An Anti-Israel President

Obama coordinating with Iran...

Iran Bombing Islamic State In Iraq, U.S. Official Confirms

WASHINGTON -- The list of countries bombing Islamic State targets in Iraq has thus far featured a host of classic United States partners -- Canada, the U.K., France. Now, it looks like the U.S. has a new quasi-partner in the air: Iran.

The U.S. is aware of Iranian bombing activity in the same national airspace where planes aligned with the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State are operating, a defense official told The Huffington Post Monday evening.

The official said he believes the Iranian bombing is unlikely to end as long as the Shiite-dominated nation feels threatened by the Sunni extremist group, also called ISIS. The bombing will not require a U.S. response unless Iran presents an immediate threat to U.S. forces in the air, he said.

While previous reports have said that Iran has provided weapons and equipment to the Iraqi government,the official's comments represent the first confirmation that Iran's own air force is involved in the fight in Iraq against the Islamic State.

The fact that the U.S. is not challenging this level of Iranian involvement is the strongest evidence yet that the Obama administration sees the Iranian government as a tactical partner in the Middle East. The stance is controversial, given that U.S. allies -- including Israel and Arab states helping tackle the Islamic State, like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- feel threatened by Iran.

Iran Bombing Islamic State In Iraq U.S. Official Confirms
Another 700 million a month for Iran for nothing thank you Obama...

Not striking Iran despite years of build-up is going to cost the Israelis a shit-ton. Iran going nuclear while seeing a relax in the sactions practically seals their destiny as the regional power of the Middle East in the coming future.
Another 700 million a month for Iran for nothing thank you Obama...

Not striking Iran despite years of build-up is going to cost the Israelis a shit-ton. Iran going nuclear while seeing a relax in the sactions practically seals their destiny as the regional power of the Middle East in the coming future.

Yep which is what Obama wants:mad:
Report: Obama Eyes Sanctions on Israel While Giving Iran a Pass


Senior White House and State Department officials have recently met to discuss the possibility of imposing sanctions on Israel in an effort to stop housing construction projects in eastern Jerusalem, Haaretz reported.

The report – which comes as the Obama administration is lobbying furiously against new sanctions on Iran over its illicit nuclear program – is likely to trigger new, bipartisan concern on Capitol Hill over the direction of U.S. Mideast policy.

The Israel sanctions discussions are said to have begun after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House in October and clashed with the administration over the construction of a new housing development in that part of the city.

The administration warned Israel that the project would raise questions about Israel’s commitment to peace with the Palestinians. Netanyahu replied that Israel does not accept restrictions on where Jews can live, and that Arabs and Jews in the Israeli capital should be allowed to purchase homes wherever they choose.

On Thursday, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf dodged questions on whether the administration was considering sanctions against Israel, saying she would not comment on “internal” deliberations.

Report Obama Eyes Sanctions on Israel While Giving Iran a Pass
You cant be an Obama, Kerry supporter and support Israel

Iran Nuclear Talks Extended While Threats Against Israel Continue


The Nov. 24 deadline for negotiating a deal on Iran’s nuclear program expired on Monday, as the P5+1 powers (U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China, and Germany) were unable to reach an agreement with the Islamic Republic. But the talks were extended to June 30, 2015.

At the same time, an Iranian official said over the weekend that his country gave the Hezbollah terror group—which is based in Lebanon, Israel’s northern neighbor—hundreds of missiles with 160-220 mile ranges.

“Our strategic guiding principle is the appropriate arming of Hezbollah and Hamas with advanced, modern weapons in order to allow the resistance groups to deal with the bloodthirsty Zionist regime,” said Iranian Revolutionary Guard Aerospace Force Brig. Gen. Seyed Majid Moussavi, Iran’s Fars news agency reported.

Iran’s transfer of the missiles, which are capable of hitting the southern Israeli city of Dimona, add evidence supporting the narrative of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has repeatedly called for a complete dismantling of Iran’s nuclear program

Iran Nuclear Talks Extended While Threats Against Israel Continue Jewish Israel News
Another 700 million a month for Iran for nothing thank you Obama...

Not striking Iran despite years of build-up is going to cost the Israelis a shit-ton. Iran going nuclear while seeing a relax in the sactions practically seals their destiny as the regional power of the Middle East in the coming future.

