America: Just how f*cked up are we?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.

There’s no common ground to be shared anymore between the Left and the Right. The Left has 100% completely lost all their shit. They push for and champion anything and everything immoral, indecent, weird and often times illegal. Good quality, decent, productive REAL Americans want nothing at all to do with the filthy fact, most of us are to the point where we encourage the WAR. Fuck lowlife LefTards.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.
Ya just now noticing? Welcome to my world. :thup: Oh and why get upset, the worst thing we can do to them is laugh at em all.
There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.
Ya just now noticing? Welcome to my world. :thup: Oh and why get upset, the worst thing we can do to them is laugh at em all.

I will be having grandchildren soon.
God help them, they will grow up in one fucked up society.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.
Ya just now noticing? Welcome to my world. :thup: Oh and why get upset, the worst thing we can do to them is laugh at em all.

I will be having grandchildren soon.
God help them, they will grow up in one fucked up society.
So you did take the red pill.......... Here, go deeper into the rabbit hole.
There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.

Nah, there’s no grand conspiracy. Fun to pretend there is though.
Look, disgusting, low life, weird, immoral, indecent, lazy, dependent filth will always gravitate toward the’s what they do, there’s more of their filthy same there. They don’t need some weird media induced directive to guide them’s where they fit in. Media has simply made it cool to be filth...that’s all.
There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.

Nah, there’s no grand conspiracy. Fun to pretend there is though.
Look, disgusting, low life, weird, immoral, indecent, lazy, dependent filth will always gravitate toward the’s what they do, there’s more of their filthy same there. They don’t need some weird media induced directive to guide them’s where they fit in. Media has simply made it cool to be filth...that’s all.
So I take it you will continue to willingly be manipulated.
There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.

Nah, there’s no grand conspiracy. Fun to pretend there is though.
Look, disgusting, low life, weird, immoral, indecent, lazy, dependent filth will always gravitate toward the’s what they do, there’s more of their filthy same there. They don’t need some weird media induced directive to guide them’s where they fit in. Media has simply made it cool to be filth...that’s all.
Oh the irony!!!!!!! :rofl:
There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.

Nah, there’s no grand conspiracy. Fun to pretend there is though.
Look, disgusting, low life, weird, immoral, indecent, lazy, dependent filth will always gravitate toward the’s what they do, there’s more of their filthy same there. They don’t need some weird media induced directive to guide them’s where they fit in. Media has simply made it cool to be filth...that’s all.

You do realize you are coming to a thread about how tiresome it is that people constantly stand in line with one side or the other blaming everything on the other side? standing on one side blaming everything on the other side.
There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.

Nah, there’s no grand conspiracy. Fun to pretend there is though.
Look, disgusting, low life, weird, immoral, indecent, lazy, dependent filth will always gravitate toward the’s what they do, there’s more of their filthy same there. They don’t need some weird media induced directive to guide them’s where they fit in. Media has simply made it cool to be filth...that’s all.
So I take it you will continue to willingly be manipulated.

I’m manipulated because you say so?
There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.

Nah, there’s no grand conspiracy. Fun to pretend there is though.
Look, disgusting, low life, weird, immoral, indecent, lazy, dependent filth will always gravitate toward the’s what they do, there’s more of their filthy same there. They don’t need some weird media induced directive to guide them’s where they fit in. Media has simply made it cool to be filth...that’s all.

You do realize you are coming to a thread about how tiresome it is that people constantly stand in line with one side or the other blaming everything on the other side? standing on one side blaming everything on the other side.

Tiresome for you?
Look, I, like most good people have embraced the divide...I’m having a good time with it. Watching the Left cry everyday is fucking awesome. Sack up and accept it...good people are fed the fuck up with the growing amount of filth in this once great nation full of great people.
There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.

Nah, there’s no grand conspiracy. Fun to pretend there is though.
Look, disgusting, low life, weird, immoral, indecent, lazy, dependent filth will always gravitate toward the’s what they do, there’s more of their filthy same there. They don’t need some weird media induced directive to guide them’s where they fit in. Media has simply made it cool to be filth...that’s all.

