Anyone else giving to Bush/Cheney campaign?


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2004
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The Bush/Cheny people called the other day and said they were trying to have the biggest grass roots campiagn ever and could I donate $100? I said "well,I can't do $100,but how does 20 sound ?"and they were fine with that. I was actually impressed. They didn't push me for more when I said that's all I could do. got the stuff in the mail today and will probably send it this week on payday. Anyone else giving a weakly donation like me?!

;) :usa: :thup:
krisy said:
The Bush/Cheny people called the other day and said they were trying to have the biggest grass roots campiagn ever and could I donate $100? I said "well,I can't do $100,but how does 20 sound ?"and they were fine with that. I was actually impressed. They didn't push me for more when I said that's all I could do. got the stuff in the mail today and will probably send it this week on payday. Anyone else giving a weakly donation like me?!

;) :usa: :thup:

:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

I can't give money, unless you count the $150 in party stuff last week! But I am giving time, have been since late winter. Have met some really nice people and had fun too!
Kathianne said:
:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

I can't give money, unless you count the $150 in party stuff last week! But I am giving time, have been since late winter. Have met some really nice people and had fun too!

I have been wanting to look into giving time too,but can't seem to find the time to look into it!!! Ironic ,huh?!! Every little thing helps and $150 is a lot in my book! I was feeling pretty inferior becuse of my little donation,but I figured what the heck-it all adds up!
krisy said:
I have been wanting to look into giving time too,but can't seem to find the time to look into it!!! Ironic ,huh?!! Every little thing helps and $150 is a lot in my book! I was feeling pretty inferior becuse of my little donation,but I figured what the heck-it all adds up!

Actually don't feel bad, in all seriousness, people give a dollar or two and we are told to act just as grateful as your 20 or someone else's 2k. Every $ helps, besides that, if someone gives a dollar, they are going to vote for the guy! That's what is really important.

There's a lot you can do just from the computer, check out the website.
What else can I get my hands dirty to do? I wanna help really bad, rather than sit my summer to death What can I do in my youthful state?
Semper Fi said:
What else can I get my hands dirty to do? I wanna help really bad, rather than sit my summer to death What can I do in my youthful state?

Call your county GOP office, they'll get you started! You could also call your precinct or township leader, if you want to do more local election stuff. I don't know if you are 'old enough' for the Young Republicans, but call them too!
Thanks, I'll have to call my county GOP office, maybe I'll do that tomorrow if I can. I've never heard of the young republicans. I'll look that up tonight.
Well Semper, This isn't very good advice, but you could do what I have come to call my past-time. You could cover other people's Kerry bumber stickers and replace their yard-signs with those of Bush. It is also a good way to get out in the nice summer days. Also makes you feel rebellious.
Oh yeah, also go to a book store and turn all the liberal books around so people can't see the cover. And when the stupid clerk asks you what you think you are doing, yell, "SKAT" and throw the book at him and run. Also a great way to feel like a rebel.
Hahaha, like in the Simpsons episode Bart and Homer were conning people into thinking they were poor, and when they went to the Springfield Retirement Castle and the cops came, so Bart grabbed a walker thing and said (in an old person voice), "Throw a book at him, sonny." Haha, I just thought of that.

I'll do that next time I'm in a bookstore I'll do that, except not throw a book at the clerk, lol. Or cover them up with conservative books. I hate Fairbanks politcally, its a seceded nation, just not politcally.
I contributed and got an autographed picture of Bush & Cheney. Pretty cool.

Semper Fi, you're up in Fairbanks? I lived there for a little over a year, damn I hated that place. AK is heavily Republican, but all the greenies / libs live in Fairbanks for the most part. I remember getting those computer operated telephone polls up there, and I'd answer them truthfully. EVERY SINGLE TIME it would hang up on me when it became apparent that I was conservative.

