An Experiment on Whether men and Women Handle Crass Come-ons the Same


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
lololo, this is hilarious.

If anyone thinks that a guy will be offended and outraged about some girl making a crass sexual offer, well.....maybe you need to see this video.

WARNING; crass exual language in this video

I would tell them to take a hike because I am happily married, but still this if funny stuff.
I always say "Ask my wife."
Nah, I dont want to be sued for my wife putting some idiot in the hospital.

My wife has a black belt in Tai Kwan Something or another and she is not the kind you want to loose her temper with you.
I always say "Ask my wife."
Nah, I dont want to be sued for my wife putting some idiot in the hospital.

My wife has a black belt in Tai Kwan Something or another and she is not the kind you want to loose her temper with you.

Mine too. 5th Dan. :laugh:

Yeah mine stopped with that first little white diagonal stripe thingy on her black belt, or was it a black stripe on a white belt?

She hasnt worn the white pajama looking things for a few years.

IT is a good thing she got it because she had to spar with the tournament folks and one kicked her really hard and she went to the hospital a few days later in a lot of pain due to a cyst that got knocked free from her liver and bled.

She is fine now though, but doesnt do the martial arts stuff. I would like her to pick up on a new class of martial arts called 'Smith and Wesson' but she figures one gun fanatic in the family is enough.

Where do people get these bat-shit crazy ideas? lol,. too many guns! roflmao
lololo, this is hilarious.

If anyone thinks that a guy will be offended and outraged about some girl making a crass sexual offer, well.....maybe you need to see this video.

WARNING; crass exual language in this video

I would tell them to take a hike because I am happily married, but still this if funny stuff.

If I was single I'd make her eat her words so to speak....

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