You do realize you are coming to a thread about how tiresome it is that people constantly stand in line with one side or the other blaming everything on the other side? standing on one side blaming everything on the other side.

Tiresome for you?
Look, I, like most good people have embraced the divide...I’m having a good time with it.
Yes, I have already pointed out you are playing right into your masters' hands. If you are comfortable with that, fine.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.

There’s no common ground to be shared anymore between the Left and the Right. The Left has 100% completely lost all their shit. They push for and champion anything and everything immoral, indecent, weird and often times illegal. Good quality, decent, productive REAL Americans want nothing at all to do with the filthy fact, most of us are to the point where we encourage the WAR. Fuck lowlife LefTards.

There are plenty on the right who are just as much to blame as the left. That’s the point of the OP IMO.

If you want an example, then I can provide several. Take Police Misconduct. Abusive police officers using force far and above what is required. Not just including the shootings, many of which are questionable at best IMO, but other abusive actions.

And it isn’t just the Blacks who suffer. A man named John Geer died at the hands of the police. He was white. The cop who shot him said his had lowered his hands, and the cop, being afeared for his life, the normal excuse, shot and killed him.

The other cops all swore that Geer never moved. The cop who had shot him had been told more than once to safe his weapon. Seems like an open and shut case right? But here is where the story goes from tragic, to infuriating. The police department kept the investigation open for two years. Two years the department refused to give any information to the DA, or the State’s Attorney. Finally the State’s attorney unable to get any cooperation requested that the Feds take over the investigation so they could start to consider what if any charges would be appropriate.

The Police Department fought that as well, arguing that they had the responsibility to investigate. Finally the Geer Family sued, and the Judge ordered the Police to release the records to the attorney under the rules of Disclosure. The family’s attorney gave the files to the DA, and finally the prosecutor had some information to work with. The cop was then, and only then fired. Two years after the event, and prosecuted. He eventually pled guilty, but every step of the way was obstruction of justice in the name of justice by the Police Department.

This sort of thing should infuriate everyone. But it doesn’t infuriate the Right wingers. They want the cops to kill more people, and use excessive violence. When you point out that something was egregious, then the same people who call for more of the same, say it doesn’t happen often enough to be a problem.

Police Officers commit crimes at a rate of ten times as often as concealed carry permit holders. The most frequent crime of a carry concealed permit holder is forgetting to carry their permit while they are armed. They forgot their ID which is a crime.

Yet, we are supposed to support the cops no matter what. When we complain that there is needed reform, the Righties I am talking about give you the choice. Either you can have corrupt police, or anarchy.

There is no compromise, no effort to be reasonable. It is absolute. That is but one such topic where the RIght is just as guilty as the left.

This last election as a tough one for me. I wanted to see us pull out of NAFTA, and start to reclaim our manufacturing strengths. I wanted to see skilled labor jobs returning to our workforce. I also wanted to continue the trend of investigating and reforming Police Departments that the DOJ had been doing under Bush and Obama.

Unfortunately, the choices were Trump and Hillary. I could not, would not vote for Hillary. Because of her corruption spreading through the entire Democratic Party, I ended up voting for the straight Republican Ticket.

I absolutely disagree with the Trump DOJ ending the compliance actions against police departments. I absolutely disagree with the end of the civil rights investigations into Police. I do not believe our choices are either corrupt police, or anarchy. I believe we can get the police we deserve, professional and competent, without the threat of anarchy.

As I said, this is but one topic in which I absolutely disagree with the right. There are others including Torture, where I am in complete disagreement. Many times I’ve said that by Rural Georgia standards, I am pretty Liberal. But by San Francisco or Seattle Standards, I am a raging right winger. I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA. I believe in the Second Amendment, and all the others too.
The first 10 min of this video explain the left to a T. It explains why they love immoral stuff and hate truth facts and such.....hint: the left thinks searching for the truth promotes conflict

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There are special interests who want Americans divided so we can be conquered and plundered. They want us at each others' throats. They want us to bleev "those Leftist" or "those Righties" hate America and are bent on its destruction.

It's time for us all to wake up to this constant manipulation and to stop going along with it.

