America's own cultural revolution?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
Nah. If you think this is something, you should have seen the late 1960s and 70s.
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
Nah. If you think this is something, you should have seen the late 1960s and 70s.
Lol are you Comparing The civil rights movement to this
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
Nah. If you think this is something, you should have seen the late 1960s and 70s.

Exactly. The modern-day Democrats are trying to recapture the "Age of Aquarius" they missed.
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
Nah. If you think this is something, you should have seen the late 1960s and 70s.

Exactly. The modern-day Democrats are trying to recapture the "Age of Aquarius" they missed.
I would like to see the days of the Wild West recreated. People would act civilized.
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
Nah. If you think this is something, you should have seen the late 1960s and 70s.

Exactly. The modern-day Democrats are trying to recapture the "Age of Aquarius" they missed.
I would like to see the days of the Wild West recreated. People would act civilized.

“Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
--Robert E. Howard
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
Nah. If you think this is something, you should have seen the late 1960s and 70s.
Lol are you Comparing The civil rights movement to this
Night son was making the case that this is America's cultural revolution.., poorly in opinion. You are close to my age. You think this mess can match the 60s and 70s, the race riots, war protests, the assassinations, riots during presidential election national convention, 50,000+ kids coming back home in body bags, the British invasion, Hippy movement, woodstock, free love, LSD etc? I don't. Those under 60 haven't seen $hit of a cultural revolution.
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
Nah. If you think this is something, you should have seen the late 1960s and 70s.
Lol are you Comparing The civil rights movement to this
Night son was making the case that this is America's cultural revolution.., poorly in opinion. You are close to my age. You think this mess can match the 60s and 70s, the race riots, war protests, the assassinations, riots during presidential election national convention, 50,000+ kids coming back home in body bags, the British invasion, Hippy movement, woodstock, free love, LSD etc? I don't. Those under 60 haven't seen $hit of a cultural revolution.
Yup Democrat oppression
@night_son’s analogy is preposterous on many levels.

In general it is impossible to understand the Cultural Revolution without analyzing it entirely in its Chinese historical context. The rise of German fascism was a phenomenon that grew up in an advanced Western industrial country during the collapse of its parliamentary institutions, so it provides at least an appropriate — distant— analogy to what we may be seeing in the U.S. today. The Cultural Revolution, on the other hand, occurred in a stressed under-developed overwhelmingly peasant society among urban and town youth. They were mobilized in a factional war by a revolutionary authoritarian “emperor” who was losing power, and their rampages were directed at the traditional Communist Party elite and all its educated urban professional allies. Seen this way, it becomes clearer how inappropriate the analogy provided by night_son really is.
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@night_son’s analogy is preposterous on many levels.

In general it is impossible to understand the Cultural Revolution without analyzing it entirely in its Chinese historical context. The rise of German fascism was a phenomenon that grew up in an advanced Western industrial country during the collapse of its parliamentary institutions, so it provides at least an appropriate — distant— analogy to what we may be seeing in the U.S. today. The Cultural Revolution, on the other hand, occurred in a stressed under-developed overwhelmingly peasant society among urban and town youth. They were mobilized in a factional war by a revolutionary authoritarian “emperor” who was losing power, and their rampages were directed at the traditional Communist Party elite and all its educated urban professional allies. Seen this way, it becomes clearer how inappropriate the analogy provided by night_son really is.
Don't forget the tyranny of the feudal war lords, getting fat of the peasants, and most of the country completely disjointed with very little of what we would recognize a central government, and large parts conquered and basically pillaged repeatedly by foreign powers. They were ripe for the picking of communism and cultural revolution.
In 1966 Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong called on Chinese youth to rise up, riot and commit whatever atrocities necessary to purge the impure elements of Chinese society. This decade long period of government sanctioned violent mass mob behavior came to be known historically as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. After closing the nation's schools Chinese students formed paramilitary terrorist groups under a collective designation, the Red Guard, and then went out in legions around the nation violently attacking the elderly and anyone else who was foolish enough to express or to have expressed intellectual ideas that were out of step with the State and Party ideology. Additionally, these roving bands of youths (and anyone else who wanted to live) were "encouraged" to rid society and themselves of what came to be known as The Four Olds : old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas. Something like up to two million people were killed during this period with millions more imprisoned for what amounted to thought crimes.

Now that this old communist divide and conquer strategy of class warfare has been rebranded in the US of A as race warfare, I can't help but see similarities between Mao's call for the nation's youth to rise up and tear apart even their parents and grandparents, and the very sudden nationwide mob riots in the wake of one violent felon's death. Only in this case it seems Mao's role is being fulfilled not by one man or woman, but by a cabal made up of mainstream media, Hollywood and sports stars; liberal and conservative politicians and influencers, and anyone with a you tube channel and a few dozen subscribers.

See, Mao's reasoning for inciting his cultural revolution is said to have originated in his feeling of loss of total control of the communist party of China. Seems to me radical leftist cultural ideological leaders here in America might very well have called for their own version of the same for much the same reason—loss of control over the people they control best: African Americans.

Will this "race revolution" burn for a whole decade? Will it cost 2 million Americans their lives? Myself? I think the time has passed for any negotiation or kind handling of mob members, rioters or looters. Moths are drawn to flame. I say it is time we hold the mob to the flame instead, build a bonfire of fools and cauterize the wound so to speak, and then we can get on with being Americans, rather than hive mind racial groups.
Gosh, and you tried so hard...

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