AOC Declares WAR On Democrat Party Moderates - Challenges For Control


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Here we go....

'Ocasio-Cortez Builds Progressive Campaign Arm to Challenge Democrats'

"Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plans on Friday to endorse an all-female slate of progressive candidates through her new political action committee, using her clout in the insurgent left and the considerable campaign funds she has drawn to counter the Democratic establishment in key races around the country.

The endorsements of over a dozen congressional candidates — including one who is challenging Senate Democrats’ preferred candidate in Texas — amount to a powerful stamp of approval for a diverse group of newcomers. They also are a clear sign that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, a celebrity of the liberal left, intends to leverage her influence among activists to try to reshape the Democratic Party."

So, AOC wants to 'Fundamentally Change' the Democratic Party... Hey, if it was good enough for Barak Obama's vision for America, it is obviously good for the Democratic Party to be transformed into an even more far-Left extremist party.

"The move also underlines the struggle among Democrats that is defining the race for the presidency, which is pitting Senator Bernie Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist, against more moderate candidates who are presenting themselves as better able to appeal to a broad section of voters in taking on President Trump."

Democrats are already in sheer panic over the very real possibility of their Party nomination going to a Communistic self-proclaimed Socialist, but Dinosaur Democrat Washington DC 'antiques' like Pelosi and Schumer better watch out - THEY are in the Socialists' cross-hairs as well.

Pelosi was only successful in delaying the inevitable challenge that AOC and the new Socialist Democrat members of Congress will mount. If President Trump wins the 2020 election and the GOP somehow takes back the House, it will be the 2nd time Pelosi personally 'captained' a DNC-Controlled House 'ship' going down. Her rein as Speaker will be challenged, ended, and Pelosi might as well retire after that...because she will have been forcibly retired.

Pelosi and Schumer's only hope is that Bernie, should he win the nomination, and Socialism is SO SOUNDLY REJECTED by the American people in the 2020 elections that it will give Pelosi the power / ammo to defeat AOC's and her Socialist Political Collective's challenge ... or if AOC's and the other Trump-hating Socialists' own voters vote them out of office.

Ocasio-Cortez Builds Progressive Campaign Arm to Challenge Democrats
AOC is a Marxist racist Latino Nationalist who wants to erase our borders and abolish ICE.
She is a racist demagogue.
She is the future of the Democratic Party.
The decline of the Demoncrap party continues.

Their relentless drive to Communism gets more obvious every year, as more Leftist commies come out into the open, eventually real moderate democrats will be forced to join the Republican party to survive and fight the inevitable ideological war against AOC and her lemming supporters.

I am glad I left the Demoncrap party in the early 1990's.
Here we go....

'Ocasio-Cortez Builds Progressive Campaign Arm to Challenge Democrats'

"Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plans on Friday to endorse an all-female slate of progressive candidates through her new political action committee, using her clout in the insurgent left and the considerable campaign funds she has drawn to counter the Democratic establishment in key races around the country.

The endorsements of over a dozen congressional candidates — including one who is challenging Senate Democrats’ preferred candidate in Texas — amount to a powerful stamp of approval for a diverse group of newcomers. They also are a clear sign that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, a celebrity of the liberal left, intends to leverage her influence among activists to try to reshape the Democratic Party."

So, AOC wants to 'Fundamentally Change' the Democratic Party... Hey, if it was good enough for Barak Obama's vision for America, it is obviously good for the Democratic Party to be transformed into an even more far-Left extremist party.

"The move also underlines the struggle among Democrats that is defining the race for the presidency, which is pitting Senator Bernie Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist, against more moderate candidates who are presenting themselves as better able to appeal to a broad section of voters in taking on President Trump."

Democrats are already in sheer panic over the very real possibility of their Party nomination going to a Communistic self-proclaimed Socialist, but Dinosaur Democrat Washington DC 'antiques' like Pelosi and Schumer better watch out - THEY are in the Socialists' cross-hairs as well.

Pelosi was only successful in delaying the inevitable challenge that AOC and the new Socialist Democrat members of Congress will mount. If President Trump wins the 2020 election and the GOP somehow takes back the House, it will be the 2nd time Pelosi personally 'captained' a DNC-Controlled House 'ship' going down. Her rein as Speaker will be challenged, ended, and Pelosi might as well retire after that...because she will have been forcibly retired.

Pelosi and Schumer's only hope is that Bernie, should he win the nomination, and Socialism is SO SOUNDLY REJECTED by the American people in the 2020 elections that it will give Pelosi the power / ammo to defeat AOC's and her Socialist Political Collective's challenge ... or if AOC's and the other Trump-hating Socialists' own voters vote them out of office.

