All things considered: gays/trans are less than 5%:


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
How did such a tiny tinsy group like gays or trans get so much political gravitas and representation? Is America still a Democratic republic or what? Isn't Democracy about the majority? Or did I miss something?
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How did such a tiny tinsy group like gays or trans get so much political gravitas and representation? Is America still a Democratic republic or what? Isn't Democracy about the majority? Or did I miss something?
Young black men are only 5% of the population, yet account for 50% of violent crime.
Young black men are only 5% of the population, yet account for 50% of violent crime.
Good point. Change is always, always done by a minority, never by the majority. If trannies do go off on this "Day of Vengeance" thing of theirs which Biden is trying to sanitize into Day of Visibility and start shooting up public places, the Left will have to twist itself into mental pretzels to defend them. Five percent trannies is plenty to cause a whole LOT of massacres.
Democracy is a very low IQ idea .
Which is why it is so popular among Gullibles and Compliants .
Sure ------------------ dictators are indeed better for a stable society: IF they are GOOD dictators.

OOoops, there's the problem.

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