Appropriate: Governor Andrew Cuomo Wins Ted Kennedy-Inspired 'Leadership' Award


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
NY Governor Cuomo, the biggest unofficial Mass Murderer in US history,responsible for the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, wins the Ted Kennedy-inspired 'Leadership Award' to go with him Emmy.

Ted Kennedy, of course, abandoned a woman in an over-turned car in a water-filled ditch to run home to save his own ass / political future.

Yup, both displayed the same type of 'leadership' - both attempted to run from the deaths they are / were responsible for to save their own asses/political futures...

* Thread title amended, as requested.
NY Governor Cuomo, the biggest unofficial Mass Murderer in US history,responsible for the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, wins the Ted Kennedy-inspired 'Leadership Award' to go with him Emmy.

Ted Kennedy, of course, abandoned a woman in an over-turned car in a water-filled ditch to run home to save his own ass / political future.

Yup, both displayed the same type of 'leadership' - both attempted to run from the deaths they are / were responsible for to save their own asses/political futures...

* Thread title amended, as requested.
We love him here. Well except for treasonous trumpscum. But thanks anyway Sergei
NY Governor Cuomo, the biggest unofficial Mass Murderer in US history,responsible for the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, wins the Ted Kennedy-inspired 'Leadership Award' to go with him Emmy.

Ted Kennedy, of course, abandoned a woman in an over-turned car in a water-filled ditch to run home to save his own ass / political future.

Yup, both displayed the same type of 'leadership' - both attempted to run from the deaths they are / were responsible for to save their own asses/political futures...

* Thread title amended, as requested.
We love him here. Well except for treasonous trumpscum. But thanks anyway Sergei
Well at least you are still alive in your illegal sanctuary state.
1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable Governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was Governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be Governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.
1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.
Hmmm not sure...35,000 murders is pretty good, more than many countries for such a small illegal sanctuary state.
1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable Governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was Governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be Governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.
All of these Prog leaders with the same draconian answers. Spending their lives in lifetime government perpetutuity proud to " serve" us.
1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable Governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was Governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be Governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.

1. 'Let's be gentle with Cuomo'
WHY? Cuomo is a Liberal PIG who lies, manipulates, and takes every cheap shot he can against Conservatives and this President while running from his own failures and deadly choices.

2. 'Like everyone else(?), he did NOT know what he was doing.'
BULLSHIT! Cuomo declared / acknowledged in a press conference that the elderly were / are the most likely to die from COVID-19, so HE KNEW! AFTER making this declaration, he ordered COVID-19 patients be forced into nursing homes with other elderly - it was like throwing people into a lion's den! He made the choice to keep hospital beds free in anticipation of an expected wave of COVID-19 patients needing ventilator beds - a wave that NEVER came - instead of handling the problem he already had 1st and dealing with future problems / infected patients as they came! OVER 10,000 ELDERLY US CITIZENS DIED NEEDLESSLY BECAUSE OF HIS CHOICE!

3. ' So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.'
'Yeah, so he made a decision, and he was he knowingly forced infected patients in with the people he had already acknowledged were the most likely to die from the disease, and over 10,000 Americans died because he made a decision & it was wrong. Big deal.' Just give the man an Emmy and the Ted Kennedy Leadership Award for having the courage to sacrifice the lives of over 10,000 Americans when he did not have to!


4. 'His dad was governor so he assumed he was...and he is.'
What does this even mean, and what does it hav to do with him murdering over 10,000 people?

5. 'So, he is an Emmy winner.'
That and $6 will get you a cup of good coffee in NY, but it won't bring back those 10,000+ people he killed.

6. '..., the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.'
As well he should NOT be. At the least he should be remembered as an incompetent, irresponsible idiot whose poor decision led to the needless deaths of over 10,000 Americans. At the most, and realistically, he should be remembered as the largest mass murderer in US history, CHOOSINNG to sentence over 10,000 Americans to death as a sacrifice when there was no reason to do so.

Game of Thrones: The Real History of Fighting Pits (They Can't All Be  Spartacus) | Den of Geek

'Feed them to the virus-infected. Pack
the nursing homes with the inflicted.'

100+ Ebenezer Scrooge Quotes From A Christmas Carol Movie - Comic Books &  Beyond

Ebenezer Cuomo....
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1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable Governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was Governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be Governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.
All of these Prog leaders with the same draconian answers. Spending their lives in lifetime government perpetutuity proud to " serve" us.

I think that they call themselves "public servants."

They always claim that they could make so much more money in private industry, but they feel called to serve the people.

What heroes such people as Mr. Cuomo, Mr. Biden, and Ms. Pelosi are!
1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable Governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was Governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be Governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.
All of these Prog leaders with the same draconian answers. Spending their lives in lifetime government perpetutuity proud to " serve" us.

I think that they call themselves "public servants."

They always claim that they could make so much more money in private industry, but they feel called to serve the people.

What heroes such people as Mr. Cuomo, Mr. Biden, and Ms. Pelosi are!
Hahahahaha if public means the same thing as self then you are correct. And no way they make more money in actual jobs, they make untold millions sucking off the government teat and on their illegal business dealings. Geez you libbers are brainless.
1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable Governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was Governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be Governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.
All of these Prog leaders with the same draconian answers. Spending their lives in lifetime government perpetutuity proud to " serve" us.

