And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.

Of course I am serious. Just because most people in America tend to disagree with the idea of engaging in sexual relations with those under the age of consent, and find it appalling (for reasons usually having to due with the law, religion, and culture), that does not make it a "mental disorder". That would suggest that something is biologically or genetically fucked up with them, which I do not believe is the case.

It's just a matter of taste, and their preferences happen to be unlawful. At least, here in America.

How about the law of common sense. 13/14 yr old I can see gray areas. Anyone younger and the emotional & physical difference should make any person cringe.

I don't agree with the OP, but I think given enough time and if its spoon fed the right can lead some people into believing just about anything is "normal".
Of course I am serious. Just because most people in America tend to disagree with the idea of engaging in sexual relations with those under the age of consent, and find it appalling (for reasons usually having to due with the law, religion, and culture), that does not make it a "mental disorder". That would suggest that something is biologically or genetically fucked up with them, which I do not believe is the case.

It's just a matter of taste, and their preferences happen to be unlawful. At least, here in America.​

I'm glad we're having this discussion.

If we look from the legal side, the sexual relation with those "under the age of consent" is called statutory rape. I wouldn't say that most people "tend to disagree", but that most people, but not all, are absolutely disgusted with any rape, especially with rape of children.

From medical stand point, I understand that you're saying pedophilia is not disorder, and it's matter of taste. Therefore I assume you agree with APA decision to remove it from DSM list, and if true, would you say that homosexuality and further, incest, necrophilia, bestiality, etc. are also "just matter of taste".
How about the law of common sense. 13/14 yr old I can see gray areas. Anyone younger and the emotional & physical difference should make any person cringe.

I don't agree with the OP, but I think given enough time and if its spoon fed the right can lead some people into believing just about anything is "normal".

Replying to bold... having said that, I think you actually agreed with OP.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.
I dont think one judge means anything.. I think over long periods and given the right PR almost anything can seem right..
Sometimes its the truth, sometimes its just manipulation.
It's absurd! So does it mean that these perverts now can rape kids without any consequences?!
So does it mean that all these **** who raped kids before, now are not guilty? wtf is going on?!
Of course I am serious. Just because most people in America tend to disagree with the idea of engaging in sexual relations with those under the age of consent, and find it appalling (for reasons usually having to due with the law, religion, and culture), that does not make it a "mental disorder". That would suggest that something is biologically or genetically fucked up with them, which I do not believe is the case.

It's just a matter of taste, and their preferences happen to be unlawful. At least, here in America.​

I'm glad we're having this discussion.

If we look from the legal side, the sexual relation with those "under the age of consent" is called statutory rape. I wouldn't say that most people "tend to disagree", but that most people, but not all, are absolutely disgusted with any rape, especially with rape of children.

From medical stand point, I understand that you're saying pedophilia is not disorder, and it's matter of taste. Therefore I assume you agree with APA decision to remove it from DSM list, and if true, would you say that homosexuality and further, incest, necrophilia, bestiality, etc. are also "just matter of taste".

I honestly do not care about them or their "list" lol. It will not effect my belief on the matter. And as much as I myself am appalled by things such incest and necrophilia, and bestiality, those preferences of theirs do not necessarily mean that there is anything flawed with their biological or genetic makeup. Same goes for those who exhibit sexual preferences that include those outside of their own gender, such as homosexuals. If any of them possess "mental disorders" at all, it has nothing to do with their sexual preferences.

How are you going to know what a person is thinking? Everyone has thoughts that race into their mind about murder, sex, and committing other crimes. It's not a crime until the act is committed.

And what level of pedophilia are we talking about? Are we talking about a person who is attracted to a 17 year old or a 7 year old. There are different levels.
I dont think one judge means anything..
I don't know what you meant by this.
I think over long periods and given the right PR almost anything can seem right..
Is that what happened with homosexuality? Since APA removed it from the DSM list we have very aggressive PR for homosexuality that pretty much force whole system into gay acceptance.
Sometimes its the truth, sometimes its just manipulation.
How do we know which is it?
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.


Nothing new. It's just differentiating between pedophilia and child sexual abuse. A pedophile may have the desire yet never act on it. A CSA'er does. But not every CSA'er is also a pedophile just as not every pedophile is a CSA'er.

Most people have homosexual fantasies, but very few act on them. Same thing.

If someone is a pedophile it's because they've acted on it not because they have a desire. Is someone that thinks about robbing a bank a bank robber because they thought about it or does it take them actually acting in order to be one?

Speak for yourself on the homosexual fantasies. Never crossed my mind. For those who do, maybe you're one of them, does that make them a homosexual? No it doesn't just like someone that thinks about robbing a bank but never does it isn't a bank robber.

Can google this kind of thing and see for yourself how wrong you are. Argueing with stupid people isn't as fun as it used to be.
Stupid people who are also ignorant and hateful.

