Americans Have To Love An Administration That Responds To A Self-Inflicted Crisis By MOCKING & LAUGHING AT THEM


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Psaki Makes Light of Supply Chain Crisis,

Laughs About “the Tragedy of the Treadmill That’s Delayed”

The incompetent and corrupt Biden Regime is laughing at Americans concerned about the supply chain crisis.

Last week Biden's Chief of Staff declared growing Inflation resulting in higher prices is a 'High Class' problem that does not affect hard-working Middle and Lower Class Americans.

While shelves remain bare, Biden administration personnel warned Americans to buy your Thanksgiving Turkey and Christmas presents NOW because there won't be much to buy by those holidays, and Buttigieg declared the problem would last as long as until next summer due to Biden's self-inflicted Supply Chain crisis, WH Press Spokeswoman LAUGHED AT AND MOCKED Americans while making light of the problem:

Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about why the Biden administration was caught unprepared to handle the current supply chain crunch, especially given experts and business leaders have been warning about it for months.

In response, Psaki made jokes about items not getting delivered in a timely fashion:

“People couldn’t get dishwashers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things…”
New York Times reporter Michael Shear said before being interrupted by Psaki.

“The tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed,” Psaki said mocking the reporter.

Backlash was pretty quick:

"It's Not Just Treadmills - The Today Show on NBC Monday morning featured a stunning report on the auto industry, with reporter Tom Costello saying shortages of parts and labor is crippling the car repair business, adding to the woes of a shortage of new cars and skyrocketing prices for used cars.

One analyst cited in the report said the situation was the worst since World War II when the U.S. was emerging from the Great Depression and was under mandatory rationing for the all-out war effort against the Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan.

Oil filters, wiper blades, brake parts, engine parts, even entire engines are in short supply according to Costello. The report closed with a warning that tires could be in short supply this winter due to a rubber shortage.

The Biden Regime and DC media cabal is out-of-touch with middle America."

With an approval rating sitting between 37 - 39% and the majority of the media getting pissed at 'Walk-Away' Joe's continuous refusal to answer questions from the media, it isn't such a good idea to mock and laugh at Americans having to endure scandal after scandal, failure after failure, Un-Constitutional mandate after Un-Constitutional mandate, all taking their negative toll on Americans and the economy....not that Biden, Psaki, and his handlers give a crap, as shown by their continuing to do it anyway.

Why do you have to reference the fake news sites?

Can't you find the story on a legit site like Fox News?

Do you think the story is true?
Its a video, dumbfuck.
You say this on every OP that isnt a mainstream source. UNLESS its something you like. Hell, the name could be and you would have a ball believing it and circle jerking with your federal supremacist buddies.
You are such a fucking loser, dude. No joke. A pathetic loser.
Its a video, dumbfuck.
You say this on every OP that isnt a mainstream source. UNLESS its something you like. Hell, the name could be and you would have a ball believing it and circle jerking with your federal supremacist buddies.
You are such a fucking loser, dude. No joke. A pathetic loser.
Well, sure, he might be a pathetic loser, but at least the web site you cited is providing him a nice income.

Psaki Makes Light of Supply Chain Crisis,

Laughs About “the Tragedy of the Treadmill That’s Delayed”

The incompetent and corrupt Biden Regime is laughing at Americans concerned about the supply chain crisis.

Last week Biden's Chief of Staff declared growing Inflation resulting in higher prices is a 'High Class' problem that does not affect hard-working Middle and Lower Class Americans.

While shelves remain bare, Biden administration personnel warned Americans to buy your Thanksgiving Turkey and Christmas presents NOW because there won't be much to buy by those holidays, and Buttigieg declared the problem would last as long as until next summer due to Biden's self-inflicted Supply Chain crisis, WH Press Spokeswoman LAUGHED AT AND MOCKED Americans while making light of the problem:

Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about why the Biden administration was caught unprepared to handle the current supply chain crunch, especially given experts and business leaders have been warning about it for months.

In response, Psaki made jokes about items not getting delivered in a timely fashion:

“People couldn’t get dishwashers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things…”
New York Times reporter Michael Shear said before being interrupted by Psaki.

“The tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed,” Psaki said mocking the reporter.

Backlash was pretty quick:

"It's Not Just Treadmills - The Today Show on NBC Monday morning featured a stunning report on the auto industry, with reporter Tom Costello saying shortages of parts and labor is crippling the car repair business, adding to the woes of a shortage of new cars and skyrocketing prices for used cars.

One analyst cited in the report said the situation was the worst since World War II when the U.S. was emerging from the Great Depression and was under mandatory rationing for the all-out war effort against the Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan.

Oil filters, wiper blades, brake parts, engine parts, even entire engines are in short supply according to Costello. The report closed with a warning that tires could be in short supply this winter due to a rubber shortage.

The Biden Regime and DC media cabal is out-of-touch with middle America."

