Anyone care to bet if Obama will call the Nice attack "Islamic" terrorism ?

Christian pastors don't spend Sunday sermon talking about jihad against innocent people, unlike that visiting Imam in an Orlando mosque days before the Orlando massacre.
The Imam was just exercising his freedom of speech.

Just like the christian preachers who said from the pulpit the next day. That the sodomite's shot in the gay bar was a good thing and had God's blessing. ....... :cool:
It's not the same thing. That preacher was nuts and stands alone among Christian preachers. Jihad is reenforced to all Muslims, 5 times a day. On a British poll 100% of Muslims say homosexuality should be illegal.
Obama is weak. That's why this shit is happening with regularity now. Hillary is weak also. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!

Barry is a fucken muslim.

I think he's a sympathizer, and in the coming years I believe he will publicly convert.

It wouldn't shock me in the least. While ISIS is running wild killing innocent people, Obama is making sure men can enter the women's locker room and supporting racist groups that block our highways.
What are the odds ?

so calling it terrorism isn't sufficient?

did you call the person who shot up the planned parenthood a "christian terrorist"?

didn't think so.
Christians don't do jihad, just Muslims, fool.

meh...the people in the planned parenthood are just as dead and he was no less a terrorist

  1. a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims.
    synonyms: extremist, fanatic; More
    well, gee.... not a word about jihad....
I knew I could count on you to laugh
You're still a fool. Jihad is not a tactic of the Christian church. Laugh that one off, stupid.
I knew I could count on jillian to laugh and agree she were a stupid fool.

reading with comprehension is important. try it sometime, oh braindead one.
Just like the christian preachers who said from the pulpit the next day. That the sodomite's shot in the gay bar was a good thing and had God's blessing. ....... :cool:
When, who, where and what denomination were they?
Don't know......but they were thumping the Bible and praising Jesus.

It was on the news. ..... :cool:
OK, then it was the usual Baptist wack jobs they get out of Arkansas every time they want some idiots to represent token Christians, lol.
Here are 3 different church Pastors praising the Orlando attack.

There are more on Youtube if you want to look them up. ..... :cool:

There is a huge difference between saying that Sodomy is immoral and we should continue to denounce it for the immoral rot that it is, vrs advocating killing people in all seriousness.

The first video the cleric was engaging in hyperbole, but if any of his flock later goes out and kills a homo, I think a case can be made for prosecution under whatever statutes cover incitement against a person or group of people.

But fagotry is still the heinous sin it has always been, just like adultery, premarital sex and masturbation are. Those clergy who still have the courage to speak out against these things are heroes in my book, but wrong if they advocate killing those who commit these sins.
Man...thanks for posting this important topic. As we've seen the other hundred times very similar threads have been started, you can expect a lively and highly intellectual deiscussion.

Thankfully, we have people like you here to ponder the really important questions surrounding this issue.

Everyone knows that if Obama breaks ranks with his national security advisers and his top military advisers....and starts using this incredibly vital term....the terror attacks will stop immediately.

Awesome thread.

No one said it would stop terror attacks, jackoff.

The point is, as long as we have a President that refuses to acknowledge what the real problem is, he will never take the proper action to address it.

Carry on, dipshit.

High level thinking.

Showing how stupid progressive c_nts like you are doesn't take any brain power.
America's First Mosque Stood in North Dakota - KFYR
May 11, 2015 - Perched on a rolling hill, in a remote area of northwestern North Dakota near the town of Ross, stands an isolated monument to Islam.
Missing: isis
US|North Dakota Mosque a Symbol of Muslims' Long Ties in America
The New York Times
May 28, 2016 - ROSS, N.D. — Richard Omar drove his pickup truck through the cemetery gate and pulled to a stop in sight of the scattered headstones.
Missing: isis
Plan to infuse small towns with Muslim migrants meets resistance
Jan 29, 2016 - Another neighboring state, North Dakota, has been on the receiving end of 4,912 .... jihadists, several of whom were recruited by ISIS to take part in the Nov. .... Montana already has at least one mosque, near Montana State ...

Montana reviewing refugee acceptance policy - ...
“Montana will not allow any terrorist organization to intimidate us into abandoning our values. The safety of Montanans is my top priority. No Syrian refugees ...
Small-town America is arguing over whether to welcome Syria's ...
Public Radio International
May 24, 2016 - Only two states in the country don't have organizations working to resettle refugees: Wyoming and Montana. But Montana is making a change ...
Plan to infuse small towns with Muslim migrants meets resistance
Jan 29, 2016 - Montana the latest state targeted for Syrian 'refugees' ... Rural folks in Montana are pushing back against plans by urban elites to plant ...