I think that they call themselves "public servants."

They always claim that they could make so much more money in private industry, but they feel called to serve the people.

What heroes such people as Mr. Cuomo, Mr. Biden, and Ms. Pelosi are!
Public servants....hahahahahaha....called to serve the people.....hahahahahahahaha thats a good one....
1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable Governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was Governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be Governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.
All of these Prog leaders with the same draconian answers. Spending their lives in lifetime government perpetutuity proud to " serve" us.

I think that they call themselves "public servants."

They always claim that they could make so much more money in private industry, but they feel called to serve the people.

What heroes such people as Mr. Cuomo, Mr. Biden, and Ms. Pelosi are!
Hahahahaha if public means the same thing as self then you are correct. And no way they make more money in actual jobs, they make untold millions sucking off the government teat and on their illegal business dealings. Geez you libbers are brainless.

But people swear that our new President is pure as the driven snow.
1. Let's be gentle with Governor Cuomo.

2. Like everyone else, he did not know what he was doing.

3. Some "experts" say this & some "experts" say that. So he made a decision, and it turned out to be wrong.

4. The Honorable Governor, of course, is a textbook example of what Ms. Hillary labeled as "white privilege" (as is she). His dad was Governor, so he assumed that he, too, would be Governor. And he is.

5. Plus, he is an Emmy winner.

6. In a few years, when the definitive history is written about this COVID-19 tragedy, the Governor will probably NOT be acclaimed as one of the genuine heroes during that ordeal.
All of these Prog leaders with the same draconian answers. Spending their lives in lifetime government perpetutuity proud to " serve" us.

I think that they call themselves "public servants."

They always claim that they could make so much more money in private industry, but they feel called to serve the people.

What heroes such people as Mr. Cuomo, Mr. Biden, and Ms. Pelosi are!
Hahahahaha if public means the same thing as self then you are correct. And no way they make more money in actual jobs, they make untold millions sucking off the government teat and on their illegal business dealings. Geez you libbers are brainless.

But people swear that our new President is pure as the driven snow.
Who does? Just compared to all the Dem felons running around unpunished he is pretty clean......
NY Governor Cuomo, the biggest unofficial Mass Murderer in US history,responsible for the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, wins the Ted Kennedy-inspired 'Leadership Award' to go with him Emmy.

Ted Kennedy, of course, abandoned a woman in an over-turned car in a water-filled ditch to run home to save his own ass / political future.

Yup, both displayed the same type of 'leadership' - both attempted to run from the deaths they are / were responsible for to save their own asses/political futures...

* Thread title amended, as requested.
Good for him. He was one of the few voices of reason during the heat of this crisis.

Mass murder?! Come on Karen, nobody buys that BS
Kennedy left a woman he was fucking to die in a River.

Cuomo fucked thousands of elderly people by leaving them to die in nursing homes.

I see the parallels.
Kennedy left a woman he was fucking to die in a River.

Cuomo fucked thousands of elderly people by leaving them to die in nursing homes.

I see the parallels.
The New Jersey guy should be a runner up he actually still has I think the highest US mortality rate.
NY Governor Cuomo, the biggest unofficial Mass Murderer in US history,responsible for the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, wins the Ted Kennedy-inspired 'Leadership Award' to go with him Emmy.

Ted Kennedy, of course, abandoned a woman in an over-turned car in a water-filled ditch to run home to save his own ass / political future.

Yup, both displayed the same type of 'leadership' - both attempted to run from the deaths they are / were responsible for to save their own asses/political futures...

* Thread title amended, as requested.
We love him here. Well except for treasonous trumpscum. But thanks anyway Sergei

Cuomo is a dictatorial ass, but he has the advantage of having DiBlasio to make him look tame in comparison.
Good for him. He was one of the few voices of reason during the heat of this crisis.
Mass murder?! Come on Karen, nobody buys that BS

The CDC told him several years ago after an inspection of his medical readiness for a medical emergency, like a future pandemic, that he needed to bu a lot of respirator beds. Instead of doing so, he wasted the money on some failed green energy' project'. As a result, Cuomo / NY was unprepared for the C-19 pandemic, and he cried out to President Trump for help. President Trump gave him that help. Cuomo even thanked the President for that help.

Cuomo completely mismanaged the C-19 situation and the estimated need for hospital bed space. In response to Cuomo's desperate please for hospital bed space, believing NY's hospitals would be over whelmed the President ordered a USN hospital ship to NY and had the Army Corp of Engineers BUILD Gov Cuomo a hospital. Fearing a massive wave of hospitalization-required C-19 patients - which never came, a desire to keep hospital beds empty / available, and with 2 additional 'hospitals' provided to him, Cuomo STILL made the CHOICE to pack virus-infected patients into nursing homes...AFTER admitting he knew the elderly were most likely to die from the virus.

Not long after sentencing the 1st of thousands of elderly to die the Army Corp of Engineers' hospital was torn down, and the USN Hospital Ship sailed out of NY Harbor BECAUSE OF A LACK OF USE.


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