An indicator that liberals can't twist

Consumer confidence at an 18 year high

Does this mean Trump's policies are a success?
Does it? All I know is that people vote with their wallet if consumer confidence stay's at this level or goes higher by November 2018 lookout say goodbye to that blue wave lol

So Trump had nothing to do with it….
Killing obama's economy killing regulations had a lot to do with it.

One would wonder why…over the 8 years that Obama was in office, the Stock Market climbed 149%. One would conclude that the eight year examination of the market is a solid indicator. One would also conclude that if the regulations were detrimental to the economy….the growth would have not been so robust.

Additionally, the “killing of the regulations” hasn’t done much for the market in 2018; the market was actually down for most of the year; currently it is up under 100 points so the regulations not being there are not doing much.

24,922 on 12/31/17
25,019 on 7/13/18
The collapse of America’s auto industry was a failure Republicans hoped to pin on Obama.
They did not care about America or Americans.....only that the Democrat must fail

Senate Democrats Had Enough Republican Votes to Pass the Bailout

From the link: "10 Republican Senators voted with the Democrats last night, which means the Democrats could have reached 60 votes if the entire Democratic caucus voted for the bill. But eight Democrats bailed on the bailout (Reid, it should be noted, voted against it for procedural reasons, in order to bring it up for a vote again). Four Democrats voted 'nay': Baucus, Tester, Lincoln, and Reid. Four Democrats did not vote: Biden, Kennedy, Kerry, and Wyden."
30 Republicans voted to allow the auto companies to fail
Most voted to save them under Bush
Consumer confidence at an 18 year high

Does this mean Trump's policies are a success?
Does it? All I know is that people vote with their wallet if consumer confidence stay's at this level or goes higher by November 2018 lookout say goodbye to that blue wave lol

So Trump had nothing to do with it….
Killing obama's economy killing regulations had a lot to do with it.

One would wonder why…over the 8 years that Obama was in office, the Stock Market climbed 149%. One would conclude that the eight year examination of the market is a solid indicator. One would also conclude that if the regulations were detrimental to the economy….the growth would have not been so robust.

Additionally, the “killing of the regulations” hasn’t done much for the market in 2018; the market was actually down for most of the year; currently it is up under 100 points so the regulations not being there are not doing much.

24,922 on 12/31/17
25,019 on 7/13/18
/——/ No one wonders why the market went up under Obozo. It was called Quantataive Easing - that means the Feds handed out free money.
"If I don't like it, it's fake news. If I like it, it's not fake news"
Another butt hurt leftist who came home to the Democrat party when they put up the bat signal calling you back
Well, at least you didn't try to deny the point.
Libs don't take denial, unless they are doing it. Face it, the country is doing a lot better and the lib swine can't stand it.
The collapse of America’s auto industry was a failure Republicans hoped to pin on Obama.
They did not care about America or Americans.....only that the Democrat must fail

Senate Democrats Had Enough Republican Votes to Pass the Bailout

From the link: "10 Republican Senators voted with the Democrats last night, which means the Democrats could have reached 60 votes if the entire Democratic caucus voted for the bill. But eight Democrats bailed on the bailout (Reid, it should be noted, voted against it for procedural reasons, in order to bring it up for a vote again). Four Democrats voted 'nay': Baucus, Tester, Lincoln, and Reid. Four Democrats did not vote: Biden, Kennedy, Kerry, and Wyden."
30 Republicans voted to allow the auto companies to fail
Most voted to save them under Bush
/——/ Bankruptcies are a natural part of the business world. It’s how companies who are over extended can survive.
Does this mean Trump's policies are a success?
Does it? All I know is that people vote with their wallet if consumer confidence stay's at this level or goes higher by November 2018 lookout say goodbye to that blue wave lol

So Trump had nothing to do with it….
Killing obama's economy killing regulations had a lot to do with it.

One would wonder why…over the 8 years that Obama was in office, the Stock Market climbed 149%. One would conclude that the eight year examination of the market is a solid indicator. One would also conclude that if the regulations were detrimental to the economy….the growth would have not been so robust.

Additionally, the “killing of the regulations” hasn’t done much for the market in 2018; the market was actually down for most of the year; currently it is up under 100 points so the regulations not being there are not doing much.

