Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016

Would be nice if she cared about the women and children being slaughtered by her buddies
So, Russians living in the U.S. should be brutalized because of their nationality alone? Here's an idea... let's blame the criminal acts by Russians in Ukraine, on the criminal Russians IN Ukraine.

History, see what happened to Germans and others in America who opposed our entry into the Great War in 1917.
Across the river in D.C. people vandalized The Russia House and they've temporarily closed for safety concerns. There are reports of this happening elsewhere at other Russia themed business. Some were even owned by Ukranians. I can't approve of anything like that.
Nor can I. Someone needs to remind Candace that all lives matter.
What do you disagree with her on? That we shouldn’t attack Russians in America? Are you serious?
Candace owens?

I disagree with her on almost everything she says bt in this instance her worrying "Russian lives" over the lives of women and children that are being slaughtered BY those Russians is jst about as disgusting as you can get
Innocent Russians don't deserve a backlash. But I've seen the Ukraine war supporting types right here in the U.S., back when people here were calling any opposition to the Iraq and Afghan wars treasonous. For those people I have no sympathy.

But are our leaders really allowing it to happen and calling for it to happen as she claims?

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