American Patriot Roy Moore: Deploy Military To Fortify U.S.- Mexico Border Till Wall Is Built

Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman shares why she went public in exclusive interview

Leigh Corfman, the woman who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of initiating a sexual encounter when she was 14 — and he was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney — said she feels “a weight has been lifted” since going public with her story, even though it has cost her personally and financially.

In an exclusive television interview, her first since The Washington Post revealed her story earlier this month, Corfman addressed critics who have questioned why she failed to raise her allegations earlier, telling TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie, “It’s very simple, really — I did tell people,” including her friends and family and, later when she was an adult herself, her children.

Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman shares why she went public in exclusive interview

I heard her. I saw her. The poor senile thing.

It was the Washington Post that contacted her and helped her remember. It was the Washington Post that convinced her that she was helping other victims. The whole thing was concocted by the Washington Post and convinced her to go along. I also noted a change in her story. First it was a secluded area, now its his home where she was laying on the floor.

Just like in Harlequin. She probably read that scene a thousand times from the pirate to the Duke.
Ross Perot said that in 2012, so nothing new.

Bring them home and deploy them on the Canadian border to keep those like me out!
Calling Moore a pedophile doesn't make him a pedophile.

call it what you will... i call it deplorable predatory abuse of power.

Corfman is one of nine women who have accused Moore of pursuing relationships with them when they were teenagers and he was an adult. Moore has denied all of the allegations. He also said he specifically does not know Corfman.

“I wonder how many ‘me’s’ he doesn’t know,” she responded.

Corfman said Moore first approached her outside an Alabama courthouse as she was waiting for her mother inside. He asked for her phone number and later arranged to meet her pick her up and he took her back to his house.

“I wouldn’t exactly call it a date. I would say it was a meet. At 14 I was not dating. At 14, I was not able to make those kind of choices,” she said.

Corfman said the second time she went to Moore’s house, he laid out blankets on his living room floor and “proceeded to, um, seduce me, I guess you would say.” He removed most of her clothing, left the room and then returned wearing only in his "white underwear."

“He touched me over my clothing, what was left of it, and he tried to get me to touch him as well,” she recalled.

Corfman said she pulled back, frightened, and had Moore take her back home.

“I was a 14-year-old child trying to playing in an adult’s world, and he was 32 years old,” she said.
Back to he said she said does not equal proof.
Beverly Young Nelson, would be willing to testify under oath and called on the Senate judiciary committee to hold a hearing and subpoena Moore.

"Mr. Moore attacked me when I was a child," Nelson said, adding that she was 15 when he began flirting with her and 16 at the time of the alleged assault. "I want Mr. Moore to know that he no longer has any power over me."

The allegations of force, if true, would be considered sexual abuse in the first degree, but the statute of limitations in effect at the time would have passed.

Nelson detailed her allegations in a statement...

She said that one evening he offered her a ride home.

Instead of taking her home, Nelson said Moore pulled his car behind the restaurant and began to attack her.

"Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me and putting his hands on my breasts," Nelson said.

She said she tried to open the car door to leave, but Moore locked it and continued to grab her.

"He began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle," Nelson said. "I thought that he was going to rape me."

She said she began to cry and beg him to stop and that eventually he did relent before telling her not to speak.

"At some point he gave up, and he then looked at me," Nelson said. "He said, 'You're just a child,' and he said, 'I am the district attorney of Etowah County and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you.'"

Woman accuses Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her at 16
Beverly Young Nelson, would be willing to testify under oath and called on the Senate judiciary committee to hold a hearing and subpoena Moore.

"Mr. Moore attacked me when I was a child," Nelson said, adding that she was 15 when he began flirting with her and 16 at the time of the alleged assault. "I want Mr. Moore to know that he no longer has any power over me."

The allegations of force, if true, would be considered sexual abuse in the first degree, but the statute of limitations in effect at the time would have passed.

Nelson detailed her allegations in a statement...

She said that one evening he offered her a ride home.

