Another Mex Tries a get Rich off the Taxpayer Scam.

Its not about taking side, its about the mother admits she and her daughter knew the law and she broke it intentionally. Instead of correcting her daughter she wants to sue.

You don't throw a 12 year old kid in jail for doodling on her desk with a pencil, you jackbooted dipshit. They should sue and I hope they win millions for violating her civil rights.

Lets just do away with rules in school, let the kids carry guns knives, let them rape rob and kill each other and their teachers. show them their parents want them above being disciplined. It worked so well 20 years ago when the law stopped you from disciplining them so just give them free run.

Oh yeah, because carrying a gun or a knife and raping other kids in school is so clearly right on par with drawing on your desk with a pencil. Fuckin moron.
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Don't Taz Me Bro Wrote:
Oh yeah, because carrying a gun or a knife and raping other kids in school is so clearly right on par with drawing on your desk with a pencil. Fuckin moron.

While I don't agree with the lengths Froggy took his analogy to...I certainly don't think that writing on a desk in pencil is akin to raping someone...I do think that (to a lesser extent) his concept does have some merit.

As a teacher, I can tell you honestly that students (especially at the middle and high school levels) are consistently and constantly testing their teachers. This is a normal, healthy part of development. However...that testing also applies to rules...what rules really matter, what rules can I break and get away with, what rules will be enforced, etc.

And I can tell you that from my experience, once students find a rule that they can break consistently and that the teachers and administrators do not enforce becomes almost a game to students to try to break that rule again and again.

In a psychological sense, it is almost as if students see it as a power-issue. "I can get away with breaking this rule. I am smarter than my teachers."

I'm not psycho-babbling. I've seen it first hand. In every middle school I have worked in, gum-chewing is against the rules. In every middle school I've worked in, gum chewing was one of the least enforced rules (mainly because the principals grew tired of dealing with "small offenses" like gum chewing, and simply stopped punishing students for it...therefore teachers, knowing that nothing was going to happen to the students if they were "written up" for this violation, simply stopped writing students up for it and would either ignore it...or just ask students to throw their gum away when caught with it.). Because of this every middle school I've worked in, gum chewing is rampant...and kids consider it almost a game to try to get through the day without "getting caught." If you DO try to enforce the become almost indignant because it has been so poorly enforced.

This doesn't seem like a big deal...but it DOES add to other behaviors. Kids want to push further, test more...what OTHER rules don't matter??? And this DOES lead to more serious infractions...insubordination, disrespect for others, property, etc.

Do I think a student should have been arrested for writing on her desk in marker? No. But I do see it as a more serious offense than many of you do...because I have seen what happens when minor issues are ignored...and how quickly a whole bunch of minor issues can add up into a school with major problems.
wonder what would have happened if she'd <gasp> stuck gum under her desk.


I love the way we all assume that everything in the article is factually correct.

Many of us do CG, I think we sometimes have too much faith in some media reports even though we know many stories are 'padded' to make them more marketable or influential with the intent to sway opinion.

Then can we carry that 'factually correct' assumption one step further,and say that just about every article written,seen or posted anywhere,could be all hearsay? I know hearsay is a term used IN a court from an out-of-court statement. But wouldn't it also be true if I, or anyone here,were not present and witnessing the event in person?

I don't think anyone can be 100% sure of the accuracy of any post or story in the media, we seem to have to wait until the dust settles, to separate the 'factual' from the actual. Many people,most of the time not all, take initial reports,statements, with a grain-of-salt, and wait for "the rest of the story' as Paul Harvey's program used to say.
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It would be impossible to discuss the matter unless we assume the article is correct. Of course, that doesn't mean that if more information is presented, we cant review and revise our discussion points.

If i went on the assumption that we need to distrust the article absent any other information, id never have anything to discuss.
First of all, coming from NYC I know that this girl was likely Dominican, Puerto Rican, or Colombian, not Mexican as the dumbass OP assumed. While it is possible she is, New York has a far more prevalent community of those three latino races in the area where this occurred.