Nah, there’s no grand conspiracy. Fun to pretend there is though.
Look, disgusting, low life, weird, immoral, indecent, lazy, dependent filth will always gravitate toward the’s what they do, there’s more of their filthy same there. They don’t need some weird media induced directive to guide them’s where they fit in. Media has simply made it cool to be filth...that’s all.

You do realize you are coming to a thread about how tiresome it is that people constantly stand in line with one side or the other blaming everything on the other side? standing on one side blaming everything on the other side.

Tiresome for you?
Look, I, like most good people have embraced the divide...I’m having a good time with it. Watching the Left cry everyday is fucking awesome. Sack up and accept it...good people are fed the fuck up with the growing amount of filth in this once great nation full of great people.

At what point were we a "great nation full of great people"?
Granted, America is arguably the greatest experiment in human history. A nation founded on personal freedom and the greatest line perhaps ever written - "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
Granted, America has, for the most part, been a nation improving on these principles. Righting the wrongs, and taking efforts to bring about a more perfect sense of fairness.
Having said that, we have yet to reach that more perfect goal. In fact, I would argue, we are currently going backwards.
It is whimsical to think about life in America 50-60 years ago, I grant you again it was more simple and people were far more agreeable as a nation than today. However it was not a good place for far too many. It was only good if you fit a certain demographic. And that isn't good, and certainly not great.
But we have lost our way. We are no longer trying to right wrongs, all we are doing is picking what side we want to fight on - and going with it. Meanwhile everything is going to hell. Our government is now wholly corrupt, both sides, we are hopelessly victimized daily by corporatism and the greed of our corrupt market system.
We are being used as pawns.
And we will certainly remain only pawns until we recognize we are all being made fools of by an extraordinary tiny number of very powerful people.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.

There’s no common ground to be shared anymore between the Left and the Right. The Left has 100% completely lost all their shit. They push for and champion anything and everything immoral, indecent, weird and often times illegal. Good quality, decent, productive REAL Americans want nothing at all to do with the filthy fact, most of us are to the point where we encourage the WAR. Fuck lowlife LefTards.

There are plenty on the right who are just as much to blame as the left. That’s the point of the OP IMO.

If you want an example, then I can provide several. Take Police Misconduct. Abusive police officers using force far and above what is required. Not just including the shootings, many of which are questionable at best IMO, but other abusive actions.

And it isn’t just the Blacks who suffer. A man named John Geer died at the hands of the police. He was white. The cop who shot him said his had lowered his hands, and the cop, being afeared for his life, the normal excuse, shot and killed him.

The other cops all swore that Geer never moved. The cop who had shot him had been told more than once to safe his weapon. Seems like an open and shut case right? But here is where the story goes from tragic, to infuriating. The police department kept the investigation open for two years. Two years the department refused to give any information to the DA, or the State’s Attorney. Finally the State’s attorney unable to get any cooperation requested that the Feds take over the investigation so they could start to consider what if any charges would be appropriate.

The Police Department fought that as well, arguing that they had the responsibility to investigate. Finally the Geer Family sued, and the Judge ordered the Police to release the records to the attorney under the rules of Disclosure. The family’s attorney gave the files to the DA, and finally the prosecutor had some information to work with. The cop was then, and only then fired. Two years after the event, and prosecuted. He eventually pled guilty, but every step of the way was obstruction of justice in the name of justice by the Police Department.

This sort of thing should infuriate everyone. But it doesn’t infuriate the Right wingers. They want the cops to kill more people, and use excessive violence. When you point out that something was egregious, then the same people who call for more of the same, say it doesn’t happen often enough to be a problem.

Police Officers commit crimes at a rate of ten times as often as concealed carry permit holders. The most frequent crime of a carry concealed permit holder is forgetting to carry their permit while they are armed. They forgot their ID which is a crime.

Yet, we are supposed to support the cops no matter what. When we complain that there is needed reform, the Righties I am talking about give you the choice. Either you can have corrupt police, or anarchy.

There is no compromise, no effort to be reasonable. It is absolute. That is but one such topic where the RIght is just as guilty as the left.