Alabama | Creeping Sharia
Dec 11, 2015 - Alabama Muslim woman among ISIS' most active recruiters ..... Attorney Hassan Shibly spoke at a Birmingham mosque on Monday on behalf of ...

From Clarion

Islamic Society of Mobile
Newspaper reports link it to NAIT.

Islamic Center of Tucson
The center’s constitution shows that NAIT holds its real estate and that it is affiliated with ISNA.
Islamic Community Center of Phoenix
The center’s website says it is entrusted to NAIT.

Bentonville Islamic Center
The center’s constitution says its assets will be held by NAIT in the event of dissolution.
Islamic Center of Little Rock
The center’s website shows it was financed by NAIT and ISNA and previous property was owned by NAIT.

Islamic Center of Davis
The center’s bylaws states that the real state is entrusted to NAIT.
Islamic Center of Fort Collins
Proposed bylaws state its assets will be held by NAIT in the event of dissolution.
Muslim Community Association of San Francisco Bay Area
The center’s constitution says it is entrusted to NAIT.


Islamic Society of Colorado Springs
The society’s constitution states it is entrusted to NAIT and affiliated with ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]Florida:
American Muslim Community Centers[/paste:font]
The centers’s bylaws state that NAIT will hold its assets in the event of dissolution.

Islamic Center of South Florida
The center’s website has shown that it is owned by NAIT.

[paste:font size="4"]Georgia:
Al-Huda Islamic Center of Athens[/paste:font]
The center’s bylaws state that NAIT holds the title.

[paste:font size="4"]Illinois:
Central Illinois Mosque and Islamic Center[/paste:font]
The mosque’s constitution says that assets will be held by NAIT or ISNA in the event of its dissolution and it is affiliated with ISNA.

Daarul ‘Uloom
The mosque’s bylaws state that NAIT will hold its assets in the event of dissolution.

Islamic Center of Bloomington-Normal
The center’s constitution says its property is entrusted with NAIT.

Islamic Center of Carbondale
The center’s constitution states that its real estate will be entrusted with NAIT and it is affiliated with ISNA.

Islamic Center of Peoria
The centere’s website says it is a member of NAIT, affiliated with the North American Imams Federation and endorsed by the Hamas-linked Mosque Foundation.

Mosque Foundation
Media reports say it is owned by NAIT.

Muslim American Society (bylaws state its principal office is in Illinois)
The society’s bylaws state that NAIT will hold its assets in the event of dissolution.

[paste:font size="4"]Indiana:
Council of Islamic Schools in North America[/paste:font]
The council’s bylaws state it is affiliated with ISNA and NAIT will hold its assets in the event of dissolution.

Islamic Center of Bloomington
The center’s website says it is linked to NAIT and was originally owned by MSA. The original financing came from the leader of the Muslim World League, a Saudi-backed Islamist group.

Islamic Society of Greater Lafayette
The society’s constitution says its real estate is registered to NAIT.

[paste:font size="4"]Iowa:
Darul Arqum Islamic Center[/paste:font]
The center’s bylaws state it is entrusted with NAIT.

Islamic Center of Ames / Darul Arqum Islamic Center
The center’s bylaws state it is entrusted with NAIT.

Islamic Center of Des Moines
The center’s constitution and bylaws states that property is entrusted with NAIT.

[paste:font size="4"]Maryland:
Prince George’s Muslim Association[/paste:font]
The association’s constitution and bylaws state that NAIT owns its property.

[paste:font size="4"]Massachusetts:
Islamic Center of Greater Worcester[/paste:font]
The center’s website says it is owned by NAIT and was established as a sub-chapter of ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]Michigan:
Islamic Center of Greater Lansing[/paste:font]
The center’s website says it is affiliated with ISNA.

Muslim Community Association of Ann Arbor and Vicinity
The center’s constitution says it is registered with NAIT and it will hold its assets in the event of dissolution.

Tawheed Center
The center’s constitution says it is a trust under NAIT and all assets will go to NAIT in the event of dissolution.

[paste:font size="4"]Missouri:
Islamic Center of Central Missouri[/paste:font]
The center’s constitution and bylaws shows its property is entrusted with NAIT and that it is affiliated with ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]New Jersey:
Muslim Society of Jersey Shore / Masjid Bilal[/paste:font]
Its website used to declare it as an affiliate of NAIT.

