All hail, the once and future king!

I believe the point regarding GITMO is that Obamination hasn't closed it down since got in the White House.
It shows he had no clue what he was babbling about as a nobody outside the intel circles until he finally got exposed to the shit at GITMO and the real threats out there.

I recall you idiot libs saying Bush should go to jail over GITMO.....I guess the same goes for the wonder boy too.

It hasn't been closed because he changed his mind, or it hasn't been closed because Congress has blocked his attempts to close it? There is a big difference. Let's see if you can get this one right.

Idiot...terrorists are still going there and we're still "spying" on people like under Buuuuuuuuuuuush.

Oh, we're also still killing terrorists via CIA drones overseas.

All these things that Buuuuuuuuuuush was supposed to go to jail over somehow is ok now.:cuckoo:

Not only did you get it wrong, you didn't even address my point. Since you're either unable or unwilling to be truthful, I guess I'll have to do it for you. Here you go, moron. Read it and weep.

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is preparing to increase the use of military commissions to prosecute Guantánamo detainees, an acknowledgment that the prison in Cuba remains open for business after Congress imposed steep new impediments to closing the facility.

As a candidate, President Obama criticized the Bush administration’s tribunals. But after taking office, he backed a system in which some cases would tried by revamped military tribunals while others would go before civilian juries. He also pressed to close the Guantánamo prison.

But last month, Congress made it much harder to move Guantánamo detainees into the United States, even for trials in federal civilian courthouses. That essentially shut the door for now on the administration’s proposal to transfer inmates to a prison in Illinois and its desire to prosecute some of them in regular court.

Merry Christmas. Hopefully, Santa brought you some integrity.
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1st post
Uh, Democrats controlled CONGRESS when Obamination took over the White House, maybe you missed that detail, moron.

Now, that he is dealing with Republicans over GITMO, he doesn't seem to be making a stink over it. You know going around with his media telling lemmings like you how EVIL Republicans are for not doing this or that regarding legislation.

Why is that? Come on moron, you can do it.

I believe the point regarding GITMO is that Obamination hasn't closed it down since got in the White House.
It shows he had no clue what he was babbling about as a nobody outside the intel circles until he finally got exposed to the shit at GITMO and the real threats out there.

I recall you idiot libs saying Bush should go to jail over GITMO.....I guess the same goes for the wonder boy too.

It hasn't been closed because he changed his mind, or it hasn't been closed because Congress has blocked his attempts to close it? There is a big difference. Let's see if you can get this one right.

Idiot...terrorists are still going there and we're still "spying" on people like under Buuuuuuuuuuuush.

Oh, we're also still killing terrorists via CIA drones overseas.

All these things that Buuuuuuuuuuush was supposed to go to jail over somehow is ok now.:cuckoo:

Not only did you get it wrong, you didn't even address my point. Since you're either unable or unwilling to be truthful, I guess I'll have to do it for you. Here you go, moron. Read it and weep.

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is preparing to increase the use of military commissions to prosecute Guantánamo detainees, an acknowledgment that the prison in Cuba remains open for business after Congress imposed steep new impediments to closing the facility.

As a candidate, President Obama criticized the Bush administration’s tribunals. But after taking office, he backed a system in which some cases would tried by revamped military tribunals while others would go before civilian juries. He also pressed to close the Guantánamo prison.

But last month, Congress made it much harder to move Guantánamo detainees into the United States, even for trials in federal civilian courthouses. That essentially shut the door for now on the administration’s proposal to transfer inmates to a prison in Illinois and its desire to prosecute some of them in regular court.

Merry Christmas. Hopefully, Santa brought you some integrity.
Uh, Democrats controlled CONGRESS when Obamination took over the White House, maybe you missed that detail, moron.

Now, that he is dealing with Republicans over GITMO, he doesn't seem to be making a stink over it. You know going around with his media telling lemmings like you how EVIL Republicans are for not doing this or that regarding legislation.

Why is that? Come on moron, you can do it.

But but but, Democrats controlled Congress :lol::lol::lol:

I knew you'd give that answer. I guess Santa didn't bring you that integrity afterall.

I didn't blame it on Republicans alone. In fact, I didn't even mention Republicans in any of my posts. I said CONGRESS blocked the closing of Gitmo. Since Dems and Repubs are both part of Congress, they both get the blame.