With an approval rating sitting between 37 - 39% and the majority of the media getting pissed at 'Walk-Away' Joe's continuous refusal to answer questions from the media, it isn't such a good idea to mock and laugh at Americans having to endure scandal after scandal, failure after failure, Un-Constitutional mandate after Un-Constitutional mandate, all taking their negative toll on Americans and the economy....not that Biden, Psaki, and his handlers give a crap, as shown by their continuing to do it anyway.

THIS is what happens to a society that depends on the government and big corporations to supply them with ALL of their basic needs, from food to clothing and everything in-between. The time to beg, borrow, purchase or steal a piece of land and start a homestead is yesterday.
When your solution is to run the ports 24/7...YOU DO NOT EVEN UNDERSTAND THE ISSUE!

This admin is totally brain dead.

Do you solve a leaky roof by washing your car?

You lefties are such dumb is mind boggling.



Psaki Makes Light of Supply Chain Crisis,

Laughs About “the Tragedy of the Treadmill That’s Delayed”

The incompetent and corrupt Biden Regime is laughing at Americans concerned about the supply chain crisis.

Last week Biden's Chief of Staff declared growing Inflation resulting in higher prices is a 'High Class' problem that does not affect hard-working Middle and Lower Class Americans.

While shelves remain bare, Biden administration personnel warned Americans to buy your Thanksgiving Turkey and Christmas presents NOW because there won't be much to buy by those holidays, and Buttigieg declared the problem would last as long as until next summer due to Biden's self-inflicted Supply Chain crisis, WH Press Spokeswoman LAUGHED AT AND MOCKED Americans while making light of the problem:

Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about why the Biden administration was caught unprepared to handle the current supply chain crunch, especially given experts and business leaders have been warning about it for months.

In response, Psaki made jokes about items not getting delivered in a timely fashion:

“People couldn’t get dishwashers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things…”
New York Times reporter Michael Shear said before being interrupted by Psaki.

“The tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed,” Psaki said mocking the reporter.

Backlash was pretty quick:

"It's Not Just Treadmills - The Today Show on NBC Monday morning featured a stunning report on the auto industry, with reporter Tom Costello saying shortages of parts and labor is crippling the car repair business, adding to the woes of a shortage of new cars and skyrocketing prices for used cars.

One analyst cited in the report said the situation was the worst since World War II when the U.S. was emerging from the Great Depression and was under mandatory rationing for the all-out war effort against the Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan.

Oil filters, wiper blades, brake parts, engine parts, even entire engines are in short supply according to Costello. The report closed with a warning that tires could be in short supply this winter due to a rubber shortage.

The Biden Regime and DC media cabal is out-of-touch with middle America."

With an approval rating sitting between 37 - 39% and the majority of the media getting pissed at 'Walk-Away' Joe's continuous refusal to answer questions from the media, it isn't such a good idea to mock and laugh at Americans having to endure scandal after scandal, failure after failure, Un-Constitutional mandate after Un-Constitutional mandate, all taking their negative toll on Americans and the economy....not that Biden, Psaki, and his handlers give a crap, as shown by their continuing to do it anyway.

There's enough evidence on Reuters, BBC and AP News to stop Linking to overt ideological sites.
There's enough evidence on Reuters, BBC and AP News to stop Linking to overt ideological sites.

The sooner they indict her for violating the Hatch Act and remove her from the WH the better....

Psaki Makes Light of Supply Chain Crisis,

Laughs About “the Tragedy of the Treadmill That’s Delayed”

The incompetent and corrupt Biden Regime is laughing at Americans concerned about the supply chain crisis.

Last week Biden's Chief of Staff declared growing Inflation resulting in higher prices is a 'High Class' problem that does not affect hard-working Middle and Lower Class Americans.

While shelves remain bare, Biden administration personnel warned Americans to buy your Thanksgiving Turkey and Christmas presents NOW because there won't be much to buy by those holidays, and Buttigieg declared the problem would last as long as until next summer due to Biden's self-inflicted Supply Chain crisis, WH Press Spokeswoman LAUGHED AT AND MOCKED Americans while making light of the problem:

Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about why the Biden administration was caught unprepared to handle the current supply chain crunch, especially given experts and business leaders have been warning about it for months.

In response, Psaki made jokes about items not getting delivered in a timely fashion:

“People couldn’t get dishwashers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things…”
New York Times reporter Michael Shear said before being interrupted by Psaki.

“The tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed,” Psaki said mocking the reporter.

Backlash was pretty quick:

"It's Not Just Treadmills - The Today Show on NBC Monday morning featured a stunning report on the auto industry, with reporter Tom Costello saying shortages of parts and labor is crippling the car repair business, adding to the woes of a shortage of new cars and skyrocketing prices for used cars.

One analyst cited in the report said the situation was the worst since World War II when the U.S. was emerging from the Great Depression and was under mandatory rationing for the all-out war effort against the Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan.

Oil filters, wiper blades, brake parts, engine parts, even entire engines are in short supply according to Costello. The report closed with a warning that tires could be in short supply this winter due to a rubber shortage.

The Biden Regime and DC media cabal is out-of-touch with middle America."