[paste:font size="4"]New Mexico:
Islamic Center of New Mexico[/paste:font]
The center’s website says its property is under the NAIT umbrella and it is affiliated with ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]New York:
Islamic Center of the Capital District[/paste:font]
The center’s constitution says NAIT owns its real estate and that it is affiliated with ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]North Carolina:
Islamic Association of Raleigh[/paste:font]
The association’s website says it was founded by MSA. Its bylawsstate it is affiliated with ISNA and the Muslim Community Association of the U.S. and Canada. NAIT owns the property and the authority to enforce its compliance with the Basic Law.

Islamic Center of Charlotte
The center’s constitution and bylaws state that it is owned by NAIT and affiliated with ISNA, ICNA, MAS, Muslim Community Association of U.S. and Canada, and the Carolina Islamic Council.

[paste:font size="4"]Ohio:
Columbus Islamic Center/Masjid Al-Jannah[/paste:font]
The center’s website says it is registered with NAIT.

Islamic Society of Akron and Kent
The association’s constitution states that assets will go to either NAIT or ISNA in the event of dissolution.

[paste:font size="4"]Oklahoma:
Islamic Society of Edmond[/paste:font]
Media reports state it is owned by NAIT and affiliated with ISNA.

Islamic Society of Tulsa
The society’s constitution says it is affiliated with ISNA and all its real estate is held by NAIT.

Mercy School Institute
The institute’s charter says it is owned by NAIT.

Peace Academy
The institute’s charter states NAIT will hold its assets in the event of dissolution.

[paste:font size="4"]Pennsylvania:
Islamic Association of North Eastern Pennsylvania[/paste:font]
The association’s constitution and bylaws states that all property is owned by NAIT.

Islamic Center of Pittsburgh
The center’s bylaws state that its property is owned by NAIT and that it is affiliated with ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]South Carolina:
Central Mosque of Charleston[/paste:font]
The mosque’s constitution and bylaws states that NAIT will own all assets in the event of dissolution.

Grand Strand Islamic Society
The society’s bylaws state that all assets will be held by NAIT in the event of dissolution.

[paste:font size="4"]Texas:
Dar El-Iman Islamic Center[/paste:font]
The center’s constitution and bylaws state it is owned by NAIT and affiliated with ISNA.

Institute of Islamic Knowledge
The institute’s website says the leader is a member of NAIT’s board of trustees and that he led various groups to entrust with NAIT. He is also a “pioneer” of the ICNA.

Islamic Association of Carrollton
The association’s constitution says that assets will be held by NAIT in the event of dissolution.

Islamic Community of Bryan/College Station
The organization’s website states it was founded by MSA and bylawsstate that NAIT will hold its assets if dissolved.

Islamic Society of Arlington
Its website used to state that it is owned by NAIT.

Islamic Society of Greater Houston
The society’s constitution and bylaws shows an affiliation with ISNA. A previous version said NAIT holds its real state.

Muslim American Society (website lists Texas contact address)
The society’s bylaws state that NAIT will hold its assets in the event of dissolution.

Muslim Children Education and Civic Center
The center’s website states that NAIT will hold its assets if dissolved.

Nigerian Muslim Association of Greater Houston / Masjid Ul Mu’Mineen
The association’s bylaws state that at least one trustee must be from NAIT and all deeds will be held by NAIT.

North Austin Muslim Community Center
Its website used to say that its property is registered with NAIT.

Valley Ranch Islamic Center
The center’s draft constitution says it is affiliated with NAIT and ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]Virginia:
All Dulles Area Muslim Society [ADAMS] Center[/paste:font]
The society’s website states it is affiliated with ISNA.

Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center
The center’s constitution says it is affiliated with NAIT, ISNA and MAS.

Islamic Center of Blacksburg
The center’s constitution says it is owned by NAIT.

Islamic Society of Central Virginia
The society’s bylaws states it is affiliated with NAIT and ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]Washington State:
Islamic Center of Tacoma[/paste:font]
The center’s constitution states that assets can be given to NAIT, MSA or any other Sunni organization.

Pullman Islamic Center
The center’s website states it is owned by NAIT and affiliated with ISNA.

[paste:font size="4"]West Virginia:
Islamic Center of Morgantown[/paste:font]
The center’s constitution shows affiliation with NAIT.
I never said there weren't at least a few muslims in those states meathead.

