Apartheid Israel

Now Israel is surrounded by what countries supporting human rights, let alone ethnic rights? Enlighten me please?

Who cares? Why can't Zionists defend their squatter state without pointing fingers at others?

Why do loser Muzzies blame their failed culture on Jews instead of taking responsibility for their own inability to transition out of the Middle Ages and be known for something other than terrorism?

Muslims are so pathetically lame, it's not even funny. But, we still laugh at you, Abu :lol:

Israel calling Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black
Who cares? Why can't Zionists defend their squatter state without pointing fingers at others?

Why do loser Muzzies blame their failed culture on Jews instead of taking responsibility for their own inability to transition out of the Middle Ages and be known for something other than terrorism?

Muslims are so pathetically lame, it's not even funny. But, we still laugh at you, Abu :lol:

Israel calling Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black

10 Commandments: Thou Shall Not Murder.

Islamic Commandment: Thou Shall Terrorize...

Quran 8:12...
(Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes.[/
Who cares? Why can't Zionists defend their squatter state without pointing fingers at others?

Why do loser Muzzies blame their failed culture on Jews instead of taking responsibility for their own inability to transition out of the Middle Ages and be known for something other than terrorism?

Muslims are so pathetically lame, it's not even funny. But, we still laugh at you, Abu :lol:

Israel calling Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black

Fakestinian Cleric: "Kill All Jews And Americans":eek:
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Don't make your donkey jealous.

Your rabbi wouldn't approve.
He might suspect you rent to gentiles.

Just because an extreme rabbi says something, it doesn't mean all that much since Rabbi means teacher and I don't wish to learn extremist thinking patterns. It comes down to choice.

It is no fatwa.
It's not "an exterme rabbi" who's saying something.

It was "...the religious decree issued this week by at least 50 of Israel’s leading rabbis, many of them employed by the state as municipal religious leaders.

When are religious Jews going to admit their faith comes from the same poisoned root as Islam and Christianity?

The next question to ask is who gets rich from poison?

Israel's blind eye
Don't make your donkey jealous.

Your rabbi wouldn't approve.
He might suspect you rent to gentiles.

Just because an extreme rabbi says something, it doesn't mean all that much since Rabbi means teacher and I don't wish to learn extremist thinking patterns. It comes down to choice.

It is no fatwa.
It's not "an exterme rabbi" who's saying something.

It was "...the religious decree issued this week by at least 50 of Israel’s leading rabbis, many of them employed by the state as municipal religious leaders.[/]

The UN ranks Israel among the 15 best countries to live in (out of 170 countries) in the world and with the highest qualities of life, emphasizing political and cultural freedom and equality in education, healthcare, life expectancy and income, ahead of England, Spain, Greece, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Austria

Statistics | Human Development Reports (HDR) | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means —if a very important one —of enlarging people’s choices.

Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities —the range of things that people can do or be in life. The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.
What About The Arab Apartheid?
by Khaled Abu Toameh

Ironically, the Arab citizens of Israel enjoy more rights in the Jewish state than their Palestinian brothers do in any Arab country.

And is it not ironic that the government of Binyamin Netanyahu is doing more to boost the Palestinian economy in the West Bank than any Arab country? .

Perhaps the time has come to start paying attention to the plight of the Palestinians in the Arab world.

How come the Lebanese students who recently talked about Israel's "war crimes" in the Gaza Strip during Israel Apartheid Week on many North American college campuses had nothing to say about the fact that tens of thousands of Palestinians have been massacred in Lebanon over the past four decades? Dozens of refugees were killed and hundreds wounded in the three-month offensive that also destroyed thousands of houses inside the refugee camp. Reporters said it was the worst internal violence in Lebanon since the civil war that hit the country between 1975-1990. And just three years ago, the Lebanese Army used heavy artillery to bomb the Nahr-al-Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon.

Yet who has ever heard of a United Nations resolution condemning Syria or Lebanon for committing horrific atrocities or discriminating against the Palestinians? The Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian students and professors who took part in the anti-Israel events on campuses have clearly "forgotten" that their regimes probably have more Palestinian blood on their hands than Israel. In the early 1970s, the Jordanians slaughtered thousands of Palestinians in what has become known as Black September. Can somebody point to one United Nations resolution condemning that massacre?

