Another Jewish Cemetary Desecrated ...

It couldn't be radical MUSLIMS that Barry the Fairy let in could it?

Doubt it.

They tend to go after LIVE targets, not dead ones...

Those who did this did not want to be IDed.... and why should they, since they don't want to get busted for another hoax?
It couldn't be radical MUSLIMS that Barry the Fairy let in could it?

Doubt it.

They tend to go after LIVE targets, not dead ones...

Those who did this did not want to be IDed.... and why should they, since they don't want to get busted for another hoax?

They tend to go after anybody who can't fight back, aka marathon runners, office partiers, nightclubbers, dead folks.
I see....

We can really trust the Chosen, since 911 was "VERY GOOD FOR ISRAEL!!!!!"
Trump said it was bad. If he meant it he would have told his buddy, the AG, to look into these acts of violence against Jewish families and, in fact, all Americans.
You don't have one clue as to what anybody in Trump admin is doing.

"You don't have one clue as to what anybody in Trump admin is doing"; neither do they!

But that aside, I've been a voting adult since the election of Richard Nixon in 1968, and I have a good idea of the character, leadership and skills of every president since. Trump is unfit, his character is flawed, he can only lead the biddable and he has zero diplomatic skills.

On top of that he is a narcissist, and has shown to be a megalomaniac.

Megalomania vs. Narcissism: Dating a Megalomaniac
That's your opinion. You still have no clue what's going on, and since he doesn't give daily reports to the MSM like Obama did, you in your funk equate that as somehow making him unfit, when in reality it does just the opposite. It shows that Trump is fully aware of the treachery of the MSM and has taken steps to to secure the administration from inside leaks. It's hard though with so many traitors.

My opinion based on my LE experience with abusers. I ran my agencies domestic violence unit, wrote two VAWA Grants and managed teams of LE (Prosecutors, police, sheriff, probation, parole), the courts, batterer programs and women's shelters).

My opinion based on listening to Trump and members of his inner circle.

BTW, one man's traitor maybe a nation's patriot.
Well, that's good. Thank you for your service. I still think that that Trump is not unfit. I think he is fighting battles that he should not have to be fighting and the media are liars and cheats. We got Trump and I hope he is successful, and I think he will be once he gets settled in and gets rid of all the leftover scum.
Building 7 was not subjected to controlled demolition?

A "757" flew in at 400 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground (putting its engines in the ground)??


Another sub human mind filled with Zionist lies...

A "757" made this hole in the Pentagon....

Building 7 was not subjected to controlled demolition?

A "757" flew in at 400 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground (putting its engines in the ground)??


Another sub human mind filled with Zionist lies...

A "757" made this hole in the Pentagon....

This garbage was put to bed over 15 years ago, freak. There's pictures of the airliner hitting the Pentagon and there were no "controlled demolitions" around the WTC. You're some shithead sitting in some dirty hole in the wall still trying to make excuses for your Jew-hating pals.....NO SALE, FUCK YOU.
there were no "controlled demolitions" around the WTC.


This is "not" a controlled demolition, folks... because if it was, it would prove nobody Islamic had anything to do with 911 and it being VERY GOOD FOR ISRAEL....


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