Ann Coulter on Trump’s Immigration Plan: Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta

funny how Trump put out a position paper on immigration but seems the only thing [MOSTLY] discussed is ANN COULTER . Anyway , Trumps plan looks good to me . Looks like Trump has good thinking ability and advisors like Jeff Sessions [assumed] plus maybe some other advisors . Point is that Trump is coming out with position and policy papers that everyone is / was asking for but when he does the only thing talked about is Ann Coulter . -------- just kinda funny , imo !!
PURE B.S. Ann Coulter is dumber than a rock.

1. There are millions of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.
2. They aren't going to VOTE for someone who insults them, threatens to rip Grandma & Grandma out of their families and send them back to nothing.
3. We are NOT going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

THE FENCE IS BULL SHIT: Have any of you ever been down to the boarder? I have, lots of times. The fence is full of holes. If you build a 50' foot fence, they'll make a taller ladder. if you dig it 50' feet into the earth they'll dig a 60' hole. If you make it out of steel, they'll bring torches.

The only way to stop illegal crossings is to put National Guard or more boarder patrol at stations, where the crossings are monitored by electronic devices, so they are spotted miles before they get to our boarder and are caught.

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate that makes sense on this.

eagle, Obama's admin has deported more illegals than Clinton and Bush together. Context.

And YOU Republican...of the Manchurian variety!!!'

You LIE again JakeAss...

"They manipulated deportation data to make it appear that the Border Patrol was deporting more illegal immigrants than the Bush administration," Dobbs said July 1, 2014. "The Homeland Security secretary had to admit before Congress that was not the case -- that, in fact, they were manipulating the numbers."

Seems when the Border patrol STOPS an illegal at the border, and sends him back, the fucking muslim president counts that as a deportation!

So EASY to bitch slap a fucking DemocRAT posing as a Republican!
PURE B.S. Ann Coulter is dumber than a rock.

1. There are millions of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.
2. They aren't going to VOTE for someone who insults them, threatens to rip Grandma & Grandma out of their families and send them back to nothing.
3. We are NOT going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

THE FENCE IS BULL SHIT: Have any of you ever been down to the boarder? I have, lots of times. The fence is full of holes. If you build a 50' foot fence, they'll make a taller ladder. if you dig it 50' feet into the earth they'll dig a 60' hole. If you make it out of steel, they'll bring torches.

The only way to stop illegal crossings is to put National Guard or more boarder patrol at stations, where the crossings are monitored by electronic devices, so they are spotted miles before they get to our boarder and are caught.

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate that makes sense on this.

And I've listened to Trump say almost the same thing. 3 tiers on the wall and increased enforcement.
funny how Trump put out a position paper on immigration but seems the only thing [MOSTLY] discussed is ANN COULTER . Anyway , Trumps plan looks good to me . Looks like Trump has good thinking ability and advisors like Jeff Sessions [assumed] plus maybe some other advisors . Point is that Trump is coming out with position and policy papers that everyone is / was asking for but when he does the only thing talked about is Ann Coulter . -------- just kinda funny , imo !!

When Trump is elected (gulp....!), look for A. Coulter to head Immigration!!! :banana:
A deportation is a deportation, regardless of what far right reactionaries say they are not, Vigilante. Just the way it is.

Trump called the Iraq invasion a terrible mistake, a two trillion dollar loss.

Trump will push for national health care single payer.

Trump will keep the Iranian deal.

You far right small government reactionaries are now statist progressives.

What a hoot.
Go Trump, fuck up all the subversives that want the scum of Latin America to come here illegally and get amnesty... They would all be registered Socialist/DemocRATS within a few years.... The DemocRATS have thrown the blacks UNDER THE BUS, they no longer need useful idiots to vote for them ,as their PP abortion centers bear this out, and beside Latino's are CLOSER TO WHITE, and there is a never ending supply of NEW subversive voters for all the FREE SHIT offered...


Damn TRUMP could be Washington' s GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT Grandson (is that enough GREATS???)

A deportation is a deportation, regardless of what far right reactionaries say they are not, Vigilante. Just the way it is.

Trump called the Iraq invasion a terrible mistake, a two trillion dollar loss.

Trump will push for national health care single payer.

Trump will keep the Iranian deal.

You far right small government reactionaries are now statist progressives.

What a hoot.

Your crystal ball is broken.
PURE B.S. Ann Coulter is dumber than a rock.

1. There are millions of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.
2. They aren't going to VOTE for someone who insults them, threatens to rip Grandma & Grandma out of their families and send them back to nothing.
3. We are NOT going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

THE FENCE IS BULL SHIT: Have any of you ever been down to the boarder? I have, lots of times. The fence is full of holes. If you build a 50' foot fence, they'll make a taller ladder. if you dig it 50' feet into the earth they'll dig a 60' hole. If you make it out of steel, they'll bring torches.

The only way to stop illegal crossings is to put National Guard or more boarder patrol at stations, where the crossings are monitored by electronic devices, so they are spotted miles before they get to our boarder and are caught.