24,922 on 12/31/17
25,019 on 7/13/18
/——/ No one wonders why the market went up under Obozo. It was called Quantataive Easing - that means the Feds handed out free money.

Oh…okay. LOL
I hope that high consumer confidence helps the GOP to keep control of the House. There are so many economic indicators that are showing positive signs that it's amazing that so many liberals still deny it.

The mere absence of a re-distributive administration was an economic motivator
Libs don't take denial, unless they are doing it. Face it, the country is doing a lot better and the lib swine can't stand it.
Such is the nature of partisan politics: The party out of power is going to downplay all good news, and the party in power is going to overplay it.

It's bad enough now that the party out of power is going to literally be hoping for bad news.

It's tough to run a republic like this.
Does it? All I know is that people vote with their wallet if consumer confidence stay's at this level or goes higher by November 2018 lookout say goodbye to that blue wave lol

So Trump had nothing to do with it….
Killing obama's economy killing regulations had a lot to do with it.

One would wonder why…over the 8 years that Obama was in office, the Stock Market climbed 149%. One would conclude that the eight year examination of the market is a solid indicator. One would also conclude that if the regulations were detrimental to the economy….the growth would have not been so robust.

Additionally, the “killing of the regulations” hasn’t done much for the market in 2018; the market was actually down for most of the year; currently it is up under 100 points so the regulations not being there are not doing much.

24,922 on 12/31/17
25,019 on 7/13/18
/——/ No one wonders why the market went up under Obozo. It was called Quantataive Easing - that means the Feds handed out free money.

Oh…okay. LOL
/——/ What is so funny, moron? What were the Fed interest rates for the 8 years of Obozo?
Quantitative Easing
So Trump had nothing to do with it….
Killing obama's economy killing regulations had a lot to do with it.

One would wonder why…over the 8 years that Obama was in office, the Stock Market climbed 149%. One would conclude that the eight year examination of the market is a solid indicator. One would also conclude that if the regulations were detrimental to the economy….the growth would have not been so robust.

Additionally, the “killing of the regulations” hasn’t done much for the market in 2018; the market was actually down for most of the year; currently it is up under 100 points so the regulations not being there are not doing much.

24,922 on 12/31/17
25,019 on 7/13/18
/——/ No one wonders why the market went up under Obozo. It was called Quantataive Easing - that means the Feds handed out free money.

Oh…okay. LOL
/——/ What is so funny, moron? What were the Fed interest rates for the 8 years of Obozo?
Quantitative Easing
It worked
Killing obama's economy killing regulations had a lot to do with it.

One would wonder why…over the 8 years that Obama was in office, the Stock Market climbed 149%. One would conclude that the eight year examination of the market is a solid indicator. One would also conclude that if the regulations were detrimental to the economy….the growth would have not been so robust.

Additionally, the “killing of the regulations” hasn’t done much for the market in 2018; the market was actually down for most of the year; currently it is up under 100 points so the regulations not being there are not doing much.

24,922 on 12/31/17
25,019 on 7/13/18
/——/ No one wonders why the market went up under Obozo. It was called Quantataive Easing - that means the Feds handed out free money.

Oh…okay. LOL
/——/ What is so funny, moron? What were the Fed interest rates for the 8 years of Obozo?
Quantitative Easing
It worked
/——/ Tell that to Candycorn who is wondering why the market went up
Most diehards on both sides won't admit that things are good if their party does not control the White House. The Republicans went around in 1996 pretending that the economy was barely limping along, when in fact the economy was in the middle of a very strong recovery. Similarly, when Reagan ran for reelection in 1984, the Democrats talked like the economy was sputtering along, when in fact the economy was clearly doing very well and getting better.

Obama's case is a bit different because his recovery, though solid overall, included some notable deficiencies , such as chronically high U-6 unemployment and a loss of manufacturing jobs. Still, by any measurement, Obama's recovery was much better than Bush's recovery.
Consumer confidence at an 18 year high

What's the Deficit?

Simple... Daddy remortgaged the house to bring the kids to Disneyland... Kids are very happy....

Remember how you were in hyperbolic meltdown over that with W, you didn't give a shit about it under Obama, and now you're in hyperbolic meltdown over it with Trump again?

I'm thinking there may be some sort of pattern there. I'm trying to figure out what it could be ...

It’s simply this: 1. You spend during a recession and cut during a boom; and 2. Don’t spend without a means to pay for the program.