And where was the United Nations when Kuwait and several Gulf countries expelled more than 400,000 Palestinians in one week? The exodus took place in March 1991, after Kuwait was liberated from Iraqi occupation. Ironically, the first week of March is being celebrated on university campuses as Israel Apartheid Week with no reference to the mass expulsion of Palestinians from the Gulf. Although there are more than 400,000 Palestinians living in Lebanon in twelve refugee camps -- which human rights organizations and Palestinians say have the worst living conditions of all the refugee camps in the Middle East -- as in most of the Arab countries, these Palestinians have been assigned the status of "foreigners," a fact which has deprived them of health care, social services, property ownership and education.

Even worse, Lebanese law bans Palestinians from working in many jobs. This means that Palestinians cannot work in the public services and institutions run by the government such as schools and hospitals. Unlike Israel, Lebanese public hospitals do not admit Palestinians for medical treatment or surgery. Can somebody imagine the outcry of the international community if Israel's parliament, the Knesset, passed a law today prohibiting Arabs from working in certain professions or receiving medical treatment? The same applies to Palestinians living in most of the Arab countries. While Israel has never stripped its Arab citizens of their citizenship, Jordan has begun revoking the Jordanian citizenship of thousands of its citizens who are of Palestinian descent. Jordan was the only Arab country that has ever granted Palestinian Jordanian citizenship. In recent years, however, the Jordanians appear to have regretted that decision. As for the rest of the Arab countries, Palestinians can only dream of obtaining citizenship. It is almost impossible to find a Palestinian with Egyptian or Moroccan or Kuwaiti citizenship.
What about the Arab apartheid? by Khaled Abu Toameh Israel, belegerd volk, cultuur en natie
"Of course, Jews and Arabs travel on buses together and watch films in the same cinemas. The apartheid in Israel is not formalised and legalised like it was in South Africa; it is sophisticated, hidden and emotional. It is based on a culture of fear of the Other, which is fed by the Zionist propaganda machine."

A Jew among 25,000 Muslims | World news | The Guardian

Your only problem is lack of appropriate medication.
Are you related to this guy?

"'Racism originated in the Torah,' said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva.

“'The land of Israel is designated for the people of Israel. This is what the Holy One Blessed Be He intended and that is what the [sage] Rashi interpreted.”

Racist Rabbis

Who the hell is Holy One Blessed Be He?
Another racist Jew?
How about Rashi?
He sure sounds racist.

What about you?

Got any good Muslim jokes?
That Small Sliver of the Middle East is Home to Nearly Half of the World's Jewish People. If That Isn't a Jewish State, What Is?​

The refusal of the Palestinians to acknowledge Israel as a legitimate Jewish state isn't a denial of reality; it is a sign of their determination to change that reality. The Arabian leaders going back to its creation have not sought to live in peace with the Jewish state, but in place of the Jewish state. Now the Iranians and Turks use it to grow their own power base in the middle east.

Israel must deal with a Middle Eastern Muslim determination to replace the world's one Jewish state with a twenty third Arabian state. The key to Arabian - Israeli peace is not Palestinian statehood. It is to compel the Arabian world to abandon its dream of liquidating Israel.

As a matter of national self respect, the Palestinians must acknowledge Israel's Jewish identity. Olmert clearly stated, "We support the establishment of a modern, democratic Palestinian state," he says. "The existence of two nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian.

So if we give their name respect, they must give ours and abandon the desire to liquidate Israel. There IS the rub! That is what makes regional peace tough.

Not one inch of their (Muslim) soil is to be given up. They're all looking for Peace? Right?

Look up what peace means in the Islamic world. Peace means submission. Even the Dhimmi must submit to the will of those under true submission to their Lord.

So, we have to be very careful that they mean peace in the exact way it is defined by western cultures.

Are you related to this guy?

"'Racism originated in the Torah,' said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva.

“'The land of Israel is designated for the people of Israel. This is what the Holy One Blessed Be He intended and that is what the [sage] Rashi interpreted.”