I don't think so-----Iran is surrounded by enemies------Sunni Pakistan to the east and sunni arab countries to the west.
The virulence with which sunnis and Shiites hate each other is protecting the world
Another 700 million a month for Iran for nothing thank you Obama...

Not striking Iran despite years of build-up is going to cost the Israelis a shit-ton. Iran going nuclear while seeing a relax in the sactions practically seals their destiny as the regional power of the Middle East in the coming future.

I don't think so-----Iran is surrounded by enemies------Sunni Pakistan to the east and sunni arab countries to the west.
The virulence with which sunnis and Shiites hate each other is protecting the world

With Obama's help that is the goal, for Iran to become a regional power
Another 700 million a month for Iran for nothing thank you Obama...

Not striking Iran despite years of build-up is going to cost the Israelis a shit-ton. Iran going nuclear while seeing a relax in the sactions practically seals their destiny as the regional power of the Middle East in the coming future.

I don't think so-----Iran is surrounded by enemies------Sunni Pakistan to the east and sunni arab countries to the west.
The virulence with which sunnis and Shiites hate each other is protecting the world

With Obama's help that is the goal, for Iran to become a regional power

I honestly do not believe that Iran can pull it off-----it will bankrupt that country
Obama helping Iran gain influence in the region as they continue to develop nukes

Iran eclipses US as Iraq's ally in fight against militants

"Iran's hold on Iraq grows tighter and faster every day," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the sensitive subject.

Over the past year, Iran sold Iraq nearly $10 billion worth of weapons and hardware, mostly weapons for urban warfare like assault rifles, heavy machine-guns and rocket launchers, he said. The daily stream of Iranian cargo planes bringing weapons to Baghdad was confirmed at a news conference by a former Shiite militia leader, Jamal Jaafar. Better known by his alias Abu Mahdi al-Mohandis, Jaafar is second in command of the recently created state agency in charge of volunteer fighters.

Some Sunnis are clearly worried. Sunni lawmaker Mohammed al-Karbuly said the United States must increase its support of Iraq against the extremists in order to reduce Iran's influence.

"Iran now dominates Iraq," he said

.Iran eclipses US as Iraq s ally in fight against militants
Iran Announces Construction of Two New Nuclear Plants


Iran has begun construction on two new nuclear plants as negotiations with America over its contested program continue in Geneva, according to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Construction of the nuclear plants, which Iran claims are for peaceful energy purposes, was revealed on Tuesday, the day before Secretary of State John Kerry was to meet with his Iranian counterpart for talks in Geneva.

News of the two new nuclear plants come on the heels of reports that Iran has been operating advanced missile sites in Syria and also building a secret nuclear plant there.

Rouhani touted the new nuclear construction following a meeting with investors in Iran’s southern Bushehr province, where the nuclear facilities are being built.

“Construction of two new power plants will increase the capacity of Bushehr province’s power generation to 2,000 megawatts,” Rouhani was quoted as saying by the country’s state-run Fars News Agency.

Iran Announces Construction of Two New Nuclear Plants Washington Free Beacon
Obama Wants to Sink Netanyahu

President Barack Obama is working behind the scenes to sabotage the re-election of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, according to best-selling author Joel Rosenberg.

"I would say absolutely … but it's behind the scenes and it's quiet," Rosenberg, whose latest book is "The Third Target", said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"You look at this Palestinian resolution at the United Nation Security Council, this is tailor-made by the president of the United States — not literally, but effectively."

The resolution calls for a new deal between the Israel and the Palestinians that would call for a divided Jerusalem and rolling back the borders to what they were in 1967.

The United States ultimately did not back the proposal, Rosenberg said, because the timing of it would help Netanyahu's standing.

"So the United States came out against a resolution, they're waiting, they're hoping that Netanyahu will lose and lose big," he said.

"It's not possible that he would lose big, but it is possible for the first time that I remember in a while that he could lose control of Israel."

The Obama administration has reportedly had a strained relationship with Netanyahu over its pressing for a peace deal.

Rosenberg told Steve Malzberg the popular sentiment is that Netanyahu is detested by the media, the left and even some center-leaning factions are "getting tired" of his leadership

Author Joel Rosenberg Obama Wants to Sink Netanyahu
Boehner, White House Clash Over Netanyahu Invite

"[Obama's] exact message to us was: 'Hold your fire.' He expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran. Two words: 'Hell no!'" the House speaker said during his weekly press briefing on Wednesday. "We're going to do no such thing."

