American is slaughtered- What will the media/hollywood say?


May 26, 2004
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Dallas, TX
I have the answer, so repeat with me if you are a liberal (and believe me this will be said by you liberals, which let me make it clear I
am not ......!!!!....)
"George Bush beheaded both these men and is also responsible for every death of a US military or any country's civilian because he is a War Monger"
..I swear if I hear that one more time from the libs I may just have to trot out all of my GUNS (not) and start shooting(not)...
Mark my words..Our admininstration will be blamed for this latest beheading. And the Bush-Haters will continue to rail on about the prison scandal, which of course he personally ordered (yeah right)
Trouble is, for out liberal"pals", they just can't come up with any real facts, so they make things up...
If he's beheaded in Iraq they'll say we shouldn't be over there in the first place, if he's beheaded in SA, they'll say the Invasion of Iraq has increased terrorism instaed of reducing it.. They're right everyday when Americans kill Iraqis in Iraq, it leaves about a billion people who want revenge and more of them now think it's justifiable to kill Americans whereever because Americans kill Iraqis everyday..
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
I guess the new troll of the week honors go to "fishy":trolls:

Please read this, trolling is not allowed and I've been noticing too.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Nope, not new! this will none other then jowlover! say goodbye again fool!!!!!:D

SE You're our hero today! :D
Originally posted by fishy
If he's beheaded in Iraq they'll say we shouldn't be over there in the first place, if he's beheaded in SA, they'll say the Invasion of Iraq has increased terrorism instaed of reducing it.. They're right everyday when Americans kill Iraqis in Iraq, it leaves about a billion people who want revenge and more of them now think it's justifiable to kill Americans whereever because Americans kill Iraqis everyday..

Looks like its the terrorists killing iraqis more than we are.
Originally posted by fishy
If he's beheaded in Iraq they'll say we shouldn't be over there in the first place, if he's beheaded in SA, they'll say the Invasion of Iraq has increased terrorism instaed of reducing it.. They're right everyday when Americans kill Iraqis in Iraq, it leaves about a billion people who want revenge and more of them now think it's justifiable to kill Americans whereever because Americans kill Iraqis everyday..

Hmm..appears to me that Iraqis are killing Iraqis and Americans with these car bombs. US soldiers only kill in self defense, so, Fishy I have to say that your information sources are..well fishy! Appears you've been banned anyway...
He was probably a Pisces - working for scale....
What I hate about liberals is that they talk about compassion and not wanting war yet fail at every turn of the screw to properly mourn for those who where innocent and killed. I mean where is the outrage from liberals about All these beheadings? But yet they cant wait to cry fowl when a terrorist gets killed. This is simply traitorous behaviour and maybe the libs should think about moving to Iraq if Iraq is being so put out by us Americans.

I mean the libs just bitch and moan. Where is the solution? Where is their action?

Originally posted by Patriot
What I hate about liberals is that they talk about compassion and not wanting war yet fail at every turn of the screw to properly mourn for those who where innocent and killed. I mean where is the outrage from liberals about All these beheadings? But yet they cant wait to cry fowl when a terrorist gets killed. This is simply traitorous behaviour and maybe the libs should think about moving to Iraq if Iraq is being so put out by us Americans.

I mean the libs just bitch and moan. Where is the solution? Where is their action?


ahem. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Patriot
I knew I could count on you to reply!

a simple reminder that just like all republicans are not bible thumpin god fearing war mongering christian conservatives, neither are all liberals traitorous anti american peaceniks.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
a simple reminder that just like all republicans are not bible thumpin god fearing war mongering christian conservatives, neither are all liberals traitorous anti american peaceniks.

You are correct...Some of us card carrying republicans can be atheists!
Originally posted by Patriot
You are correct...Some of us card carrying republicans can be atheists!

just as some of us liberals are not as peacenik as you claim us to be.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
just as some of us liberals are not as peacenik as you claim us to be.

Well shoot, you want a freakin' tank! :p:
DK, tell me about how you love the AC-130 and I'll talk to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy about getting you elected in '08!:D
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
actually I prefer the .50 caliber sniper rifle. :D

DK, have you ever read " Marine Sniper " ? I don't remember the author's first name, but I know that he was a Sgt. Hathcock. The book is a first-person account of his amazing exploits in Vietnam. Pretty damned fascinating character. Hathcock helped to legitimize and bring honor to the sniper's role in military operations.
Originally posted by musicman
DK, have you ever read " Marine Sniper " ? I don't remember the author's first name, but I know that he was a Sgt. Hathcock. The book is a first-person account of his amazing exploits in Vietnam. Pretty damned fascinating character. Hathcock helped to legitimize and bring honor to the sniper's role in military operations.

GySgt carlos hathcock. great book. great sniper.
Originally posted by NightTrain
DK, tell me about how you love the AC-130 and I'll talk to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy about getting you elected in '08!:D

I like the harrier for close air support better, but the AC130 rocks too.
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