I was pointing out that the claim of a terrorist training camp in all 50 states was bogus nonsense. ...... :cool:

22 Islamic Terrorist Camps Located In US - Western Journalism
Jan 16, 2015 - 22 Islamic Terrorist Camps Located In US. According to the FBI, there are at least 22Islamic paramilitary communes in the US. These communes are operated by the Pakistan-based group Jamaat al-Fuqra and its main US front group, Muslims of the Americas.
100% Video Proof of Radical Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in ...
upload_2016-7-15_10-39-24.jpeg▶ 5:34

Nov 30, 2015 - Uploaded by Florida Gun Classifieds - New and Used Guns for Sale - Gun & Product Reviews
Video Proof of Radical Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in America - Bill O'Reilly This is definitive proof that ...

Terrorist Training Camps in the US | › Video Center › Operations › Domestic Terrorism
The Spread of Homegrown Terrorists - Islamic training camps in America's back yard. Why are these communities left to flourish in the US?
Articles: Muslims of America terrorist training compounds
American Thinker
Sep 20, 2015 - Muslims of America terrorist training compounds .... often targeting black criminals who converted to Islam in prison -- a source of recruits .... So we've got jihad training camps and sleeper cells scattered all across the United ...
Man...thanks for posting this important topic. As we've seen the other hundred times very similar threads have been started, you can expect a lively and highly intellectual deiscussion.

Thankfully, we have people like you here to ponder the really important questions surrounding this issue.

Everyone knows that if Obama breaks ranks with his national security advisers and his top military advisers....and starts using this incredibly vital term....the terror attacks will stop immediately.

Awesome thread.
He's been using the term islam. The 'I' in ISIL.
What's more, Obama is so stupid that he has been admitting all along that Islam has problems because he believes criticizing the religion compells its followers to become terrorists.
Your faux-black hero is responsible for these incessant attacks because he removed our presence from Iraq too soon. All to appease backwards-ass, stuck-in-the1960's lefties who played anti-Vietnam-war protest with Iraq.
Thank yourself, Obama ass-kisser.

Obama has used the ISL, but not Islamic. He prefers the term Deash, for those in Syria and Iraq.
Obama is weak. That's why this shit is happening with regularity now. Hillary is weak also. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!

Barry is a fucken muslim.

I think he's a sympathizer, and in the coming years I believe he will publicly convert.
I 100% guarantee everyone Obama will announce publically he has converted to Islam within a year of leaving office.

Wouldnt surprise me in the least.
Man...thanks for posting this important topic. As we've seen the other hundred times very similar threads have been started, you can expect a lively and highly intellectual deiscussion.

Thankfully, we have people like you here to ponder the really important questions surrounding this issue.

Everyone knows that if Obama breaks ranks with his national security advisers and his top military advisers....and starts using this incredibly vital term....the terror attacks will stop immediately.

Awesome thread.
He's been using the term islam. The 'I' in ISIL.
What's more, Obama is so stupid that he has been admitting all along that Islam has problems because he believes criticizing the religion compells its followers to become terrorists.
Your faux-black hero is responsible for these incessant attacks because he removed our presence from Iraq too soon. All to appease backwards-ass, stuck-in-the1960's lefties who played anti-Vietnam-war protest with Iraq.
Thank yourself, Obama ass-kisser.

Obama has used the ISL, but not Islamic. He prefers the term Deash, for those in Syria and Iraq.
The 'I' stands for islam.
Man...thanks for posting this important topic. As we've seen the other hundred times very similar threads have been started, you can expect a lively and highly intellectual deiscussion.

Thankfully, we have people like you here to ponder the really important questions surrounding this issue.

Everyone knows that if Obama breaks ranks with his national security advisers and his top military advisers....and starts using this incredibly vital term....the terror attacks will stop immediately.

Awesome thread.
He's been using the term islam. The 'I' in ISIL.
What's more, Obama is so stupid that he has been admitting all along that Islam has problems because he believes criticizing the religion compells its followers to become terrorists.
Your faux-black hero is responsible for these incessant attacks because he removed our presence from Iraq too soon. All to appease backwards-ass, stuck-in-the1960's lefties who played anti-Vietnam-war protest with Iraq.
Thank yourself, Obama ass-kisser.
Anyone care to bet that you and other scumbag rightists are going to try to blame the tragedy on the president – again.

The jerk has blood on his hands. Absolutely.
What are the odds ?

so calling it terrorism isn't sufficient?

did you call the person who shot up the planned parenthood a "christian terrorist"?

didn't think so.

The retarded Left always seeks to remove any connection Islam has to terrorism, or even violence. They need the 'good Islam fantasy' to keep us ignorant of Islam's true nature. But Muhammad (may shit be upon his head) was a terrorist. Jesus wasn't. An important distinction morons like jillian don't want us to know.

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