ANC news released video of trump lawyers admitting trump (the boss) damaging statements

Nah. It sounds about right. The man knew he'd lost, but just couldn't accept it or admit it to his sheep, or even concede with any dignity. Just a desperate, weak, pitiful excuse for a human being, much less a grown man with any character, at all.
I’m sorry I can’t help your delusional thinking. Maybe a cranioto-rectal inversion reversal procedure might help you.

But the odds are not looking good. Your case may not be as advanced as Taz’s. But it’s still bad.

In any event, a claim is still not an “admission.” You know. Here, where words have actual meaning.

I’m sorry I can’t help your delusional thinking. Maybe a cranioto-rectal inversion reversal procedure might help you.

But the odds are not looking good. Your case may not be as advanced as Taz’s. But it’s still bad.

In any event, a claim is still not an “admission.” You know. Here, where words have actual meaning.

Hmmm. Headup ass syndrome? I doubt it.

This is from the "Boss." These lawyers admitted that trump told them he was not going to leave the White House. This is racketeering 101.
Nope. Didn't even watch your own link?
No. Not “admitting.” Claiming.

Not the same thing, you dumbass hack.
Why are the prosecutors leaking this video and how are they getting away with it? Seems like an automatic mistrial to me.
Why are the prosecutors leaking this video and how are they getting away with it? Seems like an automatic mistrial to me.
Because they like trying their cases in the press.

Gag orders are for the recipients of their political persecutions.
How? The president can say anything he wants. He has immunity.
That is an in depth legal analysis of presidential power.

Thank you.

Question: Can a president talk about the weather on speaker phone with his son and his son's friend? Is that ok?
That is an in depth legal analysis of presidential power.

Thank you.

Question: Can a president talk about the weather on speaker phone with his son and his son's friend? Is that ok?
Check your Constitution. It protects the president.
So, did we find out which one of the defendants who got these videos through their discovery rights, released them to ABC News? My bet is Trump or a close trump acolyte, to intimidate others who go in to a proffer agreement, or were considering one, that Trump and gang(sters) will know who they are, and come after them!
Now let’s see Fani Willis engaging in obvious misdirection. The scumbag persecutor is now claiming that it was the defense (ie, Trump) who leaked the lawyers’ interview videotapes.

That bitch. Assuming (as I do) that she and her co-conspirators were behind the leak, we need actual honest investigators to scrutinize her and her staff. And if she is behind it, we need some real prosecutors to ring her up and put her ass away for a damn long time.
So, did we find out which one of the defendants who got these videos through their discovery rights, released them to ABC News? My bet is Trump or a close trump acolyte, to intimidate others who go in to a proffer agreement, or were considering one, that Trump and gang(sters) will know who they are, and come after them!
That is exactly what happened. trump and his fellow criminals thrive on threats and intimidation.

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