After I left that damn town, I saw on the news a story about how there was a liberal group conducting telephone polls & how they were under attack for deliberately skewing the results by not including everyone. Their answer was that 'incomplete polls were omitted'... they weren't fooling anyone but themselves.
You know,that's a damn shame! My husband got a call once asking if he would support Jerry Springer in a run for office,when he was exploring the idea. My husband of course said absolutley not,and they just kept pushing him trying to get anything they could,just one little thing to go on. They just wouldn't take no for an answer. I say,if they are that desperate,that should be an indication their having a hard time getting support.
I'm going to contribute just as much to bush/cheney as I have kerry/edwards......

A big fat ZERO.

I'm really starting to loathe our system of politics when it measures success based on how much they receive in campaign contributions.
Kathianne said:
:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

I can't give money, unless you count the $150 in party stuff last week! But I am giving time, have been since late winter. Have met some really nice people and had fun too!

kathianne, I have been campaigning here in my state since beginning of summer, and yes you do meet the greatest people, which is such a nice thing to happen, that is be surrounded by people who believe like you do.
I've been volunteering for a few months too, but I've never been asked to solicit donations. I'm not sure if I would do that. We've just been administering 5-question surveys and recruiting volunteers. I hate calling people, especially during the dinner hours, but I believe strongly enough in the cause to get over it and just do it.
As some of you know, I graduated recently (again) and am still looking for a job, so we can't give financially, which is why I'm donating my time. Support is priceless, so I'm sure the campaign is just as happy with other kinds of support than financial. Like Kathianne said, call your local headquarters and check out W's website. :usa:
clumzgirl said:
I've been volunteering for a few months too, but I've never been asked to solicit donations. I'm not sure if I would do that. We've just been administering 5-question surveys and recruiting volunteers. I hate calling people, especially during the dinner hours, but I believe strongly enough in the cause to get over it and just do it.
As some of you know, I graduated recently (again) and am still looking for a job, so we can't give financially, which is why I'm donating my time. Support is priceless, so I'm sure the campaign is just as happy with other kinds of support than financial. Like Kathianne said, call your local headquarters and check out W's website. :usa:

Volunteering at the grass roots level is priceless :clap1:
DKSuddeth said:
I'm going to contribute just as much to bush/cheney as I have kerry/edwards......

A big fat ZERO.

I'm really starting to loathe our system of politics when it measures success based on how much they receive in campaign contributions.

I'm not sure if it is the candidates that measure their success by contributions or the press that meaures it for them by constantly reporting it. No doubt,the candidates love their contributions,but I don't hear them bragging about it that way the press seems to love to report it.

clumzgirl and Kathianne,it sounds like fun being in a part of the campaign other than giving money. I would love to meet with other people and talk politics...especially people that agree with me!!!

:clap1: :clap1:
krisy said:
I'm not sure if it is the candidates that measure their success by contributions or the press that meaures it for them by constantly reporting it. No doubt,the candidates love their contributions,but I don't hear them bragging about it that way the press seems to love to report it.

clumzgirl and Kathianne,it sounds like fun being in a part of the campaign other than giving money. I would love to meet with other people and talk politics...especially people that agree with me!!!

:clap1: :clap1:

Krisy...Ohio is a an important win for Bush, if you have the time, even a few hours a week contact the local team in your area or log onto the website Kathianne posted. Trust me you will have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!
I definitely will,Bonnie. I know my husband looked into it once allready and knows where to get info,but then we bought our house and never followed through. I think it would be great for my 9 year old son too it there is anything he can do to help us in any way. You should hear him when he sees Kerry on t.v.-it's too funny. Although I have an idea where he might have gotten a bad impression of Kerry!

:usa: :usa: :usa:
F@#$ no, I'm not giving them any of my hard-earned money. Both of thoose fools are lying posers, phonies.

Neither of which give a s@#$ about me or my issues: immigration, affirmative action, and foriegn aid.

Unless a guy comes along who wants to tackle those "taboo" issues, I'm not supporting any of them. With my dollar or my vote.
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