Anti-abortionists attempt to bring a pandemic with the Zika virus


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Well I'm anti-Abortion, with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

However these Zika babies, are mutants and were not meant for this world, it's very cruel to allow them to live with such impossible and unfixable lifelong disabilities, so I fully support them being aborted. The aborting of them I think is the greatest expression of compassion towards them.
Even the Pope said birth control wasn't outside the pale in countries where Zika is present.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
Our eagle almost went extinct. I have a friend who still spends her summers climbing very tall trees to peek in eagles' nests to count the eggs, thanks to the effects of DDT. It has been correlated with breast cancer and damage to a lot of other species, including accumulating in vegetation which is then consumed and accumulates in critters and people. I wouldn't say there is no evidence it harmed wild life. There are other answers to protecting babies from Zika, and they are working on them post haste.
It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
Our eagle almost went extinct. I have a friend who still spends her summers climbing very tall trees to peek in eagles' nests to count the eggs, thanks to the effects of DDT. It has been correlated with breast cancer and damage to a lot of other species, including accumulating in vegetation which is then consumed and accumulates in critters and people. I wouldn't say there is no evidence it harmed wild life. There are other answers to protecting babies from Zika, and they are working on them post haste.

Like I said, based on very little evidence.
The Truth About DDT and Silent Spring

Claim #1: DDT Causes Cancer in Humans.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the average American could be expected to ingest DDT in food and drink at levels of around 30 micrograms per day.[28]
R. E. Duggan and P. E. Corneliussen, “Dietary Intake of Pesticide Chemicals in the United States (III), June 1969-April 1970,” Pesticides Monitoring Journal 5, no. 4 (1972): 331–341. This comprehensive multi-year study, conducted by scientists working for the Food and Drug Administration, was cited by EPA reports well into the 1970s. My figure of 30 micrograms per day is an extrapolation from their data, assuming an average weight of around 68 kg (150 pounds) and working from the fact that the study assumed a diet “almost twice the ‘average’ intake of the ‘average’ individual.”
(Note: 1 gram = 1,000 milligrams = 1,000,000 micrograms.) Numerous studies of workers with intense exposure to DDT in the workplace, sometimes by factors of thousands more than the average dose — either in factories or in the field using DDT to combat malaria — have failed to show any “convincing evidence of patterns of associations between DDT and cancer incidence or mortality,” according to the World Health Organization.
World Health Organization, DDT in Indoor Residual Spraying: Human Health Aspects (Geneva: WHO, 2011), 71.
The thousands of individuals in these studies were regularly exposed to hundreds or perhaps thousands of times the amount of DDT that the average American would have been exposed to, but cancer rates seem not to have been elevated.
D. Ditraglia et al., “Mortality Study of Workers Employed at Organochlorine Pesticide Manufacturing Plants,” Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 7, no. 4 (1981): 140–146; Wong et al., “Mortality of Workers Potentially Exposed to Organic and Inorganic Brominated Chemicals, DBCP, TRIS, PBB, and DDT,” British Journal of Industrial Medicine 41, no. 1 (1984): 15–24; H. Austin et al., “A Prospective Follow-Up Study of Cancer Mortality in Relation to Serum DDT,” American Journal of Public Health 79, no. 1 (1989): 43–46; Cocco et al., “Proportional Mortality of Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT) Workers: A Preliminary Report,” Archives of Environmental Health 52, no. 4 (1997): 299–303; P. Cocco et al., “Cancer Mortality and Environmental Exposure to DDE in the United States,” Environmental Health Perspectives 108, no. 1 (2000): 1–4; Cocco et al., “Cancer Mortality Among Men Occupationally Exposed to Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane,” Cancer Research 65, no. 20 (2005): 9588–9594; Purdue et al., “Occupational Exposure to Organochlorine Insecticide and Cancer Incidence in the Agricultural Health Study,” International Journal of Cancer 120, no. 3 (2007): 642–649.
A great many studies of specific cancers — breast cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, and more — over many decades have failed to show significant evidence of cancer as a result of exposure to DDT.
World Health Organization, DDT in Indoor Residual Spraying, 71–83. There is, however, some evidence that exposure to DDT before puberty may be linked to breast cancer later in life; see ibid., 71–75.

