the questions.

If you want to review them for a flaw, go right ahead.
"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
Who did they poll? A group of black Republicans?

Even if every single black person in America except for me voted that they believed blacks were more racist than whites that still would not be "most Americans". African Americans make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population which is reportedly around 320 million people. 13% of 320,000,000 = 41,000,000 people out of 320,000,000. 31% of those 41,000,000 African Americans is 12,896,000 African Americans. Most is 51% or more which would be 160,000,001+.

12,986,000 people vs 160,000,001. That's no where near "most Americans" and that doesn't even include the votes of any white Americans.

ALSO, from the OP.

"Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is also a link to review their methodology, if you want to seriously question it.

Well I'm black and say we are not as racist as whites. Not even close. Talking about racists, airing our grievances and frustrations with racist whites is not racism.

More blacks disagree with you on that, than agree with you.

More than twice as many blacks agree with me, as agree with you, on this particular issue.

Put that into your peace pipe and smoke it.
"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.
Who did they poll? A group of black Republicans?

Even if every single black person in America except for me voted that they believed blacks were more racist than whites that still would not be "most Americans". African Americans make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population which is reportedly around 320 million people. 13% of 320,000,000 = 41,000,000 people out of 320,000,000. 31% of those 41,000,000 African Americans is 12,896,000 African Americans. Most is 51% or more which would be 160,000,001+.

12,986,000 people vs 160,000,001. That's no where near "most Americans" and that doesn't even include the votes of any white Americans.

ALSO, from the OP.

"Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is also a link to review their methodology, if you want to seriously question it.

Well I'm black and say we are not as racist as whites. Not even close. Talking about racists, airing our grievances and frustrations with racist whites is not racism.

More blacks disagree with you on that, than agree with you.

More than twice as many blacks agree with me, as agree with you, on this particular issue.

Put that into your peace pipe and smoke it.

No they don't. Go take a poll of 40 million blacks the come back and tell me what you get. Or go to an all black forum post this and see what you get. You would be banned immediately.
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