As for anyone trying to justify failed Zero -tolerance policies. Great, let's waste more taxpayer money on shit like this.

Once again, if you align yourself with the ideas of fiscal conservatism, there is no logical way you can support failed policies like this unless you are a racist or just fucking stupid. Either way you should be neutered.
Not too many "kids" today have any respect for authority or anyone else for that matter. They have too many rights to do too much as they damn well please. If any want to be genuinely honest and reflect on own underdeveloped character and mentality as a child, I think "kids" today would get taken down a peg or two. Unfortunately, the parents of too many kids aren't much further along in maturity and upright character than their kids.

This girl appears to be an arrogant self serving little "brat" regardless of her race and the brat didn't seem to fall far from her tree. The erasable magic marker seemed to be born of the same tactics as having passengers lay down on the seat in the rideshare lane just to claim harassment when the cops pull them over. I don't want to be a racist or even plain old judgemental in any area, but I think we need some solid framework for everybody as a whole as to right and wrong that can't be burned by rebel-rousers and leeches of any race, creed, gender or any other group some would make out to be exempt from following the rules. While we're at it we should prioritize crime and punishment as to the degree of it. Failure to appear in court for any reason should not carry a stiffer sentence than assault of any kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone here think it is a crime worthy of jail time paid for by the tax payers? Things like this happen because girls(and boys) like this one get away with crap like this and grow up to be prosecuters and judges or other authoritative figures. Somebody better start saying ENOUGH OF THIS BS of no accountability for anything. Moreover, they certainly should not be REWARDED for their wrong doing with ANY dollar amount! I'm sorry but I am still in shock over that NJ gang rape of a 7 year old and need to lash out!! WE need to put a stop to people thinking they are above all the rules and laws.
Failure to appear in court for any reason should not carry a stiffer sentence than assault of any kind!!

Given the number of exclamation points you used after this sentence, (most of which I removed when I quoted you) I'm going to assume you failed to show up for a court hearing, and got nailed for it.. :)

If you don't show up for court, yes, you DO deserve a pretty stiff fine.
First of all, coming from NYC I know that this girl was likely Dominican, Puerto Rican, or Colombian, not Mexican as the dumbass OP assumed. While it is possible she is, New York has a far more prevalent community of those three latino races in the area where this occurred.

As for anyone trying to justify failed Zero -tolerance policies. Great, let's waste more taxpayer money on shit like this.

Once again, if you align yourself with the ideas of fiscal conservatism, there is no logical way you can support failed policies like this unless you are a racist or just fucking stupid. Either way you should be neutered.

Free lesson History of Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Failure to appear in court for any reason should not carry a stiffer sentence than assault of any kind!!

Given the number of exclamation points you used after this sentence, (most of which I removed when I quoted you) I'm going to assume you failed to show up for a court hearing, and got nailed for it.. :)

If you don't show up for court, yes, you DO deserve a pretty stiff fine.

I completely agree. There are few things more important than integrity. If you give your word, or even payment, assuring that you will show up and don't, that is far worse than getting in a fight.

Bloody lips heal. Integrity is a whole different matter.
Failure to appear in court for any reason should not carry a stiffer sentence than assault of any kind!!

Given the number of exclamation points you used after this sentence, (most of which I removed when I quoted you) I'm going to assume you failed to show up for a court hearing, and got nailed for it.. :)

If you don't show up for court, yes, you DO deserve a pretty stiff fine.

I completely agree. There are few things more important than integrity. If you give your word, or even payment, assuring that you will show up and don't, that is far worse than getting in a fight.

Bloody lips heal. Integrity is a whole different matter.

First of all it wasn't me but the person I know got a YEAR for failing to appear. My son is a police officer and said he sees the lowest of life forms beat women and children, rob and steal and never serve prison time and he thought it was ridiculous too. The person is a harmless alcoholic.

As for integrity being a whole different matter, how much integrity do you suppose is possessed by those who stand before the judge as defendants or even by those paid to defend them. Integrity, is an endangered character trait on all levels. And that's it for me. "I have nothing more to say about that"

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