This last election as a tough one for me. I wanted to see us pull out of NAFTA, and start to reclaim our manufacturing strengths. I wanted to see skilled labor jobs returning to our workforce. I also wanted to continue the trend of investigating and reforming Police Departments that the DOJ had been doing under Bush and Obama.

Unfortunately, the choices were Trump and Hillary. I could not, would not vote for Hillary. Because of her corruption spreading through the entire Democratic Party, I ended up voting for the straight Republican Ticket.

I absolutely disagree with the Trump DOJ ending the compliance actions against police departments. I absolutely disagree with the end of the civil rights investigations into Police. I do not believe our choices are either corrupt police, or anarchy. I believe we can get the police we deserve, professional and competent, without the threat of anarchy.

As I said, this is but one topic in which I absolutely disagree with the right. There are others including Torture, where I am in complete disagreement. Many times I’ve said that by Rural Georgia standards, I am pretty Liberal. But by San Francisco or Seattle Standards, I am a raging right winger. I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA. I believe in the Second Amendment, and all the others too.

Well, not to change the dynamic of this thread....BUT, I suppose I’m one of those “Righties” you speak of. I’m very close to many in law enforcement so I’d like to think I have a good idea of what officers face while on patrol. Most of these ‘brutality’ cases take place in the ghettos and barrios where officers are interacting with low iQ, non compliant, disrespectful filth. There’s a war going on in these cities and communities between law enforcement and bottom feeders and there are casualties in war.... cops can’t have their hands tied, they can’t be afraid to do their job, they have to make split second decisions and until you’ve been in those situations it’s really not fair for you to pass judgement. I’m sure there are crooked cops...but I firmly believe it’s a micro percentage.
Shit, I think it’s cops that should be protesting Blacks and Mexicans...think cause and affect. Liberals, LefTards, criminals and filth hate personal accountability.
Cops are almost always retaliatory.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.

There’s no common ground to be shared anymore between the Left and the Right. The Left has 100% completely lost all their shit. They push for and champion anything and everything immoral, indecent, weird and often times illegal. Good quality, decent, productive REAL Americans want nothing at all to do with the filthy fact, most of us are to the point where we encourage the WAR. Fuck lowlife LefTards.

There are plenty on the right who are just as much to blame as the left. That’s the point of the OP IMO.

If you want an example, then I can provide several. Take Police Misconduct. Abusive police officers using force far and above what is required. Not just including the shootings, many of which are questionable at best IMO, but other abusive actions.

And it isn’t just the Blacks who suffer. A man named John Geer died at the hands of the police. He was white. The cop who shot him said his had lowered his hands, and the cop, being afeared for his life, the normal excuse, shot and killed him.

The other cops all swore that Geer never moved. The cop who had shot him had been told more than once to safe his weapon. Seems like an open and shut case right? But here is where the story goes from tragic, to infuriating. The police department kept the investigation open for two years. Two years the department refused to give any information to the DA, or the State’s Attorney. Finally the State’s attorney unable to get any cooperation requested that the Feds take over the investigation so they could start to consider what if any charges would be appropriate.

The Police Department fought that as well, arguing that they had the responsibility to investigate. Finally the Geer Family sued, and the Judge ordered the Police to release the records to the attorney under the rules of Disclosure. The family’s attorney gave the files to the DA, and finally the prosecutor had some information to work with. The cop was then, and only then fired. Two years after the event, and prosecuted. He eventually pled guilty, but every step of the way was obstruction of justice in the name of justice by the Police Department.

This sort of thing should infuriate everyone. But it doesn’t infuriate the Right wingers. They want the cops to kill more people, and use excessive violence. When you point out that something was egregious, then the same people who call for more of the same, say it doesn’t happen often enough to be a problem.

Police Officers commit crimes at a rate of ten times as often as concealed carry permit holders. The most frequent crime of a carry concealed permit holder is forgetting to carry their permit while they are armed. They forgot their ID which is a crime.

Yet, we are supposed to support the cops no matter what. When we complain that there is needed reform, the Righties I am talking about give you the choice. Either you can have corrupt police, or anarchy.

