And the Covid Manipulation continues--hospitalizing covid patients who don't need it.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Covid is a HUGE myth [ like racism and police brutality ] ....mostly because of the MSM = 24/7 DEATH COUNTS/etc


Covid Vaccine is a dangerous sham.​

Posted on March 4 by MWitt

First, the US has had a patent on SARS and COVID, in general, since 2003. Which you can see in my previous post. Second, there hasn’t been much in terms of animal or human testing. Third, we have an amazing immune system. Our Immune system automatically builds antibodies. Fourth, it is not a vaccine. Vaccines contain proteins, this is mRNA, which changes a person’s genetic make up.. Also noted, in my last post, was how Fauci has many patents on mRNA and HIV. I also exposed Bill Gates’ involvement. Fifth, the constant changing of recommendations and lies told to the American people.
So let’s start with all the flip flopping. First, they told us the truth, Masks are useless. Leora Horowitz a doctor and Director of the Center for Healthcare innovation, posted on Twitter, that masks do not work. She explained the certification process that she has to go through annually. You can see her entire Twitter rant on it at the above link. Scroll past the picture. Next, let’s define who THEY are? They consist of the WHO, CDC and Fauci. After a short time, they reversed their advice and said you must wear a mask, no matter the composition and if you don’t you are a bad person. They said this with zero scientific information to back this up. First, they said it would just be for 2 weeks, to reduce the curve.Then they said you would need to wear masks until a vaccine became available. In this same article, you can see it goes from that to when we develop a big enough “herd immunity”. Which they said would be 14 days with 0 new cases.Then it turned into when we have peace of mind. Which is ridiculous because this is not something that can be measured. Here are the rest of their excuses: You don’t know how long it will take for people to get vaccinated. There is no idea who has been or hasn’t been vaccinated. They don’t know the vaccines effectiveness. We don’t know how long the vaccine will be effective. People can be reinfected. These were in an article by Forbes.
So let’s look at some facts. Hospitals were NEVER over run, like we were told.Dr. Fauci said we should all be under lockdown. The states with the most draconian lock downs had the highest death counts. Seven states never locked down. Those states are: North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Arkansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Wyoming. These states alone, proved that Fauci, the CDC and the WHO were wrong. This is all per the comprehensive research done by the American Institute for Economic Research or AIER. In fact, the lock downs have proven to be quite detrimental. The lock downs actually increased suicides and domestic violence. Instead of America being able to live out the pandemic in relative peace, the lock down policies brought about economic devastation as seen by the 9.9%, 8.3%, 8.1% unemployment rates, respectively. Take my state, Maine, for example. We have very low numbers and a very low death toll. Even with all of this, our governor still has us on mandatory mask mandates, social distancing, virtual schooling and all the other lock down requirements. The Maine Policy Institute released a report detailing the UNNECESSARY damage such policies brought on the state, in their report. This report further concludes: “All seven states out performed the majority of the country in both minimizing death, as well as, protecting their economies. Some of these states even experienced spikes in cases and still managed the disease far better than states with similar caseloads that issued a stay at home order. There is no definitive evidence to suggest that stay at home orders are effective at addressing COVID-19. Furthermore, the United States experiment with the policy has yielded results that are not favorable to Dr. Fauci’s suggestion regarding the nationwide implementation of stay at home orders.”
Another fact, this virus has a 99% survival rate. Why in the world were we put through this hell?! My last article covered it perfectly, control. Next is the idea of Safety-ism. So what is Safety-ism? Safety-ism is the idea that all of the inherent risks that life entails must be reduced, that state power must be mobilized to mitigate those risks, and that any intervention that reduces those risks, to any degree, is justified. There is 1 major flaw with that theory, The Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. Living as a free person requires some assumption of risk. Living in comparative “safety” is not worth surrendering our right, to govern our own lives, to the state—our right to make our own decisions about which risks are acceptable. Another fact, the covid tests are highly unreliable, causing false positives.
Next fact, not being reported, is the fact that many healthcare workers are against taking the vaccine. Many doctors are warning against this vaccine. Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who found the link between the combo MMR vaccine and Autism, says this is an irreversible genetic modification. He discusses the difference of a vaccine, which is proteins vs what this is, mRNA– which does indeed change your DNA, which Moderna verifies here. Next, are ALL of the deaths and injuries caused by the vaccine. These are not being widely reported. This one is about a doctor in FL who died from a mysterious blood clot, this was 16 days after the covid vaccine. 23 people have died in Norway, so fa, in less than a month, since the vaccine rollout. As of January 29th, there have been 501 total deaths. Of those 453 were here in the US.The Pfizer vaccine was taken by 59% of those who died, while the Moderna vaccine was taken by 41%. In addition to the deaths, there have been over 11,249 adverse reactions.
5 days after receiving her 2nd dose of the vaccine, a 28 yr old nurse was admitted to the ICU. She was pronounced brain dead after a cerebral angiography confirmed a severe hemorrhage in her brain stem, which caused her to have a stroke. Her family members confirmed that she broke out in rashes and sudden migraine headaches right after the first dose of the vaccine. She then got sick right after taking the second dose of the vaccine. At the very end, she lost the ability to speak and went unconscious. The vaccines are also reducing fertility, new studies show. Due to the fast roll out, there is a rule that not 1 vaccine company may be held liable for any injury or deaths. Instead, the victims or victims family are steered to an obscure federal bureaucracy, with a record of seldom paying claims This alone should frighten you.