If a pedophile buggered one of my children he would not have to worry about being normal because he would be very, very dead. If that is being ignorant and hateful, so be it!
Those who are old enough to remember 70s may see the pattern in the process.
Those not old enough to remember, but red few books, might also see it.
Of course, there are those who will throw labels for just quoting an article from Huffington Post.

Yep- reminds me of the '70's when bigots said all homosexuals were pedophiles.

Reminds me of that exactly.

I don't remember it that way. I think the saying was that all pedophiles were homosexuals. Is it not true that if a man has sex with another male, be they 9 or 90, he is a homosexual. The only difference is he would be called a pedophile in the case of the 9 year old.
It's absurd! So does it mean that these perverts now can rape kids without any consequences?!
So does it mean that all these **** who raped kids before, now are not guilty? wtf is going on?!

It doesn't.

First, homosexuality wasn't illegal before APA removed it from DSM list. Gay activists and liberals were very aggressive towards APA to be removed from the list, and when that happened, meaning homosexuality was "normalized" from medical standpoint, campaign for homosexuality acceptance continued on the rest of society. Since then we have legal battle for gay marriage, gay equality, whatever. As featherlite said, over long period of time and with right PR, almost anything can seem right. Whoever resisted then, or still resisting to accept it, is being called bigot, intolerant, etc.

Second, pedophilia was not legal before APA removed it from the DSM list and it's still illegal. Only difference, if we follow the pattern, pedophiles may argue that since according to APA pedophilia is not mental disorder, society should accept their "normal" human behavior and start legal battle for their acceptance. And again, with right PR over long period of time... And since it worked for homosexuality, how long before that happen?
Not long at all....After all, the LGBT lobby isn't even shy about celebrating a pedophile as their "sexual icon". See my signature for details. They already require by law that children in public schools celebrate his sexualized-achievements each May. Those achievements including sodomizing a minor boy for years while officiating as his "father figure"..
I honestly do not care about them or their "list" lol. It will not effect my belief on the matter. And as much as I myself am appalled by things such incest and necrophilia, and bestiality, those preferences of theirs do not necessarily mean that there is anything flawed with their biological or genetic makeup. Same goes for those who exhibit sexual preferences that include those outside of their own gender, such as homosexuals. If any of them possess "mental disorders" at all, it has nothing to do with their sexual preferences.​
I understand. For you, even if "down the road" any of those things become legal, it wont effect your beliefs. It wont effect mine neither. But that's not my point.

By changing definition and "normalizing" such sexual preferences or behaviors, we are, (maybe not you or me, but our kids) indoctrinated into accepting it as something "normal". Forty years ago it was homosexuality, three years ago it was transgender, now pedophilia, tomorrow or in another forty years could be bestiality, or name it. What if, from medical standpoint, APA remove rape from DSM? We know that rape is illegal and plain wrong, but how long before rapists, and there are many, start demanding from society to be accepted... Your or my beliefs wont be affected, but again, what about next gen?
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If a pedophile buggered one of my children he would not have to worry about being normal because he would be very, very dead. If that is being ignorant and hateful, so be it!

Same here. There is no law or judge or jury that could make it right enough. If something like that happen, I would be and judge and jury and executioner.
Not long at all....After all, the LGBT lobby isn't even shy about celebrating a pedophile as their "sexual icon". See my signature for details. They already require by law that children in public schools celebrate his sexualized-achievements each May. Those achievements including sodomizing a minor boy for years while officiating as his "father figure"..

Not just that. I mentioned indoctrination in previous post. It simply doesn't stop.
Few days ago, judge in California reduced mandatory 25 year to life sentence for child rapist to 10 years because offense was "not predatory and violent". He sodomized 3 year old girl. Link

Officials are also arguing about problem of finding homes for pedophiles released from prisons because neighborhoods are intimidating and harassing them, therefore breaking law, until they move away. It would be much easier for them if we all just accept them and live in harmony. Riiiight. Could removing pedophilia from DSM list be first step towards it?

I had to look in your profile since I have sig's disabled. :eusa_clap:
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This rationale could lead to some disturbing conclusions. If a man or a woman thinks about engaging in sexual activity with their (adult) daughter/niece or son/nephew that should now be acceptable as long as they don't act on it?
This rationale could lead to some disturbing conclusions. If a man or a woman thinks about engaging in sexual activity with their (adult) daughter/niece or son/nephew that should now be acceptable as long as they don't act on it?
Legally, if "marriage equality" passes, they can not only act on it, they can marry them in all 50 states with the US Supreme Court's blessing. Marriage equality means no person or combination left out.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.


Watch this I can't believe how Barbara seems to minimize the trauma done to this boy.

Mary Kay Letourneau Fualaau Vili Fualaau Detail Their Path From Teacher-Student Sex Scandal to Raising Teenagers - ABC News

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