Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
'Duck Dynasty' Now Selling Guns Because Of Course They Are

You can already buy Duck Dynasty brand Chia Pets, cigars and wine.

Now comes the product all those bearded Duck Dynasty wannabes have truly been waiting for (we guess): Guns. At least one retailer is now selling shotguns backed by the most popular reality TV show of all time.

Duck Commander, the duck-hunting company founded by the reality show's stars, has partnered with Mossberg & Sons, Inc to produce a line of shotguns and semi-automatic rifles. Mossberg has begun shipping some of the shotguns to wholesalers, according to Linda Powell, a Mossberg spokesperson told The Huffington Post. Cabela's, an outdoor recreation chain, has already begun to sell the weapons, Powell said. Several other "major retailers" would begin sales soon, she added.

Yep, the wanabes should be really happy about this and really, is anyone surprised?

If anything, I wonder what took them so long.
Cashin' in while they can.

Those fifteen minutes will come to an end one day, not too surprising they're selling their name for money...

Up next: Duck Dynasty Camouflage Depends...
here is what i don't get luddley and don't worry, i don't expect to you respond as it puts you in an uncomfortable position.

you claim to not be anti gun, yet, everytime you mention someone who owns or wants to own a gun, you insult with immature name calling. everytime you post a gun thread, it is negative.

will you actually answer me this time or run away per your usual?
oh darn, Luddy's going to have another cow

He must have pooped whole herd by now...ouch

he has found someone else to hate

geewhiz what a life
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About a year ago, my son was watching some stupid shit about some hillbilly's who got rich from duck calls. It was a dumb as shit reality show, that bored me in about 5 minutes. I absolutely HATE that kind of show. I put it on the intellectual level of Honey Boo Boo.

That said, the meltdown that the Communists are having over the mutterings of a hillbilly are the funniest fucking thing I've seen in a decade. Coupled with the frustration that the Commies are having over their failed attempt to destroy Phil Robertson the laughs keep coming. I see the Commies are attacking Robertson again with the Red Press of CNN running smear.

Marry girls when they're '15 or 16,' said 'Duck Dynasty' star -

I'm betting the Commies get no further in their attack this time, than last time....
here is what i don't get luddley and don't worry, i don't expect to you respond as it puts you in an uncomfortable position.

you claim to not be anti gun, yet, everytime you mention someone who owns or wants to own a gun, you insult with immature name calling. everytime you post a gun thread, it is negative.

will you actually answer me this time or run away per your usual?

What is negative about what I wrote?

here is what i don't get luddley and don't worry, i don't expect to you respond as it puts you in an uncomfortable position.

you claim to not be anti gun, yet, everytime you mention someone who owns or wants to own a gun, you insult with immature name calling. everytime you post a gun thread, it is negative.

will you actually answer me this time or run away per your usual?

What is negative about what I wrote?


Ya cause making fun of firearms is always positive.
About a year ago, my son was watching some stupid shit about some hillbilly's who got rich from duck calls. It was a dumb as shit reality show, that bored me in about 5 minutes. I absolutely HATE that kind of show. I put it on the intellectual level of Honey Boo Boo.

That said, the meltdown that the Communists are having over the mutterings of a hillbilly are the funniest fucking thing I've seen in a decade. Coupled with the frustration that the Commies are having over their failed attempt to destroy Phil Robertson the laughs keep coming. I see the Commies are attacking Robertson again with the Red Press of CNN running smear.

Marry girls when they're '15 or 16,' said 'Duck Dynasty' star -

I'm betting the Commies get no further in their attack this time, than last time....

Naw they won't prevail. Their antics amount to a street fighter getting knocked the fuck out and then muttering through broken teeth and a bloody mouth how they're going to kick some ass

About a year ago, my son was watching some stupid shit about some hillbilly's who got rich from duck calls. It was a dumb as shit reality show, that bored me in about 5 minutes. I absolutely HATE that kind of show. I put it on the intellectual level of Honey Boo Boo.

That said, the meltdown that the Communists are having over the mutterings of a hillbilly are the funniest fucking thing I've seen in a decade. Coupled with the frustration that the Commies are having over their failed attempt to destroy Phil Robertson the laughs keep coming. I see the Commies are attacking Robertson again with the Red Press of CNN running smear.

Marry girls when they're '15 or 16,' said 'Duck Dynasty' star -

I'm betting the Commies get no further in their attack this time, than last time....

FACTS are not Communist or a smear.

They simply are what they are.


Deal with it.
here is what i don't get luddley and don't worry, i don't expect to you respond as it puts you in an uncomfortable position.

you claim to not be anti gun, yet, everytime you mention someone who owns or wants to own a gun, you insult with immature name calling. everytime you post a gun thread, it is negative.

will you actually answer me this time or run away per your usual?

What is negative about what I wrote?


Ya cause making fun of firearms is always positive.

Okay then, what is "making fun" about what I wrote?

Where is the "name calling", the "insult" or the "making fun".

Do either of you have the integrity to admit you're reading in what you want to see rather than what was actually written? And, will you take responsibility for your own words or will you blame it on me or, oh, I don't know, COMMUNISTS??
Just so there's no confusion, I have no problem whatsoever with what they're doing. If someone is willing to pay them for the name, more power to the Duck family. I think that says more about those paying them than it does the family itself.

Personally, I've never seen an episode. Not my cup of tea as they say. I know of it only through commercials and scuttlebutt...
Just so there's no confusion, I have no problem whatsoever with what they're doing. If someone is willing to pay them for the name, more power to the Duck family. I think that says more about those paying them than it does the family itself.

Personally, I've never seen an episode. Not my cup of tea as they say. I know of it only through commercials and scuttlebutt...

The only reason there was any scuttlebutt at all is because of the tantrum GLAAD had. They thought they were going to teach us all a big lesson and all that happened was we got to watch them get bitch slapped on the national

Too damn funny. :lol:
Just so there's no confusion, I have no problem whatsoever with what they're doing. If someone is willing to pay them for the name, more power to the Duck family. I think that says more about those paying them than it does the family itself.

Personally, I've never seen an episode. Not my cup of tea as they say. I know of it only through commercials and scuttlebutt...

Me neither. I think your first post is spot on - There's no such thing as bad publicity but their days are numbered. Make hay while the sun shines and all that. As I said, I wonder what took the so long because its a pretty obvious tie in.

As for what it says about those willing to pay the DDs, check out the prices for a Mossman. Suckers are born every minute.
Just so there's no confusion, I have no problem whatsoever with what they're doing. If someone is willing to pay them for the name, more power to the Duck family. I think that says more about those paying them than it does the family itself.

Personally, I've never seen an episode. Not my cup of tea as they say. I know of it only through commercials and scuttlebutt...

Oh and I did watch about one and half episodes. Probably less because I could feel my brain cells dying. Its stupid, anti-christian and full of hate for women. But the old fart does like big boobs. He mentions that every chance he gets. TV really has become a "vast wasteland".
Just so there's no confusion, I have no problem whatsoever with what they're doing. If someone is willing to pay them for the name, more power to the Duck family. I think that says more about those paying them than it does the family itself.

Personally, I've never seen an episode. Not my cup of tea as they say. I know of it only through commercials and scuttlebutt...

Oh and I did watch about one and half episodes. Probably less because I could feel my brain cells dying. Its stupid, anti-christian and full of hate for women. But the old fart does like big boobs. He mentions that every chance he gets. TV really has become a "vast wasteland".

lol, "vast wasteland" we know what that is....^^^^:lol:
full of hate for woman, good gawd your goofy imagination runs twisted
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