Instead, Boehner has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress next month. He didn't consult with the White House before extending the invitation, and administration officials are not happy. Press secretary Josh Earnest said Wednesday afternoon that Boehner's invitation is a breach of normal diplomatic protocol. Typically, a nation's leader would contact the White House before planning a visit to the United States, he said. The White House heard about the invite from Boehner's office, not from the Israelis.

According to pool reports, Earnest called the invite "interesting," and when asked if the White House was annoyed because Boehner did not reach out first, he said, "No."

Earnest said the White House is reserving judgment about the invite until U.S. officials talk to their Israeli counterparts. Boehner's office confirmed that Netanyahu has accepted, and will give a speech to a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11. The date is significant: It's the 36th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution.

Boehner White House Clash Over Netanyahu Invite -
Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Senior Israeli says 'friends don't act like this' after Mossad Head denies US claim that he opposed Iran sanctions in talk with senators

A senior Israeli official delivered an uncommonly harsh attack on US President Barack Obama's administration Thursday evening, following theAmerican report that alleged that Mossad Head Tamir Pardo had warned US senators against further Iran sanctions, in contradiction of Israel's official stance.

"The fraudulent claims against the Mossad Head were raised by theAmericans yesterday, despite a message that had been transmitted to them on Tuesday by Intelligence Minister [Yuval] Steintz,” the senior Israeli source told Channel 2 news.

He added that Israel had gone over the minutes of the meeting between Pardo and the delegation of senators, and that Pardo had not said what was attributed to him.

"Leaking the Mossad Head's statements, even if they had not been falsified, is a serious breach of all the rules,” the senior source added. “Friends do not behave like this. Information from a secret meeting must not leak out.”

Pardo denied on Thursday the report – which was carried by Bloomberg news – claiming that the Mossad disagrees with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu about the need to press new sanctions on Iran.

The report said that Mossad officials advised US senators who were visiting Israel recently to hold off on further Iran sanctions, saying that they would hamper, not help, efforts to persuade Iran to give up or allow full international supervision of its nuclear program.

"The Head of Mossad did not say that he opposes additional sanctions on Iran,” said the spy agency Thursday.

"Mossad Head Tamir Pardo met on January 19, 2015, with a delegation of US senators,” Mossad said in a statement. “The meeting was held at the request of the senators and with the prime minister's approval. At the meeting, the Head of Mossad stressed the extraordinary effectiveness of the sanctions that have been placed on Iran for several years in bringing Iran to the negotiating table.

Fury in Israel Over Obama s Mossad Lies - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva
Boehner, White House Clash Over Netanyahu Invite

"[Obama's] exact message to us was: 'Hold your fire.' He expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran. Two words: 'Hell no!'" the House speaker said during his weekly press briefing on Wednesday. "We're going to do no such thing."

Instead, Boehner has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress next month. He didn't consult with the White House before extending the invitation, and administration officials are not happy. Press secretary Josh Earnest said Wednesday afternoon that Boehner's invitation is a breach of normal diplomatic protocol. Typically, a nation's leader would contact the White House before planning a visit to the United States, he said. The White House heard about the invite from Boehner's office, not from the Israelis.

According to pool reports, Earnest called the invite "interesting," and when asked if the White House was annoyed because Boehner did not reach out first, he said, "No."

Earnest said the White House is reserving judgment about the invite until U.S. officials talk to their Israeli counterparts. Boehner's office confirmed that Netanyahu has accepted, and will give a speech to a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11. The date is significant: It's the 36th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution.

Boehner White House Clash Over Netanyahu Invite -
Obama has no say in the matter. It is completely up to Congress who they invite to speak. Bibi didn't ask to meet with Obama to the best of my knowledge so why Obama said he wouldn't meet with him is rather a mystery to me. Perhaps he wanted to make it appear as if he was asked. When he wasn't. I think he will go down in history is as the most dishonest president in the history of the United States. No wonder his SOTU address was the least watched in history. He's breaking records now for hitting a new low.
Obama Wants to Sink Netanyahu

President Barack Obama is working behind the scenes to sabotage the re-election of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, according to best-selling author Joel Rosenberg.