There is scientific evidence that ingesting DDT or its byproduct DDE can cause mice to develop tumors, but only if they are fed at least ten times the amount per day (by body weight) that a person would normally expect to ingest.
Ibid., 52–61.
Cancer studies of other mammals have been less conclusive.
Ibid., 61–64.
In other studies of the effects of DDT on mammals, rats fed with large doses of the substance were found to have their reproductive lifespans increased by 65 percent (from 8.91 months to 14.55 months).
Alice Ottoboni, “Effect of DDT on the Reproductive Life-Span in the Female Rat,” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 22, no. 3 (1972): 497–502.
Heavily dosed dogs also experienced no ill effects, and in fact were found to be healthier than the control group, as DDT freed them of infestation by roundworms.[35]
Alice Ottoboni, Glenn D. Bissell, and Alfred C. Hexter, “Effects of DDT on Reproduction in Multiple Generations of Beagle Dogs,” Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 6, no. 1 (1977): 83–101.

Summarizing all of the relevant research, the U.S. government reported in 2002 that “there is no clear evidence that exposure to DDT/DDE causes cancer in humans.”
ATSDR, “Toxicological Profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD,” 2002, 25.
That assessment is a vindication of the legal conclusion of Judge Edmund Sweeney’s 1972 report on DDT for the EPA: “DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man.”
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Why abortion?

Why not just wait until the child is born, see if they are wanted and perfect in every way. . . and then, if they aren't? Just kill them!

Using that logic, we could start lining up others who are walking around with diminished capabilities and kill them too!

Think of the money that could save.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

None of your incoherent diatribe comes close to proving your lying title. Damn you're one ignorant fool.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.
Is 5 months gestation far enough along to determine if hydrocephaly is present?
It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
Our eagle almost went extinct. I have a friend who still spends her summers climbing very tall trees to peek in eagles' nests to count the eggs, thanks to the effects of DDT. It has been correlated with breast cancer and damage to a lot of other species, including accumulating in vegetation which is then consumed and accumulates in critters and people. I wouldn't say there is no evidence it harmed wild life. There are other answers to protecting babies from Zika, and they are working on them post haste.

Like I said, based on very little evidence.
The Truth About DDT and Silent Spring

Claim #1: DDT Causes Cancer in Humans.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the average American could be expected to ingest DDT in food and drink at levels of around 30 micrograms per day.[28]
R. E. Duggan and P. E. Corneliussen, “Dietary Intake of Pesticide Chemicals in the United States (III), June 1969-April 1970,” Pesticides Monitoring Journal 5, no. 4 (1972): 331–341. This comprehensive multi-year study, conducted by scientists working for the Food and Drug Administration, was cited by EPA reports well into the 1970s. My figure of 30 micrograms per day is an extrapolation from their data, assuming an average weight of around 68 kg (150 pounds) and working from the fact that the study assumed a diet “almost twice the ‘average’ intake of the ‘average’ individual.”
(Note: 1 gram = 1,000 milligrams = 1,000,000 micrograms.) Numerous studies of workers with intense exposure to DDT in the workplace, sometimes by factors of thousands more than the average dose — either in factories or in the field using DDT to combat malaria — have failed to show any “convincing evidence of patterns of associations between DDT and cancer incidence or mortality,” according to the World Health Organization.
World Health Organization, DDT in Indoor Residual Spraying: Human Health Aspects (Geneva: WHO, 2011), 71.
The thousands of individuals in these studies were regularly exposed to hundreds or perhaps thousands of times the amount of DDT that the average American would have been exposed to, but cancer rates seem not to have been elevated.
D. Ditraglia et al., “Mortality Study of Workers Employed at Organochlorine Pesticide Manufacturing Plants,” Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 7, no. 4 (1981): 140–146; Wong et al., “Mortality of Workers Potentially Exposed to Organic and Inorganic Brominated Chemicals, DBCP, TRIS, PBB, and DDT,” British Journal of Industrial Medicine 41, no. 1 (1984): 15–24; H. Austin et al., “A Prospective Follow-Up Study of Cancer Mortality in Relation to Serum DDT,” American Journal of Public Health 79, no. 1 (1989): 43–46; Cocco et al., “Proportional Mortality of Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT) Workers: A Preliminary Report,” Archives of Environmental Health 52, no. 4 (1997): 299–303; P. Cocco et al., “Cancer Mortality and Environmental Exposure to DDE in the United States,” Environmental Health Perspectives 108, no. 1 (2000): 1–4; Cocco et al., “Cancer Mortality Among Men Occupationally Exposed to Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane,” Cancer Research 65, no. 20 (2005): 9588–9594; Purdue et al., “Occupational Exposure to Organochlorine Insecticide and Cancer Incidence in the Agricultural Health Study,” International Journal of Cancer 120, no. 3 (2007): 642–649.
A great many studies of specific cancers — breast cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, and more — over many decades have failed to show significant evidence of cancer as a result of exposure to DDT.
World Health Organization, DDT in Indoor Residual Spraying, 71–83. There is, however, some evidence that exposure to DDT before puberty may be linked to breast cancer later in life; see ibid., 71–75.