Instead of taking her home, Nelson said Moore pulled his car behind the restaurant and began to attack her.

"Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me and putting his hands on my breasts," Nelson said.

She said she tried to open the car door to leave, but Moore locked it and continued to grab her.

"He began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle," Nelson said. "I thought that he was going to rape me."

She said she began to cry and beg him to stop and that eventually he did relent before telling her not to speak.

"At some point he gave up, and he then looked at me," Nelson said. "He said, 'You're just a child,' and he said, 'I am the district attorney of Etowah County and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you.'"

Woman accuses Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her at 16
Pure unadulterated hearsay!
Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman shares why she went public in exclusive interview

Leigh Corfman, the woman who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of initiating a sexual encounter when she was 14 — and he was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney — said she feels “a weight has been lifted” since going public with her story, even though it has cost her personally and financially.

In an exclusive television interview, her first since The Washington Post revealed her story earlier this month, Corfman addressed critics who have questioned why she failed to raise her allegations earlier, telling TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie, “It’s very simple, really — I did tell people,” including her friends and family and, later when she was an adult herself, her children.

Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman shares why she went public in exclusive interview

I heard her. I saw her. The poor senile thing.

It was the Washington Post that contacted her and helped her remember. It was the Washington Post that convinced her that she was helping other victims. The whole thing was concocted by the Washington Post and convinced her to go along. I also noted a change in her story. First it was a secluded area, now its his home where she was laying on the floor.

Just like in Harlequin. She probably read that scene a thousand times from the pirate to the Duke.
You're as big a liar as Trump is.
Last edited:
Can you be banned from malls for preying on young girls and be considered a patriot?
Only in wingnuts world.

The mall management from that time frame said Moore was never banned.

no they did not say that, liar.

The manager of the mall at the time says it never happened.
Can you be banned from malls for preying on young girls and be considered a patriot?
Only in wingnuts world.

The mall management from that time frame said Moore was never banned.

no they did not say that, liar.

The manager of the mall at the time says it never happened.
link? You liars lie like you breathe.
current mall ownership, which is different from the 70s ownership, stated there is no paper trail of who may have been banned in the 70s. that does not mean he was not banned or that they said he was not banned...

This past weekend, I spoke or messaged with more than a dozen people—including a major political figure in the state—who told me that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from the mall because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls. Some say that they heard this at the time, others in the years since. These people include five members of the local legal community, two cops who worked in the town, several people who hung out at the mall in the early eighties, and a number of former mall employees. (A request for comment from the Moore campaign was not answered.) Several of them asked that I leave their names out of this piece. The stories that they say they’ve heard for years have been swirling online in the days since the Post published its report. “Sources tell me Moore was actually banned from the Gadsden Mall and the YMCA for his inappropriate behavior of soliciting sex from young girls,” the independent Alabama journalist Glynn Wilson wrote on his Web site on Sunday, declining to divulge sources

Teresa Jones, a deputy district attorney for Etowah County in the early eighties, told CNN last week that “it was common knowledge that Roy dated high-school girls.” Jones told me that she couldn’t confirm the alleged mall banning, but said, “It’s a rumor I’ve heard for years.”

[Former mall worker Greg] Legat says that he saw Moore there a few times, even though his understanding then was that he had already been banned. “It started around 1979, I think,” Legat said. “I know the ban was still in place when I got there.” Legat recalled a Gadsden police officer named J. D. Thomas, now retired, who worked security at the mall. “J. D. was a fixture there, when I was working at the store,” Legat said. “He really looked after the kids there. He was a good guy. J. D. told me, ‘If you see Roy, let me know. He’s banned from the mall.’ ” Legat recalled Thomas telling him, “If you see Moore here, tell me. I’ll take care of him.’ ”

Was Roy Moore Banned From the Gadsden Mall For Harassing Teenage Girls?
Can you be banned from malls for preying on young girls and be considered a patriot?
Only in wingnuts world.

The mall management from that time frame said Moore was never banned.

no they did not say that, liar.

