All men are viewed as oppressors.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
During the last decade, more and more voices in the Mainstream Media and Social Media are accusing all men of being complicit in oppression of women. The basic argument is that not all men are rapists or abusers, but all men are guilty of not doing enough to stop those who are.

Some examples are below:

From Suzanne Harrington: Not all men? Yes, actually, all men are part of the problem

Oh, but #NotAllMen - the misogynist equivalent of #AllLivesMatter. Yes actually, yes all men. Yes, all men are part of the problem. Yes, all men need to own it, and take action. Yes, all men are complicit in rape culture unless they are actively calling out rape culture. Not all men are rapists, obviously, but most rapists are men.

Men get away with everything from catcalling to harassing to intimidating to abusing because you, the good guys, don’t call it out enough. You don’t shut it down enough. You don’t tackle your mates enough, express your displeasure, nip it in the bud.

How should men react to these messages?
During the last decade, more and more voices in the Mainstream Media and Social Media are accusing all men of being complicit in oppression of women. The basic argument is that not all men are rapists or abusers, but all men are guilty of not doing enough to stop those who are.

Some examples are below:

From Suzanne Harrington: Not all men? Yes, actually, all men are part of the problem

How should men react to these messages?
Just the straight white ones are. The Tyronne's who identify as ShaniQea are totally victims.
During the last decade, more and more voices in the Mainstream Media and Social Media are accusing all men of being complicit in oppression of women. The basic argument is that not all men are rapists or abusers, but all men are guilty of not doing enough to stop those who are.

Some examples are below:

From Suzanne Harrington: Not all men? Yes, actually, all men are part of the problem

How should men react to these messages?
If it were not for all the women democrat voters predator's like Cuomo would not have won office and destroyed all those lives.

The conservative males who tried to vote him down are disdained by such women.

In short, they got what they wanted.

But they can't help themselves, women democrats had to go and elect Biden, another predator.

Maybe they just like the rough stuff and like to complain about it after.
How should men react to these messages?
Who says we need to react at all? I've found that the best way to handle such irrational nonsense is to ignore it until someone feels the need to refuse you that ability, THEN you laugh in their face, shake your head, and walk away mumbling about not having enough ammo...
Homosexuals are sexual predators and straight men are oppressors. What's your point again? Where does a poor good looking heterosexual babe find sanctuary? Are nunneries still open for business?
Who says we need to react at all? I've found that the best way to handle such irrational nonsense is to ignore it until someone feels the need to refuse you that ability, THEN you laugh in their face, shake your head, and walk away mumbling about not having enough ammo...
Sadly the new generation of men is going to live in the World which sees them as innately guilty. And belief system leads to discrimination:

-- Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty.

-- Male victims of Domestic Violence are viewed as offenders. In Victoria, Australia it is the official policy. Here.

There are a number of questions a judicial officer can consider asking when a man presents as an affected family member (even in a police application), including:

  • Have you ever been violent towards your partner?
  • Were you at fault, in any way in causing her violence? This question serves two purposes. First, to assess whether he did anything that caused her to act in self-defence, or to retaliate. Second, people who are genuinely the victims often excuse the perpetrator to some degree and blame themselves for the violence.
  • Are you afraid of her? What are you afraid that she might do? If a man does not feel significant levels of fear, then this raises questions about his victim status.
  • Describe exactly what she did to you.
  • Describe the frequency and any patterns of the violence.
  • What has held you back from seeking help earlier or trying to escape the situation? People who are truly victims might have felt too frightened to seek help earlier. They might have lacked access to money, resources, information and support to leave. They might have felt trapped. Note that they might also feel ashamed for not having sought help earlier.
Homosexuals are sexual predators and straight men are oppressors. What's your point again? Where does a poor good looking heterosexual babe find sanctuary? Are nunneries still open for business?
Are you saying you never had a chick come-on to you?
So women should spend more time in jail to make everything fair.
Probably men should be given less time. Current system is unequal.

Given that feminists address Pay Gap, men should really address Sentencing Gap. The best solution would be a humane Penal System for all races and genders.

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