There is no compromise, no effort to be reasonable. It is absolute. That is but one such topic where the RIght is just as guilty as the left.

This last election as a tough one for me. I wanted to see us pull out of NAFTA, and start to reclaim our manufacturing strengths. I wanted to see skilled labor jobs returning to our workforce. I also wanted to continue the trend of investigating and reforming Police Departments that the DOJ had been doing under Bush and Obama.

Unfortunately, the choices were Trump and Hillary. I could not, would not vote for Hillary. Because of her corruption spreading through the entire Democratic Party, I ended up voting for the straight Republican Ticket.

I absolutely disagree with the Trump DOJ ending the compliance actions against police departments. I absolutely disagree with the end of the civil rights investigations into Police. I do not believe our choices are either corrupt police, or anarchy. I believe we can get the police we deserve, professional and competent, without the threat of anarchy.

As I said, this is but one topic in which I absolutely disagree with the right. There are others including Torture, where I am in complete disagreement. Many times I’ve said that by Rural Georgia standards, I am pretty Liberal. But by San Francisco or Seattle Standards, I am a raging right winger. I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA. I believe in the Second Amendment, and all the others too.

Well, not to change the dynamic of this thread....BUT, I suppose I’m one of those “Righties” you speak of. I’m very close to many in law enforcement so I’d like to think I have a good idea of what officers face while on patrol. Most of these ‘brutality’ cases take place in the ghettos and barrios where officers are interacting with low iQ, non compliant, disrespectful filth. There’s a war going on in these cities and communities between law enforcement and bottom feeders and there are casualties in war.... cops can’t have their hands tied, they can’t be afraid to do their job, they have to make split second decisions and until you’ve been in those situations it’s really not fair for you to pass judgement. I’m sure there are crooked cops...but I firmly believe it’s a micro percentage.
Shit, I think it’s cops that should be protesting Blacks and Mexicans...think cause and affect. Liberals, LefTards, criminals and filth hate personal accountability.
Cops are almost always retaliatory.

Yeah. They are so misunderstood.

Those animals am I right?

I could go on. But you figure we need he corrupt police in lieu of anarchy.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.

There’s no common ground to be shared anymore between the Left and the Right. The Left has 100% completely lost all their shit. They push for and champion anything and everything immoral, indecent, weird and often times illegal. Good quality, decent, productive REAL Americans want nothing at all to do with the filthy fact, most of us are to the point where we encourage the WAR. Fuck lowlife LefTards.

There are plenty on the right who are just as much to blame as the left. That’s the point of the OP IMO.

If you want an example, then I can provide several. Take Police Misconduct. Abusive police officers using force far and above what is required. Not just including the shootings, many of which are questionable at best IMO, but other abusive actions.

And it isn’t just the Blacks who suffer. A man named John Geer died at the hands of the police. He was white. The cop who shot him said his had lowered his hands, and the cop, being afeared for his life, the normal excuse, shot and killed him.

The other cops all swore that Geer never moved. The cop who had shot him had been told more than once to safe his weapon. Seems like an open and shut case right? But here is where the story goes from tragic, to infuriating. The police department kept the investigation open for two years. Two years the department refused to give any information to the DA, or the State’s Attorney. Finally the State’s attorney unable to get any cooperation requested that the Feds take over the investigation so they could start to consider what if any charges would be appropriate.

The Police Department fought that as well, arguing that they had the responsibility to investigate. Finally the Geer Family sued, and the Judge ordered the Police to release the records to the attorney under the rules of Disclosure. The family’s attorney gave the files to the DA, and finally the prosecutor had some information to work with. The cop was then, and only then fired. Two years after the event, and prosecuted. He eventually pled guilty, but every step of the way was obstruction of justice in the name of justice by the Police Department.

This sort of thing should infuriate everyone. But it doesn’t infuriate the Right wingers. They want the cops to kill more people, and use excessive violence. When you point out that something was egregious, then the same people who call for more of the same, say it doesn’t happen often enough to be a problem.

Police Officers commit crimes at a rate of ten times as often as concealed carry permit holders. The most frequent crime of a carry concealed permit holder is forgetting to carry their permit while they are armed. They forgot their ID which is a crime.