"I would say absolutely … but it's behind the scenes and it's quiet," Rosenberg, whose latest book is "The Third Target", said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"You look at this Palestinian resolution at the United Nation Security Council, this is tailor-made by the president of the United States — not literally, but effectively."

The resolution calls for a new deal between the Israel and the Palestinians that would call for a divided Jerusalem and rolling back the borders to what they were in 1967.

The United States ultimately did not back the proposal, Rosenberg said, because the timing of it would help Netanyahu's standing.

"So the United States came out against a resolution, they're waiting, they're hoping that Netanyahu will lose and lose big," he said.

"It's not possible that he would lose big, but it is possible for the first time that I remember in a while that he could lose control of Israel."

The Obama administration has reportedly had a strained relationship with Netanyahu over its pressing for a peace deal.

Rosenberg told Steve Malzberg the popular sentiment is that Netanyahu is detested by the media, the left and even some center-leaning factions are "getting tired" of his leadership

Author Joel Rosenberg Obama Wants to Sink Netanyahu

Obama is so rock bottom that he'd have to get on a ladder and reach up to sink a grain in a one inch puddle of water. He wants a lot of things. So what.
Last edited:
Obama Wants to Sink Netanyahu

President Barack Obama is working behind the scenes to sabotage the re-election of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, according to best-selling author Joel Rosenberg.

"I would say absolutely … but it's behind the scenes and it's quiet," Rosenberg, whose latest book is "The Third Target", said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"You look at this Palestinian resolution at the United Nation Security Council, this is tailor-made by the president of the United States — not literally, but effectively."

The resolution calls for a new deal between the Israel and the Palestinians that would call for a divided Jerusalem and rolling back the borders to what they were in 1967.

The United States ultimately did not back the proposal, Rosenberg said, because the timing of it would help Netanyahu's standing.

"So the United States came out against a resolution, they're waiting, they're hoping that Netanyahu will lose and lose big," he said.

"It's not possible that he would lose big, but it is possible for the first time that I remember in a while that he could lose control of Israel."

The Obama administration has reportedly had a strained relationship with Netanyahu over its pressing for a peace deal.

Rosenberg told Steve Malzberg the popular sentiment is that Netanyahu is detested by the media, the left and even some center-leaning factions are "getting tired" of his leadership

Author Joel Rosenberg Obama Wants to Sink Netanyahu

Obama is so rock bottom that he'd have to get on a ladder and reach up to sink a grain in a one inch puddle of water. He wants a lot of things. So what.

Is Obama secretly working to replace Netanyahu?

A dispassionate look at the sequence of events shows that the Obama administration has generated an unprecedented crisis in US-Israeli relations, a crisis utilized at every twist and turn by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political rivals, most notably those within his coalition, to try to shake up the country’s leadership. There is more than a hint of White House interference in helping to agitate the coalition drama that provoked Netanyahu’s hesitant decision last Tuesday to dissolve parliament and schedule early elections that could potentially see the prime minister unseated.

Before divining the Obama administration’s fingerprints on the events that led to Netanyahu’s predicament, the immediate question is just what about the Israeli premier makes him so problematic for this White House. The answer is fraught with policy implications that cut to the very heart of Obama’s dangerously myopic, academic view of the world and America’s place among friend and foe.

Unforgivable to the US president is Bibi’s stubborn refusal to acquiesce to the concept of a sweeping, final deal with Iran that many experts believe will leave the mullahs perpetually within months of a nuclear weapon. Never mind that Iran has numerous times threatened to wipe Israel off the map and is a main state sponsor of the Palestinian terrorist organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Obama is more than annoyed at Netanyahu’s Congressional activism of lobbying for tougher sanctions on Tehran at precisely the same time the US administration is working with European allies to extend sanctions relief until next June 30, as the deadline for nuclear talks was yet again postponed until that date. Netanyahu has repeatedly accused Iran of using the drawn-out negotiations as a smokescreen to develop an illicit nuclear infrastructure.

Is Obama secretly working to replace Benjamin Netanyahu - Opinion - Jerusalem Post
And I'm supposed to believe that Obama has any intention at all of leaving once his term is finished? ha.

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