Another Chinese Balloongate?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Another Chinese Balloongate?

12 Feb 2023 ~~ By Neil Barnett

Well, the Chinese have done it again...or have they?

Recently, Biden's spokespersons announced the shoot-down of an "object" over far Northeastern Alaska, shot down where it would land on an ice floe in Prudhoe Bay. The Pentagon was quick to "not call it" a balloon, just as they were careful not to call where it crashed down "ice." Instead, they called the balloon an "object" and called it "frozen water."
Why did Biden permit a massive balloon, with an equipment pod as large as a commercial airliner, to overfly the entire United States — including our nuclear missile silos in Montana — while popping a relatively tiny balloon, with an equipment pod smaller than a small car? More to the point, since China tested lofting deadly EMP generators on large balloons, why was the large balloon allowed to threaten all Americans while the tinker-toy mini-balloon was destroyed as a "viable threat"? A balloon known to be capable of carrying devastating weapons, spotted flying over the entire U.S., is apparently no threat, but a micro-balloon over the most remote portion of the U.S. is a threat? Really?
Pentagon spokespersons were quick to deny that they knew that the balloon shot down was Chinese. But if it wasn't Chinese, why did they destroy it? They denied knowing that it was a balloon. They also "confirmed" that this object wasn't a manned aircraft, but an object. If they could determine that it wasn't manned, surely they could see that it was a balloon.
Now here's the weird part. The first object, shot down a week ago off the coast of South Carolina, was an unmanned balloon that contained a huge amount of spy equipment — even though the equipment pod was larger than a Chinese space capsule.
What's next? Do we take out flights of migrating birds while ignoring incoming hypersonic missiles? With Biden as president, it's hard to know. What we do know is that Biden is afraid to release facts obvious to anyone with a pair of binoculars.

The Biden administration is trying to undo the mistakes made with the large Chinese balloon, announcing it before American civilians could discover and report it to the media. They shot it down because it could "present a threat to commercial aircraft" even as it flew over the most desolate land on Earth. This time, they even advised Alaska's governor before they shot it down.
That calls into question what they haven't announced — yet — about the Chinese spy balloon. Why, when they have satellites and hypersonic missiles, might China be using balloons? Apparently, according to spy tech expert H.I. Sutton, there remains an espionage market for massive drone balloons.
There is truly no doubt, IMHO, that Democrat, Fake, Criminal, Illegal elected POTUS, Joe Biden is the 100% pet pawn and lap dog for the Communist Chinese Party.....American Congress Critters, Citizens and Voters better Wake Up, Wise up and impeach Biden who is owned and operates for none other then the CCP! If painful, failure, Biden is not impeached, hard, bad, sad days, evil, times ahead, for the once free and great USA Republic Nation!

Another Chinese Balloongate?

12 Feb 2023 ~~ By Neil Barnett

Well, the Chinese have done it again...or have they?

Recently, Biden's spokespersons announced the shoot-down of an "object" over far Northeastern Alaska, shot down where it would land on an ice floe in Prudhoe Bay. The Pentagon was quick to "not call it" a balloon, just as they were careful not to call where it crashed down "ice." Instead, they called the balloon an "object" and called it "frozen water."
Why did Biden permit a massive balloon, with an equipment pod as large as a commercial airliner, to overfly the entire United States — including our nuclear missile silos in Montana — while popping a relatively tiny balloon, with an equipment pod smaller than a small car? More to the point, since China tested lofting deadly EMP generators on large balloons, why was the large balloon allowed to threaten all Americans while the tinker-toy mini-balloon was destroyed as a "viable threat"? A balloon known to be capable of carrying devastating weapons, spotted flying over the entire U.S., is apparently no threat, but a micro-balloon over the most remote portion of the U.S. is a threat? Really?
Pentagon spokespersons were quick to deny that they knew that the balloon shot down was Chinese. But if it wasn't Chinese, why did they destroy it? They denied knowing that it was a balloon. They also "confirmed" that this object wasn't a manned aircraft, but an object. If they could determine that it wasn't manned, surely they could see that it was a balloon.
Now here's the weird part. The first object, shot down a week ago off the coast of South Carolina, was an unmanned balloon that contained a huge amount of spy equipment — even though the equipment pod was larger than a Chinese space capsule.
What's next? Do we take out flights of migrating birds while ignoring incoming hypersonic missiles? With Biden as president, it's hard to know. What we do know is that Biden is afraid to release facts obvious to anyone with a pair of binoculars.

The Biden administration is trying to undo the mistakes made with the large Chinese balloon, announcing it before American civilians could discover and report it to the media. They shot it down because it could "present a threat to commercial aircraft" even as it flew over the most desolate land on Earth. This time, they even advised Alaska's governor before they shot it down.
That calls into question what they haven't announced — yet — about the Chinese spy balloon. Why, when they have satellites and hypersonic missiles, might China be using balloons? Apparently, according to spy tech expert H.I. Sutton, there remains an espionage market for massive drone balloons.
There is truly no doubt, IMHO, that Democrat, Fake, Criminal, Illegal elected POTUS, Joe Biden is the 100% pet pawn and lap dog for the Communist Chinese Party.....American Congress Critters, Citizens and Voters better Wake Up, Wise up and impeach Biden who is owned and operates for none other then the CCP! If painful, failure, Biden is not impeached, hard, bad, sad days, evil, times ahead, for the once free and great USA Republic Nation!

Why are some saying the objects are "decommissioned" instead of "shot down"?
Its a play on words....
Decommission means to withdraw (something, especially weapons or military equipment) from service. An alternate definition is make a nuclear reactor or weapon inoperative, and dismantle and decontaminate it to make it safe

Kind of a scary play on words.

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