Yet, we are supposed to support the cops no matter what. When we complain that there is needed reform, the Righties I am talking about give you the choice. Either you can have corrupt police, or anarchy.

There is no compromise, no effort to be reasonable. It is absolute. That is but one such topic where the RIght is just as guilty as the left.

This last election as a tough one for me. I wanted to see us pull out of NAFTA, and start to reclaim our manufacturing strengths. I wanted to see skilled labor jobs returning to our workforce. I also wanted to continue the trend of investigating and reforming Police Departments that the DOJ had been doing under Bush and Obama.

Unfortunately, the choices were Trump and Hillary. I could not, would not vote for Hillary. Because of her corruption spreading through the entire Democratic Party, I ended up voting for the straight Republican Ticket.

I absolutely disagree with the Trump DOJ ending the compliance actions against police departments. I absolutely disagree with the end of the civil rights investigations into Police. I do not believe our choices are either corrupt police, or anarchy. I believe we can get the police we deserve, professional and competent, without the threat of anarchy.

As I said, this is but one topic in which I absolutely disagree with the right. There are others including Torture, where I am in complete disagreement. Many times I’ve said that by Rural Georgia standards, I am pretty Liberal. But by San Francisco or Seattle Standards, I am a raging right winger. I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA. I believe in the Second Amendment, and all the others too.

Well, not to change the dynamic of this thread....BUT, I suppose I’m one of those “Righties” you speak of. I’m very close to many in law enforcement so I’d like to think I have a good idea of what officers face while on patrol. Most of these ‘brutality’ cases take place in the ghettos and barrios where officers are interacting with low iQ, non compliant, disrespectful filth. There’s a war going on in these cities and communities between law enforcement and bottom feeders and there are casualties in war.... cops can’t have their hands tied, they can’t be afraid to do their job, they have to make split second decisions and until you’ve been in those situations it’s really not fair for you to pass judgement. I’m sure there are crooked cops...but I firmly believe it’s a micro percentage.
Shit, I think it’s cops that should be protesting Blacks and Mexicans...think cause and affect. Liberals, LefTards, criminals and filth hate personal accountability.
Cops are almost always retaliatory.

Yeah. They are so misunderstood.

Those animals am I right?

I could go on. But you figure we need he corrupt police in lieu of anarchy.’re really enlightening us now. Thousands of interactions between cops and low life’s daily and you can provide a couple of examples to support your concern for the “epidemic”.
Look, cops will sometimes go overboard and beat the shit out of defenseless lowlifes...I don’t know anyone legitimate that’s ever been close to that happening to them. Again....CAUSE AND EFFECT. Piles of shit have to own the shit they themselves perpetuate. Simple shit.
In this thread --> Parents angered over graphic sex ed in 7th grade science class

We see a story where common sense you would think would apply.
That whether you think this is something bad or not, would be according to your own mind - and not "group think" or what you think "your side" thinks so therefore I think it too.

I don't know if there is anything that upsets me more than the destructive and ludicrous lengths people will go either to try and make the "other side" look bad...or to join in what their side seems to think.
Common sense, individual thought, proportionality have all gone out the window.
It is now only "Right vs. Left"....I will agree/disagree according to how my side thinks.

What a bunch of fucking sheep.

There’s no common ground to be shared anymore between the Left and the Right. The Left has 100% completely lost all their shit. They push for and champion anything and everything immoral, indecent, weird and often times illegal. Good quality, decent, productive REAL Americans want nothing at all to do with the filthy fact, most of us are to the point where we encourage the WAR. Fuck lowlife LefTards.

There are plenty on the right who are just as much to blame as the left. That’s the point of the OP IMO.

If you want an example, then I can provide several. Take Police Misconduct. Abusive police officers using force far and above what is required. Not just including the shootings, many of which are questionable at best IMO, but other abusive actions.

And it isn’t just the Blacks who suffer. A man named John Geer died at the hands of the police. He was white. The cop who shot him said his had lowered his hands, and the cop, being afeared for his life, the normal excuse, shot and killed him.