And they wonder why no one trusts them and why they are short hospital beds letting and arranging patients to die as they have the liberal media run their stories of the evil southern states using up hospital beds for covid.
Yeah, what do those doctors know?

And they wonder why no one trusts them and why they are short hospital beds letting and arranging patients to die as they have the liberal media run their stories of the evil southern states using up hospital beds for covid.
You left out a few details, as usual.

From the link: There are probably a few explanations behind the data, per The Atlantic. Many of the patients may have been admitted to the hospital for an unrelated illness and tested positive upon entrance. Others may have been treated as a preventative measure because of comorbities, and some may simply may have just needed quick, relatively easy treatments before leaving.
Once hospitals were told they'd get more money for COVID patients this was the inevitable outcome. They're hooked now.

And they wonder why no one trusts them and why they are short hospital beds letting and arranging patients to die as they have the liberal media run their stories of the evil southern states using up hospital beds for covid.
Like I said right now it's all money driven. It sure as hell isn't virus driven. But then again I already knew this from way back when I worked in the hospital environment. It's a very familiar story only this time they have an international crisis like covid to supercharge it and to provide some legitimate cover for their padding of the bottom line

The biggest form of manipulation is Biden sending COVID infected illegal aliens to Red states with governors who are critical of him like Florida and Texas. Biden is an asshole.
September 13, 2021

Medical Experimentation and Collective Punishment Are War Crimes​

By J.B. Shurk

Fake President but Real Dictator Joe Biden: "We are going to protect the vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers." Ah, if only the "vaccinated" workers had as healthy immune systems as their unvaccinated colleagues. Whatever the friendly U.S. government is injecting into people, it's certainly not inoculating against or inhibiting transmission of the Fauci Virus if the "vaccinated" must walk around in bubble-boy suits for the rest of their lives. The "vaccine" that works so nice you have to take it,, we'll let you know when you've had enough, prole!

Before "hope and change" replaced the Scientific Method, not only did the medical community know the difference between males and females, but also vaccinations actually conferred immunity. Is there some unwritten rule that we must endure fake vaccinations during fake presidencies? I know we live in a time when the political left redefines words daily to fit its desired propaganda objectives, but if "vaccine" now means nothing more than "an injection that may or may not prevent illness so long as the subject remains in sterilized environments and wrapped in protective headwear," then that's hardly different from defining "bulletproof vest" as "a garment that may or may not prevent bodily harm, so long as the wearer curls up in the fetal position and hides from danger." Now that Americans are being threatened with economic destruction unless they let Uncle Sam slap on some rubber gloves and play doctor, I think we know where this bowdlerization of medical terminology is naturally heading: "Vaccination, noun: The choice between letting the lying liars who run the U.S. government pump your an experimental serum into your veins or being forced into unemployment, homelessness, and starvation; also, Vaccinate, verb, a profane expletive for fornication, as in, 'The pudding-brained Pretender-in-Chief sure vaccinated me this time!'"
As long as we're considering technical definitions, maybe it's time to consult long-standing international agreements on the protection of human rights and the prosecution of war crimes. As its first stated principle outlining the bare minimum required of medical professionals "to satisfy moral, ethical, and legal" duties, the 1947 Nuremberg Code states clearly:
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

Let's put aside whether, in their rush to "vaccinate" the world, medical bureaucrats have sufficiently "enlightened" patients as to all the health hazards that might be reasonably expected to come from an experimental treatment because the usual long-term studies that track potentially harmful side-effects of new treatments over the course of ten or more years were thrown out the window so governments could quickly jab their citizens without much scrutiny. Long-term harm? Only the future will tell.

Rather, let's highlight what the Nuremberg Code says about consent: it must be free from "force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion." Does this set off any alarm bells for ethicists concerned about not following in the footsteps of Nazi medical science or treating civilians as guinea pigs for experimental research? Is it possible that Herr Biden's angry threats against healthy citizens for not partaking in his medical research might amount to "duress" or "coercion"? Let's see — jab this in your arm, or we will fire you, render you unemployable, threaten the financial survival of you and your family, and maybe leave you destitute and homeless. Ding, ding, ding! Talk about "overreach"! Surely, threatening people with economic destruction if they won't submit to medical experimentation is the exact kind of government "force" (or mandate) the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg was trying to prevent in the future. Surely, "vaccine" mandates explicitly designed to outlaw "freedom or personal choice" should be scrutinized with an eye open to the human atrocities of the past. Yet here we are, seventy-five years later, and medical experimentation is back in style. Maybe the New World Order the globalists keep forcing down our throats is once again written in German, even if "President" Dummkopf speaks only gibberish.


And they wonder why no one trusts them and why they are short hospital beds letting and arranging patients to die as they have the liberal media run their stories of the evil southern states using up hospital beds for covid.
Sorry. I'm only going to trust Dr Lesh and his team of certified doctors here from Google Medical College

Consulting your doctor ts 2nd to Dr Lesh and his team of board certified and USMB Hospital and Hospice Service

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