Analysis: The GOP's Toxic Squabble Demonstrates the Challenges for A Party Still Controlled By trump

Don't forget the restrictive voting laws passed in red states to make it very difficult for minority voters. Coupled with Manchin's refusal to vote with the Democrats to end the filibuster and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021, the trumpublicans should have no concerns with the Democrats pulling off any last-minute surprises next October. Not that they would want to, being the congressional majority makes the lazy, corporate-owned "moderate" Democrats work too hard for their graft..

Analysis: The GOP's Toxic Squabble Demonstrates the Challenges for A Party Still Controlled By trump

There have been many news articles and opinion pieces explaining the GOP’s “problems” of being under the cheeto-in-chief’s thumb a full year after he lost to Biden by a landslide. What the authors of these columns seem to ignore is the increasing support of centrists for the trumpublicans.

The “moderate” Democrats have spent the months since Biden’s inauguration intentionally sinking their chances to hold onto their meager congressional majority.

Led by Manchin and Sinema, the “moderate” Democrats have been doing Moscow Mitch’s dirty work for him. What little the Democrats have achieved proves the “moderates” disregard their constituents’ best interests in favor of their own and those of their major political contributors.

As the next twelve months unfold, there will be little need for trumpublicans to campaign. The “moderate” Democrats will continue their own screwing of the folks back home, all the while knowing there are 74 million trump fanatics and tens-of-millions of wishy-washy centrists ready to elect every Boebert, MTG, Gaetz, Cawthorn, and Gosar style trumpublican sycophant the GOP offers up November 8, 2022.

There is no question what the trumpublicans have planned for the nation when they become the congressional majority after the 2022 Mid-terms.

Sol where are the "challenges?"

If Republicans don't like Trump, they can get the fuck out.
This is the first time in my life that I've ever been seriously worried about my country, the first time in my life that I've begun to think that I've overestimated it. I never thought I'd see this kind of arrogantly ignorant, alternate universe, group pathology in America.


Elections are about choices. And if the Democrats can't persuade and motivate Americans to get out and vote for them, that's not Trump's fault, and that's not the GOP's fault. The party is simply not attractive, and they may be losing their grip on "groups" they used to be able to take for granted. That's on them.

Now the GOP has figured out it can get its hands on the election process via Secretary of State offices and election boards. This doesn't get any better.
First LMAO at the OP. OP this is for you :itsok: Now let's go back to Reagan, the GOP hated his guts. The GOP loves Trump in comparison so while the OP tries to stir up trouble we are not concerned.
You know what's cute? How you pretend you aren't a "winger."
You're still trying this?

I'm STILL waiting for you to start a thread, tag me, and we'll go down the list of issues, one by one.

Let's find out which one of us is the winger, boy.

Or is just flinging poo from your cave the best you can do?
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You're still trying this?

I'm STILL waiting for you to start a thread, tag me, and we'll go down the list of issues, one by one.

Let's find out which one of us is the winger, boy.

Or is just flinging poo from your cave the best you can do?
Sorry, turd, I'm not interested in doing your homework assignment.
They just needed one guy to show up to release all the rage, frustration, bigotry and abject paranoia that had been building for decades.
We wanted someone who shared our values. We wanted someone who valued our heritage.
Neat how we're going to pretend the right is the side of TOXIC.

Everything the left narrates is an antonym or projection, and look who is supposedly running the country....

Joe Dementia
The Giggler
Pill-popping Pelosi
This is the first time in my life that I've ever been seriously worried about my country, the first time in my life that I've begun to think that I've overestimated it. I never thought I'd see this kind of arrogantly ignorant, alternate universe, group pathology in America.


Elections are about choices. And if the Democrats can't persuade and motivate Americans to get out and vote for them, that's not Trump's fault, and that's not the GOP's fault. The party is simply not attractive, and they may be losing their grip on "groups" they used to be able to take for granted. That's on them.

Now the GOP has figured out it can get its hands on the election process via Secretary of State offices and election boards. This doesn't get any better.
The gop's dysfunction began before Trump. He doesn't believe in people's rights to vote, and respecting them. So, he has taken it a step lower. But the gop's been passing tax cuts since 2000 not by popular support but by telling a single issue voter segment they'd outlaw abortion.

And the dems have not proven to be a big tent party these past ten months. They keep promising to make life 1960 for workers again, and even Trump won on that ... and a tax cut and abortion. But neither the elections of 1976 nor 1980 were won by candidates who ran on some popular platform of spending and taxes.
The gop's dysfunction began before Trump. He doesn't believe in people's rights to vote, and respecting them. So, he has taken it a step lower. But the gop's been passing tax cuts since 2000 not by popular support but by telling a single issue voter segment they'd outlaw abortion.

And the dems have not proven to be a big tent party these past ten months. They keep promising to make life 1960 for workers again, and even Trump won on that ... and a tax cut and abortion. But neither the elections of 1976 nor 1980 were won by candidates who ran on some popular platform of spending and taxes.
I want to say we deserve better choices, but we get what we deserve. We allow this system to continue. Either we choose to change the system or we don’t.

I want to say we deserve better choices, but we get what we deserve. We allow this system to continue. Either we choose to change the system or we don’t.

“ I want to say we deserve better choices, but we get what we deserve”


Come again

Thats lib double talk

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