And They Just Keep On Dropping Like Flies On A Window Sill...


And left would be celebrating and laughing their asses off.
To the point!

Why is it that the angry extremist right in America so reliably reject mainstream science.

Is it related to science flying in the face of Christianity's irrational beliefs in the supernatural?
Because during these last 3 years "mainstream science" has been shown to be criminal charlatans, the modern day equivalent of of snake oil salesmen.
Because during these last 3 years "mainstream science" has been shown to be criminal charlatans, the modern day equivalent of of snake oil salesmen.

We are suppose to trust those experts, right?

History teaches us that George Washington died of throat infection, when in reality he bled to death, cause experts of the era suggested that he trust the science.

The experts from George Washington University med school performed lobotomy on JFK's sister Rosie. They drilled two holes on the top of her head and were removing parts of her brain, leaving her in mental state of the toddler. It was science, they said.

Back in sixties, FDA recalled Thalidomide as treatment for cancer, drug that caused severe birth defects. Then in seventies they recalled Diethylstilbestrol, synthetic form of the female hormone estrogen. It was prescribed to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages. Trust the science.

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