AP Giving Lessons On The RIGHT Way To Bomb


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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What the London bombers did wrong:


London Bombs Likely Simple and Homemade

By BETH GARDINER, Associated Press Writer 29 minutes ago

LONDON - The bombs that destroyed three London Underground cars and a double-decker bus each weighed less than 10 pounds and could be carried in a backpack, police said Friday. Police said the bodies of 49 people had been recovered, but warned that the number of deaths would rise....

He said the bombers' choice of targets reflected a lack of knowledge about the mechanics of explosions that suggests they were not highly trained or experienced.

Bombing a tightly enclosed space like an Underground train is likely to kill fewer people than targeting a more open space where debris can fly through the air and devastate a wider area, he said. In a crowded Tube train, the primary force of a blast is likely to be absorbed by a small number of people around the explosion and by the train itself, he said....
Boy.. That's like loss prevention coming in and telling you exactly how something was stolen, and why the person didn't get caught... :bang3:
Why not? When the Taliban was aiding the Afghan Rebels against the Russians, the CIA tought them how to make pipe bombs and how to fly airplanes into targets. :cuckoo:
Gabriella84 said:
Why not? When the Taliban was aiding the Afghan Rebels against the Russians, the CIA tought them how to make pipe bombs and how to fly airplanes into targets. :cuckoo:

and bill clinton got blow jobs in the oval office...what's your point
What's the connection, other than both of our posts being truths?

You can go several places on line and learn how to assemble and detonate all manner of explosives.
Like the Sept. 11 attacks, the London blasts were not designed to inflict massive casualties. They struck at symbolic targets. The intended result was fear and mayhem.
Sept. 11 was no different. If the terrorists wished to inflict massive loss of life, they would have crashed airplanes into crowded football stadiums on Saturday or Sunday.
neither have anything to do with the issue being discussed...neither validate or invalidate what the ap writter did.....

a journalist job is to report observations of fact.....in a time of war.....aiding and abetting the other side....telling how to kill more people is treason.
a journalist job is to report observations of fact.....in a time of war.....aiding and abetting the other side....telling how to kill more people is treason.

:shocked: :cheers2:
Gabriella84 said:
:shocked: :cheers2:

guess you are right then.... OSB didn't declare war on the west and journalists should help OSB's boys kill more westerners
Gabriella84 said:
Why not? When the Taliban was aiding the Afghan Rebels against the Russians, the CIA tought them how to make pipe bombs and how to fly airplanes into targets. :cuckoo:

The taliban didn't exist back then. Not as a power and force. They came into existance after the soviets left and overthrew the afgan government of the time.
Gabriella84 said:
What's the connection, other than both of our posts being truths?

You can go several places on line and learn how to assemble and detonate all manner of explosives.
Like the Sept. 11 attacks, the London blasts were not designed to inflict massive casualties. They struck at symbolic targets. The intended result was fear and mayhem.
Sept. 11 was no different. If the terrorists wished to inflict massive loss of life, they would have crashed airplanes into crowded football stadiums on Saturday or Sunday.

Are you alive? Do you read the papers? At what TIME of the day did the bombs go off? RUSH HOUR. Not late at night when no one was on the transit, but when thousands of people were on the transit.

Again you say the same stupid thing about 9/11. At what time of the day? When people were working there!

You are in denial.
Gabriella84 said:
What's the connection, other than both of our posts being truths?

You can go several places on line and learn how to assemble and detonate all manner of explosives.
Like the Sept. 11 attacks, the London blasts were not designed to inflict massive casualties. They struck at symbolic targets. The intended result was fear and mayhem.
Sept. 11 was no different. If the terrorists wished to inflict massive loss of life, they would have crashed airplanes into crowded football stadiums on Saturday or Sunday.

They were maximizing casualties AND hitting symbolic targets. You really need more 'intellectual discipline.'
Gabriella84 said:
Why not? When the Taliban was aiding the Afghan Rebels against the Russians, the CIA tought them how to make pipe bombs and how to fly airplanes into targets. :cuckoo:

A couple of corrections here:

Taliban did not exist until after the USSR war.

The Afghani resistance did not have any planes.
Gabriella84 said:
Why not? When the Taliban was aiding the Afghan Rebels against the Russians, the CIA tought them how to make pipe bombs and how to fly airplanes into targets. :cuckoo:

on reality...what the hell were they teaching them to fly? the Afghan rebels that is...oh so sorry...ultra lites...maybe....and hey pipe bombs are left over from the SLA era...the sixtees to be exact....if ya want to debate at least bring it forward in time! Geeeez! :blah2:
Gabriella84 said:
Why not? When the Taliban was aiding the Afghan Rebels against the Russians, the CIA tought them how to make pipe bombs and how to fly airplanes into targets. :cuckoo:

You might be thinking of Chechen rebels or possibly the Northern Alliance?

The airplane theory is a joke right?
Here's another columnist who says the terrorists are stupid, but she has the good sense not to go into the whys and wherefores.

By Mona Charen for The Conservative Voice
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Almost certainly Al-Qaeda or one of its allies murdered and maimed random, defenseless civilians in London today. According to the BBC, "al-Qala'a," an Islamist website that has been used as a conduit by Al Qaeda in the past, contained a claim of responsibility that read, in part: "Rejoice, for it is time to take revenge against the British Zionist Crusader government in retaliation for the massacres Britain is committing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The heroic mujahedeen have carried out a blessed raid in London."

People who can use a word like "blessed" to describe men, women, and children being blown to pieces or having their eyes gouged out by flying glass or losing limbs are not just barbarous, they are twisted. Theirs is a perversion of mind and spirit that almost defies imagination. But thankfully, they are also not very smart.

By committing such atrocities, the Islamists manage to stiffen whatever small residue of resolve remains in flaccid Western civilization. Before the vicious attacks on London civilians, the G8 conference in Scotland focused primarily on global warming, poverty in Africa, and economic matters. But now the leaders of the industrial giants will inevitably turn their attention to the war on terror.

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