I would just like to complain about American women. I am generalizing here so keep that in mind, I'm also talking of the ones below the age of around 50. They complain that there is this "invisible forcefield" that is holding them back from getting up to or ahead of men. The only thing that is holding them back is the pure inability to compete with men. Men and women are not equal, which is why men have ruled the planet forever. Look around, everything that has been built has basically been built by men. The only reason women have entered anything is because we have let them. A woman get's a set of implants and flirts with the boss's and she moves up the ladder while the boss's look up her dress, am I right? How many ugly women have nice cushy office jobs? Not many, they either at home with 3 kids doing NOTHING at all (while either robbing their husband or robbing the government) or they are complaining because they have to stand all day long doing factory work. Their are a few ugly women that get far in life basically because they are career oriented, don't want kids and do work (but usually not physical work) hard to get far because they can't rely on their good looks to get them far, these women usually can't find a guy stupid enough to hang around because they are so career oriented that they have no home values to offer men. I'm also getting tired of these women warrior shows, women sports, women in the military, women sports anouncers, women cops, the list keeps going and going... Mailman, not now, now it's mail carrier. Stewardess, not now- flight attendant. Foreman, not now- Team Leader. Basically anything with the word "man" in it has been changed to something that suits women. How about all of the tv commercials that makes fun of men and makes them out to be a bunch of idiots even though we're the ones who have invented and brought women nearly everything they have, including the tv that they are watching the male bashing commercials on. It's time for us men to wake up and start standing up to these b#$%*'s and let them know that if they want something than they are going to have to start earning it by working the overtime and doing the tough jobs. When was the last time you seen a women forging steel or coalmining? Women usually only do jobs that they like and usually only part-time. They have kids so that they can rake in money from their hard working husbands who get an early grave after the women take every dime they have after divorce. They manipulate men by whining and crying around and using sex to get what they want. There are 4 widows to every widower and all we hear about is how women can stop their biological clock from ticking and more breast cancer research. National womens history month? Give me a break. If they get a month, men should have the rest of the year! Can you imagine if men started a "National Men's History Month". Can you imagine all of the backlash from the feminist groups and women in general? Just thought I'd point the obvious out. Sometimes it's so obvious it becomes the norm and overlooked by us hardworking, financially responsible men.