American's Trapped in Afghanistan; if Hostages Taken Will This Have Same Consequence for Biden as it did Carter?

Afghanistan has the potential to be an economic powerhouse and move rapidly back into modernity.

This isn't 2001. Now there are railroads and Port Gwadar and fledgling mining operations because of the Chinese.
And the fentanyl market will soar
The previous administration drew down from 15,000 troops to 2,500. And even at 15,000, the Afghan government forces were losing ground.


But the Afghan government and its supporters, including many of the people now seeking to leave, made a passionate case that we should not conduct a mass evacuation lest we trigger a loss of confidence in the government. Now, our signaling support for the government obviously did not save the government, but this was a considered judgment.

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, August 17, 2021 | The White House
and there was no mass panic or Taliban takeover when Trump drew down the troops ...
"Orderly peaceful manner?" You must be on hallucinogenic drugs! It's chaos in Afghanistan right now. The Taliban will "honor that?" These savages will honor nothing. Worried that Americans will "come in and have a last hurrah?" Biden doesn't have the testicular fortitude to do that. If our people do get out I wonder how many millions in U.S. tax dollars he will pay in bribes to Taliban to do it?
No shots are being fired, by Taliban, there is no looting, the only chaos is being caused by people trying to flee from the airport. That will end in a couple weeks as our tax dollars ferry people to our shores to live off of our tax dollars.
This is about as orderly as national collapses get. Nothing more will come from this. Before that last plane arrives from Kabul, you will have heard the last about Afghanistan.
how are they traitors to their nation Lacksnuts ?
They supported an invading force which occupied and submitted Afghan people. It pushed anti-Islamic values, morals, and a constitution on the people of Afghanistan....for temporary wealth.

Now the chickens have come home, and 100X more people will suffer for the sins of a very few.
They are not in control of hinterlands and nobody is hoping Americans get killed. You socialist only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. The Taliban don't give a shit about international good will. They want to be a hermit kingdom for Islamic fundamentalist.

You're already plotting how you can use what is happening in Afghanistan against Biden in the midterms. If you weren't, you wouldn't even be discussing this as a possibility.

This is WHY your country is in the toilet. You don't care what happens to the country, you only care how you can use it to further your own agenda.
Nobody is taking any hostages. The Taliban have won, the last thing they need is an excuse for the Americans to come in and have a last hurrah, or worst yet, stay longer.
That is why everything has progressed, in an orderly, peaceful manner. The Americans were given a date to have their people out, and the Taliban will honor that.
Troll much?
You're already plotting how you can use what is happening in Afghanistan against Biden in the midterms. If you weren't, you wouldn't even be discussing this as a possibility.

This is WHY your country is in the toilet. You don't care what happens to the country, you only care how you can use it to further your own agenda.

Oh it's spiraling but not because of the reasons you list.
Will media cover a hostage crisis with Biden administration like it did the Carter administration or will they continue to protect Biden as they have since he took office? Will Biden be mentally up to the task? Hostage crisis in 1979-80 pushed Carter to his limits mentally and physically by Carter's own admission. If hostages taken or Americans murdered in cold blood how much of an impact would that have on Biden re-election chances in 2024?
Did you know that Afghanistan's new ruler was in prison until dOnald tRump let him out in 2018?
Did you know that Afghanistan's new ruler was in prison until dOnald tRump let him out in 2018?

O let him out.

Wow, hoping Americans get killed so you can further your agenda.

Here's the reality. The Taliban are going to let us take out our citizens and even the quislings who supported us for the last 20 years. They'll do so for no other reason that they know it will generate international good will.
When has the Taliban cared about international good will? Now, you made an assertion. How do you know it's true? I think you're hoping that it is because if they don't and we see videos of brutality it will rebound to Quid Pro's further detriment. I have no faith that the Taliban give a flying rat's patoot about international good will.
Your rose covered lenses are noted and rejected. Biden administration has just botched this whole thing. No faith in them now.
And Americans are still coming home, not kidnapped, not killed. Your desire for American blood is noted and rejected.
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Well how would you know who has and hasn't been killed--the taliban are already starting with their favorite victims---women.

^^^ not American.

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