Another Crazy Professor Asks Another Dumb Question


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Some people have way too much free time.

Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?
Some people have way too much free time.

Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?
/---/ Well, I for one, would not miss the professor if he croaked.
Oh, an opinion piece that is supposed to inspire discussion and thought on our effect on the environment. No wonder Trumpists are getting headaches. If it can't fit in a tweet, Trumpist have a fit.
Oh, an opinion piece that is supposed to inspire discussion and thought on our effect on the environment. No wonder Trumpists are getting headaches. If it can't fit in a tweet, Trumpist have a fit.

It's a stupid opinion.

Until it's proven otherwise, we're the top of the chain.
Oh, an opinion piece that is supposed to inspire discussion and thought on our effect on the environment. No wonder Trumpists are getting headaches. If it can't fit in a tweet, Trumpist have a fit.
/----/ Well the professor "inspired discussion " about how stupid he is. What a moron.
Some people have way too much free time.

Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?
Liberaldom journies deeper into the abyss of stupidity and here’s what it will lead to. Within five years Clemson’s Human Extinction Department will employ 127 people on campus, with a operating budget of $4.7M annually, and in play for millions of dollars of grants, government projects, bribes, kickbacks, and chances to testify in court for cash.
A man invites a stranger to his home after Shabbos services to spend it with his family (as was the tradition in European Jewish communities)..

When the man gets to his home, he is given scented soaps to freshen up and enjoys a sumptuous Shabbos dinner with fine wine. After dinner, he's shown to an elegant bedroom with silk sheets and the finest goose down comforter. The next day, he's treated like a honored guest until the Shabbos ends that evening.

At the end of Shabbos, the host presents his guest with an itemized bill for everything he enjoyed. The man is confused. "I don't understand. You invited me as your guest for Shabbos. How can you expect me to pay for this?" The host simply said, "Fine, we'll go see the Rabbi and let him decide".

Both men went to see the Rabbi and explained their sides and the Rabbi thought about it and stroked his beard and finally said, "You must pay the bill".

The man was angered, but had no choice to accept the decision of the Rabbi. As they were walking back to the house to collect his things, the man offered his host the money to pay the bill. The host was shocked. He said, "Don't be ridiculous. You were my guest for Shabbos. I couldn't have you pay a kopek for anything!"

The man was confused, he said, "But you took me to see the Rabbi and he told me to pay?!"

The host just laughed and said, "Ohhh that! I just wanted you to see what an idiot our Rabbi is!".
For those who are capable of opening their minds for a few minutes, what Mr. May is worthy of consideration. As he writes there is no dispute as to the wreck and ruin we are doing to the environment. Anyone see 60 minutes last night?

What Mr. May argues is equally true. What goes around comes around. The disdain we have shown the environment will one day come back with a vengeance, whether that be through climate change, deforestation or countless other calamities we are inflicting on the planet.

The warning signs are everywhere. Never in human history have we faced severe environmental consequences for our actions on a planetary scale. The sad fact is that we are showing ourselves to be incapable of coming to terms with our actions.

We are all just pitiful stewards of our environment. The reckoning is upon us for all to see.
Anyone see 60 minutes last night?

Has '60 Minutes' recently become a peer-reviewed scientific journal?
Does one need to read a peer-reviewed journal to see the amount of plastic in the great pacific garbage dump or the massive amounts of plastic floating in our waterways? Some people use what are called eyes.
Anyone see 60 minutes last night?

Has '60 Minutes' recently become a peer-reviewed scientific journal?
Does one need to read a peer-reviewed journal to see the amount of plastic in the great pacific garbage dump or the massive amounts of plastic floating in our waterways? Some people use what are called eyes.

You have a problem with plastic?

Anyone see 60 minutes last night?

Has '60 Minutes' recently become a peer-reviewed scientific journal?
Does one need to read a peer-reviewed journal to see the amount of plastic in the great pacific garbage dump or the massive amounts of plastic floating in our waterways? Some people use what are called eyes.

You have a problem with plastic?


That plastic is fine except when it is in your dinner.
Anyone see 60 minutes last night?

Has '60 Minutes' recently become a peer-reviewed scientific journal?
Does one need to read a peer-reviewed journal to see the amount of plastic in the great pacific garbage dump or the massive amounts of plastic floating in our waterways? Some people use what are called eyes.

You have a problem with plastic?


That plastic is fine except when it is in your dinner.

Pretty sure I've never eaten a plastic fish. If I did, it was delicious.

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