Another fine choice for the Biden team


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
Anita Dunn, a veteran Democratic operative, worked as a chief strategist on the 2008 Obama campaign before serving as White House communications director. She became a close adviser to Biden during the Obama administration. Dunn will become a Senior Advisor to Biden. What could possibly go wrong when you bring in someone that holds Mao Tse Tung in such high regard.

Biden taps ex-Obama aide Anita Dunn as senior adviser

Anita Dunn, a veteran Democratic operative, worked as a chief strategist on the 2008 Obama campaign before serving as White House communications director. She became a close adviser to Biden during the Obama administration. Dunn will become a Senior Advisor to Biden. What could possibly go wrong when you bring in someone that holds Mao Tse Tung in such high regard.

Biden taps ex-Obama aide Anita Dunn as senior adviser

According to Biden, Xi gave her great references
There's a pretty good chance that, at the end of his administration, Biden won't have to be considering pre-emptive pardons for anyone who worked for him or with him.

Baby steps.

Yeah, no need to have to pardon anyone when crimes are simply ignored rather than manufactured. Get it yet? You wouldn't. Are you a fan of Mao too?

Nailed it!
Yeah, no need to have to pardon anyone when crimes are simply ignored rather than manufactured. Get it yet? You wouldn't. Are you a fan of Mao too?

Actually, I'm not a fan or Mao or George Washington.

But they are both kind of the same. They both lead plucky rebellions against corrupt governments and unified their countries, setting them on the path to become a great power.

And they both did stuff that was kind of awful.

“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another. --Malcolm Reynolds
Yeah, no need to have to pardon anyone when crimes are simply ignored rather than manufactured. Get it yet? You wouldn't. Are you a fan of Mao too?

Actually, I'm not a fan or Mao or George Washington.

But they are both kind of the same. They both lead plucky rebellions against corrupt governments and unified their countries, setting them on the path to become a great power.

And they both did stuff that was kind of awful.

“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another. --Malcolm Reynolds

Did Washington murder 50 million? You're a moron. Now, get back to sucking Xi's cock.
Yeah, no need to have to pardon anyone when crimes are simply ignored rather than manufactured. Get it yet? You wouldn't. Are you a fan of Mao too?

Actually, I'm not a fan or Mao or George Washington.

But they are both kind of the same. They both lead plucky rebellions against corrupt governments and unified their countries, setting them on the path to become a great power.

And they both did stuff that was kind of awful.

“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another. --Malcolm Reynolds

So now George Washington and Mao Zedong are on equal footing. What on earth have they been teaching you folks in public schools? Has this indoctrination been going on up North since you were in elementary school and college? If so, no wonder we are where we are.
Yeah, no need to have to pardon anyone when crimes are simply ignored rather than manufactured. Get it yet? You wouldn't. Are you a fan of Mao too?

Actually, I'm not a fan or Mao or George Washington.

But they are both kind of the same. They both lead plucky rebellions against corrupt governments and unified their countries, setting them on the path to become a great power.

And they both did stuff that was kind of awful.

“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another. --Malcolm Reynolds

Did Washington murder 50 million? You're a moron. Now, get back to sucking Xi's cock.

It takes these kinds of useful idiots to buy into the stuff the Democrats are selling. As you can see from JoeB, the indoctrination is fully complete in many of them.
I'm confident that our resident "Joe" as well as China-Joe both work for Zi.
Did Washington murder 50 million? You're a moron. Now, get back to sucking Xi's cock.

America was built on the Genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of black people. Probably much worse than anything Mao supposedly did.

Also, the 1950's called. They want their Bircher Propaganda back.

So now George Washington and Mao Zedong are on equal footing. What on earth have they been teaching you folks in public schools? Has this indoctrination been going on up North since you were in elementary school and college? If so, no wonder we are where we are.

Again, I was pretty right wing until i got a wonderful dose of "Capitalism" after I busted up my knee.

The reality, any great nation has been built on the suffering and misery of some of it's people. America's history was pretty fucking dismal up until 1950 if you were black, Native American or even an immigrant.


Awww.... aren't they adorable? you urchins work hard making the rich richer!!!

China's history was pretty fucking dismal before Mao got there. Their history is also thousands of years older than ours.

It's an entirely different perspective most Americans probably can't understand.
America was built on the Genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of black people. Probably much worse than anything Mao supposedly did.

Just about every single country in the world was built via some type of conquest. This is a nonsensical, irrelevant argument.

Again, I was pretty right wing until i got a wonderful dose of "Capitalism" after I busted up my knee.

There is no way this one event changed your entire outlook so drastically. I am supposed to believe you were a US loving, Conservative prior to this event and then did a complete 180. The only explanation would be that you left out a key part of your injury. You were kicked in the knee by a donkey and then again in the head on your way down. That may explain it.
"Unity" defined by the left is genocide, gulags, indoctrination. The left admires the worst dictators who have ever lived.
There's a pretty good chance that, at the end of his administration, Biden won't have to be considering pre-emptive pardons for anyone who worked for him or with him.

Baby steps.

Yeah, no need to have to pardon anyone when crimes are simply ignored rather than manufactured. Get it yet? You wouldn't. Are you a fan of Mao too?
Well if that were true considering the repugs controlled the DOJ the presidency ,the Supreme Court and the presidency during that period they must have been slobbering fucking idiots. Hillarious. Yet we still got convictions in face of all of that. You fuckers are idiot peices of trash. No basis in reality. It does not go your way you scream cheat its Hillarious like three year olds throwing a tantrum. Except three hesr olds run out of breath eventually with you idiots its stupidity 24 hours a day. You. Must be proud.
Just about every single country in the world was built via some type of conquest. This is a nonsensical, irrelevant argument.