With an approval rating sitting between 37 - 39% and the majority of the media getting pissed at 'Walk-Away' Joe's continuous refusal to answer questions from the media, it isn't such a good idea to mock and laugh at Americans having to endure scandal after scandal, failure after failure, Un-Constitutional mandate after Un-Constitutional mandate, all taking their negative toll on Americans and the economy....not that Biden, Psaki, and his handlers give a crap, as shown by their continuing to do it anyway.

How is a supply chain problem that predates his administration "self inflicted"?

Psaki Makes Light of Supply Chain Crisis,

Laughs About “the Tragedy of the Treadmill That’s Delayed”

The incompetent and corrupt Biden Regime is laughing at Americans concerned about the supply chain crisis.

Last week Biden's Chief of Staff declared growing Inflation resulting in higher prices is a 'High Class' problem that does not affect hard-working Middle and Lower Class Americans.

While shelves remain bare, Biden administration personnel warned Americans to buy your Thanksgiving Turkey and Christmas presents NOW because there won't be much to buy by those holidays, and Buttigieg declared the problem would last as long as until next summer due to Biden's self-inflicted Supply Chain crisis, WH Press Spokeswoman LAUGHED AT AND MOCKED Americans while making light of the problem:

Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about why the Biden administration was caught unprepared to handle the current supply chain crunch, especially given experts and business leaders have been warning about it for months.

In response, Psaki made jokes about items not getting delivered in a timely fashion:

“People couldn’t get dishwashers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things…”
New York Times reporter Michael Shear said before being interrupted by Psaki.

“The tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed,” Psaki said mocking the reporter.

Backlash was pretty quick:

"It's Not Just Treadmills - The Today Show on NBC Monday morning featured a stunning report on the auto industry, with reporter Tom Costello saying shortages of parts and labor is crippling the car repair business, adding to the woes of a shortage of new cars and skyrocketing prices for used cars.

One analyst cited in the report said the situation was the worst since World War II when the U.S. was emerging from the Great Depression and was under mandatory rationing for the all-out war effort against the Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan.

Oil filters, wiper blades, brake parts, engine parts, even entire engines are in short supply according to Costello. The report closed with a warning that tires could be in short supply this winter due to a rubber shortage.

The Biden Regime and DC media cabal is out-of-touch with middle America."

With an approval rating sitting between 37 - 39% and the majority of the media getting pissed at 'Walk-Away' Joe's continuous refusal to answer questions from the media, it isn't such a good idea to mock and laugh at Americans having to endure scandal after scandal, failure after failure, Un-Constitutional mandate after Un-Constitutional mandate, all taking their negative toll on Americans and the economy....not that Biden, Psaki, and his handlers give a crap, as shown by their continuing to do it anyway.

Psaki really needs a punch to that fugly face.

Psaki Makes Light of Supply Chain Crisis,

Laughs About “the Tragedy of the Treadmill That’s Delayed”

The incompetent and corrupt Biden Regime is laughing at Americans concerned about the supply chain crisis.

Last week Biden's Chief of Staff declared growing Inflation resulting in higher prices is a 'High Class' problem that does not affect hard-working Middle and Lower Class Americans.

While shelves remain bare, Biden administration personnel warned Americans to buy your Thanksgiving Turkey and Christmas presents NOW because there won't be much to buy by those holidays, and Buttigieg declared the problem would last as long as until next summer due to Biden's self-inflicted Supply Chain crisis, WH Press Spokeswoman LAUGHED AT AND MOCKED Americans while making light of the problem:

Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about why the Biden administration was caught unprepared to handle the current supply chain crunch, especially given experts and business leaders have been warning about it for months.

In response, Psaki made jokes about items not getting delivered in a timely fashion:

“People couldn’t get dishwashers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things…”
New York Times reporter Michael Shear said before being interrupted by Psaki.

“The tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed,” Psaki said mocking the reporter.

Backlash was pretty quick:

"It's Not Just Treadmills - The Today Show on NBC Monday morning featured a stunning report on the auto industry, with reporter Tom Costello saying shortages of parts and labor is crippling the car repair business, adding to the woes of a shortage of new cars and skyrocketing prices for used cars.

One analyst cited in the report said the situation was the worst since World War II when the U.S. was emerging from the Great Depression and was under mandatory rationing for the all-out war effort against the Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan.

Oil filters, wiper blades, brake parts, engine parts, even entire engines are in short supply according to Costello. The report closed with a warning that tires could be in short supply this winter due to a rubber shortage.

The Biden Regime and DC media cabal is out-of-touch with middle America."

With an approval rating sitting between 37 - 39% and the majority of the media getting pissed at 'Walk-Away' Joe's continuous refusal to answer questions from the media, it isn't such a good idea to mock and laugh at Americans having to endure scandal after scandal, failure after failure, Un-Constitutional mandate after Un-Constitutional mandate, all taking their negative toll on Americans and the economy....not that Biden, Psaki, and his handlers give a crap, as shown by their continuing to do it anyway.

Of course she laughs about it. She won't be affected by it. None of those motherfuckers will.

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