The other cops all swore that Geer never moved. The cop who had shot him had been told more than once to safe his weapon. Seems like an open and shut case right? But here is where the story goes from tragic, to infuriating. The police department kept the investigation open for two years. Two years the department refused to give any information to the DA, or the State’s Attorney. Finally the State’s attorney unable to get any cooperation requested that the Feds take over the investigation so they could start to consider what if any charges would be appropriate.

The Police Department fought that as well, arguing that they had the responsibility to investigate. Finally the Geer Family sued, and the Judge ordered the Police to release the records to the attorney under the rules of Disclosure. The family’s attorney gave the files to the DA, and finally the prosecutor had some information to work with. The cop was then, and only then fired. Two years after the event, and prosecuted. He eventually pled guilty, but every step of the way was obstruction of justice in the name of justice by the Police Department.

This sort of thing should infuriate everyone. But it doesn’t infuriate the Right wingers. They want the cops to kill more people, and use excessive violence. When you point out that something was egregious, then the same people who call for more of the same, say it doesn’t happen often enough to be a problem.

Police Officers commit crimes at a rate of ten times as often as concealed carry permit holders. The most frequent crime of a carry concealed permit holder is forgetting to carry their permit while they are armed. They forgot their ID which is a crime.

Yet, we are supposed to support the cops no matter what. When we complain that there is needed reform, the Righties I am talking about give you the choice. Either you can have corrupt police, or anarchy.

There is no compromise, no effort to be reasonable. It is absolute. That is but one such topic where the RIght is just as guilty as the left.

This last election as a tough one for me. I wanted to see us pull out of NAFTA, and start to reclaim our manufacturing strengths. I wanted to see skilled labor jobs returning to our workforce. I also wanted to continue the trend of investigating and reforming Police Departments that the DOJ had been doing under Bush and Obama.

Unfortunately, the choices were Trump and Hillary. I could not, would not vote for Hillary. Because of her corruption spreading through the entire Democratic Party, I ended up voting for the straight Republican Ticket.

I absolutely disagree with the Trump DOJ ending the compliance actions against police departments. I absolutely disagree with the end of the civil rights investigations into Police. I do not believe our choices are either corrupt police, or anarchy. I believe we can get the police we deserve, professional and competent, without the threat of anarchy.

As I said, this is but one topic in which I absolutely disagree with the right. There are others including Torture, where I am in complete disagreement. Many times I’ve said that by Rural Georgia standards, I am pretty Liberal. But by San Francisco or Seattle Standards, I am a raging right winger. I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA. I believe in the Second Amendment, and all the others too.

Well, not to change the dynamic of this thread....BUT, I suppose I’m one of those “Righties” you speak of. I’m very close to many in law enforcement so I’d like to think I have a good idea of what officers face while on patrol. Most of these ‘brutality’ cases take place in the ghettos and barrios where officers are interacting with low iQ, non compliant, disrespectful filth. There’s a war going on in these cities and communities between law enforcement and bottom feeders and there are casualties in war.... cops can’t have their hands tied, they can’t be afraid to do their job, they have to make split second decisions and until you’ve been in those situations it’s really not fair for you to pass judgement. I’m sure there are crooked cops...but I firmly believe it’s a micro percentage.
Shit, I think it’s cops that should be protesting Blacks and Mexicans...think cause and affect. Liberals, LefTards, criminals and filth hate personal accountability.
Cops are almost always retaliatory.

Yeah. They are so misunderstood.

Those animals am I right?

I could go on. But you figure we need he corrupt police in lieu of anarchy.’re really enlightening us now. Thousands of interactions between cops and low life’s daily and you can provide a couple of examples to support your concern for the “epidemic”.
Look, cops will sometimes go overboard and beat the shit out of defenseless lowlifes...I don’t know anyone legitimate that’s ever been close to that happening to them. Again....CAUSE AND EFFECT. Piles of shit have to own the shit they themselves perpetuate. Simple shit.

You realize you have literally made every argument I said the right makes in my reply don’t you? Every one I proved as either idiotic or asinine you have made. Blame the left, but take a look in the mirror.

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