The UN ranks Israel among the 15 best countries to live in (out of 170 countries) in the world and with the highest qualities of life, emphasizing political and cultural freedom and equality in education, healthcare, life expectancy and income, ahead of England, Spain, Greece, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Austria

Statistics | Human Development Reports (HDR) | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means —if a very important one —of enlarging people’s choices.

Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities —the range of things that people can do or be in life. The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.
What you call racism is the reason that the Jews are still around when all the other empires that attempted to delete them as a people are not. You just pulled a one line quip out of context and posted it.

Well done. (Not)

Jews will not become dissolute. We are here until the end. That's a strength, not a weakness.

Are you related to this guy?

"'Racism originated in the Torah,' said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva.

Got any good Muslim jokes?
That Small Sliver of the Middle East is Home to Nearly Half of the World's Jewish People. If That Isn't a Jewish State, What Is?​

The refusal of the Palestinians to acknowledge Israel as a legitimate Jewish state isn't a denial of reality; it is a sign of their determination to change that reality. The Arabian leaders going back to its creation have not sought to live in peace with the Jewish state, but in place of the Jewish state. Now the Iranians and Turks use it to grow their own power base in the middle east.

Israel must deal with a Middle Eastern Muslim determination to replace the world's one Jewish state with a twenty third Arabian state. The key to Arabian - Israeli peace is not Palestinian statehood. It is to compel the Arabian world to abandon its dream of liquidating Israel.

As a matter of national self respect, the Palestinians must acknowledge Israel's Jewish identity. Olmert clearly stated, "We support the establishment of a modern, democratic Palestinian state," he says. "The existence of two nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian.

So if we give their name respect, they must give ours and abandon the desire to liquidate Israel. There IS the rub! That is what makes regional peace tough.

Not one inch of their (Muslim) soil is to be given up. They're all looking for Peace? Right?

Look up what peace means in the Islamic world. Peace means submission. Even the Dhimmi must submit to the will of those under true submission to their Lord.

So, we have to be very careful that they mean peace in the exact way it is defined by western cultures.


The point is that Palestinians are Muslims, Christians, and Jews. None of them, as a religion, claim exclusive rights to Palestine. As a diverse group they do have exclusive rights to Palestine. They are the indigenous population. An important fact is that none of them, including the Jews, wanted a foreign takeover of their country.

This is not an Arab or Muslim versus Jew conflict. It is a Palestinians versus foreigners conflict. The Palestinians be they Muslims, Christians, or Jews have the legal and moral high ground. Palestine is their country. It does not belong to foreigners.
That Small Sliver of the Middle East is Home to Nearly Half of the World's Jewish People. If That Isn't a Jewish State, What Is?​

The refusal of the Palestinians to acknowledge Israel as a legitimate Jewish state isn't a denial of reality; it is a sign of their determination to change that reality. The Arabian leaders going back to its creation have not sought to live in peace with the Jewish state, but in place of the Jewish state. Now the Iranians and Turks use it to grow their own power base in the middle east.

Israel must deal with a Middle Eastern Muslim determination to replace the world's one Jewish state with a twenty third Arabian state. The key to Arabian - Israeli peace is not Palestinian statehood. It is to compel the Arabian world to abandon its dream of liquidating Israel.

As a matter of national self respect, the Palestinians must acknowledge Israel's Jewish identity. Olmert clearly stated, "We support the establishment of a modern, democratic Palestinian state," he says. "The existence of two nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian.

So if we give their name respect, they must give ours and abandon the desire to liquidate Israel. There IS the rub! That is what makes regional peace tough.

Not one inch of their (Muslim) soil is to be given up. They're all looking for Peace? Right?

Look up what peace means in the Islamic world. Peace means submission. Even the Dhimmi must submit to the will of those under true submission to their Lord.

So, we have to be very careful that they mean peace in the exact way it is defined by western cultures.


The point is that Palestinians are Muslims, Christians, and Jews. None of them, as a religion, claim exclusive rights to Palestine. The point is you're an uneducated twit with no reputational points.

The Davidic Monarchy established sovereignty in Judea, the correct historical geographical name ofr the land, from which "Jewish" is derived, 3000 thousand years ago and several centuries before Muslims and Christians.

