Am I just lucky, or is fear mongering out of control?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?
I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?

Amen brother, I also have a job, a house and food, that is definently more than alot of people out there have these days.
Yeah, it's out of control for sure, and has no basis in fact. Everything is just fine with the country. :rolleyes:
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I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?

Amen brother, I also have a job, a house and food, that is definently more than alot of people out there have these days.

That's what I keep hearing, but I'm not seeing it. If things were really as bad as I keep hearing, I would expect to see signs of it somewhere, but I don't.
I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?

I'm doing significantly better financially now than I was 2 years ago.
What fear mongering exactly are you referring to?

Unemployment is high and prices are rising. The dollar is losing value at a fast pace, and government is greatly expanding its control over every aspect of our lives (Patriot Act, for example, all the foreign wars, and the massive government spending programs). Such statements are statements of fact, not fear mongering.
I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?

One of the good things about living in a very poor county is that no matter what the current economic status of the country things here always seem the same.

The same lazy people to sorry to work are still poor and those who are willing to work seem to always do just fine.
What fear mongering exactly are you referring to?

Unemployment is high and prices are rising. The dollar is losing value at a fast pace, and government is greatly expanding its control over every aspect of our lives (Patriot Act, for example, all the foreign wars, and the massive government spending programs). Such statements are statements of fact, not fear mongering.

For educational purposes, I highlighted the bits of non-factual editorialization.

I'm not saying I disagree with said editorials, merely distilling them from the facts.
I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?

Unfortunately fear has been a successful tool to use for a long time.

It was the use of fear of boogeymen that they used to usher in the Patriot act.

I am 47 yrs. old and I can remember predictions of pandemics with the Asian flu, Russian flu, bird flue, and swine flue. I don't know if anyone else has but I have never known anyone that has these ailments, but I remember well big pharma advertising antibiotics to save us. Donald Rumsfeld made 25 million from his investment in the company that made the tamaflu(Sp) antibiotic.
I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?

Unfortunately fear has been a successful tool to use for a long time.

It was the use of fear of boogeymen that they used to usher in the Patriot act.

I am 47 yrs. old and I can remember predictions of pandemics with the Asian flu, Russian flu, bird flue, and swine flue. I don't know if anyone else has but I have never known anyone that has these ailments, but I remember well big pharma advertising antibiotics to save us. Donald Rumsfeld made 25 million from his investment in the company that made the tamaflu(Sp) antibiotic.

Maybe they did save us from these pandemics. ;)

Oh, NOW you are only concerned with yourself aye? That's good you are doing well and it should be your first priority that you and your family are taken care of ... I'm sure there are many things that you haven't witnessed first hand but you still take as fact. Why would this be any different?
Amen brother, I also have a job, a house and food, that is definently more than alot of people out there have these days.

That's what I keep hearing, but I'm not seeing it. If things were really as bad as I keep hearing, I would expect to see signs of it somewhere, but I don't.

There are signs of it, but it isn't as bad to those who are unaffected by it. Unemployment is up and has been up for several years now, but like you, I too have a good job, a roof over my head and currently doing okay. There's always tomorrow though. :)

OTOH, I know several people who are either out of work now or have lost jobs and currently at a lower paying one.

As for "fear-mongering", two things come to mind.

1) Politicians love to use fear to motivate voters to vote. Screaming about Socialists or Fascists is a good way to incite voters to get off their couches and pull a lever in a voting booth.

2) News, in the USA, is a business. With several 24 hour news channels and the Internet all providing instant access, it's difficult to compete so anything that provides an edge is used. Controversy, including fear-mongering, are very good tools for keeping the public tuned to their station. It shouldn't be a secret that both Fox News and MSNBC cater to their niche viewers by broadcasting inflammatory content to maintain view interest. All news agencies do this to an extent in order to compete, but some do it much more than others.
I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?

Amen brother, I also have a job, a house and food, that is definently more than alot of people out there have these days.

That's what I keep hearing, but I'm not seeing it. If things were really as bad as I keep hearing, I would expect to see signs of it somewhere, but I don't.

I am seeing it, the company I worked for in Virginia closed down in 2009 because of the bad economy, I was unemployed for 6 months and this close to taking a job as a contractor in Afghanistan before I got lucky and got a government job. I have seen people lose their jobs, homes, families, cars, everything. It is tough out there, trust.
Amen brother, I also have a job, a house and food, that is definently more than alot of people out there have these days.

That's what I keep hearing, but I'm not seeing it. If things were really as bad as I keep hearing, I would expect to see signs of it somewhere, but I don't.

I am seeing it, the company I worked for in Virginia closed down in 2009 because of the bad economy, I was unemployed for 6 months and this close to taking a job as a contractor in Afghanistan before I got lucky and got a government job. I have seen people lose their jobs, homes, families, cars, everything. It is tough out there, trust.

Lucky it is
That's what I keep hearing, but I'm not seeing it. If things were really as bad as I keep hearing, I would expect to see signs of it somewhere, but I don't.

I am seeing it, the company I worked for in Virginia closed down in 2009 because of the bad economy, I was unemployed for 6 months and this close to taking a job as a contractor in Afghanistan before I got lucky and got a government job. I have seen people lose their jobs, homes, families, cars, everything. It is tough out there, trust.

Lucky it is

No doubt, that job in Afghanistan was escorting local Afghans on and off base, basically searching them and making sure they don't have explosives on them or their vehicles, it paid pretty good but alot of risk, I am glad I didn't have to go that route.
I still have a job.
I still have a roof over my family's heads and clothes on our backs.
My family is not going hungry.

I am very thankful for everything that I have and certainly do not take any of it for granted.

However, if you listen to current political rhetoric, you'd think that I'm an exception to the rule and one lucky son-of-a-bitch. But if I stop and take a look around, the eye-ball test suggests that I'm more the rule than the exception, and the political rhetoric is simply overblown fear-mongering.

So which is it?

wait for it...

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