Focus, my dishonest little friend, focus. You originally said that Obama went back on his promise to close Gitmo. As I pointed out - and you since agreed - CONGRESS kept him from closing Gitmo. In other words, he didn't break the promise, he was UNABLE to get Gitmo closed because Congress made it impossible.

Would you now like to admit that you were wrong, or are going to continue to embarrass yourself by spinning it some other way?
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Nice spin dipshit.

Obamination RAN on closing GITMO, stopping the drones and the NSA wiretaps....but they are still chugging along.

Of course, you now claim that is all CONGRESS' fault. So you're saying the libs in Congress just had a change of heart or those mean conservatives fooled you in Congress by blocking the almighty one.

The FACT is Obamination lied about doing what he was going to do since he found out a lot of bad things behind the door once he got to sit on the throne. You see being a nobody Senator from Illinois with only a Secret clearance didn't give him an idea about what goes down in the SCI world.

Uh, Democrats controlled CONGRESS when Obamination took over the White House, maybe you missed that detail, moron.

Now, that he is dealing with Republicans over GITMO, he doesn't seem to be making a stink over it. You know going around with his media telling lemmings like you how EVIL Republicans are for not doing this or that regarding legislation.

Why is that? Come on moron, you can do it.

But but but, Democrats controlled Congress :lol::lol::lol:

I knew you'd give that answer. I guess Santa didn't bring you that integrity afterall.

I didn't blame it on Republicans alone. I said CONGRESS blocked the closing of Gitmo. Since Dems and Repubs are both part of Congress, they both get the blame.

Focus, my dishonest little friend, focus. You originally said that Obama went back on his promise to close Gitmo. As I pointed out - and you since agreed - CONGRESS kept him from closing Gitmo. In other words, he didn't break the promise, he was UNABLE to get Gitmo closed because Congress made it impossible.

Would you now like to admit that you were wrong, or are going to continue to embarrass yourself by spinning it some other way?
Obviously if Obama were a republican the right would be fine with this, as signing statements were the hallmark of the Bush Administration.

Obama didn’t create the Imperial Presidency, that’s the fault of the ignorant, fearful American people, and they alone can end it.
5th post
Obviously if Obama were a republican the right would be fine with this, as signing statements were the hallmark of the Bush Administration.

Obama didn’t create the Imperial Presidency, that’s the fault of the ignorant, fearful American people, and they alone can end it.


Bush wasn't the first one to have signing statements. But please show me where Bush stated he would not enforce a law passed by Congress.
Obviously if Obama were a republican the right would be fine with this, as signing statements were the hallmark of the Bush Administration.

Obama didn’t create the Imperial Presidency, that’s the fault of the ignorant, fearful American people, and they alone can end it.

Why are the American people fearful and ignorant? Why is it every time they show fearlessness and comprehension of what is being done, the media dogs start spinning and telling the fearful how bad and nasty those who have wised up are?
It's the (Republican led) Congress and Buuuuuuuuuuush's fault that:

GITMO is still open for terrorists.
NSA wiretaps still take place.
CIA drones kill terrorists overseas.
Unemployment went above 8%.
Our national debt hit record levels.

Did I miss anything?

Iraq goes back to hell? Iran gets the nuclear bomb? NASA shuts down?
What never ceases to amaze it how the libs get up in arms about Bush but continually give their "boy", Obama, a "pass". Interesting at this point is, you all have no idea what I thought about those Bush years, yet you would still ASSume I would have given his antics my blessing.

He's not getting a "pass", he's being the "Decider". :cool:

In other words, his hoards of drone followers are giving him a free pass. All you turds screamed bloody murder when Bush did, but now you're falling all over yourselves to make up excuses for Obama.

The the utter hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze me.
Stupid asses. Bush established the precedent, President Obama has every right to carry it on. Until the Supreme Court says differantly.

Turds like you screamed bloody murder when Bush did it, but now you're falling all over yourselves to make excuses for Obama

Is it right or wrong? Are you able to maintain a consistent position on any issue?
10th post
Conservatives and 'publicans never seemed to get their panties in too much of a wad when ole Dub-ya John Hancocked his stacks of Signing Statements.

Looks like they did a damn good job of teaching us not to be too worried about their theory of the Unitary Executive.

Isn't that the truth? Bush was famous for crossing out and rewriting whatever it was he was signing.

Republican presidents take three times the vacations of Obama.

They presided over bigger government.