But yet you guys make it about China. Yes, China is oppressing the Uighers and Tibetans.... and we oppress the Cherokees and Navajo... That's my point.

Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.

There is no way this one event changed your entire outlook so drastically. I am supposed to believe you were a US loving, Conservative prior to this event and then did a complete 180. The only explanation would be that you left out a key part of your injury. You were kicked in the knee by a donkey and then again in the head on your way down. That may explain it.

Oh, that wasn't the only thing... It was kind of a key turning point.

Another was watching the Pageant of Religious Crazy that followed Obama's election. You know, they had this gathering in 2008, where the featured speakers were "The Guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear", the "Guy who once performed an exorcism", the "Gal whose Church invited a Witch-hunter to speak" and "the Guy who believes the Rapture is coming". (That would be Romney, Jindal, Palin and Huckabee, respectively).

the thing is, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in the Cult of Trump. Jesus Christ, he gave 3 million illegals AMNESTY!!! And he was friends with Rock Hudson. That wouldn't play well in the party of "We hate Mexicans and Gays just like Jesus did."

So at the end of 2008, I had a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and I was working a job that paid me a lot less than the one I was working at, and all the GOP had to offer was a lot of religious crazy and OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

Now, I would LOVE to be able to say, "I left the GOP when Bush lied us into a war in Iraq" or "I left the GOP when Bush's incompetence got all those people killed in New Orleans". Nope. I left when Bush's incompetence and the GOP's craziness got me to a point where "I can't excuse this anymore."
There's a pretty good chance that, at the end of his administration, Biden won't have to be considering pre-emptive pardons for anyone who worked for him or with him.

Baby steps.

Yeah, no need to have to pardon anyone when crimes are simply ignored rather than manufactured. Get it yet? You wouldn't. Are you a fan of Mao too?
Well if that were true considering the repugs controlled the DOJ the presidency ,the Supreme Court and the presidency during that period they must have been slobbering fucking idiots. Hillarious. Yet we still got convictions in face of all of that. You fuckers are idiot peices of trash. No basis in reality. It does not go your way you scream cheat its Hillarious like three year olds throwing a tantrum. Except three hesr olds run out of breath eventually with you idiots its stupidity 24 hours a day. You. Must be proud.
Imagine having to defend this administration. Cronies jailed. Pre-emptive pardons. Holy crap. What a fucking joke.
There's a pretty good chance that, at the end of his administration, Biden won't have to be considering pre-emptive pardons for anyone who worked for him or with him.

Baby steps.

Yeah, no need to have to pardon anyone when crimes are simply ignored rather than manufactured. Get it yet? You wouldn't. Are you a fan of Mao too?
Well if that were true considering the repugs controlled the DOJ the presidency ,the Supreme Court and the presidency during that period they must have been slobbering fucking idiots. Hillarious. Yet we still got convictions in face of all of that. You fuckers are idiot peices of trash. No basis in reality. It does not go your way you scream cheat its Hillarious like three year olds throwing a tantrum. Except three hesr olds run out of breath eventually with you idiots its stupidity 24 hours a day. You. Must be proud.
Imagine having to defend this administration. Cronies jailed. Pre-emptive pardons. Holy crap. What a fucking joke.
God it is tough having logic these days. I feel like I am talking to ants withered idiots. I only have to deal with it a couple months out of the year the rest the time I am on the water and am oblivious. Its tiring. I am about to pull my boat from storage and just winterize it every night. The lake has not frozen over for years I could still be making money. I have friends with out boards still running charters. I gotta get a new boat with out boards. I buy a house and rehab it during this period but would rather be outside and away from all this idiocy and turmoil.
Just about every single country in the world was built via some type of conquest. This is a nonsensical, irrelevant argument.

But yet you guys make it about China. Yes, China is oppressing the Uighers and Tibetans.... and we oppress the Cherokees and Navajo... That's my point.

Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.

There is no way this one event changed your entire outlook so drastically. I am supposed to believe you were a US loving, Conservative prior to this event and then did a complete 180. The only explanation would be that you left out a key part of your injury. You were kicked in the knee by a donkey and then again in the head on your way down. That may explain it.

Oh, that wasn't the only thing... It was kind of a key turning point.

Another was watching the Pageant of Religious Crazy that followed Obama's election. You know, they had this gathering in 2008, where the featured speakers were "The Guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear", the "Guy who once performed an exorcism", the "Gal whose Church invited a Witch-hunter to speak" and "the Guy who believes the Rapture is coming". (That would be Romney, Jindal, Palin and Huckabee, respectively).

the thing is, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in the Cult of Trump. Jesus Christ, he gave 3 million illegals AMNESTY!!! And he was friends with Rock Hudson. That wouldn't play well in the party of "We hate Mexicans and Gays just like Jesus did."

So at the end of 2008, I had a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and I was working a job that paid me a lot less than the one I was working at, and all the GOP had to offer was a lot of religious crazy and OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

Now, I would LOVE to be able to say, "I left the GOP when Bush lied us into a war in Iraq" or "I left the GOP when Bush's incompetence got all those people killed in New Orleans". Nope. I left when Bush's incompetence and the GOP's craziness got me to a point where "I can't excuse this anymore."

I'm just curious Joe, after that incredibly viscious screed you just posted above, what is it that you think that Democrats have ever fucked up on that cost people their lives, or oppress others? Surely you don't think they walk on water do you?

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