"Palestine" is a European invention created by the Romans when they renamed Judea, a reference to the Philistines who were Aegean, not Semitic. There is no mention of Palestine in the Hebrew Bible, Christian Bible, Quran or any ancient historical documents or archaeological artifacts.

The League of Nations established sovereignty over Judea for the modern state of Israel in 1922...
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country

Both House of the US Congress endorsed the League of Nations in this joint resolution...

The United States Congressional Record

Palestine of today, the land we now know as Palestine, was peopled by the Jews from the dawn of history until the Roman era. It is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. They were driven from it by force by the relentless Roman military machine and for centuries prevented from returning. At different periods various alien people succeeded them but the Jewish race had left an indelible impress upon the land.

Today it is a Jewish country. Every name, every landmark, every monument and every trace of whatever civilization remaining there is still Jewish. And it has ever since remained a hope, a longing, as expressed in their prayers for these nearly 2,000 years. No other people has ever claimed Palestine as their national home. No other people has ever shown an aptitude or indicated a genuine desire to make it their homeland. The land has been ruled by foreigners. Only since the beginning of the modern Zionist effort may it be said that a creative, cultural, and economic force has entered Palestine. The Jewish Nation was forced from its natural home. It did not go because it wanted to.
A perusal of Jewish history, a reading of Josephus, will convince the most skeptical that the grandest fight that was ever put up against an enemy was put up by the Jew. He never thought of leaving Palestine. But he was driven out. But did he, when driven out, give up his hope of getting back? Jewish history and Jewish literature give the answer to the question. The Jew even has a fast day devoted to the day of destruction of the Jewish homeland.

Never throughout history did they give up hope of returning there. I am told that 90 per cent of the Jews today are praying for the return of the Jewish people to its own home. The best minds among them believe in the necessity of reestablishing their Jewish land. To my mind there is something prophetic in the fact that during the ages no other nation has taken over Palestine and held it in the sense of a homeland; and there is something providential in the fact that for 1,800 years it has remained in desolation as if waiting for the return of the people.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0688123635/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0688123627&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0HX00TRZAFXPP1PG6MNR]Amazon.com: Israel: A History (9780688123635): Martin Gilbert: Books[/ame]
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If you want further evidence of exactly how racist the Jewish state has become, look no further.

"Israeli officials on Tuesday canceled a ceremony planned to honor the Palestinian firemen who assisted in battling the Carmel fire last week, after a number of crew members were refused permits to cross the border.

Palestinian Fire Services Commander Ahmed Rizik said that he and his staff were surprised to learn when they arrived at the checkpoint that only seven out of the 10 fireman would be granted entry into Israel, although all of them had been allowed in at the time of the disaster."

Israel to Sand Rats: Thanks, suckers. Now, go back to your prison and don't throw anymore damn rocks!"

Israel Refuses Entry...
Palestine is their country. It does not belong to foreigners.
"One always finds in Palestine Arabs who have been in the country only a few weeks or a few months. Since they are themselves strangers in a strange land, they are the loudest to cry: "Out with the Jews!" ... Amongst them are to be found representatives of every Arab country: Arabs from Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan and Iraq."
Ladislas Farago, Palestine at the Crossroads.
Palestine is their country. It does not belong to foreigners.
"One always finds in Palestine Arabs who have been in the country only a few weeks or a few months. Since they are themselves strangers in a strange land, they are the loudest to cry: "Out with the Jews!" ... Amongst them are to be found representatives of every Arab country: Arabs from Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan and Iraq."
Ladislas Farago, Palestine at the Crossroads.

What is your point? Arab immigration was a drop in the bucket.
Palestine is their country. It does not belong to foreigners.
"One always finds in Palestine Arabs who have been in the country only a few weeks or a few months. Since they are themselves strangers in a strange land, they are the loudest to cry: "Out with the Jews!" ... Amongst them are to be found representatives of every Arab country: Arabs from Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan and Iraq."
Ladislas Farago, Palestine at the Crossroads.
What is your point? Arab immigration was a drop in the bucket.
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population."
Winnie Churchill, who knew his settling-squatting arabs from the hood inside out.

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