Republican presidents spend much more.

They can't grow the economy.

They sign new regulations for "moral" reasons that hurt the middle class and deregulate banks and corporations that really hurt the middle class.

And they want us to go back to their policies? After 8 years of Bush, six of which he had control over both houses of congress?

But they are good at lying. Americans will probably vote for them again. Eventually, America is going to become engaged in politics. They have to. It's a matter of survival. Then what will Republicans do? Unless they've already taken over control of the government and the only avenue left is.....well, you know.
The difference between Bush and BoyBarry is that although Bush and other presidents have used signing statements and executive orders from time to time, they were never used as a substitute of legislation. BoyBarry DOES.

Sort of like thinking, if it's okay to use a lighter to fire up the BBQ, it's equally okay to use it to burn down a house. After all BOTH are using a lighter.
What a dumb ass you continue to be, Pattycake. I did not in any way endorse signing statements. But your fellow was the first to use them in a major way. And, as previously stated, people on both sides of the aisle stated that it was not a good precedent.

You don't like it, get the SC to address it. Until then, enjoy the meaning of a double edged sword.
The difference between Bush and BoyBarry is that although Bush and other presidents have used signing statements and executive orders from time to time, they were never used as a substitute of legislation. BoyBarry DOES.

Sort of like thinking, if it's okay to use a lighter to fire up the BBQ, it's equally okay to use it to burn down a house. After all BOTH are using a lighter.

Katz, you are clearly a liar. Or haven't the faintest notion of what was done during Georgie Boys Presidency.
Nice spin dipshit.

Obamination RAN on closing GITMO, stopping the drones and the NSA wiretaps....but they are still chugging along.

Of course, you now claim that is all CONGRESS' fault. So you're saying the libs in Congress just had a change of heart or those mean conservatives fooled you in Congress by blocking the almighty one.

The FACT is Obamination lied about doing what he was going to do since he found out a lot of bad things behind the door once he got to sit on the throne. You see being a nobody Senator from Illinois with only a Secret clearance didn't give him an idea about what goes down in the SCI world.

Uh, Democrats controlled CONGRESS when Obamination took over the White House, maybe you missed that detail, moron.

Now, that he is dealing with Republicans over GITMO, he doesn't seem to be making a stink over it. You know going around with his media telling lemmings like you how EVIL Republicans are for not doing this or that regarding legislation.

Why is that? Come on moron, you can do it.

But but but, Democrats controlled Congress :lol::lol::lol:

I knew you'd give that answer. I guess Santa didn't bring you that integrity afterall.

I didn't blame it on Republicans alone. I said CONGRESS blocked the closing of Gitmo. Since Dems and Repubs are both part of Congress, they both get the blame.

Focus, my dishonest little friend, focus. You originally said that Obama went back on his promise to close Gitmo. As I pointed out - and you since agreed - CONGRESS kept him from closing Gitmo. In other words, he didn't break the promise, he was UNABLE to get Gitmo closed because Congress made it impossible.

Would you now like to admit that you were wrong, or are going to continue to embarrass yourself by spinning it some other way?

Damn, you are both stupid and a liar. You said that Obama broke his promise to close Gitmo. As I repeatedly pointes out - AND YOU EVEN AGREED WITH - Congress kept him from closing Gitmo. As for the wire tapping and all of the other crap that you just now through into the conversation that we were specifically having about GITMO and Gitmo alone - I didn't say a damn thing about any of them, let alone blame Congress for those decisions. I adon't actually agree with those decisions, but that was not part of the discussion. Is it your habit to lie and put words in my mouth or are you just too damn stupid to recall the conversation we were having?
Conservatives and 'publicans never seemed to get their panties in too much of a wad when ole Dub-ya John Hancocked his stacks of Signing Statements.

Looks like they did a damn good job of teaching us not to be too worried about their theory of the Unitary Executive.

Wow. First response to the fear mongering op and it shut it down hard. Nice job.
Obviously if Obama were a republican the right would be fine with this, as signing statements were the hallmark of the Bush Administration.

Obama didn’t create the Imperial Presidency, that’s the fault of the ignorant, fearful American people, and they alone can end it.

Why are the American people fearful and ignorant? Why is it every time they show fearlessness and comprehension of what is being done, the media dogs start spinning and telling the fearful how bad and nasty those who have wised up are?
Because they can't have others wandering off the Statist plantation.

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