There is scientific evidence that ingesting DDT or its byproduct DDE can cause mice to develop tumors, but only if they are fed at least ten times the amount per day (by body weight) that a person would normally expect to ingest.
Ibid., 52–61.
Cancer studies of other mammals have been less conclusive.
Ibid., 61–64.
In other studies of the effects of DDT on mammals, rats fed with large doses of the substance were found to have their reproductive lifespans increased by 65 percent (from 8.91 months to 14.55 months).
Alice Ottoboni, “Effect of DDT on the Reproductive Life-Span in the Female Rat,” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 22, no. 3 (1972): 497–502.
Heavily dosed dogs also experienced no ill effects, and in fact were found to be healthier than the control group, as DDT freed them of infestation by roundworms.[35]
Alice Ottoboni, Glenn D. Bissell, and Alfred C. Hexter, “Effects of DDT on Reproduction in Multiple Generations of Beagle Dogs,” Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 6, no. 1 (1977): 83–101.

Summarizing all of the relevant research, the U.S. government reported in 2002 that “there is no clear evidence that exposure to DDT/DDE causes cancer in humans.”
ATSDR, “Toxicological Profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD,” 2002, 25.
That assessment is a vindication of the legal conclusion of Judge Edmund Sweeney’s 1972 report on DDT for the EPA: “DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man.”
Thank you for your extensive information. Maybe we should have kissed the eagle and other birds goodbye, since it would have saved us lots of money. Taken our chances on whether early exposure to DDT causes breast cancer later in life. Hell, something is causing breast cancer, and it is something that stores in the fat cells, but since we don't know what it is, we should think of our pocketbook first. This is America.
It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
Our eagle almost went extinct. I have a friend who still spends her summers climbing very tall trees to peek in eagles' nests to count the eggs, thanks to the effects of DDT. It has been correlated with breast cancer and damage to a lot of other species, including accumulating in vegetation which is then consumed and accumulates in critters and people. I wouldn't say there is no evidence it harmed wild life. There are other answers to protecting babies from Zika, and they are working on them post haste.

Like I said, based on very little evidence.
The Truth About DDT and Silent Spring

Claim #1: DDT Causes Cancer in Humans.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the average American could be expected to ingest DDT in food and drink at levels of around 30 micrograms per day.[28]
R. E. Duggan and P. E. Corneliussen, “Dietary Intake of Pesticide Chemicals in the United States (III), June 1969-April 1970,” Pesticides Monitoring Journal 5, no. 4 (1972): 331–341. This comprehensive multi-year study, conducted by scientists working for the Food and Drug Administration, was cited by EPA reports well into the 1970s. My figure of 30 micrograms per day is an extrapolation from their data, assuming an average weight of around 68 kg (150 pounds) and working from the fact that the study assumed a diet “almost twice the ‘average’ intake of the ‘average’ individual.”
(Note: 1 gram = 1,000 milligrams = 1,000,000 micrograms.) Numerous studies of workers with intense exposure to DDT in the workplace, sometimes by factors of thousands more than the average dose — either in factories or in the field using DDT to combat malaria — have failed to show any “convincing evidence of patterns of associations between DDT and cancer incidence or mortality,” according to the World Health Organization.
World Health Organization, DDT in Indoor Residual Spraying: Human Health Aspects (Geneva: WHO, 2011), 71.
The thousands of individuals in these studies were regularly exposed to hundreds or perhaps thousands of times the amount of DDT that the average American would have been exposed to, but cancer rates seem not to have been elevated.
D. Ditraglia et al., “Mortality Study of Workers Employed at Organochlorine Pesticide Manufacturing Plants,” Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 7, no. 4 (1981): 140–146; Wong et al., “Mortality of Workers Potentially Exposed to Organic and Inorganic Brominated Chemicals, DBCP, TRIS, PBB, and DDT,” British Journal of Industrial Medicine 41, no. 1 (1984): 15–24; H. Austin et al., “A Prospective Follow-Up Study of Cancer Mortality in Relation to Serum DDT,” American Journal of Public Health 79, no. 1 (1989): 43–46; Cocco et al., “Proportional Mortality of Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT) Workers: A Preliminary Report,” Archives of Environmental Health 52, no. 4 (1997): 299–303; P. Cocco et al., “Cancer Mortality and Environmental Exposure to DDE in the United States,” Environmental Health Perspectives 108, no. 1 (2000): 1–4; Cocco et al., “Cancer Mortality Among Men Occupationally Exposed to Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane,” Cancer Research 65, no. 20 (2005): 9588–9594; Purdue et al., “Occupational Exposure to Organochlorine Insecticide and Cancer Incidence in the Agricultural Health Study,” International Journal of Cancer 120, no. 3 (2007): 642–649.
A great many studies of specific cancers — breast cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, and more — over many decades have failed to show significant evidence of cancer as a result of exposure to DDT.
World Health Organization, DDT in Indoor Residual Spraying, 71–83. There is, however, some evidence that exposure to DDT before puberty may be linked to breast cancer later in life; see ibid., 71–75.

