Another Conspiracy Dies As U.S. Border Agents are ‘Cleared’ of Migrant ‘Whipping’ Claims.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It was just the usual leftoid hysteria at work. lies, lies, and more lies coupled with cries of "racism".

Sensationalist reports of U.S. Border Patrol agents whipping Haitian migrants at America’s southern border – a narrative pushed by the White House, mainstream media outlets, and left-wing politicians and activists – have been confirmed as false.


The incident underwent a probe by the Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), which National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd revealed had yielded no evidence supporting the left-wing theory that agents “whipped” Haitian migrants.

“The only reason that we know that they were cleared is because OPR [Office of Professional Responsibility] started their investigation and they compelled them to give a statement. Once you compel somebody to give a statement, you can’t take criminal action against them,” Judd explained while speaking to The Daily Caller.


At a separate press briefing, Psaki similarly described the incident as “horrific,” slamming the Border Patrol agents for using “brutal and inappropriate measures against innocent people.”

President Joe Biden also commented on the matter, insisting that “to see people treated like they did, horses running them over and people getting strapped, it’s outrageous I promise you those people will pay.”

The story also made its way to mainstream media outlets, with shows such as CBS Evening News even accusing agents of targeting families and babies.


Now all they need to do is convince the Squad, Cory Booker, Biden, and Harris.

(and CNN, MSNBC, etc)
Joe Biden needs to apologize and these men should sue the crap out of the Border Patrol and the white house....
Biden needs to pay for all of the lies.
One million for every lie that has resulted in destruction or deaths.....

That's about $1 billion so far.
I'm sure Hunter has the money to pay it as usual.

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