Another Obama anti-Capitalist Socialist Policy

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

Yep, just like a socialist to go and side with big energy. Must be a plot like the ones Hitler had, to fool people in business. It's really about a socialist take over---saving big banks, saving big energy, saving big pharma, saving---capitalism?

The RWL here at USMB would have you believe up is down, left is right, and moderates are radical socialists.

Then there is the Lame Zone where the right can send what they view as leftists threads, to die a death of being closed, without it looking like the threads were closed.

I checked, very few if any crazy old right wing lunatics threads get closed or put into the Lame Zone.

Just another Democrat dirty trick. There will be a gigantic catch with this one. Bet on it. This will only be a tiny part of their coming massive Global Warming Boondoggle. I guess we'll see how many take the bait on this one. It is a trick. Make no mistake about it.
Either he's channeling his inner Sarah Palin...

...or else he's following the advice of those "non-existent" lobbyists...

Either he's channeling his inner Sarah Palin...

...or else he's following the advice of those "non-existent" lobbyists...


Didn't you get those memos...Lobbyists,Patriot Act,Raising the Debt Limit,Reconciliation,Recess Appointments,Bailouts,Stimulus Packages,Nuclear Power,and Offshore Drilling are all good things now. Dats da "Change" day waz talkin bout i guess. Yikes!
Barack Obama/George Bush/John McCain. They're the same person in the end. "Hope & Change?" lol! You gotta love it.
Sheesh, how many different threads with any more spin on them can the libs here post about the SAME TOPIC.

what is this, the forth or fifth?:lol:
Just another Democrat dirty trick. There will be a gigantic catch with this one. Bet on it. This will only be a tiny part of their coming massive Global Warming Boondoggle. I guess we'll see how many take the bait on this one. It is a trick. Make no mistake about it.

Wow. Just wow. Ok, it's early, but I'm going to go ahead and give you the tin-foil hat award today.

Do you ever try to be unbiased? And look at things from a fresh perspective? It must really suck to stuck holding fast to a level of hatred that wont let you see the truth isn't 100% against your enemies all the time.
He only opened it up for exploration. Will take years to get anywhere with it.

The part I find interesting is that he closed off any exploration where there is oil. Alaska to be precise.

Just a shell game. He looks good to all but the tree huggers and does no real harm either way.

I think Mike Pence summed this up very succinctly:

“As usual the devil is in the details. Only in Washington, D.C., can you ban more areas to oil and gas exploration than you open up, delay the date of your new leases and claim you’re going to increase production.

Thank you Obama for making things oh so much better.
Either he's channeling his inner Sarah Palin...

...or else he's following the advice of those "non-existent" lobbyists...


Didn't you get those memos...Lobbyists,Patriot Act,Raising the Debt Limit,Reconciliation,Recess Appointments,Bailouts,Stimulus Packages,Nuclear Power,and Offshore Drilling are all good things now. Dats da "Change" day waz talkin bout i guess. Yikes!

I know quoting yourself is poor message board etiquette but i think this really does sum up this President and Democrats at this point. Dishonesty & Hypocrisy at its worst.
Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

Yep, just like a socialist to go and side with big energy. Must be a plot like the ones Hitler had, to fool people in business. It's really about a socialist take over---saving big banks, saving big energy, saving big pharma, saving---capitalism?

The RWL here at USMB would have you believe up is down, left is right, and moderates are radical socialists.

Then there is the Lame Zone where the right can send what they view as leftists threads, to die a death of being closed, without it looking like the threads were closed.

I checked, very few if any crazy old right wing lunatics threads get closed or put into the Lame Zone.


If we're going to do away with all forms of socialism then...

1. let's end medicare and medicaid
2. let's STOP giving 40 year old retired military people LIFELONG pensions (from MY taxes!)
3. let's end social security completely
4. let's end ALL tax breaks for families (why should I pay MORE in taxes simply because I'm not married and don't have children while married conservatives get big tax breaks for their disgustingly fat wives and their too many children?)
Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

Yep, just like a socialist to go and side with big energy. Must be a plot like the ones Hitler had, to fool people in business. It's really about a socialist take over---saving big banks, saving big energy, saving big pharma, saving---capitalism?

The RWL here at USMB would have you believe up is down, left is right, and moderates are radical socialists.

Then there is the Lame Zone where the right can send what they view as leftists threads, to die a death of being closed, without it looking like the threads were closed.

I checked, very few if any crazy old right wing lunatics threads get closed or put into the Lame Zone.


If we're going to do away with all forms of socialism then...

1. let's end medicare and medicaid
2. let's STOP giving 40 year old retired military people LIFELONG pensions (from MY taxes!)
3. let's end social security completely
4. let's end ALL tax breaks for families (why should I pay MORE in taxes simply because I'm not married and don't have children while married conservatives get big tax breaks for their disgustingly fat wives and their too many children?)

Principles never really go quite far with your average nitwit/person. That is why I'm an elitist who abhors the idea of, and repulsed by most examples of, direct democracy
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Offshore Drilling is now a good thing according to the Hopey Changey sheep. Gee go figure? I guess this is like their former whiny & disingenuous opposition to the Patriot Act,Raising the Debt Limit,Bailouts,Stimulus Packages,Lobbyists,Recess Appointments,Corruption,and Nuclear Power. I guess they "Changed" their minds huh? Yikes!

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