Ocasio-Cortez Builds Progressive Campaign Arm to Challenge Democrats

Isn't it fascinating that the CRAZIES that the Democrats thought they were unleashing on us, now turn and try to destroy them!

Maybe that is one of the reasons why former Democrats have now decided to join the GOP. People try and convince you that we live in a 2 party system. That is a FALSE dichotomy. We live in at least a 4 party system that has Conservatives, Libertarians, moderate Democrats, and SOCIALISTS!

The one that appears to be growing the most is the GOP. The one shrinking= moderate Democrats. They either become GOPers, or turn full SOCIALIST and embrace the dark side of the force.

The reason that this has happened is simple---------------> the LEADERS of the Democratic party, who are really only all about the leaders of the Democratic party, realize that they MUST try and enrage their people over Trump, or the Democratic party will cease to exist. Some Democrats are smart enough to see through the propaganda and come to us, some are not and would rather screw all of America because they have been GASLIGHTED into believing Trump is that bad, so they are better off embracing the that which has killed 15 million people at minimum, because Democrats put the word DEMOCRATIC in front of the real name, to mask what they really want them to embrace!

By the way, no such thing as Democratic Socialism, lol. It is propagandizing by Democratic leaders to suggest that it is something new, lol. It isn't! Same ole, same ole, and some of their people will not even investigate the crap sandwich that the Left is trying to sell them before they buy it!
The Dim party has fallen to the level of being bullied by a failed bartender (fired for stealing her coworkers tips)....which has single-handedly replaced Blonde Jokes.

I don't see the cult surviving, long term.

She is a other person whose parents should have never been let into the US, along with the people who voted for her.

Crazy far left radical with a crazy low IQ.
Here we go....

'Ocasio-Cortez Builds Progressive Campaign Arm to Challenge Democrats'

"Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plans on Friday to endorse an all-female slate of progressive candidates through her new political action committee, using her clout in the insurgent left and the considerable campaign funds she has drawn to counter the Democratic establishment in key races around the country.

The endorsements of over a dozen congressional candidates — including one who is challenging Senate Democrats’ preferred candidate in Texas — amount to a powerful stamp of approval for a diverse group of newcomers. They also are a clear sign that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, a celebrity of the liberal left, intends to leverage her influence among activists to try to reshape the Democratic Party."

So, AOC wants to 'Fundamentally Change' the Democratic Party... Hey, if it was good enough for Barak Obama's vision for America, it is obviously good for the Democratic Party to be transformed into an even more far-Left extremist party.

"The move also underlines the struggle among Democrats that is defining the race for the presidency, which is pitting Senator Bernie Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist, against more moderate candidates who are presenting themselves as better able to appeal to a broad section of voters in taking on President Trump."

Democrats are already in sheer panic over the very real possibility of their Party nomination going to a Communistic self-proclaimed Socialist, but Dinosaur Democrat Washington DC 'antiques' like Pelosi and Schumer better watch out - THEY are in the Socialists' cross-hairs as well.

Pelosi was only successful in delaying the inevitable challenge that AOC and the new Socialist Democrat members of Congress will mount. If President Trump wins the 2020 election and the GOP somehow takes back the House, it will be the 2nd time Pelosi personally 'captained' a DNC-Controlled House 'ship' going down. Her rein as Speaker will be challenged, ended, and Pelosi might as well retire after that...because she will have been forcibly retired.

Pelosi and Schumer's only hope is that Bernie, should he win the nomination, and Socialism is SO SOUNDLY REJECTED by the American people in the 2020 elections that it will give Pelosi the power / ammo to defeat AOC's and her Socialist Political Collective's challenge ... or if AOC's and the other Trump-hating Socialists' own voters vote them out of office.

Ocasio-Cortez Builds Progressive Campaign Arm to Challenge Democrats

Oh good maybe it'll get the bitch gone for a single two year term winning streak.
If the democrats had any sense they'd dump her and the rest of her squad then start hacking away at the more lunatic members of the black caucus like Waters and Green then of course give Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler the boot.
However, fortunately for us the democrats aren't smart enough to do anything to save themselves so pretty soon well be rid of the whole boat load of them.
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AOC is a Marxist racist Latino Nationalist who wants to erase our borders and abolish ICE.
She is a racist demagogue.
She is the future of the Democratic Party.
If she represents the future of the Democrat party, they're not going to be the Democrat party much longer.

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