The manager of the mall at the time says it never happened.
Can you be banned from malls for preying on young girls and be considered a patriot?
Only in wingnuts world.

The mall management from that time frame said Moore was never banned.

no they did not say that, liar.

The manager of the mall at the time says it never happened.
link? You liars lie like you breathe.

Keep on dreaming...

Manager Disputes Claim That Roy Moore Was Banned From Mall

Mall Never Banned Moore and Other Lies

WATCH: Former Alabama Mall Manager Says Roy Moore WASN'T Banned Over Harassment Claims

More #FakeNews: Former Gadsden, Alabama Mall Manager Says 'Roy Moore Was NOT BANNED From Mall' (Video)
Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman shares why she went public in exclusive interview

Leigh Corfman, the woman who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of initiating a sexual encounter when she was 14 — and he was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney — said she feels “a weight has been lifted” since going public with her story, even though it has cost her personally and financially.

In an exclusive television interview, her first since The Washington Post revealed her story earlier this month, Corfman addressed critics who have questioned why she failed to raise her allegations earlier, telling TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie, “It’s very simple, really — I did tell people,” including her friends and family and, later when she was an adult herself, her children.

Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman shares why she went public in exclusive interview

I heard her. I saw her. The poor senile thing.

It was the Washington Post that contacted her and helped her remember. It was the Washington Post that convinced her that she was helping other victims. The whole thing was concocted by the Washington Post and convinced her to go along. I also noted a change in her story. First it was a secluded area, now its his home where she was laying on the floor.

Just like in Harlequin. She probably read that scene a thousand times from the pirate to the Duke.
Now the truth: The Washington Post was down there covering another story and heard the locals talking about Moore's fondness for very young girls so they did what all good journalists do. They investigated it.
Can you be banned from malls for preying on young girls and be considered a patriot?
Only in wingnuts world.

The mall management from that time frame said Moore was never banned.

no they did not say that, liar.

The manager of the mall at the time says it never happened.
Can you be banned from malls for preying on young girls and be considered a patriot?
Only in wingnuts world.

The mall management from that time frame said Moore was never banned.

no they did not say that, liar.

The manager of the mall at the time says it never happened.
link? You liars lie like you breathe.

Keep on dreaming...

Manager Disputes Claim That Roy Moore Was Banned From Mall

Mall Never Banned Moore and Other Lies

WATCH: Former Alabama Mall Manager Says Roy Moore WASN'T Banned Over Harassment Claims

More #FakeNews: Former Gadsden, Alabama Mall Manager Says 'Roy Moore Was NOT BANNED From Mall' (Video)
All far right propaganda sites. Would it kill you idiots to use a valid source just once in your life?
You got nothing.
I agree, especially after our border agent was killed the other day by illegals bashing his skull in with rocks. These third worlders are not civilized and hold no value to life. Roy Moore has the right idea. Damn political correctness.

EXCLUSIVE – Roy Moore: Deploy Military to Fortify U.S.-Mexico Border

Says a right winger in the USA which has invaded, bombed, killed for a long, long time now.
We must protect our sovereign natural born American citizens.
The mall management from that time frame said Moore was never banned.

no they did not say that, liar.

The manager of the mall at the time says it never happened.
The mall management from that time frame said Moore was never banned.

no they did not say that, liar.

The manager of the mall at the time says it never happened.
link? You liars lie like you breathe.

Keep on dreaming...

Manager Disputes Claim That Roy Moore Was Banned From Mall

Mall Never Banned Moore and Other Lies

WATCH: Former Alabama Mall Manager Says Roy Moore WASN'T Banned Over Harassment Claims

More #FakeNews: Former Gadsden, Alabama Mall Manager Says 'Roy Moore Was NOT BANNED From Mall' (Video)
All far right propaganda sites. Would it kill you idiots to use a valid source just once in your life?
You got nothing.

So the word of the actual manager at the time isnt good enough....
Another left wing hack.

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