Archbishop calls out California’s political leaders for limiting church services to‭ ‬12‭ ‬people


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Archbishop calls out California’s political leaders for limiting church services to‭ ‬12‭ ‬people

If the religious folk want to attend church and take the chance of contracting the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬by all means,‭ ‬California‭ ‬political‭ ‬leaders should make churches‭ “‬essential businesses‭”‬,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬closed churches are losing money too.‭

If the Christians‭’ ‬god wants to infect the‭ ‬flocks with the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬what better place than in a church,‭ ‬packed shoulder to shoulder,‭ ‬in pew after pew,‭ ‬with Christian conservatives refusing to wear face masks‭?

"Impeached" President who believes in a Crucified Savior.

Yes, I guess the only one that the powers that be hate more the Trump is JESUS!

Psalm 2:1-4

King James Version

1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
Archbishop calls out California’s political leaders for limiting church services to‭ ‬12‭ ‬people

If the religious folk want to attend church and take the chance of contracting the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬by all means,‭ ‬California‭ ‬political‭ ‬leaders should make churches‭ “‬essential businesses‭”‬,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬closed churches are losing money too.‭

If the Christians‭’ ‬god wants to infect the‭ ‬flocks with the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬what better place than in a church,‭ ‬packed shoulder to shoulder,‭ ‬in pew after pew,‭ ‬with Christian conservatives refusing to wear face masks‭?


Good gosh you are a bigoted asshole.
If Jesus had 12 disciples and one of them was a traitor — we're having a conflict of interest already between the Christian religion and the worldly Roman custom of large mass gatherings in coliseums, amphitheatres and other such venues.

How many of the congregation in any given church are faithful, and how many are not? And does the archbishop intend to hustle the entire congregation like the TSA doing X-rays and strip-searches at the airport? Are excommunications going to be publicly announced for individuals caught with contraband on church property?
The OP proves yet again that the Constitution is just a hindrance to its ignorance.
Archbishop calls out California’s political leaders for limiting church services to‭ ‬12‭ ‬people

If the religious folk want to attend church and take the chance of contracting the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬by all means,‭ ‬California‭ ‬political‭ ‬leaders should make churches‭ “‬essential businesses‭”‬,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬closed churches are losing money too.‭

If the Christians‭’ ‬god wants to infect the‭ ‬flocks with the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬what better place than in a church,‭ ‬packed shoulder to shoulder,‭ ‬in pew after pew,‭ ‬with Christian conservatives refusing to wear face masks‭?


As bitter as you are, you will give an account one day.

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