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate that makes sense on this.

thing is , who cares what ' hispanics' will vote for Oreo . I'm only interested in who or what Americans will vote for . And , I think that MOST decent people of 'hispanic' heritage or ethnicity in America think of themselves as Americans rather than a 'hispanic' mob that needs to be pandered to . Course , I'm talking about the people that have been born in the USA or are here legally Oreo . ---------- no matter what though , this position paper should get Mr. Trump some more support , imo Oreo !!
The most anti illegal immigrant latino that ever lived, Cesar Chavez, would have loved it.
A deportation is a deportation, regardless of what far right reactionaries say they are not, Vigilante. Just the way it is.

Trump called the Iraq invasion a terrible mistake, a two trillion dollar loss.

Trump will push for national health care single payer.

Trump will keep the Iranian deal.

You far right small government reactionaries are now statist progressives.

What a hoot.

Wrong again JakeAss! Those stopped at he border and immediately sent back were NEVER COUNTED BEFORE as have to go through COURT to be deported, and NONE of these people were!
Iraq WAS a mistake, it was planned and executed POORLY with NO WITHDRAWL plans! Trumps likes a modified example where you can BUY your insurance from any state and have insurance companies BID for your business, and if you are 60 and don't NEED insurance for pregnancy, you aren't mandated to buy it! Trump already stated he'd do a NEW Iran deal, one that didn't give them $150 BILLION to fund terrorists....You asswipe, ARE a PROGRESSIVE, proved with ever inane post you put out..... YOU continue to be our entertainment!
It is a hoot the far right reactionaries are supporting the Big Government progressive statist, Donald Trump.

(1) He says Bush fucked up in Iraq with so many casualties and a two trillion dollar loss and Iraq a failure under the control of Iran.

(2) He is a guy for national health care single payer.

(3) He says he can make the Iranian deal work.

Vigilante and the rest are statist progressives.

This is fun.
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It is a hoot the far right reactionaries are supporting the Big Government progressive statist, Donald Trump.

(1) He says Bush fucked up in Iraq with all o four casualties and a two trillion dollar loss and Iraq a failure under the control of Iran.

(2) He is a guy for national health care single payer.

(3) He says he can make the Iranian deal work.

Vigilante and the rest are statist progressives.

This is fun.

But these dumb shits want to cut infrastructure, science, and education to the bone. Only if it helps the avg American...To vigilante the avg poor and middle class American can eat shit and die.
A deportation is a deportation, regardless of what far right reactionaries say they are not, Vigilante. Just the way it is.

Trump called the Iraq invasion a terrible mistake, a two trillion dollar loss.

Trump will push for national health care single payer.

Trump will keep the Iranian deal.

You far right small government reactionaries are now statist progressives.

What a hoot.

Wrong again JakeAss! Those stopped at he border and immediately sent back were NEVER COUNTED BEFORE as have to go through COURT to be deported, and NONE of these people were!
Iraq WAS a mistake, it was planned and executed POORLY with NO WITHDRAWL plans! Trumps likes a modified example where you can BUY your insurance from any state and have insurance companies BID for your business, and if you are 60 and don't NEED insurance for pregnancy, you aren't mandated to buy it! Trump already stated he'd do a NEW Iran deal, one that didn't give them $150 BILLION to fund terrorists....You asswipe, ARE a PROGRESSIVE, proved with ever inane post you put out..... YOU continue to be our entertainment!

Fake Jake needs to read this post he is becoming 'a minister of disinformation'. Poor Jake......too bad he has hit such a lowly, low.
It is a hoot the far right reactionaries are supporting the Big Government progressive statist, Donald Trump.

(1) He says Bush fucked up in Iraq with all o four casualties and a two trillion dollar loss and Iraq a failure under the control of Iran.

(2) He is a guy for national health care single payer.

(3) He says he can make the Iranian deal work.

Vigilante and the rest are statist progressives.

This is fun.

This IS funny, I already addressed all your bullshit above, and here you go reposting what you've just been bitch slapped for.... Einstein has you pegged, Manchurian muslim...

It is a hoot the far right reactionaries are supporting the Big Government progressive statist, Donald Trump.

(1) He says Bush fucked up in Iraq with all o four casualties and a two trillion dollar loss and Iraq a failure under the control of Iran.

(2) He is a guy for national health care single payer.

(3) He says he can make the Iranian deal work.

Vigilante and the rest are statist progressives.

This is fun.

But these dumb shits want to cut infrastructure, science, and education to the bone. Only if it helps the avg American...To vigilante the avg poor and middle class American can eat shit and die.

Let's see NASA can send muslim's to Mars! .... for $200 MILLION Alex, what was pandering to fucking muslims going to do for NASA'S muslim outreach?

This fuck up ONLY cares about science , education and infrastructure...ALL BIG GOVERNMENT GRANT programs, where UNIONS, LYING GW scientists, and EPA lovers get BILLIONS and filter back MILLIONS to their DemocRAT friends in D.C...... you're BULLSHIT has been UNCOVERED :ahole-1:

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