America Must Use All Hand-Counted Ballots Now, Like the Rest of the World Does


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Let's do one great thing this year and everybody, Trumptards and libtards, agree on one thing. THIS AIN'T WORKING! So what does the rest of the world do? You never see these scenes year after year "over there."

America Must Use All Hand-Counted Ballots Now, Like the Rest of the World Does

Allegations of vote-counting machine hacking are nothing new in America. Election integrity activists have been hollering their lungs out about it for years. They have been saying that one of the most important tools that election-stealers have in their arsenals is the machine hack, as opposed to crude ballot box stuffing, tossing of legitimate ballots, voter suppression, and other tactics.

Illegitimate paper ballots are heavy and cumbersome. People can film you with them and wonder what you are doing. Machine hacking only requires a few keystrokes at a safe distance. Paper ballot stuffing is okay for padding the results, but to make sure you’ve really won the damn thing, machine hacks are the way to go.

In 2006 the HBO documentary Hacking Democracy made a splash among a small group of budding election integrity activists, who were concerned that all was not what it seems to be in America. But for the most part they were viewed as conspiracy theorists...

Most of the rest of the advanced world has gone to 100% hand-counted paper ballots in all elections, even in cities as big as Berlin and Paris.

There is nothing impossible about hand counting ballots in big cities. It was done for years, and now we have video surveillance of counting and storage rooms to make it more secure. Other advanced democracies have had their tries with machine count technology, didn’t trust it, and have returned to hand counted paper ballots.

You don’t see the kind of endless disputes in Europe as you see here. You may not like the results, but people pretty much agree on who won.

Countries which now employ systems of 100% hand-counted paper ballots include Germany, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Finland, and 53 other countries.

It is time for America to do the same.
Let's do one great thing this year and everybody, Trumptards and libtards, agree on one thing. THIS AIN'T WORKING! So what does the rest of the world do? You never see these scenes year after year "over there."

America Must Use All Hand-Counted Ballots Now, Like the Rest of the World Does

Allegations of vote-counting machine hacking are nothing new in America. Election integrity activists have been hollering their lungs out about it for years. They have been saying that one of the most important tools that election-stealers have in their arsenals is the machine hack, as opposed to crude ballot box stuffing, tossing of legitimate ballots, voter suppression, and other tactics.

Illegitimate paper ballots are heavy and cumbersome. People can film you with them and wonder what you are doing. Machine hacking only requires a few keystrokes at a safe distance. Paper ballot stuffing is okay for padding the results, but to make sure you’ve really won the damn thing, machine hacks are the way to go.

In 2006 the HBO documentary Hacking Democracy made a splash among a small group of budding election integrity activists, who were concerned that all was not what it seems to be in America. But for the most part they were viewed as conspiracy theorists...

Most of the rest of the advanced world has gone to 100% hand-counted paper ballots in all elections, even in cities as big as Berlin and Paris.

There is nothing impossible about hand counting ballots in big cities. It was done for years, and now we have video surveillance of counting and storage rooms to make it more secure. Other advanced democracies have had their tries with machine count technology, didn’t trust it, and have returned to hand counted paper ballots.

You don’t see the kind of endless disputes in Europe as you see here. You may not like the results, but people pretty much agree on who won.

Countries which now employ systems of 100% hand-counted paper ballots include Germany, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Finland, and 53 other countries.

It is time for America to do the same.

I think it's very telling how many democrats want to change the way we vote in this country and how the SCOTUS is set up.

1. They want to drop the age to vote to 16, meaning allowing children to vote in our elections.
2. They want to increase the number of SCOTUS judges and impart term limits.
3. They want to do away with the electoral college ensuring that the population centers of the country rule everyone.

Honestly, I think this is more a sign of a dying party than a strong one. If you're so strong and everyone loves you so much, why do you need to change the rules so much?
Let's do one great thing this year and everybody, Trumptards and libtards, agree on one thing. THIS AIN'T WORKING! So what should we do? Stop falling for every conspiracy theory Trump and his crazy supporters come up with. Whining about how the ballots were counted is not the problem. Trump telling his followers the election was rigged when there is no evidence of that is
Yeah go back to the good old days.only the shills hate this great post I see.
Let's do one great thing this year and everybody, Trumptards and libtards, agree on one thing. THIS AIN'T WORKING! So what does the rest of the world do? You never see these scenes year after year "over there."

The USA uses counting machines because you have a population of 335 million people - the third largest population in the world, and by far the largest population in the first world. There are only 343 million people in all of the EU. Japan has the next largest 1st world population with 125 million.

If you want everyone to vote live and in person on voting day, you need to re-open those 1100 polling stations you closed. If you're only using hand counted paper ballots, it will takes weeks to count your votes, and it will disenfranchise anyone who is sick, disabled, out of the country, or who cannot go to the polls on election day.

Last but not least, with no electronic trail created by the counting machines, it will be easy to "disappear" boxes of ballots, because there is no electronic record that they exist.

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