There is scientific evidence that ingesting DDT or its byproduct DDE can cause mice to develop tumors, but only if they are fed at least ten times the amount per day (by body weight) that a person would normally expect to ingest.
Ibid., 52–61.
Cancer studies of other mammals have been less conclusive.
Ibid., 61–64.
In other studies of the effects of DDT on mammals, rats fed with large doses of the substance were found to have their reproductive lifespans increased by 65 percent (from 8.91 months to 14.55 months).
Alice Ottoboni, “Effect of DDT on the Reproductive Life-Span in the Female Rat,” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 22, no. 3 (1972): 497–502.
Heavily dosed dogs also experienced no ill effects, and in fact were found to be healthier than the control group, as DDT freed them of infestation by roundworms.[35]
Alice Ottoboni, Glenn D. Bissell, and Alfred C. Hexter, “Effects of DDT on Reproduction in Multiple Generations of Beagle Dogs,” Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 6, no. 1 (1977): 83–101.

Summarizing all of the relevant research, the U.S. government reported in 2002 that “there is no clear evidence that exposure to DDT/DDE causes cancer in humans.”
ATSDR, “Toxicological Profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD,” 2002, 25.
That assessment is a vindication of the legal conclusion of Judge Edmund Sweeney’s 1972 report on DDT for the EPA: “DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man.”
Thank you for your extensive information. Maybe we should have kissed the eagle and other birds goodbye, since it would have saved us lots of money. Taken our chances on whether early exposure to DDT causes breast cancer later in life. Hell, something is causing breast cancer, and it is something that stores in the fat cells, but since we don't know what it is, we should think of our pocketbook first. This is America.

Small doses just to kill mosquitoes is not going to harm anything.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.
Is 5 months gestation far enough along to determine if hydrocephaly is present?

What is wrong with including rare exceptions?
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.
That virus is a byproduct of socialism...
It's hard to understand the liberal mind especially when they recite gibberish that anti-abortionists are able to (or want to) create a "pandemic". The "A" in AIDS stands for "acquired". It means that you contract the disease mostly through risky behavior which includes homosexual sodomy and IV drug abuse. Sodomites claimed (hoped) the AIDS epidemic would sweep the heterosexual world but it didn't except for IV druggies and some women who were abused by drugged out and bi-sexual husbands and boyfriends. When it comes to abortion lefties are a lot like Nazis. If they don't actually see the carnage they pretend it doesn't exist. There is no medical reason for late term aka partial birth abortions. The procedure is designed strictly to kill fill term babies by stabbing them in the back of their heads and sucking out their brains with a frankenstein machine when they are inches away from birth (and life). The dirty little secret about abortion is that it isn't about the welfare of women, it's more like world class abuse of women. Liberal men are the main beneficiaries of abortion. Women forced or intimidated to hire someone to kill the unborn life inside them and they have to live with the physical and mental aftereffects for the rest of their lives while the liberal man's responsibilities go away at the stroke of a knife or instrument that resembles a coat hanger.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
Anyone with any common sense would realize that a poison that will kill mosquitoes, will do the same to humans. Go huff some Raid and see what happens.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.

Your dishonesty is appalling...trying to pretend that anti-abortionists have not been doing everything they can to overturn Roe v. Wade, is sleazy. Fucking fascist!
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.

Your dishonesty is appalling...trying to pretend that anti-abortionists have not been doing everything they can to overturn Roe v. Wade, is sleazy. Fucking fascist!

Fascism is the mindset that says a child is not a child until it lives too long and develops too much to be denied anymore.

Fascism is the mindset that says "if it doesn't look like me or act like me. . . It is something less than me."
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.

Your dishonesty is appalling...trying to pretend that anti-abortionists have not been doing everything they can to overturn Roe v. Wade, is sleazy. Fucking fascist!

Fascism is the mindset that says a child is not a child until it lives too long and develops too much to be denied anymore.

Fascism is the mindset that says "if it doesn't look like me or act like me. . . It is something less than me."
Fascism is like ISIS, who tries to force their ideology on women, to make them have children that they can abuse. The evangelical right is the same. Like ISIS, they force children already born, into poverty and suffering for their whole lives. They are both an ideology of hate, pretending to be holy.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.
Is 5 months gestation far enough along to determine if hydrocephaly is present?

What is wrong with including rare exceptions?
Is that an answer to my question? I don't understand...

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