W created Medicare Part D without paying for it. He created the Department of Homeland Security, without paying for it. And he started two major wars, without paying for them. So while W took over a balanced budget, he left with the largest deficit in history and the economy in freefall.

Obama took over that deficit and Bush’s unfounded wars as the economy was shedding 500,000 jobs a month in the worst recession since the Great Depression. The US was still involved in two unfunded wars, Medicare Part D was the law of the land, and revenues were falling through the floor.

At such times, increasing taxes would worsen the recession, as would cutting spending. An increase in deficit spending is required to “prime the pump of the recovery”. It was either that or watch the entire auto industry fail with the concurrent loss of jobs, together with the some of the largest financial institutions in the country going under, the economy could not have survived.

Through the final 6 years of his Presidency, Obama cut spending and reduced the deficit such that it was below one billion dollars when he left office.

Blessed with taking over a boom economy, Trump has set about to wreck it by deficit spending in a boom, going on a massive jobs stimulus program with full employment, and incurring the largest deficits in history to do so.

I have no issues with tax cuts in a balanced budget. But tax cuts on the credit card for billionaires who are awash in cash makes no fiscal sense at all.

Stimulating growth in a time of the greatest sustained growth in American history, when millions of jobs are going unfilled, makes no sense at all.

Doing so with deficit spending risks plunging the economy into a permanent recession as interest rates rise and a larger and larger portion of the budget is devoted to interest on the debt.
Consumer confidence at an 18 year high

What's the Deficit?

Simple... Daddy remortgaged the house to bring the kids to Disneyland... Kids are very happy....

Remember how you were in hyperbolic meltdown over that with W, you didn't give a shit about it under Obama, and now you're in hyperbolic meltdown over it with Trump again?

I'm thinking there may be some sort of pattern there. I'm trying to figure out what it could be ...

It’s simply this: 1. You spend during a recession and cut during a boom; and 2. Don’t spend without a means to pay for the program.

W created Medicare Part D without paying for it. He created the Department of Homeland Security, without paying for it. And he started two major wars, without paying for them. So while W took over a balanced budget, he left with the largest deficit in history and the economy in freefall.

Obama took over that deficit and Bush’s unfounded wars as the economy was shedding 500,000 jobs a month in the worst recession since the Great Depression. The US was still involved in two unfunded wars, Medicare Part D was the law of the land, and revenues were falling through the floor.

At such times, increasing taxes would worsen the recession, as would cutting spending. An increase in deficit spending is required to “prime the pump of the recovery”. It was either that or watch the entire auto industry fail with the concurrent loss of jobs, together with the some of the largest financial institutions in the country going under, the economy could not have survived.

Through the final 6 years of his Presidency, Obama cut spending and reduced the deficit such that it was below one billion dollars when he left office.

Blessed with taking over a boom economy, Trump has set about to wreck it by deficit spending in a boom, going on a massive jobs stimulus program with full employment, and incurring the largest deficits in history to do so.

I have no issues with tax cuts in a balanced budget. But tax cuts on the credit card for billionaires who are awash in cash makes no fiscal sense at all.

Stimulating growth in a time of the greatest sustained growth in American history, when millions of jobs are going unfilled, makes no sense at all.

Doing so with deficit spending risks plunging the economy into a permanent recession as interest rates rise and a larger and larger portion of the budget is devoted to interest on the debt.
/——/ Actually Tinkerbell the presidents didn’t do any of that. Only Congress has the power of the purse strings. So which party is responsible for all that?
Consumer confidence at an 18 year high

What's the Deficit?

Simple... Daddy remortgaged the house to bring the kids to Disneyland... Kids are very happy....

Remember how you were in hyperbolic meltdown over that with W, you didn't give a shit about it under Obama, and now you're in hyperbolic meltdown over it with Trump again?

I'm thinking there may be some sort of pattern there. I'm trying to figure out what it could be ...

It’s simply this: 1. You spend during a recession and cut during a boom; and 2. Don’t spend without a means to pay for the program.

W created Medicare Part D without paying for it. He created the Department of Homeland Security, without paying for it. And he started two major wars, without paying for them. So while W took over a balanced budget, he left with the largest deficit in history and the economy in freefall.

Obama took over that deficit and Bush’s unfounded wars as the economy was shedding 500,000 jobs a month in the worst recession since the Great Depression. The US was still involved in two unfunded wars, Medicare Part D was the law of the land, and revenues were falling through the floor.

At such times, increasing taxes would worsen the recession, as would cutting spending. An increase in deficit spending is required to “prime the pump of the recovery”. It was either that or watch the entire auto industry fail with the concurrent loss of jobs, together with the some of the largest financial institutions in the country going under, the economy could not have survived.

Through the final 6 years of his Presidency, Obama cut spending and reduced the deficit such that it was below one billion dollars when he left office.

Blessed with taking over a boom economy, Trump has set about to wreck it by deficit spending in a boom, going on a massive jobs stimulus program with full employment, and incurring the largest deficits in history to do so.

I have no issues with tax cuts in a balanced budget. But tax cuts on the credit card for billionaires who are awash in cash makes no fiscal sense at all.

Stimulating growth in a time of the greatest sustained growth in American history, when millions of jobs are going unfilled, makes no sense at all.

Doing so with deficit spending risks plunging the economy into a permanent recession as interest rates rise and a larger and larger portion of the budget is devoted to interest on the debt.

Clinton/W/Obama were the same presidents with the same policies. Slick was lucky to have the brick to click revolution generating cash. W was unlucky to be there for the burst bubble. Obama continued the same policies and kept us in the Neverending Recession. There is no difference between them.

What's particularly funny is how you bash W for wars when you were silent over Slick and Obama the Drone King doing the same thing. Republicans and Democrats are like male and female dung beetles. You can obviously tell each other apart, but no one else can
One would wonder why…over the 8 years that Obama was in office, the Stock Market climbed 149%. One would conclude that the eight year examination of the market is a solid indicator. One would also conclude that if the regulations were detrimental to the economy….the growth would have not been so robust.

Additionally, the “killing of the regulations” hasn’t done much for the market in 2018; the market was actually down for most of the year; currently it is up under 100 points so the regulations not being there are not doing much.

24,922 on 12/31/17
25,019 on 7/13/18
/——/ No one wonders why the market went up under Obozo. It was called Quantataive Easing - that means the Feds handed out free money.

Oh…okay. LOL
/——/ What is so funny, moron? What were the Fed interest rates for the 8 years of Obozo?
Quantitative Easing
It worked
/——/ Tell that to Candycorn who is wondering why the market went up
It worked
Consumer confidence at an 18 year high

What's the Deficit?

Simple... Daddy remortgaged the house to bring the kids to Disneyland... Kids are very happy....

Remember how you were in hyperbolic meltdown over that with W, you didn't give a shit about it under Obama, and now you're in hyperbolic meltdown over it with Trump again?

I'm thinking there may be some sort of pattern there. I'm trying to figure out what it could be ...

It’s simply this: 1. You spend during a recession and cut during a boom; and 2. Don’t spend without a means to pay for the program.

W created Medicare Part D without paying for it. He created the Department of Homeland Security, without paying for it. And he started two major wars, without paying for them. So while W took over a balanced budget, he left with the largest deficit in history and the economy in freefall.

Obama took over that deficit and Bush’s unfounded wars as the economy was shedding 500,000 jobs a month in the worst recession since the Great Depression. The US was still involved in two unfunded wars, Medicare Part D was the law of the land, and revenues were falling through the floor.

At such times, increasing taxes would worsen the recession, as would cutting spending. An increase in deficit spending is required to “prime the pump of the recovery”. It was either that or watch the entire auto industry fail with the concurrent loss of jobs, together with the some of the largest financial institutions in the country going under, the economy could not have survived.

Through the final 6 years of his Presidency, Obama cut spending and reduced the deficit such that it was below one billion dollars when he left office.

Blessed with taking over a boom economy, Trump has set about to wreck it by deficit spending in a boom, going on a massive jobs stimulus program with full employment, and incurring the largest deficits in history to do so.

I have no issues with tax cuts in a balanced budget. But tax cuts on the credit card for billionaires who are awash in cash makes no fiscal sense at all.

Stimulating growth in a time of the greatest sustained growth in American history, when millions of jobs are going unfilled, makes no sense at all.

Doing so with deficit spending risks plunging the economy into a permanent recession as interest rates rise and a larger and larger portion of the budget is devoted to interest on the debt.
Who controlled congress?

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